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Home | Friday 20th May 2011 | Issue 772

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Two weeks on from the anti-corporate and anti-pig uprisings (see SchNEWS 769,770) in Stokes Croft, Bristol and while Tesco is still boarded up, the Telepathic Heights squat lies empty and four protesters remain banged up.  

Brothers Joe and David Foster, a man called Ben and another unidentified defendant have been held on remand since the riot. “Little Joe” was arrested during the first police attack on the Telepathic Heights squat accused of possessing a petrol bomb. Having first pleaded guilty to possession but denying intent to use, during his appearance via video link in Bristol Magistrates Court on May 11th he seemed unsure about whether to agree to the plea after his duty solicitor neglected to visit him in jail before the hearing. He’s next in the dock on 1st of June.

David and the other two – who are only 17 – were nicked whilst occupying the roof of Telepathic Heights a week later during the second attempt at eviction.

According to our source on the ground, there has been a predictably increased police presence in the area since the kick-offs, although it seems to be waning again. The cops were also out in force following the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair. SchNEWS has also heard reports that a couple of people got nicked in the days after the riot just walking out of the site adjacent to the Tesco.

*See the SchNEWS website for adresses to send prisoner support. If you’re worried about repercussions, or are one of the people who were arrested in connection with the riots, there’s a helpline offering legal advice and financial support:


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