This Time Last Year
447, 26th March, 2004
CROAKER COLA We discover that not only is Coke's fancy bottled
water is just filtered tap water but that it's got cancer causing chemicals
in it too! If that weren't enough, they'er killing trade unionists in
Columbia and stealing villiagers water in India too... Also South African
repression, protest camp update and more...
446, 19th March, 2004
TOTAL PAZ TAKE Bombings in Madrid from a perspective not seen
in the corporate media - mass murder siezed upon to remove civil liberties
and continue the so called "war on terror". Also Coca Killer,
Catakiller, animal killers, "I'm no killer" and more...
445, 12th March, 2004
MAIZE OF LIES Neo Labour gives the go-ahead for the UK's first
GM crop - ScNEWS says (again) GM ain't all it's cracked up to be. Also
Aldermaston march, SHAC, first Indymedia Regional Meeting, SchNEWS Tour
and more...
444, 5th March, 2004
MINER SURGERY SchNEWS looks back at the struggle between striking
miners and Thatcher's government. Also US involvement in Haiti, camp
updates, Bayer update, anti-terrorism case thrown out, and more...
443, 27th February, 2004
PENTA-GONER A Pentagon think-tank recently issued a report describing
climate change as an urgent "national security threat" - whilst
Bush and his cronies continue to try and deny it all. Also racist cops
cause trouble for Sydney aboriginals, Fortress Road Social Centre still
under threat of eviction, fairtrade and more...
442, 20th February, 2004
SHOP 'TIL THEY DROP Chinese cockle pickers died because they
are at the bottom of the food production chain. We look at how the big
supermarkets exploit imigrant workers and then everyone else. Also Bayer's
anti protest injunction, Thessaloniki arestees charged dropped and more..
441, 13th February, 2004
SPELLBOUND Road protest camps, the 'Harry Potter ruling' and
more... Also: alternative community centre, Birmingham Northern Relief
Road, direct action and shoddy journalism in Dublin, clampdown in Argentina,
and more...
440, 6th February, 2004
DUSTING DOWNER More on Depleted Uranium weapons in Iraq and the
movement against their usage and in aid of their victims. Also: forced
evictions in Chiapas, Mexico, Sydney Opera House "redecoration"
case, WHISC worldwide (the School of the Americas), camp updates, and
439, 30th January, 2004
PRIMATE CHANGE Cambridge University finally abandons controversial
plans for a primate vivisection lab. Also: Chelmsford travellers evicted,
Costain tree-felling, Trident sub trials, Old Kent Road Asda, and more...
438, 23rd January, 2004
BOMBAY MIX The fourth World Social Forum, held in Mumbai, India,
examines the real impact of Globalisation, and also offers an
international alliance to battle the multinationals. Also: crap
jobs, FSB harassment of Russian activists, Monsanto rapeseed case rapes
farmer's living, seed swap, free Vanunu campaign and more...
437, 16th January, 2004
FLAW AND DISORDER The proposed Civil Contingencies Bill, Neo-Labour
wet dream come true, would further erode civil rights in Britain. Also:
travellers fighting eviction in Coventry, Nine Ladies anti-quarry camp
in the Peak District, finger-printing Americans in Brazil, and more...
436, 9th January, 2004
UP THE INJUNCTION Bayer wins an injunction severely limiting
the rights of anti-GM protesters. SchNEWS takes a look at Bayer's legal
history. Also: "strategy of tension" steps up in Italy?, IDF
sniper arrested for murder of ISM volunteer, and all the usual...
435, 19th December, 2003
FUEL BE SORRY Bigger airports, failed Climate Change summit,
no plans for tax on flying, stinking carbon sinks and more all add up
to a bright future sun cream sales in Scotland. Shame about the 120,000
deaths a year. Also US repression of Iraqi trade unions, tidal electricity
and festive cheer...
434, 12th December, 2003
RIGHTS SAID FRED A run down of the human rights abuses metted
out/supported by President Bliar and Emperor Bush while Bliar spouts
off about "Freedom not tyranny. Democracy not dictatorship".
Also info on writing to prisoners, the media ignoring terrorist suspects
releases and more...
433, 5th December, 2003
FUEL'S GOLD With Western oil supplies shrinking and reserves
declining, the petrochemical junkies must look elsewhere for their fix
- and they've got qutie a few strategies for doing just that. Also -
Sambhavna Clinic in Bhopal, positive SchNEWS from Costa Rica, anti-awards
for mining companies, and more...
432, 28th November, 2003
MIAMI VICE FTAA demonstrators enjoy George Bush's "freedom
to protest" amidst a carnival atmosphere of tear gas, rubber bullets,
water cannons and worse. Also - Thessaloniki hunger strikers released,
animal vivisection in Cambridge, ESF reports, and more...
431, 14th November, 2003
CARD SHARKS Blunkett announces the introduction of ID cards by
the back door despite them being massively unpopular and technologically
unfeasible. Thessaloniki Hunger Strikers In Critical Condition. Bush
bashing plans, Urgent, Bar End protest camp update, European underground
art and more.
| Friday
2nd April 2004 |
Issue 448
Gack Attack | Eat
Shit & Die | The Icing on the Cack
| Crap Arrest of the Week | SchNEWS
at Ten Tour | Chardon Hey! | Postitive
SchNEWS | SchNEWS In Brief |
Protest Camp Updates | Poll
Boycott | ...and finally...
The triumph of the fast-food system was aided at almost
every step by government subsidies, lack of proper regulation, misleading
advertisements and a widespread ignorance of how fast, cheap food
is actually produced. This system is not sustainable. In less than
three decades it has already done extraordinary harm. When the fast
food industry is made to bear the costs it is now imposing on the
rest of society, it will collapse. - Eric Schlosser, author
of Fast Food Nation.
This week a survey about our junk food nation revealed that the
expression let them eat cake is being taken literally
when it comes to toddlers in Britain. It seems that all those future
World Cup champions are being brought up with a more-than healthy
dose of good-ol chocolate, chips and white bread - and that
the majority of all children in Britain do not eat the recommended
amount of fruit and vegetables each day. So its not surprising
that childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic with the Chief Medical
Officer, referring to the disease as a health time bomb.
But while Neo Labour tries to dump the lard problem on the public
for not exercising enough and not eating up all yer (genetically
modified) greens, in reality it could have something to do with
the selling-off of school playing fields, school dinners in the
hands of profit motivated contractors, and the lashings of junk
food advertising aimed at kids which the Govt refuse to do anything
Eat Shit & Die
Food advertising aimed at children is dominated by high-salt, sugary
and fatty foods. Despite a report by 106 organisations calling for
a ban, and research by the governments own Food Standards
Agency which found, would you believe, that advertising does
affect childrens food choices and behaviour, and not just
which brands but the types of food they choose, the Culture
Secretary Tessa Jowell said the government would not be regulating
junk food ads and instead will give us all informed choices
and talk about partnerships (partnerships where those
selling their crap get some good PR by giving away things like McDonalds
vouchers for kids that are well behaved.) Partnerships where the
Sports Minister, Richard Caborn, was delighted that
Cadburys were helping raise funds for sports equipment in schools.
How? By persuading children to eat mountains of chocolate of course!
Food and farming group, Sustain, calculated that to receive a set
of volley ball net posts, school kids would need to stuff down 1.25
million calories at a cost of £2,000.
So who do we blame? Deirdre Hutton, chair of the National Consumer
Council reckons We must move beyond the blame game and start
giving parents real practical help. The majority of snacks aimed
at children are packed with high levels of sugar, fat and salt.
More than 95% of food advertising on childrens TV is for foods
that do little to encourage healthier diets. Supermarket check-outs
are stacked with sweets and other gack. Its little wonder
that parents often struggle against pester power. The response
from the food and advertising industries is of course that advertising
doesnt persuade anyone to buy anything! So why on earth do
they waste $50 billion globally a year (McDonalds alone spends $2bn
annually) - greater than the gross domestic product of 70% all the
worlds countries - on advertising!? Tim Mobsby from Kelloggs
even told Parliament that children would stop eating breakfast
if advertisements for sugary cereals like Coco Pops were taken off
childrens TV!
The Icing on the Cack
The food industry has become very good at keeping sugar out of
the spotlight and in our food instead, hiding their products in
everything from liquid candy drinks to pizzas, while
obscuring its dangers. Scientists from the British Nutrition Foundation
and International Life Sciences Institute attacked attempts to create
British and international guidelines on sugar consumption. Both
bodies are paid for by corporations like Coca-cola whose drinks
contain over six teaspoons of sugar per can! As Professor Phillip
James, from the committee on dietary guidelines explained: The
sugar industry has learned the tricks of the tobacco industry. Confuse
the public. Produce experts who disagree, try to dilute the message,
indicate that there are extremists like me involved in public health.
These very same forces that peddle their unhealthy crap to children
are the same vast multinational food traders, processors and retailers
which scour the globe to obtain the cheapest raw ingredients to
turn into high-profit, long-shelf life processed foods that dominate
supermarket shelf-space. The same forces that have helped close
down all the small family run farms and local shops. The same lot
that has helped make all our shopping centres look and feel the
same, drowning us in rubbish and encouraging low paid, low skilled
workforces; the same force that has encouraged the cruelty of factory
farming... We could go on (we usually do). The same corporations
whose mentality is a whole lot more destructive than merely just
turning us into a nation of lard-arses, and one whose power Neo
Labour just hasnt got the wholemeal stomach to take on.
- To read about getting away from imported supermarket food
and growing yer own see
- A new bill in America aims to protect fast food giants from
future lawsuits and instead make obesity solely the responsibility
of individuals. Dubbed the Cheeseburger Bill, the
tobacco industry must be green with envy they didnt come
up with something like this.
- The report How Green Is Your Supermarket? shows
that supermarket shoppers are spending £470 a year - a sixth
of their food budget - on packaging while delivery lorries travel
the equivalent of two return trips to the moon every day.
- Get this months Ecologist magazine for in depth stuff on
the Slow Food movement.
Crap Arrest of the Week
For wearing a baseball cap sideways!
A schoolboy in Arizona, USA, was arrested and held for several
hours by police for refusing to turn his baseball cap to the front.
Morgan, who is black, was having lunch when school security guards
approached him about his hat. It is against school policy to wear
hats sideways because it can be a sign of disrespect for authority,
the police report said, but Morgan said that the rule is enforced
selectively. According to a police report, he pointed to several
white students whose hats were on sideways. Shortly after Morgans
arrest, classmates staged a protest with one student being suspended
for 10 days. Morgan was later released without charge.
SchNEWS at Ten Tour
10th April: Bath The Bell Hotel, 103 Walcot Street, 3pm
/ 11th: Bristol Easton Community Centre, Kilburn St, 3pm
- 6pm. / 12th: Aldermaston Peace camp. / 14th: Gloucester
11A, off Westgate Street / 15th: Oxford The EOCC Community
Centre, Princes Street off Cowley Road. 7pm. / 16th: Leamington
Community Gallery, Avenue Road. / 17th: Bolton. / 18th:
Liverpool. / 19th: Lancaster LaRC-The basement, 78a Penny
St. / 20th: Glasgow. / 21st: Faslane Peace Camp, probably.
/ 22nd: Bilston Woods road protest camp, near Edinburgh.
/ 23rd: Edinburgh. / 24th: Newcastle The Cluny, under
Byker Bridge 2-4pm. / 25th Leeds. / 26th: Sheffield.
/ 27th: Nine Ladies protest camp. / 28th: Manchester
Arch Bar, Stretford Road, Hulme 7.30pm. / 29th: Nottingham.
/ 30th: Norwich The Hog In Armour, Charring X, 7-11pm. /
May Day Ipswich. For more details 01273 685913
Chardon Hey!
This week was a massive victory for anti-GM campaigners in the
UK. Bayer Cropscience announced that they were withdrawing their
genetically modified Chardon LL maize, which was the only GM crop
that had been licensed for growing commercially in the UK. This
now means that no GM crops will be grown commercially in the UK
until at least 2008.
Bayer said that it was economically non-viable to grow
GM maize due to government restrictions on the planting regime.
But Bayer wouldnt concede that it was withdrawing the maize
due to public pressure, but it was only public pressure that had
forced the government to delay the growing of GM crops, otherwise
GM would have been introduced five years ago.
It has taken Bayer years for them to get this close to growing
just one crop commercially. The reality is that Chardon LL maize
is a bad, out-of-date product, its out-of-date because of
delays caused by constant pressure and direct action. There has
been a concerted campaign of protests, crop trashings, blockades,
supermarket pickets and lobbying. It was clear that the public didnt
want GM food and many supermarkets and food producers wont
touch GM food.
Tony Blair and his biotech banker, the Science Minister Lord Sainsbury
must both be gutted as well. Tony Blair has criticized anyone opposed
to GM foods as anti-science, but the science has consistently shown
GM crops to be damaging to the environment, the only way that the
GM maize got the go ahead was through flawed experiments.
For everyone involved in the fight against GM this is a massive
victory and proof that direct action works. However the fight against
GM crops is still not won - GM crops are still imported into the
UK and most of these are fed to animals. Bayer says they remain
highly committed to the further development of plant biotechnologies
in the UK. Why dont they realise theyve lost and
give up?
Positive SchNEWS
School dinners dont just have to be burgers and chips - and
to prove it one woman who works at St Peters Primary school
in Nottingham has set about making sure school dinners are worth
queuing for.
Jeanette Orrey started providing school meals on site using as
many organic and locally produced ingredients as possible. And although
ingredient costs have doubled, the cost of a dinner has stayed the
same thanks to cutting out contract suppliers and bureaucracy. Soaring
demand for school meals at St Peters has also helped
90% of the kids eat there now, compared to a national average of
Dinner time has also taken on an educational role kids designing
menus and learning about and the amount of pollution caused by food
travelling thousands of miles. Parents can now eat at the school
any day and on Wednesdays senior citizens are served by some of
the older children who then sit and eat with them. She says Im
just trying to provide decent, fresh food for the children and making
sure they learn what foods good for them. Its what being
a school cook should be about.
- The Soil Associations Cultivating Communities Project is
having a Linking Farms, Families and Food Conference
on 15th April at Penwith Business Centre, Longrock, Penzance 0845
458 0194
- Good Food on the Public Plate by Sustain and
East Anglia Food Link says that buying local food for use in our
school, hospital and prison canteens would boost local economies
by at least £5 billion. Copies: 020 7837 1228
SchNEWS in brief
- Electronica All Dayer, 3.30pm - midnight. Easter Sunday,
Club 85, Whinbush Road, Hitchin. Benefit for Peoples Global
- On March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez spilled 11,000,000
gallons of crude onto Alaskas shores. 15 years later the
oil companies havent made their industry any safer. Check
out this short movie online
- Survivors of the Union Carbide Bhopal disaster which
killed 20,000 people have been awarded the 2004 Goldman Environmental
Prize. They are now leading the international fight for corporate
accountability from Dow Chemical, who acquired Union Carbide in
- Exhibition of stencil graffiti art from the streets of
Iraq and Palestine - The Foundry, Great Eastern Street, London,
Tues 6th - Sun 18th 07968 849792
- Al-Hawza - the Iraqi newspaper critical of the US/UK
occupation of Iraq has been shut down because articles form
a serious threat of violence against coalition forces -
this is despite no articles calling for armed attacks. It had
merely said that a bomb attributed by the US to a suicide bomber
was a rocket from a US Apache helicopter, and had an article titled
Bremer follows the steps of Saddam, - so much for
freedom of expression
- Radical Video Night including the world premiere of Porkbolter
video, featuring footage of several recent Worthing protests
next Tuesday (6), 7.45pm, upstairs at The Downview pub, West Worthing.
- We are putting together a book and a film about the past decade
of SchNEWS events. If youve got photos, flyers, and video
(any format) contact the SchNEWS office.
- Funraiser at the Volks, showing the Injustice
film, Wed 7th, 9 pm followed by DJs.
- Bristol Anarchist Network are organising an open discussion
on community activism, revolutionary or reformist?
with speakers from St Pauls, and Haringay Solidarity Group a community
group from London with 14 years experience Thur (8), 7.30
9.30pm, Easton Community Centre, Kilburn Rd, Easton, BS5
Protest Camp Updates
- Blackwood protest camp, just outside Cardiff, is still
there despite more than a week of evictions. A bunker slightly
off the site and on privately owned land remains occupied, and
about 10 large trees on route are still there on the account of
nesting birds. Other trees have been trashed, along with the treehouses
in them. There will be a meeting at 3pm this Sat (3rd) at Kerry
Camp to carry on the fight. 07708420446 / 07811 948764
- Sherwood Forest Camp has a ONE month (not 2 as reported
in last weeks issue) reprieve due to the council looking into
the viability of the scheme. On April 25th there will be a Spring
Fair at the camp from 12pm. Performance artists, musicians, etc
who wish to partake contact 07792 789803. As always, people are
needed at both camps, as well as
- Nine Ladies Camp. No imminent eviction yet. The company
responsible for the planned destruction, Marshalls (01484 438900)
have had a busy week. Last Thursday 25 people stormed and occupied
their Yorkshire offices, and the next day, their depot at Mansfield
Woodhouse was blockaded and occupied.
- Meanwhile, a new tree occupation has begun against the proposed
F5 road scheme, planned for the A1159 Priory Crescent north,
Southend on Sea, Essex.
- Bilston Glen Protest Site, 8 miles outside Edinburgh,
has a free café on Saturday 4th April. 07986 632429
All these camps need more people, tat, inspiration and energy.
Now that the weathers getting better theres no excuse.
Poll Boycott
On Monday 5th April people across Indonesia will be forced to vote
in the latest round of parliamentary elections. The rather dubious
list of politicians they will be able to choose from include Wiranto,
the former defence minister and retired general indicted on charges
of crimes against humanity in East Timor, Sister Tutut
the daughter of ex-military dictator Suharto and Prabowo Subianto,
Suhartos former son-in-law accused of kidnapping student activists.
Transparency International this month put the Suharto family at
the top of its list of all-time corrupt leaders estimating the family
had stashed away $35bn in 32 years of rule.
It comes then as no surprise to hear that mass boycotts of these
elections are planned in the countrys most oppressed regions.
For the first time ever, people in Aceh, Mollucas and West Papua
will act together in resistance to the Indonesian state by refusing
to vote and blockading polling stations. But this is no small act.
Voting is obligatory in Indonesia and heavily enforced by violent
police. The last time West Papuans refused to vote was in 1977 and
in response Suharto unleashed a massacre, bombing highland villages,
forcing thousands to starve in the jungles and slaughtering any
that remained. People still talk of watching their families being
thrown alive into mass graves and how the Baliem River ran
red with blood.
- There will be a demonstration at the Indonesian embassy in
London in solidarity with the boycotts aiming to reduce the ferocity
of a backlash. Meet midday at Green Park underground station on
Mon 5th April. Those further a field can phone the embassy on
0207 4996661 or fax 4914993. Simultaneous demonstrations are also
planned in the Netherlands and the US.
- TAPOL, Indonesia human rights campaign:
- Human Rights Watch:
...and finally...
David Blunkett leads the Charge of the Tight Brigade once again.
On Tuesday, Blunkett will fight in the Royal Courts of Justice in
London for the right to charge victims of miscarriages of justice
more than £3000 for every year they spent in jail while wrongly
convicted! The logic is that the innocent man shouldnt have
been in prison eating free porridge and sleeping for nothing under
regulation grey blankets. His spokesmen in the Home Office says
its a completely reasonable course of action as
the innocent men and women would have spent the money anyway on
food and lodgings if they werent in prison. The government
calls it Saved Living Expenses.
Paddy Hill, of the Birmingham 6, spent 16 years behind bars for
a crime he didnt commit. Paddy has now been presented with
a bill for £50,000 for living expenses incurred
while wrongly convicted. The establishment hates me and people
like me as we proved them wrong, he said. They either
want to ignore us or hurt us.
Vincent Hickey, one of the Bridgewater Four, wrongly convicted
for killing a paperboy, was charged £60,000 for the 17 years
he spent in jail. He said: If I had known this I would have
stayed on hunger-strike longer, that way I would have had a smaller
SchNEWS warns all readers that theres nothing better than
a good RonnienReggie stew followed by a homemade Kevin
Keegan chocolate cake.
SchNEWS Annuals
2003 - £8 + £2.00 p&p
- SchNEWS Round
issues 51 - 100 Sold out - Sorry
- SchNEWS Annual
issues 101 - 150 Sold out - Sorry
- SchNEWS Survival
Guide issues 151 - 200 and a whole lot more £2.00 inc. postage
- The SchQUALL
book at only £7 + £1.50 p&p.
and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001. 300 pages of adventures from
the direct action frontline. £3 inc p&p. You can order
the book from a bookshop or your library, quote the ISBN 09529748
4 3.
- SchNEWS Of
The World issues 301 - 350. 300
more pages of adventures from the direct action frontline. £5
+ £1.50 p&p. You can order the book from a bookshop
or your library, quote the ISBN 09529748 6X
In the UK you
can get SchNEWS Annual, Survival Handbook, Yearbook 2001 and SchNEWS
of the World for just £15 inc p&p.
(US Postage
£6.00 for individual books, £13 for above offer).
In addition to
50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains articles, photos, cartoons,
subverts, a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc.
to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues)
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SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 0EF, England
Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1273 685913
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- information for action - copy and distribute!