The Decoy Pond Camp against the Bexhill bypass now stands alone. Bailiffs finished evicting the main camp on Thursday, felled all the trees and destroyed the tunnel. True to their word (for once) they stayed at home on Friday because of the forecast snow, which left the hardy protestors waiting in the snow until at least Monday. The eviction may be delayed longer if snow remains. Campaigners are encouraging people to come down to the camp near Crowhurst to help improve defences over the weekend and to greet bailiffs early on Monday. A free bus is going there from Brighton this Sunday (20th). If planning to stay you should bring plenty of warm clothes and a tent if you can. The groundrules agreed at the main camp apply here too, which basically means be safe, sober, non violent and, of course, not oppressive to others.
To find out more details on how to get there
The main camp at Bexhill took to the trees and tunnels as bailiffs and police arrived on mass this Wednesday (16th).
Animal rights campaigner is attacked outside KFC outlet during a protest
Bexhill Bypass Update from a Combe Haven defender
The real battle of Bexhill begins as activists and contractors face off over tree felling near Adam's Farm.
One group of Spanish workers has come together to stick a spanner in the works of austerity misery. Or more specifically, in the locks.
Derail the first and the worst of the new road schemes for the UK.
Anti-nuclear protesters fined for obstructing the highway outside Hinkley Nuclear power plant.
Environmental activist is released after seven years imprisonment.