This Time Last Year
442, 20th February, 2004
SHOP 'TIL THEY DROP Chinese cockle pickers died because they
are at the bottom of the food production chain. We look at how the big
supermarkets exploit imigrant workers and then everyone else. Also Bayer's
anti protest injunction, Thessaloniki arestees charged dropped and more..
441, 13th February, 2004
SPELLBOUND Road protest camps, the 'Harry Potter ruling' and
more... Also: alternative community centre, Birmingham Northern Relief
Road, direct action and shoddy journalism in Dublin, clampdown in Argentina,
and more...
440, 6th February, 2004
DUSTING DOWNER More on Depleted Uranium weapons in Iraq and the
movement against their usage and in aid of their victims. Also: forced
evictions in Chiapas, Mexico, Sydney Opera House "redecoration"
case, WHISC worldwide (the School of the Americas), camp updates, and
439, 30th January, 2004
PRIMATE CHANGE Cambridge University finally abandons controversial
plans for a primate vivisection lab. Also: Chelmsford travellers evicted,
Costain tree-felling, Trident sub trials, Old Kent Road Asda, and more...
438, 23rd January, 2004
BOMBAY MIX The fourth World Social Forum, held in Mumbai, India,
examines the real impact of Globalisation, and also offers an
international alliance to battle the multinationals. Also: crap
jobs, FSB harassment of Russian activists, Monsanto rapeseed case rapes
farmer's living, seed swap, free Vanunu campaign and more...
437, 16th January, 2004
FLAW AND DISORDER The proposed Civil Contingencies Bill, Neo-Labour
wet dream come true, would further erode civil rights in Britain. Also:
travellers fighting eviction in Coventry, Nine Ladies anti-quarry camp
in the Peak District, finger-printing Americans in Brazil, and more...
436, 9th January, 2004
UP THE INJUNCTION Bayer wins an injunction severely limiting
the rights of anti-GM protesters. SchNEWS takes a look at Bayer's legal
history. Also: "strategy of tension" steps up in Italy?, IDF
sniper arrested for murder of ISM volunteer, and all the usual...
435, 19th December, 2003
FUEL BE SORRY Bigger airports, failed Climate Change summit,
no plans for tax on flying, stinking carbon sinks and more all add up
to a bright future sun cream sales in Scotland. Shame about the 120,000
deaths a year. Also US repression of Iraqi trade unions, tidal electricity
and festive cheer...
434, 12th December, 2003
RIGHTS SAID FRED A run down of the human rights abuses metted
out/supported by President Bliar and Emperor Bush while Bliar spouts
off about "Freedom not tyranny. Democracy not dictatorship".
Also info on writing to prisoners, the media ignoring terrorist suspects
releases and more...
433, 5th December, 2003
FUEL'S GOLD With Western oil supplies shrinking and reserves
declining, the petrochemical junkies must look elsewhere for their fix
- and they've got qutie a few strategies for doing just that. Also -
Sambhavna Clinic in Bhopal, positive SchNEWS from Costa Rica, anti-awards
for mining companies, and more...
432, 28th November, 2003
MIAMI VICE FTAA demonstrators enjoy George Bush's "freedom
to protest" amidst a carnival atmosphere of tear gas, rubber bullets,
water cannons and worse. Also - Thessaloniki hunger strikers released,
animal vivisection in Cambridge, ESF reports, and more...
431, 14th November, 2003
CARD SHARKS Blunkett announces the introduction of ID cards by
the back door despite them being massively unpopular and technologically
unfeasible. Thessaloniki Hunger Strikers In Critical Condition. Bush
bashing plans, Urgent, Bar End protest camp update, European underground
art and more.
430, 7th November, 2003
POSTIE MORTEM Executives pushing to "modernise" Royal
Mail beaten by wildcat strikes, showing that despite betrayal by union
bosses, workers are still prepared to fight back.
429, 31st October, 2003
SIAM OLD STORY George W Bush takes a break from Disneyland to
visit Thailand and the Philippines, neo-liberal "paradises".
The locals welcome him with less than open arms.
428, 24th October, 2003
YOBSMACKED! In Manchester residents are beginning to take community
policing into their own hands after the official methods prove useless.
427, 17th October, 2003
IN LOZADA TROUBLE Tens of thousands flood the streets, set up
burning barricades and hurl dynamite at a murderous military as Bolivia
teeters on the brink of full-blown revolution.
426, 10th October, 2003
MUSICAL SHARES The music industry complains about falling sales,
blaming it on the punters. Their links with the arms industry should
keep their profits up though...
425, 3rd October, 2003
GM CONTAMI-NATION GM debate results come through load and clear
- "We don't want it!". GM companies and anti-gm activists
424, 27th September, 2003
CORPORATE PUNISHMENT Jarvis get a very poor report card for work
on privatised schools but are still laughing all the way to the bank.
423, 19th September, 2003
FLUSHED DOWN THE CAN-CUN Talks at fifth ministerial WTO talks
collapse as thousands pull down the fences outside.
422, 12th September, 2003
ARMLESS FUN Despite massive police operation DSEi arms fair attracts
a grand string of actions, dinghies block warships etc.
| Friday
27th February 2004 |
Issue 443
Penta-Goner | Chilled
Out | Can You Keep A Secret? | Give
us yer money - we'll destroy capitalism for you! | Crap
Arrest of the Week | Block Booking |
Inside SchNEWS | 'Fortress'
Road | SchNEWS In Brief | Fairtrade
SchNEWS | Wall Out Of Order |
Wrenched Outta Home | ...and
It is a national security threat that is unique because
there is no enemy to point your guns at and we have no control over
the threat. - Doug Randall, Global Business Network
While this week Home Secretary Blunkett was announcing plans to
take more of our freedoms away in order to protect our, er freedoms,
and President Bush started his re-election campaign by banging on
about national security, a report issued by a Pentagon think-tank
argued that it is climate change that should be elevated beyond
a scientific debate to a US national security concern.
The report An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its
Implications for United States National Security, imagines
the worse case scenario: By 2020 climate change has unleashed nuclear
showdowns over who controls what is left of the planets water,
with mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting across the world.
Major European cities sink beneath rising seas and Britain is plunged
into a Siberian climate. 400 million people become environmental
refugees forced to flee from uninhabitable regions. So what sort
of pinko commie is behind this report? None other than the Office
of Net Assessment, a secretive US think-tank dedicated to weighing
up risks to national security and headed by 83 year old Andrew Marshall.
Nicknamed Yoda, this is the man who has held considerable sway over
US military thinking for the past three decades, is best mates with
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and champions the Star Wars missile
defense strategy.
The authors of the report, Peter Schwartz, CIA consultant and former
head of planning at Royal Dutch/Shell Group, and Doug Randall of
the California-based Global Business Network, say that it might
possibly be too late to prevent a disaster. The consequences
for some nations of the climate change are unbelievable. It seems
obvious that cutting the use of fossil fuels would be worthwhile.
But with his pockets stuffed full of dollars from the oil and energy
corporations, Bush is refusing to listen, instead ignoring or trying
to bury evidence of climate change. His administration has kept
the report on ice for the past four months. Last summer, in a 450-page
report that covered just about every other conceivable threat to
the environment, the Environmental Protection Agency chose to say
nothing about climate change after the White House made major edits
to the climate change section! With a twentieth of the worlds
population, the US produces a quarter of the worlds greenhouse
gas emissions. Emissions are up 14% from 1990 levels and are projected
to rise by a further 12% over the next decade.
Chilled Out
Climate change has long been associated with gradual changes to
the earth over 50 to 100 years. But material found in ice cores
in the Arctic and other regions demonstrates that a regions
climate can change dramatically in just a few years.
Such an abrupt shift occurred 1,300 years ago in the Younger Dryas
period, pushing Europe back into Ice Age conditions. Another less
dramatic shift was the Little Ice Age, a time of hard
winters, violent storms and droughts between 1300 and 1850.
The cause of these wild climate shifts is a change in the huge
Atlantic Ocean current that flows from the Tropics north to the
Arctic, where it cools, sinks to the bottom and flows south again.
Called the Atlantic conveyor belt, it continually brings
warm water, therefore warmer temperatures, to the eastern United
States and northern Europe, explaining why Britain is relatively
Global warming is melting the ice of the Arctic regions, putting
much more fresh water into the North Atlantic Ocean, and possibly
slowing down the conveyor. If the conveyor current slows, it would
bring less warm water to the northern regions making them colder,
as happened during the Little Ice Age. So despite us enjoying
warmer summers in the UK at the moment, higher global temperatures
could put Northern Europe into the deep freeze.
To understand the implications, the Pentagon asked scientists to
look into what might happen should the 'conveyor' begin to falter
in 2010. What they came up with is the nightmare scenario already
described. And while some might want to dismiss the report as fantastical
rubbish, maybe they should chat to the people of Tuvalu whose island
is slowly disappearing under water.
As Sir John Houghton, part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change pointed out, The impacts of global warming are such
that I have no hesitation in describing it as a weapon of
mass destruction. Whatever new laws Bush and his ilk come
up with, this is the new Cold War they should really be worrying
Can You Keep A Secret?
This week David Blunkett announced further proposals to combat
the threat from al-Qaida terrorism, reminding us to stay forever
fearful so the government can bring more measures in to suppress
dissent and help direct billions of pounds of our money into the
war machine. His plans include allowing bugging as evidence in terrorism
cases and giving MI5 1,000 extra staff. A new, secret court would
also be necessary to protect intelligence sources, including hand-picked
judges and solicitors.
Meanwhile, 14 people have been imprisoned in the UK for the past
two years without trial and without being charged thanks to the
Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001. The Act bypasses European
human rights legislation to allow the internment of foreign nationals
on the say-so of the intelligence services. The same intelligent
service that told us Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Shami
Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, said: I cannot believe that
I am sitting here today to try and argue why it is wrong to detain
human beings indefinitely without trial. Campaign Against
Criminalising Communities 020 7586 5892
- On Monday, the US Education Secretary labeled the nations
largest teachers union a terrorist organization
after the union had the cheek to complain that education was being
under-funded. The Teachers union president replied, This
is the kind of rhetoric we have come to expect from this administration
whenever one challenges its world view.
us yer money - we'll destroy capitalism for you!
While we had a great response to our
recent rent crisis, SchNEWS is still about £200 a month
short for paying for printing, the telephone, postage, biscuits,
computer bits, etc. So were asking if a few more people
would be up for setting up standing orders to give us a steady
income - even £1 a month would help. To find out how,
either call the office or go to
* Sorry to go on, but it would be really good if a couple
of you Brighton bods could donate just one hour of your time
on a Friday to help with the mail-out.
For Stealing 1p of electricity!
A student who plugged his laptop into a socket at a train station
in Germany to find out the address of a hostel received a short
sharp shock by three police officers for illegally extracting
electricity. Jan Michael Ihl, who is also an energy specialist
for Greenpeace said, The whole thing is ridiculous. I stole
electricity worth less than one cent. The public prosecutor
now has to decide whether to press charges.
Block Booking
It was world news that on the night of Feb 15th, a riot broke out
between aboriginals and police in the Sydney area of Redfern, known
as The Block, one of the biggest urban aboriginal communities
in Australia. When a sensational news event like this
bursts into the headlines, one thing usually gets lost in all the
why it actually happened. Some news may have gone
so far as saying that the spark of the riot was the role of the
police in the death of TJ Hickey, a seventeen year old aboriginal
boy in the area. But whats the rest of the story?
Institutionalised police racism aboriginals are constantly
subject to strip searches and suffer other abuses caused
a tinderbox in The Block that was just waiting for a spark to kick
it off. The situation was similar to the Toxteth riots in Liverpool
in 1981, where the polices infamous sus lawsconstant
stop-and-searches of black youthsbrought tension to such a
high point that all it took was one arrest witnessed by a crowd
to set off nine days of rioting. At The Block the day after the
death, instead of leaving the aboriginal community alone for the
day, the police came out tooled-up in numbers, which fairly well
guaranteed it would kick off and it did.
Despite initial police denials, more witnesses are coming forward
and saying that a police van was chasing the lad on his bike moments
before he was impaled on an iron fence. Witnesses claim he was impaled
at an unlikely angle for a bike accident, and that police
moved him off the fence and searched him instead of trying to stop
blood loss. It actually took an eight year old girl to call an ambulance.
The police, on the other hand, only called for more back-up.
Since the riot its been back to business as usual for the
Redfern police, as they see how far they can push it before the
situation explodes again. Last week, at a memorial concert for TJ,
his fourteen year old girlfriend April was arrested for swearing
when she abused police officers and blamed them for killing her
boyfriend. She was later charged with resisting and hindering
police. Despite no arrests on the day of the riot, police
claimed that they would arrest 40 using CCTV footage. And just to
show they were sensitive coppers, one of the first nicked was Marilyn
Cargill, TJs aunt and one of the people who helped to raise
him. She was charged with riot and affray
and was refused bail, preventing her from going to the funeral.
TJs father, also in jail, was not allowed out for the funeral
There was a memorial march and rally in Redfern on Tuesdaythe
day of the funeraland the Aboriginal tent embassy in Canberra
is calling for an action at Parliament House on March 1st.
Inside SchNEWS
Thirteen anti-GM protesters in Italy are facing serious charges
from a demo in October 2000. At the 13s latest hearing, the
prosecutor asked that 4 of the protesters, who the prosecution claim
were the ringleaders of the demonstration, receive two-year
jail sentences and the other 9 be jailed for 18 months. All are
due to appear in court again on the 26th of April. Please send letters
of support & donations to: Il Silvestre, via del Cuore, 156127
Pisa, Italy.
- Supporters of Leonard Peltier, the Native American framed
for shooting FBI agents at Pine Ridge, are asking people to sign
an online petition to demand a full investigation of FBI misconduct:
Background info:
- Stuart Tideswell, an animal rights activist, has been jailed
for four months for harassment of benefit staff after having his
benefits stopped. Letters of support to: Stuart Tideswell (JH8108),
HMP Leicester, Welford Road, LE2 7AJ.
'Fortress' Road
The Fortess Road Social centre in Kentish Town, London,
is under threat of eviction. Bailiffs arrived on Tuesday, but were
told to piss off. They are expected to return at any time. There
are now over 60 people who have barricaded themselves inside the
building with tire walls and imaginative welding, but more people
are needed!! Ring 0207 267 1373 for more info. Occupied Social Centre,
93 Fortess Road, Kentish Town tube.
SchNEWS In Brief
- Ahmad Sorany from the Rafah refugee camp in the Gaza
Strip and the regional coordinator for the ISM, will be on a speaking
tour of Scotland from 29th Feb to 11th March, Details: 07952 969102
- The next Disarm DSEi meeting, to plan action against
next years arms fair. 1pm, 14th March, Cathays Community
Centre, 36-38 Cathays Terrace, Cathays, Cardiff. 1pm
- In 1998 Ethical Neo Labour relaxed the guidelines
for export of weapons components. This led to a 1100% increase
in exports, meaning that dodgy regimes that repress dissent can
now get guns even more easily from the UK.
- Faslane Peace camp have organized a phone blockade against
Rolls Royce next Wednesday (3) and another on 1st April. Amongst
other dodgy dealings, the company are responsible for building
nuclear reactors for new nuclear submarines. 01332 661461
- Theres a Human Rights Watch International Film Festival
happening 17-25 March in London. Full programme:
- Trevor Ngwane from the Anti-Privatisation Forum and Soweto
Electricity Crisis Committee of South Africa will be talking
this Sunday (29) at Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, 25 Red
Lion Square, London. 07890 738997
- Saturday (6) is Enviromental Rock, an all
day benefit raising environmental awareness, including a SchNEWS
stall as well as tonnes of bands, The Hobbit Pub, Bevois Valley,
Southampton 12 noon 2am 079 74106293
- The Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh is a campaign base
for social and ecological resistance and needs £100 per
month to cover costs. They need more support!! Cheques to Autonomous
Centre of Edinburgh, 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh EH7 5HA.
- Kickstart plans to open another squatted social centre in
Manchester on 19th March
- All day benefit gig to raise cash and awareness for the road
protest movement (esp. 9 Ladies), 26 March, Beat Bar, Dundee,
Scotland. Help is needed from anyone who can do food, give a talk,
hold a workshop, etc. To get involved phone 07753 808 709
- Coaches have been organised by Sussex Action for Peace for the
peace demo in London on 20th March. Tickets available
at Community Base, Queens Road and the Peace and Environment Centre,
Surrey Street for £7/£5
Fairtrade SchNEWS
Fairtrade Fortnight (1-14 March) celebrates ten years of the Fairtrade
Mark being given to goods that give the producer a fair price as
well as protect their working rights from being exploited. For more
info: 020 7440 7676
- This Saturday (28) theres a Fairtrade Fair & Local
Farmers Market at the Friends Meeting House, Ship St, Brighton
- On Tuesday, March 2nd, 12-1pm, there will be an event entitled
A Decade On Fairtrade Today at Brighton University,
Cockcroft C123, Moulsecoomb. Speakers include Justino Peck, a
Cocoa Producer from Belize Supplying for Maya Gold.
Wall Out Of Order
Today (Feb 26th), the Israeli Army shot rubber bullets, live ammunition
and tear gas at unarmed demonstrators protesting against the construction
of the apartheid wall in Biddu. Three young Palestinians were killed,
and another man died from a heart attack provoked by excessive amounts
of tear gas. Eye witnesses from the ISM reported that snipers were
shooting directly at the crowd. For more information,
Wrenched Outta Home
The roundhouse, a dwelling that has served as an example of low-impact
housing for the last seven years, has lost its five-year struggle
to remain in the Welsh countryside. The houses designer, Tony
Wrench, has been battling the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
(PCNP) authority for the right to stay in the wood, mud, and straw
eco-home he built since its discovery in 1999 by a park survey plane.
Ever since the home was discovered, park officials have been gagging
to demolish the roundhouse. Built on land owned by Brithdir Mawr,
a community based on environmental sustainability, the house unfortunately
did not have planning permission. Because of this, and also due
to arch-villain Ms. Cathy Milner, a big shot with the PCNP and avowed
enemy of the roundhouse, the PCNP has ruthlessly sought, and finally
won, a demolition order. Tired from his battles with the PCNP and
threatened with legal action if the house is not destroyed, Wrench
has bowed out.
For her part, Ms Milner said turning a blind eye to Mr Wrenchs
house would just encourage more hippies to live sustainably. Before
long you wont have any countryside left because these people
will be building these things all over the place. Bearing
in mind that she works for the same planning authority that has
agreed the building of a multi-million pound 500-acre leisure and
sports village in the same National park where the roundhouse is,
one would hope that the likes of Ms Milner will soon get the sack.
If not, before long you wont have any countryside left because
these people will keep building more leisure and sports villages
all over the place!
...and finally...
When did you last pray for your stockbroker? asks the
Industrial Christian Fellowship, an American group who believe that
bankers and stockbrokers dont get as much prayerful support
as they need. Last autumn, ICF executive member John Raymond said,
There is a feeling that these professions are too worldly
- almost not good enough - for prayers. There is a feeling that
you cannot mix God and Mammon. But I think that is exactly the opposite
of how Jesus would see it. But gee John, didnt Jesus
overturn the money changers tables and chase them out of the temple
once upon a time? And that same Jesus also once said, according
to your own beloved book, It is easier for a camel to go through
the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom
of God. But never mind the Bible kids, the ICF encourages
you to say this prayer for your holy, local stockbroker: Father
God, we ask your blessing on our economic world: Bless those in
governments and banks
Give them an understanding of economic
forces and the mechanics of wealth creation; that they may produce
laws and regulations which give freedom for people to create wealth
We couldnt make it up if we tried, folks.
SchNEWS warns all readers we'll always be here with the cold
facts on burning topics... Honest!
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