| Friday 1st
2006 | Issue 571
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Links: Get
Me Out Of Here | Crap Arrest Of The Week
| Pouring On Carmel Source | Calderon
Stirred | Norway To Behave? | Fuming
Mad | Party & Protest | Positive
SchNEWS | Geek Chic | SchNEWS
Birthday Party | ...and finally...
As predicted, the top finally blew off the pressure cooker at
Harmondsworth Detention Centre this week. Riot screws had to be
bussed in from across the South-East to quell the prison uprising.
It all kicked off when prison guards tried to turn off a news programme
detailing a report on the terrible treatment and conditions there
at Harmondsworth. Chief of the Inspectorate (HMIP) Anne Owers
damning report concluded the centre was not performing satisfactorily
against any of the Inspectorates tests of a healthy
custodial environment, that poor relationships between custody
officers and detainees were worse than had been seen at any
other detention centre and it was, Undoubtedly the poorest
report of any detention centre issued by HMIP to date.
Reaction to the prison guards attempt at censorship snowballed
and it took the Home Office 18 hours to restore control.
As the central bastion of the governments racist immigration
policy, Harmondsworth is run by profit-hungry private firm Kalyx.
The company, despite claiming they provide nationally recognised
standards of service, delivered by high calibre staff, have
the unenviable prestige of the being responsible for the worst detention
centre in the country. There have been constant complaints about
treatment and a number of hunger strikes and suicides since in was
opened in 2001.
It was actually temporarily closed after two took their own lives
in July 2004, the initally peaceful response to which culminatated
in a riot and extensive fire damage. Still, the authorities knew
how to handle the problem - all those involved in the peaceful protest
were moved to secure cells (solitary confinement) and
anyone suspected of being an organiser shipped off to other centres.
Despite exhaustive re branding,changing from Burns International
(they knew that name had to go!), to United Kingdom Detention Services,
to now Kalyx (a subsidiary of French group Sodexho see SchNEWS
545), the prison profiteers carried on as normal. Ill-treatment
of the de-humanised inmates, bullying and abuse by staff have remained
standard operating procedure. In 2005, fifty Zimbabwean detainees
had to resort to hunger striking to improve conditions and more
people have been pushed to the point of no return, such as Bereket
Yohannes, a 26-year-old from Eritrea who was found hanged in January
this year.
Partly because of the fire damage, all the inmates will now be
moved off to other barely-any-better centres (see SchNEWS
538) and perhaps this time Harmondsworth will finally be shut
for good. Whilst this would be welcome, ironically the people who
would really relish this eventuality would be the British Airport
Authority who would just love to see it cleared so they can build
a proposed third runway at Heathrow. As ever with national immigration
policy, it could be a lose-lose situation.
* For more info see www.noborder.org
and www.ncadc.org.uk
Mass Demonstration
at Harmondsworth and Colnbrook
This Sunday, 3rd December, Assemble 12 noon at the detention
centres - Colnbrook by Pass, Harmondsworth, West Drayton,
* The Home Office to be Prosecuted for Recklessly Endangering
* Full Public Inquiry into Home Office Repeated Failure to
Act on HMIP Reports
* Immediate Closure of all Immigration Removal Centres
Called by Barbed Wire Britain, and for further details contact
George Mwangi on tel: 07947 794945 Email: georgemwas@yahoo.com
Arrest Of The Week
For winging it...
Bird-brained cops failed to keep their peckers up when attempting
to arrest a couple of runaway avian citizens in Germany.
One lawman had his trousers ripped off when attempting to bring
down an anti-social emu which was pestering passers-by at a park
(well, that was his story anyway!) and the next day a a three foot
red and green parrot (not hooded, apparently) ripped the arm off
a policemans jacket when he tried to grab it after it was
spotted screeching at hikers in a southwestern forest.
Police found a secure nest for them while they searched for the
owners. Apparently the feathered convicts thought about hatching
an escape plan, but have now decided to take their chances up in
front of the beak instead...
On Carmel Source
Six people completely blockaded all entrances to Carmel Agrexcos
main UK distribution depot in Hayes, North-West London last Sunday.
Carmel are an exporter of fruit and veg and are 50% owned by the
state of Israel. The company exports goods produced on illegally
occupied Palestinian land. Israeli settlers, backed by military
force, have plundered land and water resources, whilst Palestinian
exports are routinely stopped on grounds of security.
The UK is Israels largest importer of fresh produce, taking
in 60% of its total exports. Every major supermarket stocks their
In the early hours, protesters erected a pen with two people d-locked
inside, in front of the largest gate. Two others locked themselves
on to the second gate and two more plucky souls locked on to a traffic
barrier inside the property. All this happened before Carmels
dozy security guards could lift their knuckles off the ground!
Unfortunately shortly after everyone got settled in it began to
tip it down, but this didnt dampen the spirits of the otherwise
damp protesters. Protesters and supporters shivered in the cold.
The cops helpfully told those locked-on they were likely to get
struck by lightening in a laughable attempt to scare them into leaving.
Throughout the day lorries satisfyingly queued outside the gates
and employees had to climb a ladder to get into the depot, obviously
finding it easier to scale than the separation wall in Gaza...
Despite the disruption Carmels management were reluctant
to press charges, scared of having their dirty laundry aired in
court, leaving the police struggling to justify their presence.
Arriving on the scene just too late, a couple of van loads of police
cutting teams appeared just as the blockaders had decided to unlock.
The cops threatened to nick the about-to-unlock blockaders, but
hadnt quite decided what for. They eventually settled on public
nuisance with an outside possibility of aggravated trespass
and confiscated the protesters banner (to prevent criminal
damage to the fence). However, without anyone pressing charges
there was little outlet for their arrest-crazed paws and everyone
walked away scot-free.
The Met, clearly frustrated by not being able to nick anyone at
the protest, then stopped a van they suspected as being linked to
the demo. Finding a minor problem with the number of seats in the
van they told the driver that she would be breaking the law if she
drove any further. Luckily for the rain-soaked anarchos a sympathetic
driver was found to get people home.
For more info on profiting from the Palestinian occupation and
news of actions see www.waronwant.org/?lid=12671
and www.palsolidarity.org
The situation in Mexico remains volatile following the attempted
retake of Oaxaca by state security forces at the end of October
(see SchNEWS 567). Six months of strikes,
protests and deadly (for the protesters) clashes began with striking
teachers and expanded into a broad mass movement of up to 800,000
people. Many are represented by the coalition of groups known as
APPO (Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca). An autonomous
and democratic collective, the group is run by the asamblea (assembly)
in which the people have the power, and the leaders
are actually administrators who carry out the decisions of the community
those who wont are removed. Its principles include
guelaguetza, a Zapotec word meaning mutual aid, and tequio, which
is unpaid community work. They continue to hold out in the city,
demanding the removal of Governor Ruiz corrupt regime, despite
increasingly brutal treatment from government forces.
The occupation of the city by the Federal Preventive Police (PFP)
has continued, with military deployed around more rural areas of
the state. The repression intensified on the days leading up to
the 96th anniversary of the Mexican revolution on 20th November,
the day of national action called for by the Zapitistas, who took
part in numerous solidarity blockades across Chiapas. Reports of
women being sexually assaulted by the PFP have been on the increase
and there have been frequent running battles on the streets with
pepper spray, snipers and even hydrochloric acid being used by cops.
Despite the intimidation and repression, the people have remained
steadfast and continue to call for the removal of state governor
Ulises Ruíz Ortíz.
Nationally, the presidential election back in July was won in questionable
circumstances by the centre-right candidate, Felipe Calderon. He
managed to take the vote from defeated left-wing candidate Andres
Manuel Lopez Obrador by a landslide of less than 1%, amid allegations
of fraud and fixin. Although dodginess has been practically mandatory
in past Mexican elections, we at SchNEWS are convinced it must have
been all above board this time, as experts like US company ChoicePoint
were involved. Or maybe not - ChoicePoint provided Bush supporters
with the means to remove thousands of black voters from the electoral
role in Florida during the bent presidential election of 2000.
Defeated Obrador has decided to declare himself the
new president anyway, holding an inauguration ceremony in front
of over 100,000 supporters in Mexico Citys main square. Calderon
meanwhile signalled his intent by announcing the usual cartel of
pro-business types for his provisional cabinet. His official inauguration
today (December 1st) looks set to a stormy one earlier this
week congress had to be suspended when PRD (the left-wing party)
delegates kicked off in protest and fighting broke out. It certainly
doesnt look like itll be all smooth sailing for the
powers of the corporate-right in Mexico...
* For news on Oaxaca keep an eye on www.narconews.com
and www.indymedia.org
** For the low down the election fraud see www.narconews.com/Issue42/article1972.html
Norwegian workers for Statoil have given their support for West
Irelands enviornmental campaign Shell-to-Sea (see SchNEWS
570). Mr Nustard, head of the oil and gas workers union SAFE,
told a meeting in Ireland that Statoil would not dare to act
this way in Norway and pledged to bring the issue to his members
at home.
Statoil , along with Shell, (who else) are one of the big interests
in the Rossport pipeline project, despite widening opposition locally,
and now abroad. * For more see www.corribsos.com
To cater for the McDonalds generation, and draw attention
to the catastropic prospect of 250 Onyx waste trucks rumbling by
every day, the worlds first Drive-Through Demo will be held
in opposition to the planned incinerator in Newhaven. Waste company
Onyx Aurora won a 25 year contract worth £1 billion for the
building of a new incinerator to burn 250,000 tonnes of East Sussexs
rubbish every year (see SchNEWS 488).
Onyx has secured a similar deal in Sheffield, where the new incinerator
is near completion. As well as emitting greenhouse gases and poisonous
dioxins which increase rates of asthma and lung cancer in fallout
areas, incineration produces fly-ash, a mix up of the
stuff that wont burn, which contains toxic metals like lead,
copper and zinc. The long term contracts give no opportunity for
recycling to be prioritised above incineration for decades to come,
and the volume of rubbish that is expected to be burnt does nothing
to encourage cutting down on waste, or actually composting the potential
80% of waste thats produced in the first place.
Cars will meet at 12noon at North Quay Road and travel in a crawling
convoy around Newhaven, arriving at the Hollingdean Depot in Brighton
at 3pm, to be met by more protesters (on their less polluting feet).
The best dressed car wins. Visit www.dove2000.org
and www.no-burn.org
for more info.
Party & Protest
- DECEMBER: 1 - Critical Mass Birmingham: meets this Friday
1st at 6.00pm outside St. Phils Cathedral.
- 2 - National anti-war demonstration at RAF Brize Norton -
where British troops are flown to and from Iraq and Afghanistan,
and from which Iraqi and Afghani asylum seekers are deported from.
This demo seeks to draw attention to the massive array of military
bases around us, & broader militarisation of the UK. Assemble
Saturday at 12 noon in Carterton, Oxfordshire. www.stopwar.org.uk
- 2 - Stop The Gaza Siege, an International Day Of Action.
Candle vigil in London, 5pm at Edith Cavel statue, next to National
Portrait Gallery, Trafalgar Sq. (for more call 07957-486 379),
as well as similar events in Liverpool, Keswick, Brighton and
Edinburgh see http://gazasiege.net/international/london.html#7
- 2 - Defend the Right to Protest - a day of discussions
by Campaign against Criminalising Communitees, 10am-5pm at London
Metropolitan University, Holloway Road. With speakers from Smash
EDO, Mark Thomas, Craig Murray and more www.cacc.org.uk
- 4 - Open Olympics Forum. For those in East London communities
affected by the 2012 Olympics, gentrification and corporate developments.
7.30pm at Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street, E17, free entry, call
020 8558 6880 www.gamesmonitor.org.uk
- 5 - Stop Arming Israel campaign launch and public meeting.
6.30pm, Tues (5), Room U8 , Tower One, LSE, Houghton St, Holborn,
London WC2. www.stoparmingisrael.org
- 5 - Support Meeting for lesbian and gay asylum seekers,
as well as community groups, solicitors, and others involved.
7pm 9pm, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R
4RL (Holborn Tube) www.uklgig.org.uk
- 8 - Kebele Birthday Bash - 11 years and Bristols
social centre is still kicking! Featuring bands and DJs including
Don Bradmans and a lot more. Black Swan, Stapleton Rd, Easton,
Bristol, 10pm to late. www.kebelecoop.org/events_11thParty.html
- 9 - Unite against the BNP in Barking and Dagenham
where the BNP has 12 councillors. 1pm, Central Park, Dagenham.
Its nearly the end of another year,
so were slashing the price of the last book, the SchNEWS
At Ten, to a mere fiver. Get
yer bargains here NOW!! |
Positive SchNEWS
Mooreen squatted social centre in Sheffield is open and
will be a hub of grassroots autonomous activity, run by collective
for mutual aid and cooperation from Nov 29th Dec 13th. The
location is the Old Commerce House, 33 Earl St, just off the moor
opposite Sainsburys.
If you would like to be involved eg putting on a gig/workshop/film
screening etc, get in touch. For more call 07989 874965 or see www.mooreen.aktivix.org
and www.myspace.com/sheffieldsquatters
We love the sounds of breaking windows, even virtual ones. Following
on from our article about the rise of the free alternative to Microsoft
Windows Linux (See SchNEWS 560)
- its not just anarchist hackers and alternative media geeks
who are into freeing themselves from a corporate monopoly. As we
reported, governments in Latin America, China, and India are ditching
Big Bill Gates. While Scandinavian governments were the first in
Europe head towards Linux and are currently booting out Apples
iTunes in an anti-monopoly ruling, now the French government is
saying au revoir to Windows by moving all PCs in its parliament
over, plus switching to Firefox web browser and Open Office. And
youll be pleased to hear that this comes after the roaring
success Open Source Software has been with our French counterparts
good mates the Gendarmerie (para-military police), who are changing
their 70,000 PCs over to it. Maybe the Gendarmerie might be persuaded
next to move over to BAes new environmentally friendly weapons
(See And Finally SchNEWS 562).
hereby invite you lot to the SchNEWS 12th Birthday Party
Thurs 7th Dec,
at The Church, Dyke Rd, Brighton, SchMOVIES from 9pm &
two floors of DJs playing everything from Techno to
Ska til late. £3 - no guest list cos were still
...and finally...
Those whacky tossers over at www.globalorgasm.org
are working themselves up for December 22nd, which they have declared
as Global Orgasm for Peace day.
They predict that huge numbers of people simultaneously getting
their rocks off (especially those in countries with Weapons of Mass
Destruction) will - and now for the science bit, as the special
science section of their website explains - effect change
in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible
surge of positive human energy.
Basically, theyre hoping that their members swell dramatically
on the big day and that horny do-gooders from every cuntry will
join together and prove the penis mightier than the sword. Quite
what happens to the energy field five minutes later when the depressing
post-coital slump kicks in is not addressed...
SchNEWS warns all readers, when the revolution comes,
you can be sure well be keeping our ends up. Honest!
free short films produced by SchNEWS, or order a copy of the new
SchMOVIES 2005 DVD only £6 incl. p&p. Click
Here for more info
AT TEN' - A Decade of Party & Protest - £9 inc p&p
- Peace de
Resistance - issues 351-401. £7 inc p&p
- SchNEWS of
the World - issues 300 - 250. £4 inc p&p.
- SchNEWS and
SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001. £4 inc p&p.
- The SchQUALL
book Sold out - Sorry
- SchNEWS Survival
Guide Sold out - Sorry
- SchNEWS Annual
issues Sold out - Sorry
Postage £6.00 for individual books, £13 for above offer).
In addition to 50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains
articles, photos, cartoons, subverts, a yellow pages
list of contacts, comedy etc.
to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues)
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