This Time Last Year
450, 23rd April, 2004
IT'S A BIG 'UN! May Day comes around again, with nation-wide
action expected despite May Day being "banned" by the corporate
media. SchNEWS also looks at the relationship between big business and
the EU. Also fleecing Iraq, more on May Day, and all the usual.
449, 16th April, 2004
WUD'JA FALLUJA IT? As bombs fly into Falluja, few accurate reports
are coming out on the corporate media - SchNEWS investigates and offers
alternatives. Also squat updates, Coca-Cola update, NHS telly hell,
and more...
448, 2nd April, 2004
GACK ATTACK SchNEWS looks at the evils of the food industry and
food advertising, as well as some alternatives to unsustainable fast-
and junk-food industries. Also poll boycott in Indonesia, anti-GM victory,
protest camp updates and more...
447, 26th March, 2004
CROAKER COLA We discover that not only is Coke's fancy bottled
water is just filtered tap water but that it's got cancer causing chemicals
in it too! If that weren't enough, they'er killing trade unionists in
Columbia and stealing villiagers water in India too... Also South African
repression, protest camp update and more...
446, 19th March, 2004
TOTAL PAZ TAKE Bombings in Madrid from a perspective not seen
in the corporate media - mass murder siezed upon to remove civil liberties
and continue the so called "war on terror". Also Coca Killer,
Catakiller, animal killers, "I'm no killer" and more...
445, 12th March, 2004
MAIZE OF LIES Neo Labour gives the go-ahead for the UK's first
GM crop - ScNEWS says (again) GM ain't all it's cracked up to be. Also
Aldermaston march, SHAC, first Indymedia Regional Meeting, SchNEWS Tour
and more...
444, 5th March, 2004
MINER SURGERY SchNEWS looks back at the struggle between striking
miners and Thatcher's government. Also US involvement in Haiti, camp
updates, Bayer update, anti-terrorism case thrown out, and more...
443, 27th February, 2004
PENTA-GONER A Pentagon think-tank recently issued a report describing
climate change as an urgent "national security threat" - whilst
Bush and his cronies continue to try and deny it all. Also racist cops
cause trouble for Sydney aboriginals, Fortress Road Social Centre still
under threat of eviction, fairtrade and more...
442, 20th February, 2004
SHOP 'TIL THEY DROP Chinese cockle pickers died because they
are at the bottom of the food production chain. We look at how the big
supermarkets exploit imigrant workers and then everyone else. Also Bayer's
anti protest injunction, Thessaloniki arestees charged dropped and more..
441, 13th February, 2004
SPELLBOUND Road protest camps, the 'Harry Potter ruling' and
more... Also: alternative community centre, Birmingham Northern Relief
Road, direct action and shoddy journalism in Dublin, clampdown in Argentina,
and more...
440, 6th February, 2004
DUSTING DOWNER More on Depleted Uranium weapons in Iraq and the
movement against their usage and in aid of their victims. Also: forced
evictions in Chiapas, Mexico, Sydney Opera House "redecoration"
case, WHISC worldwide (the School of the Americas), camp updates, and
439, 30th January, 2004
PRIMATE CHANGE Cambridge University finally abandons controversial
plans for a primate vivisection lab. Also: Chelmsford travellers evicted,
Costain tree-felling, Trident sub trials, Old Kent Road Asda, and more...
438, 23rd January, 2004
BOMBAY MIX The fourth World Social Forum, held in Mumbai, India,
examines the real impact of Globalisation, and also offers an
international alliance to battle the multinationals. Also: crap
jobs, FSB harassment of Russian activists, Monsanto rapeseed case rapes
farmer's living, seed swap, free Vanunu campaign and more...
437, 16th January, 2004
FLAW AND DISORDER The proposed Civil Contingencies Bill, Neo-Labour
wet dream come true, would further erode civil rights in Britain. Also:
travellers fighting eviction in Coventry, Nine Ladies anti-quarry camp
in the Peak District, finger-printing Americans in Brazil, and more...
436, 9th January, 2004
UP THE INJUNCTION Bayer wins an injunction severely limiting
the rights of anti-GM protesters. SchNEWS takes a look at Bayer's legal
history. Also: "strategy of tension" steps up in Italy?, IDF
sniper arrested for murder of ISM volunteer, and all the usual...
435, 19th December, 2003
FUEL BE SORRY Bigger airports, failed Climate Change summit,
no plans for tax on flying, stinking carbon sinks and more all add up
to a bright future sun cream sales in Scotland. Shame about the 120,000
deaths a year. Also US repression of Iraqi trade unions, tidal electricity
and festive cheer...
434, 12th December, 2003
RIGHTS SAID FRED A run down of the human rights abuses metted
out/supported by President Bliar and Emperor Bush while Bliar spouts
off about "Freedom not tyranny. Democracy not dictatorship".
Also info on writing to prisoners, the media ignoring terrorist suspects
releases and more...
| Friday
30th April 2004 |
Issue 451
Bankers' Cramp! | Money
Go Round | Crap Arrest of the Week |
Le Pen Lizards | Positive
SchNEWS | Le Pen and Paper | SchNEWS
In Brief | SchNEWS Fundraiser |
...and finally...
The European Investment Bank admits there are problems
but wants to keep them under the carpet. We should look under that
carpet, take a solid stand and ask for a thorough investigation
into the flawed aspects of the banks governance. - Magda
Stoczkiewicz, Bankwatch Network
The International Monetary Fund and World Bank are well known to
SchNEWS readers, but the European Investment Bank (EIB)? Never heard
of it mate. But with an annual budget of 33 billion Euros it dishes
out more loans than the World Bank. Supposedly to develop Europes
poorer regions and promote social cohesion, in an environment
of openness and transparency. Fine words, but just how
well are they doing?
Not too good, according to a recent highly critical report by Spanish
MEP Monica Ridruejo. She has, among other things, condemned the
Bank for lending mainly to richer countries and for its unwillingness
to disclose information. The bank and its group of rightwing MEP
supporters, meanwhile, disagree and reckon that it deserves a slap
on the back and so have rewritten Ridruejos report so fundamentally
that she has voted against it and refused to be associated with
it anymore. One MEP wanted to delete 28 out of 32 paragraphs, while
another Olle who claimed he was all for transparency, asked for
deletion of roughly half of all the paragraphs including those asking
more transparency on the EIB and its management!
The bank didnt just stop at removing criticisms in the report;
it changed the emphasis by replacing words and even turned condemnation
into congratulations! Where Rudruejo condemned the banks
lending policy, the bank noted interest in these activities
and in another part of the report even welcomed the
EIBs approach! But this isnt really just about a difference
of opinion between politicians and bureaucrats and a bank trying
to hide behind a wall of secrecy and report nobbling. Theres
some reason for the banks shyness.
Money Go Round
The EIB prides itself on its major role in implementing European
environmental policies and is committed to ensure that projects
reduce the impact on the environment wherever possible. Although
this aim is of
great importance, its perhaps not so well reflected
in the fact that they have just one full-time environmental review
expert to evaluate more than 300 projects approved each year.
Perhaps this evaluator was just too busy, that they just couldnt
make the time to get over to Bulgaria. There the bank has given
40 million Euros to help turn a road into a motorway between Bulgaria
and Greece. Forced expulsion of local villagers and more pollution
was just one consequence of the motorway. The 18km section between
Dupnitza and Daskalovo crosses a mountain range with natural habitats,
a biological corridor for large mammals, including endangered populations
of bears and wolves. The plans for the motorway however include
no passages for such animals: no bridges or viaducts over the road,even
no tunnels.
Whilst a fair proportion of the Euro projects involve road building,
especially in Eastern Europe, the bank isnt shy to lend cash
outside Europe. Sepon copper and gold mine owned by Oxiana Ltd of
Australia, is located in a region of biodiversity in the south of
Laos. Waste from the mine has already threatened the endangered
species in a nearby river, local forests have been destroyed and
indigenous people have been relocated without proper land compensation.
Environmental concerns aside, the Laos government isnt exactly
embracing human rights. Amnesty International has condemned the
government, which stands to make the most out of this project, for
jailing dissidents and torturing people in police custody. The EIBs
website is strangely silent on the issue of human rights.
Naturally, the banks involved in oil. In July 2000 they approved
loans to build 300 oil wells and a pipeline between Chad and Cameroon.
These loans were justified, in part, by the idea that the money
from oil would find its way into the pockets of the poor. Yeah,
right. The Bank Watch Network, though, are sceptical that the two
governments will get round to setting up systems to distribute profits
fairly and put in place environmental safeguards while a Friends
of the Earth report said the project is likely to lead to an
ecological and humanitarian disaster. In fact before a drop
of oil had even flowed through the pipes the Chad Government blew
millions of oil-related money on arms to fight its civil war!
Although they are reluctant to tell us, the salaries of senior
management at the bank are a not-to-be-sniffed-at 200,000 euros
a year (thats more than £ 133k). The banks a little
more schtum about the salaries of its Directors, although at an
average of one day a month the hours arent bad. Perhaps theyll
be at the movies or watching the box having just agreed a loan of
up to 12 billion Euros to the European film industry to help it
compete with Hollywood and put more crap on the telly.
A recent investigation into whom these murky directors are, has
found that many have not declared their interests in multinationals.
The airport building bank forgot to mention that one of its directors
owns shares in Air France. Whilst the bank involves itself in lending
to the Copper Mining industry in Zambia, SchNEWS encourages its
readers to draw no conclusion from the fact that one its British
directors is the chairman of Zambia Copper Investments Limited.
Nor is any suggestion made as to the reasons why he forgot to mention
this fact.
The banks a public organization: in effect all European residents
are its shareholders, but it has shown contempt for scrutiny and
the people its supposed to serve and help.
- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development which
dishes out billions of pounds worth of loans to central European
and Asian countries has also come under fire with claims that
up 20 per cent of its loans are used for corrupt purposes. Its
also the bank that supports things like the controversial Baku-Ceyhan
pipeline with campaigners arguing that public money should not
be used to subsidise schemes that create social and environmental
problems and line the pockets of corporations (in this case BP).
01865 200 550
- As the Bank and the IMF met this week in Washington, symbolic
hunger strikes took place to commemorate the people forgotten
by the Bank, such as those evicted from their lands to make way
for Bank financed dam projects. Over the past sixty years, the
Bank has supported projects that, in the name of development,
have led to the displacement of tens of millions of people.
- The World Bank is supporting the water privatization in
Ghana despite the environmental award winning Ghanian Rudolf Amenga-Etego,
pointing out that in a country where about 70% of the people have
no access to clean water, privatization would be disastrous. Some
Ghanaians already spend 20% of their income on drinking water.
Crap Arrest of the Week
For looking suspicious!
Last Sunday the Bangladesh government arrested nearly 15,000 people
in the capital Dhaka, in a bid to foil any agitation by the countrys
opposition party. Under laws designed to arrest anyone looking suspicious
they mainly nicked people mostly aged between 15 and 30 years, most
of whom were not even remotely connected with politics! Some had
arrived in the capital for job interviews, some to consult doctors
or give examinations, while others were just visitors. Freshly released
after two days of ordeal inside jail, one youth from the old part
of Dhaka, complained I was forced to keep standing in a dark
and dingy room crammed with over 1,000 people. I could not even
sleep for a moment.
Le Pen Lizard
Last weekend was supposed to be a joyous occasion for the British
National Party, with their guest of honour a French Neo-Nazi and
the commemoration of the patron saint of England, St George. The
problem was that wherever they went they were met by anti-fascist
protesters who were out to spoil their party with the odd rotten
egg or two. In a pathetic show of fascist solidarity showing how
they really love foreigners who hate foreigners, they invited over
that lovely multicultural bastion of tolerance Jean Marie le Pen,
leader of the French Front Nationale, who famously called the World
War II Holocaust a detail of history.
The visit of Le Pen wasnt exactly a euphoric welcome. Running
scared from anti-fascist protesters the BNP had arranged to meet
the press in a car park of Stockport Office World, and then be directed
to a secret location for a press conference, but then it all went
wrong when an anti-fascist campaigner shouted at the BNP press officer
and a scuffle broke out. Flyers were handed out by the BNP directing
people to the press conference and, er, gave the flyers to anti-fascists!
So there was a mad dash to a hotel in Altrincham. Here anti-fascists
assembled and when Le Pen and Griffin left they were well and truly
rattled, with their car blockaded and everytime the police cleared
one lot another would jump in the way, the contents of rubbish bags,
eggs and rotten veg were thrown at their car and the driver had
to use his windscreen wipers to clear the debris, until one of those
unfortunately fell off! Oh and one of the BNP thugs
got a bloodied head after a pensioner hit him with a walking stick.
And to round it all off no arrests were made! They then escaped
to a marquee in Shropshire for a fundraising dinner, but here the
police were more prepared and had set up an exclusion zone so unfortunately
the evening passed without major incident.
The Bigoted Narrow-minded Party are also rather keen on celebrating
St Georges Day, cos after all isnt he the crusading
true English gentleman who saved the fair damsel in distress from
the evil dragon in true fairy tale style? Well... no. St George
was in fact a dark skinned person from the Middle East who lived
around 300AD - yes, thats right, not a true white Aryan. He
was born in eastern Turkey and later joined the Roman Army. When
they started persecuting Christians, he gave all his possessions
to the poor, then confessed to being a Christian and refused to
offer sacrifices to the Roman Gods. For this he was persecuted and
eventually killed. The bit about the dragon seems to have been invented
about 1100AD and probably represents the driving out of pagans from
England. But SchNEWS doubts if many BNP supporters really know the
true story of St George - were sure they wont let it
get in the way of a good old bit of bigotry.
The BNPs St Georges day rallies were also disrupted, in Wickford,
Essex where they were prevented from assembling at the station,
and in Bermondsey a National Front demo was confronted and failed
to have their St Georges day march and were forced to sneak
away. The weekend also saw numerous other anti-fascist events including:
A march through Southall commemorating the 25th anniversary of the
murder by the police of anti-Nazi protester Blair Peach on a demo
to stop the NF back in 1979 and a weekend of leafleting in Leeds
and Bradford.
To read more about the protests against Le Pens visit see
Positive SchNEWS
The Talamh Life Centre is hosting a free festival of environmental
science and art during May 8th 9th in Coalburn, near
Glasgow, where you can learn anything from making biodisel to chainsaw
sculpture as well as there being activities for kids. Talamh was
first set up in 1993 and has evolved into a housing co-operative
with fifty acres of land that now teaches sustainable woodland skills
and organic gardening. 01555 820073
- Dont forget the annual Cannabis March & Festival
happening next Saturday (8 May) in Brockwell Park, Brixton. The
march starts at 12pm from Kennington Park and ends up at the festie,
which is free but costs £100,000 to put on. The Brighton
Alliance of Sound Systems (BASS) will be there to entertain. So
- donations in the buckets please and if you can help with stewarding
07931 243 855
- More festie information on our website.
Le Pen and Paper
It was quite odd how the right wing press have reacted to the visit
by Le Pen and his support for the BNP. After all the Front Nationale
and the BNP are both nationalist parties whose main platform is
that illegal immigrants are flooding the country and our way of
life is under threat. Pretty much the same as what the Daily Mail,
Sun and Express have been saying for years. (see SchNEWS 313).
For example the Express is not averse to whipping up racist anti-immigration
sentiment with sentiments such as these: Unless the flood
is curbed it will lead to chaos, public disorder and the growth
of repugnant far-rightwing political thugs. And their proprietor,
Richard Desmond recently at a meeting impersonated Hitler and said
that All Germans were Nazis while editor Peter Hill
declared that Immigration is a national disaster
country cannot cope. But in a strange display of logic the
editorial in the Express said about Le Pen The people of Britain,
do not want his type over here, preaching hatred and bile (sic).
As for Hill
well hes married to a woman from Somalia!
But then again we dont really need foreigners, let alone
the BNP to preach hatred when weve already got the Express,
Herr Desmond, The Sun, Daily Mail, David Blunkett, Tony Blair, the
Tories, Neo-Labour, Michael Howard
- Every Sunday in May (12-5pm) the Museum of Immigration and
Diversity is showing an exhibition created by primary schoolchildren
from many backgrounds living in Tower Hamlets that challenges
visitors to discover the true stories of British immigration and
settlement. The Museum is at 19 Princelet Street, London and entrance
is free. 020 7247 5352
- Think fascists have a right to freedom of speech? Get a
copy of The 43 Group by Morris Beckman an excellent
account of how Jewish ex-servicemen fought Oswald Mosley fascist
party, literally kicking them off the streets of East London in
the 1940s. Copies available from
- Migrant Voices is a play by Banner Theatre based
on in-depth interviews with Iraqi Kurdish refugees and asylum
seekers living in Salford, and shows some of the harsh realities
behind the media myths about asylum seekers and draws the link
between refugees living in Britain and British intervention in
Third World countries. Catch it next Saturday (8 May) East Oxford
Community Centre (44b Princes Street, just off Cowley Road) Tickets
£5/£3 concessions and all proceeds go to the Campaign
to Close Campsfield. For tickets email
SchNEWS In Brief
- Two people were nicked for aggravated trespass for demonstrating
inside the Iraqi Procurement Conference on Tuesday where big business
rubbed shoulders with top brass in Iraq to see if they could get
a piece of the occupation pie. The charge will be challenged by
the two on the grounds that the conference itself is unlawful
as it is based on Occupation Orders which have forced a free market
economy on the people of Iraq in violation of international law
- Next Friday (7) is the official launch and party for
Growing our Futures, from 4pm, an Education
for Sustainable Development project at Reading International Solidarity
Centre 0118 958 6692
- The Beyond TV Tour The Medicine Show is a
fusion of music, carnival performance, subversion, strange books,
anti-consumer merchandising and funny films happening 13th
May - Birmingham Custard Factory Theatre opp. Medicine Bar
(19) Bolton CattleMarket Pub 8pm (22) Glasgow Le
chateaux. If you can offer them any more dates in the north 016
1226 6814
- London Rising Tide will be holding An Exhibition of Resistance
to BP and Big Oil, London in June and are having a public
meeting next Saturday (8) to help plan events. Its happening
at the Tufnell Park occupied social centre, 156-158 Fortess Road
07969 786770
- 58 Albion St, in Glasgow will be opening for a month from Mayday
as a social space, with the aim of a permanent autonomous space
in the City
SchNEWS Fundraiser
Celebrate the arrival of spring with an anarchic mix of live
music, techno DJs and the RaggaDubDisco.
- Aliens In The Whitehouse - live and dirty drum n bass
- Crowzone - live dubby hip-hop punk
- Nikki and Shindig DJs - techno
- The RaggaDubDisco
Wednesday 5th May, 9.30-late.
At The Volks, Madeira Drive, Brighton.
...and finally...
Reckon youre a radical sort of person wholl do almost
anything to show off your disapproval of our oil dependant culture?
Well forget Critical Mass bike rides, its time to strip off for
the World Naked Bike Ride coming to a City near you on the 12th
June. This is sure to slow traffic down to a snails pace as drivers
strain their necks for a peek at your pecker.
Little is known about the first people to ride bicycles naked as
early fashions were extremely cumbersome and dangerous for the rider.
The latest fad started in Zaragoza in Spain three years ago with
the slogan Stop the dependence on oil! Down with the pollution!
Down with textile industry! - and of course, down with those pants.
When 250 took their kit off they decided to make it an international
event. So be as bare as you dare but remember a word
of warning from the website naked riders must take special
care to protect their vulnerable bodies while riding.
- Theres a Pedal Powered Music System workshop happening
on the 15-16th May in Wallingford, Oxfordshire. To book a place
call 01491 682106
SchNEWS warns all readers we have no dress code so if yer wanna
help distribute or put together the naked truth each week give us
a call or e-mail. Honest!
SchNEWS Annuals
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- SchNEWS Round
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- SchNEWS Annual
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and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001. 300 pages of adventures from
the direct action frontline. £3 inc p&p. You can order
the book from a bookshop or your library, quote the ISBN 09529748
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- SchNEWS Of
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In the UK you
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