"Definitely one of the best party and protest sites to come out of the UK. Updated weekly, brilliantly written, bleakly humourous, and essential reading for anyone who gives a shit. And we all should." - Radiohead
Other Reviews

SchNEWS RSS feed, click here for information on how to subscribe
Books (and films) reviewed by SchNEWS hacks
DVDs, books, t-shirts and other SchNEWS merchandise

SchNEWS At Ten - our first decade in one handy book

SchNEWS stickers - sold out but you can download the templates and print your own
Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Wake Up! There's A New One-Off SchNEWS Issue...

Produced especially for the Green Gathering, August 2024.

Featuring: Just Stop Oil trial, Take Back Water fighting the privatised water shitshow, Spy Cops Inquiry rumbles on, Repair Cafes, DIY foodbank Everybody Eats, Mass Trespassing and more... click here


SchNEWS 1994-2014

Welcome to the archived website of SchNEWS

"SchNEWS was a free weekly publication from Brighton, England, which ran from November 1994 until September 2014. The main focus was environmental and social issues/struggles in the UK – but also internationally – with an emphasis on direct action protest, and autonomous political struggles outside formalised political parties". - From Wikipedia (to read the rest click here)

For more information and articles about SchNEWS itself click here.

This version of the website makes available the vast archive of SchNEWS material: over 850 weekly issues - that's over 8,000 articles, plus much of the other additional material created by SchNEWS including SchMOVIES and a lot more.

To help you see what's on this site at a glance, here's a brief rundown of its main components...

SchNEWSThe primary output of SchNEWS for all of its near-twenty year span was the free weekly newsheets. The entire collection of these articles is now available in the Issue Archive.

Another key aspect to SchNEWS and for many years a high-traffic part of the site was the 'Party & Protest' listings. Here an effort has been made to collate and reconstruct the listings for each year. Some of these lists are partial - with chunks missing - which may be filled in if by miracle the missing material becomes available. Listings from 1995-2007 are here, with 2008-2014 to follow when technical obstacles are overcome.

SchNEWS offered extensive Contacts & Links listings for campaign, protest and community groups. Currently there are listings from 1995 and 2002, giving snapshots of activity from those periods, with others to follow at some point.

From 2004-2012 SchNEWS also produced SchMOVIES, some of which is viewable here, with the rest to follow. SchMOVIES produced and sold DVDs.

SchNEWS did many side projects and other output: these included ten books, various pamplets and other printed material, plus it hosted several conference/gatherings, had stints of performing live satirical news shows (in fact SchNEWS was this before it was a news-sheet), plus sold anti-capitalist merchandise like t-shirts etc. Hunt around the labrynthine links of this site to find some of this other stuff - and see also SchOBSCURITIES.

NB: This site has been reconstructed and repaired from a broken state, and you may find 'dead' links all over the place, and sections of the site which don't work. These problems may or may not be rectified but nonetheless, all actual SchNEWS material is here.

SchNEWS Issue Archive
Every article from the pilot issue in November 1994 through to the final issue 861 in September 2014.
See SchNEWS Issue Archive

Direct action movies produced by SchMOVIES 2004-2012 - Free to download - click here

Portal page to take you to the dark corners of the site to find those long-forgotten extra side projects and articles. click here
Party & Protest
Find that obscure demo you were on... the (nearly) complete Party & Protest listings 1995-2007 (with 2008-2014 to follow eventually)!

Contacts & Links
Snapshots of this database from different years, going back to the original 'White Book' directory published in 1995.