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477, 10th December, 2004 SchNEWS
476, 3rd December, 2004 SchNEWS
475, 25th November, 2004 SchNEWS
474, 19th November, 2004 SchNEWS
473, 12th November, 2004 SchNEWS
472, 5th November, 2004 SchNEWS
471, 29th October, 2004 SchNEWS
470, 22nd October, 2004 SchNEWS
469, 15th October, 2004 SchNEWS
468, 8th October, 2004 SchNEWS
467, 24th September, 2004 SchNEWS
466, 3rd September, 2004 SchNEWS
465, 20th August, 2004 SchNEWS
464, 5th August, 2004 SchNEWS
463, 23rd July, 2004 SchNEWS
462, 9th July, 2004 SchNEWS
461, SchNEWS
459/460, 18th June, 2004 SchNEWS
458, 11th June, 2004 |
CRAP ARREST OF THE WEEKGirl, 10, Cuffed for Scissors in School Anyone can be a terrorist or murderer these days you know. Even a ten year old school girl. At an elementary school in Philadelphia, a girl was cuffed then taken to a police station. The reason? A pair of scissors were discovered in her school bag, breaking the schools strict no weapons policy. The cops decided as she hadnt threatened anyone with the 8-inch blades she had not committed a crime and let her go but shes still waiting to hear whether shell be expelled to a special disciplinary school. The girl, reported to have cried and cried with no idea what she did wrong DEPORT BLUNKETTMore Christmas cheer for asylum seekers - the Home Office has chosen
Manchester, Leeds, Bradford and North London (where there are around
600 asylum seekers facing deportation) to turn unremovable asylum
seekers into legal slaves. An unremovable asylum seeker is someone
who cant be deported because of circumstances beyond their
control such as being stateless, ill or their country is too dangerous
to return to. The government thinks these bogus layabouts are having
an easy ride here, sponging two thirds of what has been calculated
as the minimum needed to live on, and decided that they must do
compulsory unpaid community work in return for the generous accommodation
and benefits they receive. If they do not obey they will face destitution.
Sound humane so far? Late additions to the legislation allow the home secretary to decide
whether performance of community work merits hard case support
(which mainly consists of otherwise unletable accommodation). So
if youve fled war, rape, torture or just a bit of light starvation,
you might be left homeless if you cant clean our streets properly! Local authorities, trade unions and the voluntary sector are being
strongly encouraged by the Home Office to express interest
in running these schemes. They will be paid for providing compulsory
work (usually a punishment reserved for convicted criminals) for
failed asylum seekers. The asylum seekers will not be paid for the
work they will be forced to do. The ever benevolent great leader and his third reich, sorry, third
way warriors have also wisely decided to look after the children
of failed asylum seekers, presumably because theyll be either
at work or homeless. Since December 1st, local authorities have
been told to take into care children of failed asylum
seekers who do not agree to leave the UK voluntarily. Heartwarming
Christmas stuff from that family loving, caring, sharing, Christian
values duo, Tony blind Blair and David good riddance
Blunkett. www.noii.org.uk * You Are Being Lied To About Asylum Seekers is an
excellent leaflet pointing out the truths behind the lies that the
media & government feed the public about asylum seekers. If
you would like to order copies to distribute contact: BCM Box 7750,
London WC1N 3XX or email youarebeingliedto@lycos.com * Yesterday, law lords ruled that locking up foreigners without
trial under anti-terror legislation breaks European human rights
powers. A Home Office spokeswoman said it was now a matter for parliament
to decide whether detention without trial continues. www.news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4100481.stm Positive SchNEWSTired of slappin on the nicotine patches every January? Well why not make your New Years resolution to design and build your own eco house? The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) are offering lots of inspiring residential courses. All courses include accommodation and meals at CAT where you can explore Europes leading eco centre. To check out and book your place on courses like windpower, solar water heating, self build, organic gardening and blacksmithing tel. 01654 705981 courses@cat.org.uk EDO-NISMSix anti-arms trade activists were fined £1,500 between them this week at Brighton magistrates. Five more are up on trial in Janurary for the same action at the EDO arms company last may. Smash EDO! are having an xmas noise party at the company gates next Thursday (23rd) at 4pm. Phone 07891 405923 or have a look at www.smashedo.bpec.org Inside SchNEWSAnti-water privatisation activist Matthews Ndlovu has been sentenced
to two years in prison or pay a R25000 (£2,300) fine. The
Gauteng Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF) has appealed for funds to
secure his release. In September 2003, residents of Phiri, Soweto, South Africa supported
by the APF, resisted the installation of pre-paid water meters in
the township by destroying the infrastructure that had been laid
to allow these meters to be installed. During this resistance, a
number of activists, including Matthews, were arrested. More and
more, Capitalist South Africa is failing to deliver. What were in
1994 considered to be basic rights now need to be earned.
The State call this blackmail good citizenship
do what we tell you and all will be fine. In the spirit of the initial
optimism of the dawn of the Rainbow Nation ten years
ago, Matthews and his comrades are openly defying the commodification
of lifes basics. The State are keen to crush this quickly
and quietly so an international show of solidarity, such as coming
up with his bail money, would sweat some brows in the South African
corridors of power. Matthews is only £2,300 away from escaping a 2 years in prison,
and we in the rich world have a real chance to help. If a dozen
squats/social centres/bands do a benefit each, this guy could be
walking free. Donation details are on www.sa.indymedia.org More information on the struggle against privatization and Matthews progress can be found at www.apf.org.za GOOD RIDDANCEBefore he resigned (wahey!) David Blunkett finally admitted that
the dangerous armed anarchists who were searched by
police under anti-terror legislation at RAF Fairford, last year
were not armed with cugels and swords but with a kite. The idea that peace demonstrators had arrived at a demo tooled-up
with cudgels and swords seemed ridiculous to everyone except Blunkett
and the police. Asked how many times stop and search powers were used by police in the vicinity of Fairford during, Blunkett replied that 2,254 stop-searches had been conducted. Asked whether swords were found, Blunkett replied that a range of items had been seized. Contrary to my understanding at the time, I now understand that these did not include swords. www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2004/12/302807.html NANONSENSENanotechnology is the science of building stuff atom by atom. Sounds
useful, but like all technology what it gets used for depends on
who has the money to fund it. Given the way that every other technological
advance gets used for profit and power, its not surprising
that there are already groups protesting against this new technology.
One Nanotech conference has already been disrupted by a group of
angels (the taking direct action kind rather than dancing on the
head of a pin kind) who presented representatives of nanotech industries
with a Can of Worms award. Over in France protestors
occupied the construction site for the - Minatec Nanotech centre
- set to be the largest centre for Nanotechnologies in Europe Others at ETC group have written an alarming report about how unlabelled nanotech is already finding its way into food. Down on the Farm: The Impact of Nano-Scale Technologies on Food and Agriculture Check it out at www.etcgroup.org www.angelsagainstnanotech.blogspot.com SchNEWS in brief
...and finally...You might think that spending $10 billion a year might get you
some results. Not if youre the US military! The first trial
of the Son of Star Wars missile defence system has failed.
The interceptor missile apparently failed to take off due to an
unknown anomaly. The record of the missile defence system
is pretty poor - only five out of eight target missiles have been
successfully intercepted in previous trials. This recent one had
to be postponed four times because of bad weather, and on one occasion
had to be stopped because of a radio transmitter failure. George W Bush had wanted to see the system up and running by the
end of this year but he probably wont get to see the system
running in his presidency. SchNEWS reckons that if the system does ever get the go-ahead then the US military will be praying no-one launches a missile at the US in bad weather and has phoned up in advance to make sure all their radio transmitters are working. Then theyll have roughly 50% chance of shooting it down. Disclaimer OUT NOW!!! 'SCHNEWS AT TEN' - A Decade of Party & Protest- £9 inc p&p
In the UK you can get SchNEWS Annual, Survival Handbook, Yearbook 2001 and SchNEWS of the World for just £15 inc p&p. (US Postage
£6.00 for individual books, £13 for above offer). Subscribe to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues) or donations (payable to Justice?). Or £15 for a year's subscription, or the SchNEWS supporter's rate, £1 a week. Ask for "originals" if you plan to copy and distribute. SchNEWS is post-free to prisoners. |
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