Gentry Fried
Still, the bloodsports fraternity is not ready to give up its
leisure pursuits just yet. The CAs tactic has been to take
on a number of rural concerns, claiming to represent small farmers
and rural labourers, and presenting a simple them and us
scenario town versus country. Rural communities who
espouse country sports now face entrenched bias it laments.
Hence a populist uprising of the sort witnessed in Parliament last
week by a professional polo player friend of the royal family, a
rock stars son, and a stud farm owner who got a mate to open
the back door for them.
In fact the Alliance, bankrolled by many lords and large landowners,
is little more than a new name for the British Field Sports Society
along with two smaller pro-bloodsport organizations. So when they
claim the role of the underdog, the smell of manure really starts
to waft. The landed elite who tend support the CA enjoy massive
Government subsidy of their arable estates. According to ActionAids
Farmgate report: 80% of subsidies are swallowed up by 20% of the
richest farmers. Meanwhile the remaining majority are
being driven against the wall as they try to cope with inadequate
subsidies and farm gate prices lower than those of production.
As one country-dweller complained The CA draws in a lot of
otherwise sound-minded people as they see it as the only organisation
that cares about the appalling breakdown of life in rural communities,
with post offices closing, employment moving into the cities, and
the upper and middle classes pushing up the rent by using the countryside
as their holiday home. But in reality they only pay lip-service
to them, their main concern being the aristocracys ancient
right to ride roughshod, literally, over their lessers.
Some of the media have claimed that the Hunting Bill will be Blairs
Poll Tax. After last weeks ruckus outside Parliament, the
Daily Hate Mail usually right behind the boys in blue
this time asked why the police felt the need to employ the full
hooligan treatment. Er force of habit, perhaps?
I cant believe it happened - there was no reason for
it at all, one bemused Hunt Master Jukes complained at the
time. There was a bit of a surge and they only needed to say,
Steady on lads, but instead they started hitting everyone.
Another rural rampager agreed; Were farming people and
its like playing with a pal: they push and you push back.
But as one clever clog pointed out They are clearly not too
versed in the art of urban bloodsports, where if you push a policeman
your likely to get twatted around the head with a baton.
The bigger problem for the hunters is they know that the vast majority
of the British public want to see hunting banned, despite their
announcement that 59% say keep hunting, which was criticized
by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) as misleading. A separate
poll showed 76% of the population want hunting with dogs to be made
illegal with no criticism form the ASA.
Or as one tenant farmer complained I have lived and farmed
in the West Country for nearly 50 years, and along with probably
more than half of the working farmer population, especially tenant
farmers, have continually felt intimidated and pressurised by the
local hunt to allow them over my land. Their arrogance is unsettling
and reminds one of the old feudal system. They are a nuisance to
the countryside and their effect is a total irrelevance... Not only
does the hunt damage hedgerows and crops, but, with its uncontrolled
stampede of dogs, horses and huntsmen, it terrorises all forms of
wildlife over a considerable area.
- Hunts across the country have issued an open invitation to
the public to come and see for themselves what hunting is all
about, on a series of in National Newcomers and Free Hunting
Week from 4th - 11th October. More than 60 hunts in England
and Wales are holding special introductory days; for more information
please contact Nicky Driver, Hunting and the Community Officer
on 07879 666874. Feel free to drop in or give em a ring
to let them know how you feel.
Crap Arrest Of The Week
For being asleep...
Three squatters were rudely awoken by dozy cops who raided their
house and then declared they had uncovered a plot to disrupt next
weeks Labour conference. Anarchist leaflets and posters, including
one showing an axe through the head of the Prime Ministers head
were confiscated and three people arrested on suspicion of burglary.
One of those burglers was asleep. SchNEWS reckons that
people who break into houses to rob them, dont usually get
into bed and go asleep.
The Labour Party are in town and the bad, the ugly and the greenwashed,
are queuing up to pay the estimated £1500 cost of organising
a fringe meeting organised by think tank the Social Market Foundation.
In return the sponsors get a seat on the discussion panel.
SchNEWS highlights include Gambling, regeneration, and social
responsibility: can everyone be a winner? sponsored by Sun
International, a corporation that operates a number of casino resorts
in Southern Africa. Peter Byrne, its executive director, has a seat
on the discussion panel, but unfortunately they forgot to invite
anyone from anti-gambling organizations, or those involved in treating
gambling dependency.
Other highlights include Health minister John Hutton addressing
the question Can the private sector deliver public good for
the NHS?. While youre thinking about the answer to that
one, remember that the meeting is paid for by Capio, a Swedish Health
firm who recently received a £210 million contract from the
NHS. The corporations President will also be speaking at the meeting,
so we assume the answer is yes before it has even been
A meeting on Transport with transport secretary Alaistair Darling
is sponsored by train company Go Ahead Group. The housing minister
Keith Hill will be speaking at a meeting about housing the have
nots which is sponsored by the British Property Federation
representing the kindly developers who always have those
at the bottom rung of the property ladder at heart. While the Treasury
minister will talk about spiralling personal debt at a meeting sponsored
by the, er, Finance and Leasing Association whose members control
one third of consumer debt.
Also not to missed are meetings that feature Home Secretary David
Blunkett. Siemens Business Services, which is sponsoring an interesting
meeting called Who do we think we are? Identity diversity
and citizenship, is a specialist in identity card technologies
and could benefit hugely from the future introduction of a national
identity card scheme.
The plan is clear, those dirty little neo labour sluts will wallow
in corporate sponsored champagne and canape seductions, until the
greedhead perverts have their wicked way with them.
SchNEWS In Brief
- No Sweat will be talking about the campaign against sweatshop
labour at the Cowley Club, 12 London Rd, Brighton next Thursday
- Do you want help in preparing for action at the G8 summit
in Scotland? Train the Trainer style days are for people who
want to find ways to improve how we work together. Three events
happening in October in Hebden Bridge (8), Birmingham (11) and
Scotland. To book 0845 330 7583
- Two Kalahari Bushmen will be in London from 29 September
to 5 October to publicise the Botswana governments eviction
from their ancestral land in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve.
To find out about talks and demos call Survival International
020 7687 8734 or email
- Big Blether 4 is happening next weekend (1-3 October
) at Culdees, an embryonic community situated by Loch Tay in Perthshire.
Some of the issues they will be blethering about include G8 Summit,
Permaculture & Community Gardening Class Struggle and Faslane
Peace Camp
- Rising Tide have organised another Climate Change
Network Gathering on 1-2 October at the Sumac Centre, Nottingham.
Workshops include: Oil War and Climate Change, direct action training,
blocking airport expansion and eco-Housing 01865 241097
- The Refugee Project How British Foreign Policy
creates refugees. Meeting next Monday (27) Community Base,
Queens Road Brighton 7pm
- After four weeks of relentless picketing and campaigning, 240
sacked Wembley Stadium construction workers, have been
reinstated on full pay. New bosses Fast Track Site Services, had
demanded a 66 hour work week and tried to tear up national agreements.
- 100 IT workers in Swansea have been on strike for five weeks
over plans to privatise their jobs. The councils deputy
leader has accused their union of attempting to hijack public
services. Er, but isnt the council that wants
to privatise them? 5,000 staff across the Council are to be balloted
on whether to join the strike
- SchMovies and Indymedia @ the upstairs bar, Brixton Ritzy,
7pm Oct 5th, showing short indy films. Free/Donation 02077332229
Star Wars: Satellite of Hate
Our O-so-environmentally-conscious friends in the Bush administration
are asking for people to write in and say whether or not they think
the Star Wars plans sound environmentally friendly! It doesnt
take a rocket scientist to work out that the so-called Star
Wars programme - a series of lasers that would form a protective
shield, to shoot missiles out of the sky before they ever reached
American soil cant be that good for the planet. Concerned
global citizens are able to choose one of
three options by November 17th as part of the environmental impact
assessment PEIS: Alternative 1, missile defenses without space-based
weapons. Alternative 2, missile defenses with space-based weapons.
Alternative 3, no action. Erm, thats a hard one.
In a move Darth Vader would be proud of, they would also like to
develop a Nuclear Space Initiative, which would see
rockets powered by nuclear generators. Of course theyd only
be using nuclear generators to power their big rockets and wouldnt
think of using their nuclear capabilities in space to deny
other nations the use of space once they had control (even though
the US wrote that they could in the Space Commands Vision
for 2020).
If for some freak reason everybodys votes are ignored and
the one no-one wants gets chosen, ahem, loads more space junk would
also be created, making future space flight more difficult. Not
to mention all the toxic rocket exhaust pollution thats already
contaminating the Earth and punching a hole in the ozone layer,
which would definitely be on the increase.
Tony Blair as per usual will be acting the gimp for the Bush dominatrix
by allowing two of our military bases- Menwith Hill and Flyingdales
to be used to aid their Star Wars programme. However, US bases in
Britain will be used not for the defence of Britain, or even of
continental Europe, just for the good ole US of A!
If all of this makes you feel a bit like getting out your lightsaber
or joining the rebel alliance then maybe you should get your ass
down to Menwith or Fylingdales.
- Switch off Star Wars This Saturday (25) RAF
Flyingdales, Pickering, North Yorkshire. Part of Keep space
for peace
- 2004 Space Oddity - Sat 2 Oct at Menwith
Hill Spybase near Harrogate North Yorkshire 12 - 4 pm 01943 466405
Security Blunkett
Brighton is in the grip of the most high profile police operation
in its history with one thousand cops on duty in a £2.4 million
security operation. The police are using section 44 of the Terrorism
Act 2000 which means they can stop and search anyone in a specified
area - but you DO NOT have to give you name, address or date or
Meanwhile Ken Jones, Chief Constable of Sussex Police has said
that they dont mind protests - as long as they are ineffectual
and dont cause any disruption. Those who indulge in
apparently harmless stunts and disorderly demonstrations need to
know that such activities have the potential to divert and weaken
our defences and are against the law. Lawful protest will, of course,
be facilitated. Yeah, right.
Demonstrate Against Neo-Labour
Sunday (26) Gatecrash Labours Party. Non-Violent Direct
Action. Meet 1pm at War Memorial, Old Steine, Brighton. 07891 405923
Trade justice gathering, 1pm Brighton Beach
Wednesday (29) Warmonger out of Brighton. Assemble
at the Peace Statue on Brighton/Hove seafront 12 noon
Free Lunch
The Countryside Alliance are having tea and biscuits at The Old
Ship Hotel on Kings Road, Brighton next Tuesday (28th) AT
12.30pm. Gatecrashers welcome. (Shut the gate after you, please.)
If you fancy a free tipple and a quick snack, drop into the Foreign
Polcy Centres Stability and Democracy in Iraq
shindig at The Best Western Hotel, 143 Kings Road, Brighton,
on Monday 27th at 12.30pm
The British Association of Shooting and Conservation (does that
involve gunning down property developers?) are having a little soiree
on the Kings Terrace, at the Grand Hotel on Brighton seafront
at 6pm, Monday 27th. Lets pop down and give em it with both
After this little lot you should be well fed, tanked up and on
the hunt for some just desserts
...and finally...
Fancy a cuppa? Taiwanese people are being told to drink less tea
to pay for a huge arms deal with the USA costing US$18 billion (S$30.4
billion). The Defense Ministry has put together a leaflet urging
millions of Taiwanese to drink less of their traditional pearl tea,
so they can put the money towards the military hardware instead!
The pamphlet shows a cartoon boy holding a giant plastic cup of
tea next to photographs of a submarine, Patriot anti-missile sytems
and submarine-hunting aircraft.
We can buy top-notch equipment to protect our country (if)
everyone drinks one less pearl milk tea every week, the ministry
said. Opposition parties have vowed to block the defense budget,
saying the money should be spent on education and welfare.
Its very sad that we have to use the milk tea analogy
to seek support for the arms purchase, Defence Minister Lee
Jye told Parliament.
But we hope to use the simplest terms to tell people that
the arms budget is not too big, he added. Try telling that
to the 26% of Taiwanese who live below the poverty line.
SchNEWS warns all pinko commies...were not yellow coz
were gonna paint the town red, and the boys in blue aint
gonna stop us. Honest!
SchNEWS Annuals
2003 - £8 + £2.00 p&p
- SchNEWS Round
issues 51 - 100 Sold out - Sorry
- SchNEWS Annual
issues 101 - 150 and a whole lot more £2.00 inc. postage
- SchNEWS Survival
Guide issues 151 - 200 and a whole lot more £2.00 inc. postage
- The SchQUALL
book Sold out - Sorry
and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001. 300 pages of adventures from
the direct action frontline. £3 inc p&p. You can order
the book from a bookshop or your library, quote the ISBN 09529748
4 3.
- SchNEWS Of
The World issues 301 - 350. 300
more pages of adventures from the direct action frontline. £5
+ £1.50 p&p. You can order the book from a bookshop
or your library, quote the ISBN 09529748 6X
In the UK you
can get SchNEWS Annual, Survival Handbook, Yearbook 2001 and SchNEWS
of the World for just £15 inc p&p.
(US Postage
£6.00 for individual books, £13 for above offer).
In addition to
50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains articles, photos, cartoons,
subverts, a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc.
to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues)
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