This Time Last Year
451, 30th April, 2004
BANKERS' CRAMP! SchNEWS takes a look at the European Investment
Bank and finds plenty of skeletons in its closet. Also anti-fascist
news, positive SchNEWS, and more...
450, 23rd April, 2004
IT'S A BIG 'UN! May Day comes around again, with nation-wide
action expected despite May Day being "banned" by the corporate
media. SchNEWS also looks at the relationship between big business and
the EU. Also fleecing Iraq, more on May Day, and all the usual.
449, 16th April, 2004
WUD'JA FALLUJA IT? As bombs fly into Falluja, few accurate reports
are coming out on the corporate media - SchNEWS investigates and offers
alternatives. Also squat updates, Coca-Cola update, NHS telly hell,
and more...
448, 2nd April, 2004
GACK ATTACK SchNEWS looks at the evils of the food industry and
food advertising, as well as some alternatives to unsustainable fast-
and junk-food industries. Also poll boycott in Indonesia, anti-GM victory,
protest camp updates and more...
447, 26th March, 2004
CROAKER COLA We discover that not only is Coke's fancy bottled
water is just filtered tap water but that it's got cancer causing chemicals
in it too! If that weren't enough, they'er killing trade unionists in
Columbia and stealing villiagers water in India too... Also South African
repression, protest camp update and more...
446, 19th March, 2004
TOTAL PAZ TAKE Bombings in Madrid from a perspective not seen
in the corporate media - mass murder siezed upon to remove civil liberties
and continue the so called "war on terror". Also Coca Killer,
Catakiller, animal killers, "I'm no killer" and more...
445, 12th March, 2004
MAIZE OF LIES Neo Labour gives the go-ahead for the UK's first
GM crop - ScNEWS says (again) GM ain't all it's cracked up to be. Also
Aldermaston march, SHAC, first Indymedia Regional Meeting, SchNEWS Tour
and more...
444, 5th March, 2004
MINER SURGERY SchNEWS looks back at the struggle between striking
miners and Thatcher's government. Also US involvement in Haiti, camp
updates, Bayer update, anti-terrorism case thrown out, and more...
443, 27th February, 2004
PENTA-GONER A Pentagon think-tank recently issued a report describing
climate change as an urgent "national security threat" - whilst
Bush and his cronies continue to try and deny it all. Also racist cops
cause trouble for Sydney aboriginals, Fortress Road Social Centre still
under threat of eviction, fairtrade and more...
442, 20th February, 2004
SHOP 'TIL THEY DROP Chinese cockle pickers died because they
are at the bottom of the food production chain. We look at how the big
supermarkets exploit imigrant workers and then everyone else. Also Bayer's
anti protest injunction, Thessaloniki arestees charged dropped and more..
441, 13th February, 2004
SPELLBOUND Road protest camps, the 'Harry Potter ruling' and
more... Also: alternative community centre, Birmingham Northern Relief
Road, direct action and shoddy journalism in Dublin, clampdown in Argentina,
and more...
440, 6th February, 2004
DUSTING DOWNER More on Depleted Uranium weapons in Iraq and the
movement against their usage and in aid of their victims. Also: forced
evictions in Chiapas, Mexico, Sydney Opera House "redecoration"
case, WHISC worldwide (the School of the Americas), camp updates, and
439, 30th January, 2004
PRIMATE CHANGE Cambridge University finally abandons controversial
plans for a primate vivisection lab. Also: Chelmsford travellers evicted,
Costain tree-felling, Trident sub trials, Old Kent Road Asda, and more...
438, 23rd January, 2004
BOMBAY MIX The fourth World Social Forum, held in Mumbai, India,
examines the real impact of Globalisation, and also offers an
international alliance to battle the multinationals. Also: crap
jobs, FSB harassment of Russian activists, Monsanto rapeseed case rapes
farmer's living, seed swap, free Vanunu campaign and more...
437, 16th January, 2004
FLAW AND DISORDER The proposed Civil Contingencies Bill, Neo-Labour
wet dream come true, would further erode civil rights in Britain. Also:
travellers fighting eviction in Coventry, Nine Ladies anti-quarry camp
in the Peak District, finger-printing Americans in Brazil, and more...
436, 9th January, 2004
UP THE INJUNCTION Bayer wins an injunction severely limiting
the rights of anti-GM protesters. SchNEWS takes a look at Bayer's legal
history. Also: "strategy of tension" steps up in Italy?, IDF
sniper arrested for murder of ISM volunteer, and all the usual...
435, 19th December, 2003
FUEL BE SORRY Bigger airports, failed Climate Change summit,
no plans for tax on flying, stinking carbon sinks and more all add up
to a bright future sun cream sales in Scotland. Shame about the 120,000
deaths a year. Also US repression of Iraqi trade unions, tidal electricity
and festive cheer...
| Friday
7th May 2004 |
Issue 452
Born to be Filed | Families
Tied | Crap Arrest of the Week | The
SchNEWS At Ten Tour | SchNEWS
In Brief | Terror Briefs | Inside
SchNEWS | ...and finally...
Ultimately, a computer cannot go round to a house and
help a child who is distressed or in danger. Only a human being
can do that. Rather than wasting money on computer systems that
are likely to make matters worse, all our available resources should
be going towards solving the staffing crisis in social work.
Action on Rights for Children in Education.
A couple of months ago the government published the Childrens
Bill, which is supposed to protect children from abuse. But rather
than putting more money into social services so that social workers
are not overstretched and understaffed it will create an Orwellian
database of every child in the country (11 million people) which
will do little to protect children at risk from harm. Now call us
paranoid, but isnt a vast database another step towards a
total surveillance society where your every move is traced and if
you dont conform to a defined set of behaviours then you are
labeled subversive or anti-social?
In typical Neo-Labour control freak style, it seems that they dont
trust parents to look after their own children and think that social
workers are incapable of protecting children. They think that rather
than giving people with problems the support they need and funding
decent social services they can protect children with a massive
unwieldy database.
Currently information on any child that is at risk of suffering
abuse or neglect should be shared between agencies. This is designed
to give social services a picture of children who suffer or could
suffer harm. But the new database will go a whole lot further. Every
single child will have their details recorded! These intrusive virtual
ID cards allow any concern from a professional involved with children
to be entered on the database without redress. Examples of concerns
are things such as low birth weight, being miserable at school,
poor exam results, or family problems such as addiction or poor
living conditions. But rather than try to address these problems
directly, the main thrust of the database is to collect information,
if any child has two concerns flagged up on the database then they
will be further investigated.
The problem with this approach is that it may in fact deter people
from seeking help. If children and parents know that every time
they ask for help, they risk attracting unwanted attention and having
their privacy invaded, it is likely that they will keep their problems
to themselves until they simply cannot cope, rather than seeking
advice at an early stage. Parents may need help with depression
or stress related drinking, or a child may need help with a drug
problem or pregnancy, but what they really need is access to decent
facilities and support rather than being entered on a database as
being labeled as a problem. The flagging up of a vast
number of concerns on a database will increase workloads for caseworkers,
trying to trawl through a whole load of issues that have nothing
to do with child abuse but everything to do with living under poor
social conditions. Indeed the RYOGENS (Risk of Youth Offending Generic
Solution) database used to target potential young offenders, includes
things such as Frequently moving house, Missed
medical appointment and Living in high crime area.
It also has the Orwellian catch-all of Involvement in crime/antisocial
behaviour or Denies involvement in crime/antisocial
Families Tied
No doubt this database will be outsourced to some wonderful private
company who will make a lot of money, while making a complete mess
up of the database. Like when C(r)apita were given the contract
to run the Criminal Records Bureau which resulted in kids being
turned away from school at the start of the 2002/2003 school year
because they hadnt got round to checking the records of the
teachers (SchNEWS 371). They also got their greasy mitts on the
Connexions scheme which re-mixes child support services into a one-stop
shop service to set you on the career treadmill, sorry ladder.
Another unsavoury company involved in child protection
is SERCO, who are into prisoner tagging, monitoring and building
young offenders institutions, and who also make money out of managing
places like the Aldermarston Atomic Weapons Establishment and the
Fylingdales Spy Base. This company has also been involved in running
all of Islingtons Schools and was fined £300,000 for
failing to reach their own performance targets (SchNEWS 324).
The Government and their private partners have a pretty poor record
of running new computer systems like the Child Support Agency, Passports
and Tax Credits. An audit of the Mets Police National Computer
files in 2000 showed that 85% of files contained errors, four-fifths
of which were considered serious.
And while you might be able to see what is written about you on
all official databases and correct mistakes, with the new childrens
database parents and children wont have any access to their
own files. But there are a huge number of professionals
who can access the database: including local councils, police, health
workers, prison services, teachers, and anyone else who the Secretary
of State arranges to provide, secure or participate in the
provision of services. Now with such a vast number of people
accessing the database, except those affected by them, the possibility
for people misusing the database to target children is worrying.
Rowan, a seventeen year old commented No security system for
databases of this sort is infallible and once information is breached
it can spread And Action Rights for Children say What
would social services think of a parent who published their childrens
names and addresses on the Internet? [The government] are putting
all our children in danger and increasing the problems of those
children who are already at risk of harm.
Lets face it, another massive database wont be able
to offer any protection to children. Just because a family lives
in a high crime area, has a family member with an addiction or mental
health problem or doesnt somehow fit in to a professionals
perceived correct behaviour doesnt mean that a child is any
more likely to be abused than someone from a nice respectable nuclear
More information on the Childrens Bill from ARCH-ED:
Crap Arrest of the Week
For drawing cartoons!
A 15 year old school boy from Seattle was recently nicked, and then
questioned by the Secret Service, after his art teacher found him
drawing cartoons depicting Bush as the devil firing missiles at
all and sundry. Another picture showed, rather ironically, The Bill
of Rights and the Constitution in flames which is fair enough
if you ask us. After the boy was released the Secret Service confiscated
all the pictures to which the boy said theyre blowing
this way out of proportion.
The SchNEWS At Ten Tour
The SchNEWS Tour ended last Saturday in Ipswich after a storming
three week lap around Britain stopping off at twenty one towns,
cities and protest camps along the way. A big thank you to everyone
along the way who organised the shows, put us up, fed us, and to
everyone who came to the gigs.
The tour was a big learning curve for us as the format and content
of the show evolved, (sorry for some early chaotic gigs,) and we
had to get our heads around the sheer diversity of activity all
around Britain. So while we visited a few well known social centres
and housing co-ops, we also had pleasant surprises in places outside
the usual activist networks. On one hand you had established centres
like the Sumac Centre in Nottingham, Kebele in Bristol, and LARC
in Lancaster; on the other it was exciting to check out lesser known
ones like the Greenhouse in Bolton and the 11A in Gloucester. And
what we saw was just the tip of an iceberg of activity in Britain.
The format settled at one hour of SchLIVE newsreading and films,
followed by a run-through of the history and production process
of SchNEWS. Then, for the second half the floor was opened to any
local group and a general discussion. These ranged from discussion
on how to tackle specific issues to some pretty off the wall political
meanderings. While the Dissent! network and the build-up to the
G8 in Britain came up, we mostly focused on regional issues. Groups
who spoke ranged from hunt sabs to road protest camps, social centres
and newsletters to community allotments. There is just so much going
on. One notable issue which came up in place after place was the
rise of the far-right and the BNP.
- To all those we met on the way: keep in contact and we will
feed more of your stuff into future issues of SchNEWS.
- See you at Strawberry Fair, Glastonbury, and other festivals.
SchNEWS In Brief
- This weekends Cannabis festival in London has been
postponed due to the grass being wet (geddit?). New date is 5th
June - which is unfortunately also the date for Cambridges
Strawberry Fair!
- Listen to the Refugees Story: How UK Foreign Investment
Creates Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Talk next Thursday (13)
6pm at the Cowley Club, 12 London Rd., Brighton
- Everything you ever wanted to ask about lethal Tetra Masts
(telecoms masts that use microwaves) but couldnt find the
right person to ask? Well get along to a public meeting at the
City Gate centre (above Blockbusters), in London Road, Brighton
on May 14 starting at 7.30pm.
- This Sunday (9) Cambridge Indymedia will be showing Genoa
Red Zone in the back room of the Locomotive on Mill
- Next Saturday (15) there will be demonstrations at Nestle
sites around the UK noon with the main one at their HQ in Croydon.
Baby Milk Action is still finding leaflets and advertisements
from Vietnam, Egypt and South Africa, which violate the Code of
Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes 01223 464420
- Kyoto march, to protest against climate change also happening
next Saturday (15). Either join the march from ExxonMobil (Esso)
HQ in Leatherhead, or at the US embassy 0208 8553327
- Theres a one day Conference Fight Temporary Work
happening on 22nd May in Bristol, for those engaged in fighting
casualisation to discuss strategies and build alliances. If youre
interested in going then email:
They are also organising a National Picket of Employment Agencies
from 17-21st May.The multinational Benetton owns massive
amounts of land in Patagonia, Argentina, and seems to want
more. This Friday (7) Benetton will be in court against some indigenous
inhabitants (the Mapuches) who object to being evicted from their
own land
- Tesco is doing a trial of bio diesel called Global Diesel
at selected filling stations. Their biodiesel costs next
to nothing to produce, but costs more than ordinary diesel and
even unleaded petrol! Perhaps the price has been hiked up so the
idea falls flat on its face and keep the oil companies happy.
- Disney is blocking the release of Michael Moores
new film, because it might jeopardise tax breaks that they get
from Jeb Bush, in Florida.
- Subversive Sussex walks rebellions, squatting,
sabotage and smuggling, May 8th, 15th, 19th and 22nd , 1:30pm
Old Ship Hotel, Brighton seafront.
Terror Briefs
- Ten people detained under the terrorism act for supposedly plotting
to attack a Manchester United game were released without
charge after no evidence against them was found. Tickets found
in some homes were old and kept just for souvenirs! It seems likely
that they were just fanatical fans
- Meanwhile in Macedonia the government has admitted that
it gunned down seven innocent Pakistani immigrants, claiming they
were terrorists, to show they were participating in the US-led
war on terror. Six people have now been charged with murder
- Meeting this Saturday (8) Chechnya and the War on Terror
10.45 am at the French Institute, 17 Queensberry Place (South
Kensington tube) 07984 178 1993
- Colombian oilworkers on strike over pay and the threat
of privatisation have been told they face the use of anti-terrorism
laws. The strike which has been declared illegal by the Government
(although selling off the countries oil industry to corporations
that will plunder Colombias natural resources is fine) has
led to the arrest of 17 strike leaders and the threat of military
force to bust the strike.
- Last Thursday in El Salvador, 50 demonstrators wearing
ski masks burst into the main cathedral to protest against the
decision of their president not to withdraw troops from Iraq.
The soldiers will have to wait till August to come back home.
Police initially used tear gas and clubs to clear away dozens
of protesters left outside the Church. Many protesters were injured
and the police detained three people.
- The Fairford Five have been told by the judge in their
case that they cannot challenge the legality of the war in Iraq
as part of their defence. The five will now appeal against the
judges decision. Margaret Jones hopes that a jury
will recognise the spirit in which we undertook our action - that
they will understand our arguments about lawful excuse.
An action normally considered a crime can be justified when you
are trying to prevent a worse crime taking place.
Inside SchNEWS
Slick is an anti-fascist who took part in the October
1993 demonstration against the British National Party offices in
Welling, London. The police aggressively defended the BNP, and fighting
broke out between anti-fascists and cops. Slick was sentenced to
5 years for this, but disappeared until he was recently arrested
and is now inside and would welcome letters of support. Write to
him at C.Varkki JR9335, HMP Elmlea, Church Rd, Eastchurch, Shearness,
Kent, ME 12 4 AY
Kerry Whitburn has been sentenced to 4 months in prison in connection
with actions against Newchurch Farm where guinea pigs are bred for
vivisection. Send letters of support to Kerry Whitburn LC7479, HMP
Nottingham, Perry Road Sherwood, Notts NG5 3AG
...and finally...
The Irish Government held a big party for their 10 new friends
and everyone was invited
except us.
This years mayday demonstrations in Dublin were marred by the presence
of a hooligan element intent on rumour mongering and provoking violence.
Corporate journalists and the police united in a staggering display
of grandiose lying, wild exaggerations and brute force.
A regular diet of outrageous media claims about the anarchists
in general and the Wombles in particular laid the ground for increasingly
paranoid police measures, culminating in the Republics
first use of Water Cannons and fully clad riot cops.
The Sun warned of an email they received from a group called an@rky
who threatened to kill up to 10,000 people including Bertie Ahern
(Irish PM) and the 24 EU Prime Ministers who were in town in a gas
attack. They conveniently warned people to stay away from Farmleigh
House where the EU summit was held. They also helpfully went to
quite a lot of trouble describing exactly what kind of gas and techniques
they would use.
What wasnt explained is how they planned to get 250 litres
of battery acid into Farmleigh, and why they sent their warning
to the Sun
Also not explained is the origin of the e-mail,
which the police took so seriously but couldnt trace, and
why would an anarchist group want everyone to stay away from the
protest? The Sun went on to predict that the anarchists would turn
Dublin into Basra on Saturdays demo at the EU
conference centre. Dublin was declared a no-go zone
for American tourists as the army patrolled the streets.
In the centre of this frenzied attention, a coalition of anti-EU
activists raised a bit of noise in celebration of an alternative
society. Dublins biggest ever Critical Mass on Friday saw
a 500 strong block of cyclists reclaim the streets for a few hours.
Saturday was the big day, with about 4,000 people coming together
to march on the EU delegates in Phoenix Park. Coming to a wall of
police, the anarcho block linked arms in rows and huffed and puffed
till the pigs fell down. Some people rushed through at this point,
only to meet another wall of riot cops and, making its debut,
a big motherfuckin water cannon truck.
A slow, soaked but dignified withdrawal to the city centre began,
thus ending one of the most dramatic days in recent protest history
in Eire. An RTS passed off peacefully with 3 sound systems on Monday.
29 were arrested on Saturday, with 3 UK nationals getting nicked
and remanded for a week. Meanwhile, the Irish Minister for Defence
congratulated the police and army on their operation, saying It
augurs very well for the capacity of our security services to deal
with whatever lies ahead in this area
Expecting trouble, then? More info on
- There has been a bust fund set up to help pay fines etc.
for people who got nicked. Cheques payable to ABC
can be sent to BM Automatic, London WC1N 3XX
SchNEWS warns all readers children should not be herded into
a database, to be seen by their betters... Honest!
SchNEWS Annuals
2003 - £8 + £2.00 p&p
- SchNEWS Round
issues 51 - 100 Sold out - Sorry
- SchNEWS Annual
issues 101 - 150 Sold out - Sorry
- SchNEWS Survival
Guide issues 151 - 200 and a whole lot more £2.00 inc. postage
- The SchQUALL
book at only £7 + £1.50 p&p.
and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001. 300 pages of adventures from
the direct action frontline. £3 inc p&p. You can order
the book from a bookshop or your library, quote the ISBN 09529748
4 3.
- SchNEWS Of
The World issues 301 - 350. 300
more pages of adventures from the direct action frontline. £5
+ £1.50 p&p. You can order the book from a bookshop
or your library, quote the ISBN 09529748 6X
In the UK you
can get SchNEWS Annual, Survival Handbook, Yearbook 2001 and SchNEWS
of the World for just £15 inc p&p.
(US Postage
£6.00 for individual books, £13 for above offer).
In addition to
50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains articles, photos, cartoons,
subverts, a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc.
to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues)
or donations (payable to Justice?). Or £15 for a year's subscription,
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SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 0EF, England
Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1273 685913
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