"Definitely one of the best party and protest sites to come out of the UK. Updated weekly, brilliantly written, bleakly humourous, and essential reading for anyone who gives a shit. And we all should." - Radiohead
Other Reviews

Party & Protest - 2004
Before the Olympics bulldozers arrive - see the area they plan to build on. Guided walks on East London's Bow Backs Rivers : 23 Jan, 5 +18 Feb and 6 March Meet 10.45 - entrance to Greenway, Stratford High Street. www.nolondon2012.org
9 LONDON RISING TIDE FILM NIGHT presents 'The Day After Tomorrow' and 'Cheeky Apocalypse' 5.30pm. 'The Day After Tomorrow' is Hollywood's highly melodramatic take on climate chaos - does it work as a wake-up call, or is it just entertainingly hysterical popcorn-fodder? Discussion and food afterwards. Free LARC, 62 Fieldgate St, E1 1ES; (corner of Parfett St.)020 7377 9088 Nearest tubes: Whitechapel or Aldgate East Buses: 25, 205 www.londonrisingtide.org.uk
9 The Role of the Vatican in the Rwanda Massacres Talk by Linda Melvern, noted commentator 11am Pressented by South Place Ethical Society www.ethicalsoc.org.uk at Conway Hall,25 Red Lion Sq WC1 www.conwayhall.org.uk
13 Iraq, debt and the IMF Golden Lion, Kings Cross Rd/ Britannia St, near Kings Cross. Org. by Iraqi Workers' Solidarity Group with speaker Munir Chalabi [invited] from Jubilee Iraq. 6.30pm
14-16 Brighton's premier pirate station Radio 4A on the airwaves this weekend 101.4 FM across Brighton www.radio4a.org.uk for info and streams
14-16 Introduction to Renewable Energy, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Mid-Wales 01654 761 731 info@greendragonenergy.co.uk www.greendragonenergy.co.uk
14 Leeds Rebel Alliance for radical, NON political party, anti-hierarchical groups at Maelstrom squatted social centre, Hyde Park Corner, Leeds leedsef@leedsef.org.uk
15-17 Trial of the Caterkiller Blockade 9 The nine people
that blockaded the Caterkiller HQ are on trail! These people were
arrested under the Anti Social Baheviour Legislation, which is expected
to be used more and more against protestors, so it's vital that
we support them. The action takes place at Solihull Magistrates
Court, crash accomodation in Birmingham, If you want to support
the case call 07900698550 or email
15-16 Wimmin vs G8 A weekend of workshops, plans and action
for feminists who want to oppose this year's G8 meeting in Gleneagles.
Annexe Healthy Living Centre in Stewartville Street, Partick, and
will focus on workshops, planning and forming affinity groups. Sunday
will feature a tour of safe spaces and possible action targets in
Glasgow. (Social on Saturday night with drinks raffle, DJ, performers,
open mic). Accomodation available for women from outside Glasgow,
but please phone to ensure a space. 07910322667
g8feministaction@riseup.net g8feministaction.frockon.org
18 'Europe and the Israeli/Palesinian conflict' with Professor Avi Shlaim, Professor of International Relations at the University of Oxford. Author of many books and frequent commentator in the media on international affairs, especially the Middle East. 1pm to 2pm in the John Wesley Room, Wesley Memorial Church Hall, New Inn Hall Street, Oxford city centre. 01865 765931
20 No to illegal internment - Release the Belmarsh detainees 6-8pm 020 7586 5892 www.stoppoliticalterror.com
21-23 G8:Direct Action Trainers' Workshops in Sheffield organised
by Seeds for Change Collective
"In the run up to the 2005 G8 Summit in Scotland, Seeds for
Change is running a series of weekend workshops for activists that
want to share their direct action skills with their affinity groups,
their communities and their networks. By the end of a Direct Action
Trainers' Workshop you'll be equipped to run direct action training
sessions - stimulating action in your community and helping other
activists prepare for effective action at the Summit." For
more details 0845 458 4776 email DATW@seedsforchange.org.uk http://seedsforchange.org.uk/free/diary#oxlangla
21 Tsunami benefit. Music includes Asian Dub Foundation soundsystem, Indian dohl drumming, Samba, a Bollywood Brass band (!), Transglobal Underground's Mantu DJing, a klezmer band etc Bar Lorca, 261 Brixton Road SW9 £7/£5 Concs 8.30pm - 3am All money raised at this event will go directly these grassroots groups Get your advance tickets from www.stargreen.com
22 Dissent! Southeast regional assembly 2pm University of London Union, Room 3D, Malet St, WC1 uluantiauthoritarians@yahoo.co.uk www.dissent.org.uk www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/london/2005/01/303534.html
22 The Future of Food: An afternoon to Discuss Organic, Local & Tasty Food on a Tasty Planet! With Vandana Shiva of Bija, the School of the Seed, India; Jerry Mander, Director of the International Forum on Globalisation, USA; Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy at City University, London; Dr. Caroline Lucas, Green Party MEP; Colin Tudge, Research Fellow at the LSE and author of "So Shall We Reap" and Satish Kumar, Editor of Resurgence Magazine. Organised by Resurgence Magazine, The Ecologist, The Gaia Foundation, The International Forum on Globalisation and The Henry Doubleday Research Association. 2.30pm to 7.30pm, The City of London School for Girls, St Giles Terrace, Barbican, London EC2Y 8BB (junction of Wood St. and Fore St.) Nearest underground: Barbican Tickets £20 (£15 concessions) including refreshments. RSVP 0208 809 2391 peterlang@resurgence.org
22 SAVE OUR SEAS public meeting. "Aggregate dredging destroys the sea environment, spawning grounds for fish and damages the coast line. The aggregate will be used to provide materials for house and road building in green areas. There are plans to dredge an area five miles by twenty five miles off the South East Coast." The Cowley Club, 12 London Rd, Brighton 6pm
22 Piranha Meets Stereo Chemistry. A fundraising underground dance music event, a benefit for www.jillsday2005.co.uk two local soundsystems involved Piranha (who play hard nrg & acid techno) and Stereo Chemistry (who play psychedelic trance) Dj's Kam-Pain, Will Dogon, Jon Kenobi, Chris Kubex and CosmoNaughty. 9pm - 2am place Cellar of the Waggon & Horses, Cannock rd, Wolverhampton, West Midlands. £5 07910377788 thecrabsfromuranus@hotmail.com
22 Peace and Disarmament Regional Gathering Speakers, workshops and a chance to learn more about the issues and make contact with the like-minded. English Martyrs Church Hall, Dalton Terrace, York, 10am-4.30pm. Organised by Pax Christi, CAAT, FoR and Quaker Peace & Social Witness. Free but please book early paxchristi@gn.apc.org or 020 8203 4884
22 Tsunami Relief Cymru @ The Coal Exchange, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff £9 / £6 concessions 02920 705716 info@TRCymru.org www.TRCymru.org
22-23 Block the Builders Training Weekend. To prepare for nonviolent direct action against the construction of facilities to build new nuclear weapons at AWE Aldermaston 07969 739812. www.blockthebuilders.org.uk
26-30 Various Margaret Hussan Memorial Events
(26)''The Lost Generation - Saving the Children of Iraq.'
Felicity Arbuthnot talks on the work and life of her close friend,
Margaret Hassan, whilst living in Iraq under the sanctions. 7.30pm,
Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester (27) Merseyside:
Meeting with Felicity Arbuthnot. Venue and time to be confirmed. (30) Manchester: Memorial Day Candle Lit Vigil for the hundreds
of thousands of Iraqi children who died as a result of the economic
sanctions and the current conflict, and to Margaret Hasan who fought
to save their lives. 5.30pm, The Peace Gardens, Manchester (behind
Manchester Town Hall). Organised by the Manchester Iraq Solidarity
Campaign. Contact 0161 882 0188 email MCR_Coalition@yahoo.co.uk
29 Zimbabwe - Stop the Removals Demonstration 1-5pm Home Office, 50 Queen Anne's Gate, London, SW1H 9AT (Nearest tube: St James Park) 07900061215 stoptheremovals_zimbabwe@yahoo.co.uk
29 Launch of the Welsh Peace Project A new organisation to encourage networking between different groups involved with peace campaigning and direct action.10am - 4pm Y Morlan, Aberystwyth
29 Silent anti war vigil "to express sorrow about all the suffering caused by war; to make sure that the victims are not forgotten; and to remind ourselves that we should do everything in our power to solve conflicts without resort to violence." 11am - 12 noon, outside Ilminster town hall. Organised by the South Somerset peace group. 01460 53165 www.southsomersetpeace.infoaction.org.uk sspg@infoaction.org.uk
"The Zionist Character of the State of Israel" Scottish Tour in February 2005 - cities and universities
Norton Mezvinsky professor in the History Department at Central
Connecticut State University. Co-Author 'Jewish Fundamentalism in
Israel' with Israel Shahak. (mail palsolcam@blueyonder.co.uk if you would like to participate)
3 Bridport Peace and Justice Group invite you to Disturb the Peace with Herbie Treehead @ Bridport Art Centre, 7.30 pm £8/5 conc
4 "The Palestinian Olive Oil" Presented by Zaytoun,
a UKbased Non-Profit project to purchase pesticide free Extra Virgin
Olive Oil from Palestinian farmers at Fair Trade prices. Plus Film,
Visuals and Live Music and DJ 6pm-12am Nambucca, 596 Holloway Road
N7 Free 07862 274 542 artmusicpolitic@gmail.com
4 Norwich benefit gig for Doncaster Miners Advice Centre Norwich Anarchists and Norwich Class War are putting on a nite of punk skacore (Blag, The Flicks, Bucket (TBC) and Fickle Youth)8pm The Marquee, Norwich £4 07841657485 norwichanarchists@hotmail.com www.norwichanarchists.org
Before the Olympics bulldozers arrive - see the area they plan to build on. Guided walks on East London's Bow Backs Rivers : 5 +18 Feb and 6 March Meet 10.45 - entrance to Greenway, Stratford High Street. www.nolondon2012.org
5 Bush and Rice Not Welcome Here! Nonviolent Direct Action Training Workshop 11am - 5pm Rampart Social Centre, London E1
5 Brixton Tsunami Special The Top Cats, Larry Love Show Band (tbc) and much much more. 0207 2678320 www.accessallareas.org Bar Lorca, Brixton Road, London - 8 till 6am
5 Peace News Party "an afternoon and evening of music, poetry and magic with acoustic acts, bands, DJ's, a peace quiz and lots of vegan-friendly nibbles and drinks." Ramparts Social Centre, London (nearest tube Whitechapel) 4pm till midnight. Amongst those performing will be: Penny Rimbaud (Crass), Leon Rosselson, Will Holloway, The Rub & DJ Sexy Rubber Soul. FREE but donations welcomed www.peacenews.info/events/party.htm
5 Seedy Saturday community seed swap, Presbyterian Church, Cowell Street, Llanelli seedysaturdayllanelli@hotmail.com
5 Jill Phipps Memorial Event to mark the tenth anniversary of the tragic death of Jill Phipps. Coventry Animal Alliance 07771 953465 coventry_animal_alliance@yahoo.co.uk
5-6 Earth First! Winter Moot - somewhere in Sussex. Discussions and workshops on roads, G8, DSEi arms fair, genetics etc 07837 942373 www.eco-action.org/gathering
6 Seedy Sunday, The Old Market, Upper Market Street, Hove. Seedy Sunday brings together gardeners, seed savers, farmers, local gardening and community groups organic box schemes and organisations campaigning for sustainable food production and biodiversity. Event organiser Fran Saunders says "We have seen a loss of 97% of our vegetable varieties in the last hundred years! Heritage seeds (de-listed from mainstream seed catalogues and prohibited from commercial sale) do still survive, and we need to protect them for future generations. Seedy Sunday is a call to action for gardeners, consumers and the whole community!" Entrance £1 10am - 5pm 01273 381 686 seedysundaybrighton@yahoo.co.uk www.seedysunday.org
6 Rising Tide film night - 'Reach for the Sky' (A radical Undercurrents documentary on aviation, airport expansion and climate change) & The Weather Underground (Fuelled by outrage over the Vietnam War and racism in America, the Weathermen went underground during the 1970s, bombing targets across the country that they felt symbolised the real violence that the U.S. government and capitalist power were wreaking throughout the world.) 5.30 pm LARC, 62 Fieldgate St, E1 1ES. Tel - 020 7377 9088 (Whitechapel or Aldgate East tube) 07708 794665 www.londonrisingtide.org.uk
8 Tsunami Benefit. Bands include the Blockheads, comedians
Mark Thomas and Rob Newman, circus acts
Hackney Empire, £10 tickets - details 0208 9852424
8 Public Meeting with Hassan Jumaa Awad, President of the General Union of Oil Employees in Basra. Room 3E, University London Student Union, Malet Street, WC1 (nearest tube Goodge Street or Russell Square) 7.30pm
8 South Coast Indymedia first video evening SchNEWS at Ten - the Movie, the new Porkbolter video produced by the Worthing-based newsletter of that name. 7.45pm, upstairs at The Downview pub in Tarring Road, Worthing, directly opposite West Worthing station
9 'Parallel market: corruption and the international arms trade' - Campaign Against Arms Trade public lecture Old Theatre at London School of Economics (LSE), Houghton Street, London W2 from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm 020 7281 0297
9-11 Demonstrate at the NATO summit, Nice, France cram06@hotmail.com
11-13 Labour Spring Conference, Gateshead. Inside the conference Neo-Labour tell us how caring they are while announcing proposals to crack down on dole scroungers and immigrants - the unions wring their hands and do fuck all. Outside the People of Gateshead get to have armed police and random stop and searches to make them feel safe.
11-13 PROJECTILE: International festival of anarchist film and culture, Side Cinema, Newcastle upon Tyne www.projectile.org.uk
Till 20 Weatherbombin': 10 days of music, workshops, artspace, films, etc in S. London, 11th - 20th Feb. 07913 518804, For full program www.randomartists.org
12 Kyoto Climate March Assemble 11.30 am Lincoln's Inn Fields (Holborn Tube) Bicycle Ride Protest, 9.00 am Thames Barrier (South Side, 10 mins from Charlton Rail). Goes via Greenwich (about 10.00 am) and London Bridge (about 11.00 am) to Lincoln's Inn Fields. The main march will involve a parade of the flags of all the countries that have ratifed the Kyoto Protocol (132 at last count) and will go from Lincoln's Inn Fields via the ExxonMobil offices and the Australian embassy (Aldwych) to end at the US embassy for speeches at around 2.00 pm 02088553327 www.campaigncc.org
12 Valentine's "Make Love Not War" party: St George's Circle Community Centre 49 Tufnell Park Rd, London N7 (Tufnell Park or Holloway tube) Asian Dub Foundation Soundsystem, Carpetface, The Unpeople, Robb Johnson etc. European Cultural Forum crew will hold discussions and workshops all afternoon (www.europeancreativeforum.org), there's some anti-war short films in the evening, and the dancing happens 8pm-3am. £5/£3 078 1075 0505 www.peace-not-war.org
12 "Hate the G8, Love to Party!" evening at the Labour Hall in Lyndhurst Road, Worthing, featuring local DJs. 7pm
12-13 Dissent! Gathering, Glasgow. If you wish to attend, please email g8gathering@yahoo.co.uk
13 Seedy Sunday community seed swap Machynlleth, Wales 10am to 3pm 01654 705971 machseedswap@hushmail.com
13 DSEi Planning Meeting for international day against arms trade with film showing 3pm, LARC, Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel www.dsei.org
13 Nottingham Student Peace Movement Conference at the University
of Nottingham. The day will consist of three panel discussions with
local and national experts:-
What's oil got to do with it? (Linking environmental and peace issues
in Iraq and beyond, 2pm-3.30pm)
Living in the shadow of the "War on Terrror" (Racism and
the erosion of civil liberties in the UK, 4pm-5.30pm)
What are we going to do about it? (Possible solutions to conflict,
Sessions will take place in the Portland Building (West Concourse
Lounge). www.su.nottingham.ac.uk/~nspm or email us sunspm@gwmail.nottingham.ac.uk
14 KISS IT! XX "Human rights protest against psychiatric assault. A demonstration to protest against psychiatric assault and put the shameful practices that are imposed within the 'mental health' system under the spot light. We are calling for radical and urgent reform of the 'mental health' system, an end to psychiatric assault and to practices such as Forced Drugging and Compulsory Electric Shock Treatment." 11am Whitehall place with march to Imperial War museum 01332 366447 info@kissit.org www.kissit.org
14 Target the fur industry online protest www.ecd-fur.com
14 Scrap the Olympic Bid Public Meeting. 6.30 pm at Bryant Street Community Centre, off West Ham Lane, Stratford, E14 4RU. All Welcome. www.nolondon2012.org
14-16 Want to know how to organise actions without getting Totally Busted? Workshops include why we need to think about security, making communication more secure, mobile phones, how to deal with police and not lose your temper, blending in. Booking essential - venue in the Pennines 0113 262 9365
15 Demonstrate at RNAS Yeovilton, near Yeovil, Somerset. Meet at the main gate at 7-10am Naval aircraft and crew are based at the Royal Naval Air Station, many of whom were sent to Iraq and took part in the bombing. 0845 456 1321. email ysastopwar@aol.com or www.members.lycos.co.uk/yeosherstwc
16-17 Introduction to Renewable Energy Weekend Courses, Wales 01654 761 731 info@greendragonenergy.co.uk www.greendragonenergy.co.uk
16-28 Images of Resistance - five years of anti capitalist and anti war protests photo exhibition. Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Sean McDermott St., Dublin 1, Ireland
18 Cycle Against The Olympic Bid. Critical Mass Bike Ride. Meet 6pm outside Greater London Authorities HQ City Hall. www.nolondon2012.org
Before the Olympics bulldozers arrive - see the area they plan to build on. Guided walks on East London's Bow Backs Rivers : 18 Feb and 6 March Meet 10.45 - entrance to Greenway, Stratford High Street. www.nolondon2012.org
18 Benefit anti fascist Ska night for The 635 Group. Leeds Maelstrom info-squat. Free admission (donations welcome). Any money raised will go towards fighting fascism in West Yorkshire. 7.30pm unti late. www.ainfos.ca/05/feb/ainfos00199.html
18 Benefit for CIPO-RFM indigenous anarchists resisting globalisation in Mexico. Bands - Inner Terrestrials, Rhythms of Resistance, Cupid Stunt, Among The Missing. The Grosvenor, 17 Sidney Rd, London SW9. From 8.30 - no blagging, no guest list! www.nodo50.org/cipo
18-20 G8:Direct Action Trainers' Workshops in Glasgow organised
by Seeds for Change Collective
"In the run up to the 2005 G8 Summit in Scotland, Seeds for Change
is running a series of weekend workshops for activists that want to
share their direct action skills with their affinity groups, their
communities and their networks. By the end of a Direct Action Trainers'
Workshop you'll be equipped to run direct action training sessions
- stimulating action in your community and helping other activists
prepare for effective action at the Summit." For more details
0845 458 4776 email DATW@seedsforchange.org.uk http://seedsforchange.org.uk/free/diary#oxlangla
19 "Anarchists!! Abandon your principles! For one day only uphold the law. Citizens Arrest a hunter today!" People are being urged to go out on February 19th next year, which is the first Saturday after the Hunting Ban comes into force and perform citizens arrests of hunters. Toffbusters! reckon this is "..an unparalleled opportunity to return class warfare to the political centre stage." For people opposed to foxhunting "the boot is on the other foot and we shall uphold the law". Toffbusters reckon its time to take action against the hunters, as they say "The Countryside Alliance and their inbred toff followers have ruled the roost for years, but are now squealing like stuck pigs," its time to get into the field and monitor your local hunt. South West: toffbusters@yahoo.co.uk, Northern: durhamtoffbusters@fastmail.fm
19 Demonstrate Against Harmondsworth Detention Centre and Colnbrook Removal Centre. Meet outside Harmondsworth Detention Centre 11.30am Bring: Pots and pans, musical instruments, balloons, kites, banners 020 8510 0465/07947615341 Transport available from London and Oxford. info@barbedwirebritain.org.uk www.barbedwirebritain.org.uk
19 Scrap the Olympic Bid March at 1pm outside Stratford Station, Meridian Sq, E15. www.nolondon2012.org
19 Wacky Cabaret present, Make love not War! "A night
of the weird and wonderful including;
ultra-violet peddle power, disk spinning, belly dancing, poetic posturing,
acoustic anarchy, electronic eccentricity, puppet palaver, benji band,
jives to jig to and much more chaos! All proceeds to support as many
local activists as possible to keep up the pressure and pay the fines."
7.30pm Hog in Armour, Charing cross, Norwich, Norfolk £4 or
£3 conc.07760161755 cabaret@theatreofwar.org
19 A Nuclear Free Future - All-Wales Conference to launch a new campaign Old College Aberystwyth. Organised by WANA and CND. Speakers - Discussion - Stalls - Foods. 11-5pm. Details: Phil Steele/ Linda Roger 01248 490715 phil@tycerrig1.freeserve.co.uk, Dylan Morgan 01248 750218 (gwaith) 01248 722184 (adra)
19 "Anarchists!! Abandon your principles! For one day only uphold the law. Citizens Arrest a hunter today!" People are being urged to go out on February 19th next year, which is the first Saturday after the Hunting Ban comes into force and perform citizens arrests of hunters. Toffbusters! reckon this is "..an unparalleled opportunity to return class warfare to the political centre stage." For people opposed to foxhunting "the boot is on the other foot and we shall uphold the law". Toffbusters reckon its time to take action against the hunters, as they say "The Countryside Alliance and their inbred toff followers have ruled the roost for years, but are now squealing like stuck pigs," its time to get into the field and monitor your local hunt. South West: toffbusters@yahoo.co.uk, Northern: durhamtoffbusters@fastmail.fm
19 Demonstrate Against Harmondsworth Detention Centre and Colnbrook Removal Centre. Meet outside Harmondsworth Detention Centre 11.30am Bring: Pots and pans, musical instruments, balloons, kites, banners 020 8510 0465/07947615341 Transport available from London and Oxford. info@barbedwirebritain.org.uk www.barbedwirebritain.org.uk
19 Silent Screams march against new animal laboratory in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. Covance Laboratories are building a new animal torture centre at thei rsite in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. If this lab is built it will be the fate of thousands of animals who will be subjected to cruel, barbaric experiments with no value to human health. See www.covancecampaign.com or call 07961 944 016 for more info.
19 'Exploring the San Francisco Model' NVDA workshop with the
Seeds for Change training co-op
in the run-up to George Bush's European tour. 11am – 5pm, London
School of Economics, Clement House (NOT the Student Union as previously
advertised), Room D202. Organised by Voices UK: 0845 458 2564 or voices@voicesuk.org See
also www.voicesuk.org
"The day the current Iraq war began, thousands of anti-war
protesters poured into San Francisco using multiple, small, largely
autonomous affinity groups to occupy intersections, block buildings
and try to shut down the Bay Bridge. By early evening at least 1,025
people had been arrested (see
Last Summer, during the Republican National Convention in New York,
nearly 1800 people were arrested, during direct action protests
of considerable sophistication – three times more than during
the (in)famous 1968 Democratic National Convention (see www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/01/1424236 or www.democracynow.org/static/ny_model.shtml).
On 22 Feb George Bush will fly to Brussels for NATO and EU summit
talks and, according to some press reports, he will then fly to
Britain to meet Tony Blair and Jacques Chirac. If you or your group
are interested in exploring how peace and social justice movements
can use this "San Francisco Model" - using multiple, small,
clued-up & largely autonomous affinity groups, simultaneously
and with no pre-arranged meeting point - here in the UK (possibly
around Bush's visit or maybe at a later event), please join us on
the 19th. Anti-war, climate change, anti-nuclear, Israel-Palestine
& global justice activists all welcome!"
19 Wacky Cabaret present, Make love not War! "A night
of the weird and wonderful including;
ultra-violet peddle power, disk spinning, belly dancing, poetic posturing,
acoustic anarchy, electronic eccentricity, puppet palaver, benji band,
jives to jig to and much more chaos! All proceeds to support as many
local activists as possible to keep up the pressure and pay the fines."
7.30pm Hog in Armour, Charing cross, Norwich, Norfolk £4 or
£3 conc.07760161755 cabaret@theatreofwar.org
20 North Devon community Seed Swap, Tapeley Park, Nr Instow 01237 424029 lava@volcano1.freeserve.co.uk http://seedswap.mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk
20 'Fighting For Justice' public meeting. "This event will be to highlight the increasing unaccountability of the police force and the failure of the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) and the Crown Prosecution Service to deliver justice. The rise of stop and searches, police beatings and racism has caused resentment amongst the Muslim communities since the advent of the anti-terrorism laws. The Black communities have been suffering and fighting for justice for years, and now the time has arrived for the Muslims. These two communities have worked together in the past and with the attacks on us escalating it is time to join forces again. The conference will highlight these issues and provide practical means of dealing with such problems, as lessons have been learnt from history." Speakers include: Ashfaq Ahmad (father of Babar Ahmad), Brender Weinberg (Chair of United families & friends campaign), Mr Bennett (Father of Derek Bennett), Ian Macdonald QC (Government Barrister who recently resigned) Lola Jones Hall, Tooting Leisure Centre, Greaves Place (Off Garratt Lane), London SW17 1-5pm www.stoppoliticalterror.com/calendarsingle.php?event=79
An indigenous group of Mexican anarchist activists representing the interests of peasant farmers, fighting everything from illegal land seizures by US companies to the introduction of GM Maize in the impoverished state of Oaxaca Mexico are on a speaking tour of the UK. They will be speaking next Monday (21) Nottingham Sumac Centre 7.30pm (22) East Oxford Community Centre 7pm (23) Cambridge Old Library 8pm (24) Brighton Cowley Club 6pm (25) Rampart Social Centre E1 7pm
22-26 'Caminos De Resistencia (Paths Of Resistance)' a Latin America film festival London Indymedia presents a five-day festival of radical and independently produced film from Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Cuba, Bolivia and more. With talks and discussion from solidarity groups, activists and film-makers, including visiting CIPO activists, food, drink, and music. At RampArt Creative Centre, RampArt St, London E1 rampart.omxtra.net/modules/news/
24 Urban75.com 'Offline' First Birthday Party. 7pm-2am. DJs include Lester Square, plus cabaret Admission FREE The Dogstar, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, London SW9 www.urban75.org/offline/
25-27 National UK Cohousing Conference @ Gregson Community
Centre, 33 Moorgate, Lancaster
"The conference is aimed at members and representatives of forming
cohousing and ecovillage groups, as well as newcomers wishing to learn
about the cohousing concept. There will be talks and breakout sessions
covering site finding; working with planners; finance; recruiting
community members; architectural design; project management; legal
and business structures; group decision making processes; and the
reality of living in communities." www.cohousing.co.uk
26 Punk Aid Charity event in aid of the Tsunami Appeal. Bridgend Rec, Wales www.welshpunk.f2s.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi
26 Jubilee Debt Campaign's annual conference South Camden Community School, London, NW1 Free - but booking essential info@jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk www.jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk/conference
26 "Coming of Age.... young refugees facing deportation". Organised by Kent Campaign to Defend Asylum Seekers at Grimmond Building, University of Kent, Canterbury. 10.30am
26-27 International Networking and Co-ordination Meeting for
all those interested or involved with building radical resistance
to the 2005 G8 Summit. Tuebingen, Southern Germany To register infoladen-tuebingen@web.de For more info info-g82005@riseup.net www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/resist-g8/g8resist-tuebingen.htm www.dissent.org.uk
27 - 6 March Olive Co-operative tour of Palestine, looking
at the environmental effects of the Occupation www.olivecoop.com
2 March Demonstration to support Babar Ahmad (see www.schnews.org.uk/archive/news474.htm) Bow Streets Magistrates Court, Covent Garden 8am-12 noon "This demo will be as a consequence of the extradition request of Babar Ahmad by the US Government. His defence hearing will be on that day. The Ahmad family are requesting all sincere people to attend and show their support. There will be cake stalls and balloons for children as well as nasheeds (islamic songs). Enjoy a scenic family day out at Bow streets magistrates court supporting the right of a British-born Muslim to a fair trial in the UK. Remember this is a test case under this new extradition treaty (2003). If he is extradited then many Muslims will follow him. They will be exposed to torture and brutality by the U.S. without even the slightest chance of justice and a fair trial in a country which has destroyed and trampled on rights of Muslims in the U.S. and all over the world." www.freebabarahmad.com
2 Colombia is in a state of civil war. For 40 years leftwing guerrillas (known as FARC) have been fighting the Colombian State. The response of the government has been to murder anyone they think might support the guerrillas or opposes government policies. Britian has a secret military aid programme to assist the Colombian miltary despite the fact that they have the worst human rights record in the western hemisphere. Justice for Colombia is organising an opportunity for you to find out more about the situation in Colombia and hear a first hand account from one of the victims of the Colombian military and the British "aid" programme; Congressman Wilson Borja. 6:30 pm. Lecture Theatre, Medical School Building, University of Sussex. www.justiceforcolombia.org
5 To mark the 20th anniversary of the end of the miners strike (see SchNEWS 444), there will be a rally and meeting 'Where have we been, where are we now, where are we going?' Union and Community speakers including David Douglass who has served as an official of the Hatfield Main Branch for the last 25 years., and former branch officials, committee and activists along with members of the Women’s Support Groups will be present and or speaking as will star guest Jeremy Deller, winner of this years Tate Britain Award For Art, and creator of The English Civil War pt 2, The Battle of Orgreave. The Old Club, Market Place, Stainforth, Doncaster 6pm www.minersadvice.co.uk
5 Thomas Paine Society Lecture. Brian Walker (Former Director of Oxfam) talks about 'Thomas Paine, Empire, War and other threats in the 21st Century' Conway Hall, 25, Red Lion Square, London. 2pm. Free
5 No rules for the rich - how tax avoidance is wrecking the global economy."Hidden from public scrutiny, businesses and banking systems have been reconfigured to bypass nationally-based tax and regulatory regimes. Using around 65 global tax havens, wealthy individuals and businesses employ aggressive tax avoidance strategies and force governments to engage in harmful tax competition to attract investment. These practices distort trade patterns, undermine economic growth, increase wealth inequality, and cause endemic poverty, social instability and failed states, whilst poorer countries lose an estimated US$50 billion annually to dirty money flows." John Christensen, International Co-ordinator of the Tax Justice Network and former economic adviser to the States of Jersey (a tax haven) outlines the problem and the steps needed to mobilise against it. 10.30 am, French Institute, South Kensington tube
5 A militarised, nuclear armed Europe? Or A Europe which promotes peaceful, non- military solutions to conflict? A one day international peace conference in Manchester to bring people together who are working to resist militarism, nuclearism, and NATO. Prominent speakers, sessions for debate, including looking at the new EU constitution. £6 or 8.5 euros unwaged, £12 or 17 euros waged and £20 / 30 euros solidarity 0161 273 8283 www.gmdcnd.org.uk
5 Seedy Saturday EcoCentre, Lower St Mary Street, Newport (Pembrokeshire) 10 am - 3pm. Calling all gardeners! Seedy Saturday is a chance for all local gardeners to get together and swap their unwanted seeds, plants, pots and other gardening bits & pieces. Bring any spare seeds - - home saved or bought, from flowers, to vegetables, to trees, everything is welcome. If you don't have anything to bring, still come and find something new to take home with you and grow! As well as the seed swap, there will be stalls from local nurseries, seed saving workshops, and the chance to have a cup of tea or coffee & get to know other gardeners. 01239 821107 kate@realseeds.co.uk
5-6 Naturewise Introduction to Permaculture weekend 08454582871 nicole@naturewise.org.uk
6 Before the Olympics bulldozers arrive - see the area they plan to build on. Guided walks on East London's Bow Backs Rivers Meet 10.45 - entrance to Greenway, Stratford High Street. www.nolondon2012.org
6 Pirate Night at Bradford's 1 in 12 Club! The event is a benefit gig for Leeds Anarchist Black Cross, and there'll be pirate pizza and rum punch, as well as 'Pirates of the Caribbean' showing. Pirate dress is optional...but there's a free glass of rum punch for every pirate! The night starts at 7.00pm.
6 Working Class Movement Library International Women's Day event. Speakers will be Veronica Trick will discuss her grandmother Ellen Tooley, the first woman labour councillor in Eccles. Clare Debenham will discuss her research on the Manchester and Salford Mothers Clinic, established in 1925 in Greengate. This was a voluntary clinic established by a group of local women from a variety of political organisations and backgrounds to give working class women advice on birth control and also to put pressure on the Labour government to alter its policy and allow local council to establish municipal clinics. This was only the second such voluntary clinic in Britain and they met fierce and concerted oppostion which only served to strengthen their resolve. Working Class Movement Library, 51 Crescent, Salford. Tel; 0161-736-3601. 2.30pm www.wcml.org.uk email: enquiries@wcml.org.uk
5-12 Everyone and all in and around North Staffordshire! To be held at Keele University. Plenty of things happening (films, workshops, speakers etc) So pop along! Even better get in touch and organise summit yer sel'! Programme for the week will become available so email for details. u3q16@keele.ac.uk
6-21 Trial and celebration of resistance. Five Irish saboteurs are up on a trial expected to last 2 weeks at Dublins Four Courts for disabling a US war plane at Shannon Airport, on Ireland's West Coast. http://geocities.com/pit_stop_ploughshares/pitnews.html
8 International Women's Day
9 Fundraiser Collective - all female hip hop/breaks/DnB/techno/jungle night in celebration of international womens day. DJs: AS'IF. Blackbelt DJ, Tina Hart, Trouble J, Miss Pink. All donations split between Dissent! and a local womens refuge project. The Volks, Madeira Parade, Brighton. 10 till 3. www.funraiser.org.uk
10 Fairtrade Fortnight Public Meeting, 7.30, Capel y Porth, Porthmadog, Wales. Regina Joseph, a banana farmer from Dominica, Windward Islands will be addressing a public meeting. Aevans@chirstian-aid.org
10 S.O.S ICELAND! Find out how the Icelandic government
and multinational aluminium giant Alcoa are trashing Iceland's beautiful
and fragile nature. An Icelandic activist talks about the International
protest camp you can join in the Icelandic Highlands this summer
and shows films about what's going on there.
Cowley Club, 12 London Rd., Brighton 6.30 - 8pm www.killingiceland.org or see SchNEWS 487.
12 Mad March Fayre A real outdoor music festival, indoors. No mud, real toilets! Bands, kids entertainment, stalls, workshops, food and beer." 11am-11pm Hastings Pier Ballroom £12/8 on door, £11/7 advance, under 12s & carers free 07729331614 info@madmarchfayre.com www.madmarchfayre.com
12 Shakedown*05 "a very big one-off non-profit DIY all-night event that tries to bring together as large a variety of music and people as possible. Various free party collectives, sound systems, bars, cafés, campaign groups and individuals from in and around Nottingham are putting this extraordinary thing together. Probably one of the biggest and best parties that Nottingham has ever seen, it tries to raise awareness of some global issues such as world poverty, climate change and world leading institutions such as the World Bank, IMF and the G8 among people in a positive way." £5 07910 428 896 info@m12.org.uk www.m12.org.uk
12 Refuseniks and Military families speak event Video Premiere: Refusing To Kill 2-5 pm Trinity United Reformed Church (TURC), Buck St, London NW1 (Kentish Town Rd end, behind Camden Sainsbury's) Speakers include: Rose Gentle, mother of Gordon Gentle, a young soldier killed in Iraq last year, and founder of Military Families Against the War: "Blair made secret promises to President Bush behind our backs, without a thought for people like Gordon, or like my daughter Maxine, deprived of her brother. I grieve also for all the Iraqis who have died in this war." Sue Webster, wife of Abdullah, a US soldier currently serving a 14-month sentence for refusing to serve in Iraq: "Far from being a deserter or a coward, my husband is a brave man with principles who is being punished for his conscientiously held beliefs. Organised by Payday payday@paydaynet.org www.refusingtokill.net 020 7209 4751
12 Developing the Links - between Trade unions and Migrants
Conference United Services Club, Gough Street, Birmingham B1
(Suffolk Street, Queensway, Mailbox side.) 1- 6pm 07973 945873
12 Catalan Solidarity are organising a benefit gig in Leeds for Catalan political prisoners. Bands are Oi Polloi, Barcelona's Inadaptats, Active Slaughter, and Bottle Job. The gig, which will be the final one for both Active Slaughter and Inadaptats kicks off at The Fenton at 7.30pm. £5 For more information on Catalan prisoners, and for other UK tour dates on the Catalan Solidarity tour see www.catalansolidarity.org
12 Green Architecture Day. A day of illustrated talks by
local architects, designers, practitioners and professionals. Speakers/presentations
include: Overview and review of his own house, Duncan Baker-Brown,
architect. Earthship Brighton, Taus Larsen Local Progress Towards
Greener Buildings, Francesca Iliffe, Brighton & Hove City Council
Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton 10am-5pm
13 Kick Cruelty Out of Crufts Protest - Birmingham NEC, 8.00-15:00pm Anti-IAMS protest at Crufts, Uncaged Campaigns will be staging another large protest/information event at the 'Best in Show' day of the Crufts Dog Show due to the fact the show's organisers, the Kennel Club, continues to accept IAMS' sponsorship and publicly defends IAMS' 'research policy.' IAMS/Eukanuba secretly vivisects and harms cats, dogs and other animals in cruel and unnecessary 'pet' food research. For more information about IAMS/Eukanuba see www.uncaged.co.uk/iams.htm
14 Public Meeting in support of Ray Gilbert. 5.30 pm. Friends
Meeting House, Paradise Street, Liverpool
Gilbert was wrongly jailed in 1981 for a murder he did not commit,
has spent 8 yrs beyond his sentence incarcerated and is now being
apparently persecuted for standing up for other prisoner's' rights.
Speakers: Bruce Kent,members of Ray's legal team. www.j12.org/ps/gilbert.htm
14 G8 Climate Counter Summit - Moving Beyond the Greenwash - an open invite to activists, local groups and anyone interested to find out more about action on climate change in the run up to the G8, 6-9:30pm Ashbee Hall, part of Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial St London E1 6LS. Aldgate East tube. For more info www.risingtide.org.uk (CAPACITY. 100, Please send email g8climate@risingtide.org.uk or ring 07708 794665 to book a place)
15 G8 'Pots and Pans Noise Demo!' outside the International Energy and Environment Ministers Roundtable. "In the build-up to the G8 Summit in Scotland in July this year the Labour Government will share its future vision of market environmentalism with 20 countries (including the G8 themselves). So will they preach what they practice? £5.5 billion road-building programme to build 200+ new roads and vast airport expansion for example. Why leave the future stability of the planet in the hands of these profit-driven megalomaniacs as ecological and social justice is pillaged worldwide. Help us meet the system's violence with creative defiance - join us on the streets in solidarity with the millions around the world already suffering from climate change and other injustices... and above all, make some noise!" 12 noon The Brewery, 52 Chiswell Street, London. 0845 458 8923 / 07708 794665 info@risingtide.org.uk www.risingtide.org.uk
16 In with the Outlaws - country and bluegrass night with The Dials and Chicken Shed Zeppelin live and DJs playing classic country, bluegrass, new country, honky tonk and more. All donations split between Dissent! and a local womens refuge. The Volks, Madeira Parade, Brighton. 9 till late, first band at 10. www.funraiser.org.uk
16 Book Launch - Helen Macfarlane: A Feminist, Revolutionary Journalist, and Philosopher in Mid-Nineteenth-Century England By David Black Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX (5 mins, Kings Cross Tube). Refreshments. 6.30 pm,
16 - 22 'Dirty Aid Dirty Water' Britain's development aid is being siphoned off for big business. Find out how taxpayers' money is funding the corporate takeover of the world's water - and hear from grassroots campaigners who are fighting back. Cardiff(16) Shrewsbury(17) Nottingham(18) Edinburgh(19) Rochester(20) Cambridge (21) London (22) Free 020 7737 6215 email wdm@wdm.org.uk www.wdm.org.uk/campaigns/aid/event
16 - 7 April 'Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion' To
commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Battle of the Beanfield,
Kebele will be showing 'Operation Solstice', the acclaimed 1991
documentary about the Beanfield, with a talk by Andy Worthington,
author of 'Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion', on the opening
night of an exhibition of photos of the Stonehenge Free Festival
and the Battle of the Beanfield
7.30 pm Kebele Kultural Projekt, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, Bristol,
BS5 6JY 0117 939 9469
www.kebele.org or 'Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion': www.hoap.co.uk/alternative.htm
17 Challenge Anneky! Protest the meeting of the G8 Environment and Development Ministers in Derbyshire Critical Mass bike ride 10am Derby train station Street Party 12 noon Assembly Rooms Benefit Gig 7pm The Mist, Normanton Road To download flier www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/02/306014.html www.dissent.org.uk
18 Ladyfest Brighton Benefit Gig Drei- hypnotic all-girl dark jazz, The Blue Minkies- danceable lo-fi pop with super-cool banter, Geekgirl- female fronted trio,reminiscent of PJ Harvey and Ani Di Franco,Candy Panic Attack- punky four-piece inspired by L7 and Elastica. Plus.. Ladyfest DJs/ zine and cake stalls. Upstairs at the Hobgoblin Doors 7.30 (first band 8pm) £4 www.ladyfestbrighton.co.uk
18 'Refusing to Kill' video showing 7pm Crossroads Women's
Centre, 230a Kentish Town Rd. London NW5 entrance on Caversham Rd.,
nearest tube Kentish Town, fully wheelchair accessible Organised
Payday payday@paydaynet.org www.refusingtokill.net 020 7209 4751
18-21 Dragon Festival 'full power free festival for the spring equinox.' Orgiva, south of granada, Southern Spain. Free! Email: groundzerosoundsystem@yahoo.com
18-20 Zagreb Anarchist Bookfair www.ask-zagreb.org
18-20 Introduction to Renewable Energy Weekend Courses, Wales 01654 761 731 info@greendragonenergy.co.uk www.greendragonenergy.co.uk
19 International Alternative Bookfair Kraankindersstraat 2, Ghent, Belgium www.aboekenbeurs.be
19- 15 April Counter Terror, Build Justice International month of anti-war action. Sponsored by Voices, Hands Up for Peace, Edinburgh People and Planet amongst others. www.j-n-v.org
19-26 Eyewitness Iraq speaking tour by Cliff Kindy of Christian Peacemaker Teams. See www.cpt.org for more.
21 Destroy the arms trade - International Day of Direct Action International groups are calling for a day of direct action against the arms trade to coincide with the second anniversary of the start of war on Iraq. The international arms trade is responsible for death, destruction and misery all over the planet. Arms dealers profit from war and are constantly looking for ways to sell their deadly technology to whichever side is prepared to pay, often at the taxpayer's expense. Join us and show that we will not tolerate this murderous trade. This day of action is an initiative from the "Destroy the Arms Trade" session at Beyond ESF. Support this call to action, find your local arms dealer and organise an action in your area. For info about the day of action and the arms trade see: www.dsei.org For further info in the UK contact: DISARM DSEi BM Box 3679, London WC1N 3XX email: actionday@dsei.org To join the international email list email: actionagainstarmstrade-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
22 The global campaign against water privitisation. speakers:
Omar Fernandez- Coordinator for Water and Life, Cochabamba, Bolivia,
Rudolf Amenga-Etego- Ghana's National Coalition Against the Privatisation
of Water, Carla Montemayor- Water Vigilance Network, Philippines,
Mark Curtis- Director of the World Development Movement. Bolivia
recently re-Nationalized their water, after a big struggle, where
many were killed or mamed for life, two corporate companies had
seized the water from the people, Bechtel and Abangoa, Bechtel,
the larger company dropped all claims, but Abangoa is still demanding
25million compensation, from a very poor country, even though it
only spent out 1million. 7.15pm Conway Hall Red Lion Square London
WC1R 4RL Free but capacity limited, book through website www.wdm.org.uk
or call 0800 328 2153 www.boliviasc.org.uk www.dirtyaid.org
22 Peace: Any Questions? Discussion about the General Election
and Peace. Public discussion with representatives of political parties
about policies on Iraq; Iran; Israel/Palestine; Arms Trade etc.
7.30 pm Minster Rooms, Ilminster £2.- incl drinks 01460 53165 sspg@infoaction.org.uk www.southsomersetpeace.infoaction.org.uk
23 Fundraiser Collective - Psy-cookie - psychedelic Trance night with Leon, Shroomer, Jamie Robinson. All donations split between Dissent! and a local womens refuge. The Volks, Madeira Parade, Brighton. 10 till 3. www.funraiser.org.uk
24 "Nest of Angels" a story about people in Palestine Inspired by diaries, blogs and letters written by Palestinian people to the playwright JS Bond. It is about what happens to an ordinary Palestinian family under the Occupation. World Premier Aberystwyth Arts Centre. 8.15pm ceridwen66@hotmail.com www.thebleedingflag.org.uk
24 'Sweat Nothings': Globalisation, mega profits and bargain basement labour in Central America Find out how corporations are making a killing in Central America, abusing workers, paying crap wages and destroying the environment in the process and what you can do to stop the rip off. Cowley Club, 12 London Rd., Brighton 6.30 - 8pm 01273 696104 (free – everyone welcome) or check www.nosweat.org.uk
30 Fundraiser Collective - Kosmik -v- Bust The Box. Citizen K, Dj Nothing & Carlos. All donations split between Dissent! and a local womens refuge. The Volks, Madeira Parade, Brighton. 10 till 3. www.funraiser.org.u
Till 7 April 'Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion' To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Battle of the Beanfield, Kebele will be showing 'Operation Solstice', the acclaimed 1991 documentary about the Beanfield, with a talk by Andy Worthington, author of 'Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion', on the opening night of an exhibition of photos of the Stonehenge Free Festival and the Battle of the Beanfield 7.30 pm Kebele Kultural Projekt, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, Bristol, BS5 6JY 0117 939 9469 www.kebele.org or 'Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion': www.hoap.co.uk/alternative.htm
Till 15 April Counter Terror, Build Justice International month of anti-war action. Sponsored by Voices, Hands Up for Peace, Edinburgh People and Planet amongst others. www.j-n-v.org
1-7 Week of action against the corporate plunder of Iraq Called by Stop the Plunder! Activities include Pro-Plunder Party (April 1st), teach in and NVDA training (April 2-3), and 3 days of direct action against Windrush Communications, the London based company that organises the 'premier business for [sic] Iraq'' (April 4-6). Call 07749 421 576 or email stoptheplunder@yahoo.co.uk
1 Shiver me Timbers! - April Fools Day Pro-Plunder Party - Stop the corporate plunder of Iraq! Join the party outside the offices of Windrush Communications Ltd, a british company that facilitates the illegal privatisation of Iraq. Stop the war profiteers by making them walk the plank! This is the first event is a week of action against the corporate plunder of iraq. We'll provide the samba, you bring the pirate costumes. Called by Corporate Pirates. 11am Mark Square, London EC1 07931337890 stopthepillage@yahoo.co.uk www.corporatepirates.gzzzt.net
1 'Taking Liberties - the new anti terror laws' public meeting @ Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton 7 - 9.30pm Speakers-Sagheer Hussain -Specialist criminal defence lawyer and representing Stop Political Terror (the group fighting for the rights of the Guantanamo and Belmarsh detainees). Keith Taylor- National Green Party spokesman & candidate for Brighton Pavilion. Anne Costello Campaign Against Criminalising Communities. The (local) Brother of a detainee in Guantanamo Bay. Angela- Chair of Amnesty International Brighton. Jaya Nyanajoti- anti arms and human rights campaigner. Richard- Animal rights and protest legislation.
1 Rock the Wall!! An evening of awareness raising and fundraising for the Campaign Against the Apartheid Wall in Palestine, organised by Art Music Politic, Palestine Solidarity Campaign and War On Want.Live Music from Tin Solider www.tinsoldierband.com, The Len Price 3 www.thelenprice3.com Tallolah www.tallulahrendall.com DJ Nat & DJ Nzo & more… Films from 6:30pm, bands till 1am £2 from 8pm, proceeds to Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign www.stopthewall.org 0207 7006192 Venue: Nambucca, 596 Holloway Road N7 London
2 Second European Day of Actions for Migrant Rights Events happening in Manchester, Edinburgh, London etc and over 50 other towns and cities in Europe. London 12 noon Clerkenwell Green, EC1 for march to Hackney gregryan@blueyonder.co.uk Oxford 12 noon - 2pm Cornmarket, Oxford stall / letter-writing/ music/ street theatre Campaign to Close Campsfield / Bicester Refugee Support and others - email BMacKeith@aol.com Nottingham Noise Protest 12-2pm Market Square 0115 941 5599 www.nottsrefugeeforum.org.uk Glasgow 11 am, Immigration Offices, 200 Brand Street, Govan. E-mail glascamref@hotmail.com Birmingham 12.00 noon: speakers from the GMB, Guantanamo Bay Detainees Campaign and a performance by the Banner Theatre Group. Bull sculpture in the Bull Ring ( junction of new Street and High Street) birminghamantiracistcampaign@yahoo.co.uk Canterbury "Hands off our mates" vigil, 12 noon, Sunday 3 April, The Cathedral, Butter Market. kadams314@hotmail.com
2 Rally against Racism - A city unites South Manchester March March with Mansoor Hassan and family 12.30pm, Whitworth Park Wlimslow Road Manchester North Manchester March March with Farhat Khan and family 12 noon, Goldstone Park, Cheetham Hill Road/Waterloo Road Manchester Central Manchester March March with Debbie Mgijima and Moses Kayiza 12.30pm at the HIV memorial, "the beacon of hope", Sackville Park, Sackville Street Manchester. All three marches come together to celebrate Manchester's muti-cultural and multi-ethnic diversity. 2.30pm Albert Square, Manchester email: 2ndaprilnetwork@lists.riseup.net
2 RESIST G8 Beneift featuring INNER TERRESTRIALS (punk ROCK!), FLATPIG (Genuine Old Skool Hardcore Punk - Brighton), IDIOT JOY (Punk Funk - Nottingham) BOTTLE JOB (Local Anti-Fascist Political Oi) RHYTHMS OF RESISTANCE (Revolting Samba) Plus DJ's, Food Stalls, Infostalls, Projections...and more! London 8pm - 3am Phone Infoline 07792141840
2 Coventry Vegan Food Fair Friends Meeting House, Hill Street, Coventry 11am - 4pm Free vegan food, nutritionist will be on hand to answer your questions plus film on Jill Phipps life, which was originally screened www.geocities.com/wmids_animalaction/coventry-free-food-fair.html
3 London Rising Tide Film Night 'The Fourth World War' and 'Green Gold' Free 5.30 pm LARC, 62 Fieldgate St, E1 1ES. (Nrst tube - Whitechapel or Aldgate East) 020 7377 9088 www.londonrisingtide.org.uk
3 "Resist G8" South-East Assembly RISC, 35-39
London Street, Reading 1.30pm to 6pm.
www.resistg8.org.uk www.readingantig8.co.nr
3 Meeting against ID Cards 2pm at Bankside House directly behind Tate Modern 0795 123 7015 southwark@no2id.net
4 Wanna be a clown? The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown
Army (CIRCA) are in training for the G8 protests every Monday evening
for 6 weeks, beginning on Monday Ramparts Social Centre, 17
Rampart street - E1 2LA - nearest tube Aldgate East/Whitechapel)
7-9pm www.clownarmy.org
5 DOVE Newhaven anti incinerator silent protest (see SchNEWS 488) 10 am East Susex County Hall, Lewes www.dove2000.org
6 Peanuts4benefits Campaign day of action outside Job Centres 10am www.peanuts4benefits.co.uk
6-10 Festival of Dissent, Lanarkshire, Scotland Workshops
include Planning action at the G8, direct action training, hill
walking and navigation. Sounds like a bloody terrorist terrorist
training camp (Copyright - corporate media) festivalofdissent@lists-riseup.net www.dissent.org.uk
9 Bristol G8 Dissent! presents - 'Information for Action' The day will start & end with general assemblies. In between there will be 3 sessions of workshops/presentations, to be run by individuals and/or groups mainly based in Bristol. In brief these are: Session 1, choose from - Our media; alternatives to capitalism here & now; art resistance; solidarity (acting locally, thinking globally). Session 2 - African debt/poverty; Iraq war; Zapatista rebellion; no borders means no asylum seekers. Session 3 - Climate change; direct action; clown army. 10.30am to 5.30pm. Malcolm X Centre, Ashley Rd/City Road, St Pauls, Bristol BS2. All welcome - entry free/donation. In the evening there will be a benefit social night at The Full Moon, Stokes Croft, with bands & DJ's, from 8pm to 2am. 5 quid in. To find out more bristol_g8workshops@riseup.net www.dissent.org.uk
9 Commemoration of Roma Victims 12 noon, St James's Church,
l97 Piccadilly, London, and take part afterwards in the March Against
Racism ending with a public meeting at Jurys Hotel, Great Russell
01206 523528 www.naar.org.uk
9 Cancel the ExCeL arms fair. Musical protest outside the ExCeL Centre, next to Custom House DLR. 07817 652029 www.dsei.org
10 Valencia Anarchist Bookfair, Spain www.valenciallibertaria.org
10-16 Global Week of Action for Trade Justice www.april2005.org
15 Wake up to Tade Justice "An all night carnival of music, art and protest all round the Capital. There'll be free rickshaw rides and a huge event at the Marquee, Leicester Square, with Nitin Sawhney headlining." Event starts at 6pm, Marquee opens at 9 pm place 020 7404 0530 jenny@tjm.org.uk www.tjm.org.uk
16 London Zine Symposium. Stalls, vegan food, infoshop,
workshops, films, exhibitions + fun! Exhibitions: Zine front covers,
Gig Photo Gallery, Flier Gallery Workshops: Zine tricks of the trade,
DIY distribution, Webdesign, T-Shirt Customising + More Films: Zined!,
$100 & a t-shirt and 1 more TBC. 2-8 pm
76 Gower Stree, London (nearest tube Goodge St) Free info@londonzinesymposium.org.uk www.londonzinesymposium.org.uk
16 Protest Motorcade against Caterpillar, who supply bulldozers to the Israeli army. Meet Hopwood Service Station Junction 2 M42. Drive to Caterpillar at Hockley Heath, rally for Palestine in Central Birmingham 2.30-4pm 0207 700 6192
16 a.m.p together with Friends of the Earth present a Global Week of Action Event… Taking it Down to the Shop Floor. Bands include Larry Love Showband (lead singer of Alabama 3 and his band), Kamel Nitrate (Nominated Best Live Act and Best Band in the World BBC Music Awards) Chemical Dub Theory (runners-up in Glastonbury Bands competition 2005) Beans on Toast (sarcastic political english folk music) Followed by DJs through till 6am Jamm, 261 Brixton Rd, Brixton 9pm-6am £7/£5 conc or b4 10 pm07862 274 542 artmusicpolitic@gmail.com www.artmusicpolitic.com
16 Cancel the ExCeL arms fair. Musical protest outside the ExCeL Centre, next to Custom House DLR. 07817 652029 www.dsei.org
17 International Day of Farmers Struggle www.virtualsask.com/via
17 Run the London Marathon for Survival International. Saa! Saa! Saa! (keep going, keep going, keep going!) Find out more at: www.surival-international.org/marathon.html Survival International 6 Charterhouse Buildings London EC1M 7ET UK Tel: (+44) (0)20 7687 8700 Fax: (+44) (0) 20 7687 8701 General enquiries: info@survival-international.org www.survival-international.org
21 Animal Experiments - Science or Fiction? 'Is animal experimentation essential for medical progress or a serious hazard to human health? Oxford Town Hall 7-9 p.m. www.curedisease.net
21-25 Spring peace camp at RAF Brize Norton. On Saturday the 23rd of April, there will be a march along the main road through nearby Carterton. Edd Cherrie of Veterans for Peace, and members of military families, are scheduled to speak.On days before and after the rally, we will be leafleting, and talking with people in Carterton. This and the march, are the more serious part of the event. They're our chance to really build bridges with people with links to the military who know how wrong the war and occupation are, and how cynically they've been used, Our second aim is to raise public awareness about the role of this enormous air base in ferrying British troops to Iraq. For directions to the camp from April 21, phone 07711-214-168. To help with artwork and banner making before the camp, call 0117 373 00 99.
22 Chomsky meeting in Edinburgh with Glasgow video link ups- live video link-up to Scottish universities and other sites (mail palsolcam@blueyonder.co.uk if you would like to participate)
24 World Day for Lab Animals 0208 846 9777
25 - May 1 TV-Turnoff Week www.tvturnoff.org
28 Workers Memorial Day www.hazardscampaign.org.uk
29 London Critical Mass monthly bike ride 11th birthday party. Meet on the southbank at Waterloo (NFT Cafe under Waterloo Bridge) from 6pm www.cmlondon.enrager.net
29 - May 1 The Rocket Festival, Andalucia Spain a 3 day festival of contemporary and traditional music, performance and sculpture set in a beautiful site in the heart of Andalucia in the deep south of Spain. Local artists, performers and crew are working with guests from across Europe to create a truly international festival with a strong Andalucian influence. www.rocketfestival.com
30 Challenging Oppression - Doing it Together. For people engaged in social and political campaigns. A 1-day open training in what the tools of nonviolence offer for ending oppressive power structures and creating liberating alternatives. Using people power to force addressing injustice onto the agenda. 10.30am - 5.15pm, Friend's House, 173 Euston Rd. London NW1 2BJ. £20 (£10 if needed) Booking and details 020 7663 1064 sophier@quaker.org.uk
30 Manchester Radical Bookfair, the Basement, 24 Lever Street (off Piccadilly Gardens) Manchester www.radicalbookfair.org.uk
30 Critical Mass cycle ride against Climate Change and the G8. Gather at Steyne Garden, Worthing, 2pm.
30 World Day for Lab Animals march and rally. Meet 12 noon Pencester Gardens, Dover, Kent 0845 458 3528 www.gatewaytohell.net
30 - May 1 Newcastle Green Fest 01912 321750
Cowley Club events during the Brighton Festival Fringe www.cowleyclub.org.uk/?Brighton_Fringe_Festival_-_May
1 Beltane at Thornborough Henge. Celebrate the ancient festival of Beltane at one of Britain¹s most important prehistoric sacred sites. Ceremony begins at 1.00 pm in the central Henge. www.sacredbrigantia.com
1-7 Compost Awareness Week 0870160 3270 www.compost.org.uk
3 Standing up for liberty. "Terror" laws, ID cards and the chilling growth of a 21st century police state. Meeting upstairs at Downview pub, opposite West Worthing station, from 7.45pm.
3 Picket of Spearhead Exhibitions (organisers of the DSEi arms fair) and all day electronic blockade Cancel 07817 652029 www.dsei.org
5 - 8 WOMAD Cáceres, Spain www.womad.org
7 Ganja Day www.thecannabisfestival.co.uk
9 "Facing Global Warming & Other Great Adventures" Joanna Macy's talk uses experiential activities to harness heart as well as head. 6pm Wesley Memorial Church, New Inn Hall Street, Oxford.Donations between £2 - £5. jo@risingtide.org.uk www.joannamacy.net/html/schedule.html www.COINet.org.uk/macy
14-21 Hes Fes 07833794062. Gathering of home educating families. www.hesfes.co.uk
15 International Conscientious Objectors' Day. Organised
by War Resisters' International
020-7278 4040 email info@wri-irg.org www.wri-irg.org
18- 22 Holidays in the Sun/Wasted Festival, Morecambe, Lancashire Punk Festival 02476 559992 www.holidaysinthesun.net
18-27 Be Nice to Nettles Week. Fuck cannabis saving the world, get clued up to the wonderful world of nettles www.nettles.org.uk
19- June 2nd Trident Ploughshares Devonport Disarmament Camp 0845 458 8368 www.tridentploughshares.org
20 Blockade The Base - Trident Ploughshares Regeneration Carnival. Meet Devonport Dockyard gates from 6.30am onwards Part of the Trident Ploughshares Disarmament Camp 0845 458 8368 www.tridentploughshares.org
20-22 Knockengorroch Festival, Spring (Ceilidh Gall Gallowa') Galloway, SW Scotland www.geocities.com/goduha/ceilidh.html
21 Global Boycott Proctor and Gamble Day 0114 272 2220, max@uncaged.co.uk www.uncaged.co.uk/pg.htm
27-29 Introductory Permaculture weekend. Dial House, Near
North Weald, Epping, Essex www.gb0063551.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/course
28-4 One World Summer Festival, Galloway, Scotland. Holistic health, food and activities. www.macrobios.com
29 Redbridge Green Fair, Melbourne Field, Valentines Park, Ilford, Essex 11.30am-7pm 0208 5545439 redbridgegreenfair@hotmail.com
30 Kingston Green Fair. Canbury Gardens, Kingston upon Thames. 11am-8pm. Family environmental event 020 8546 5202 www.kingstongreenfair.org.uk
1-30 June You Are Here but Why? A Festival of Mapping. As part of the 56a Infoshop Free Skool (see below), which runs through the whole of June 2005, The Map Room (is open...) will be running a Festival of Map and Mapping. Intended to be as freeform as possible, a call hereby made to anyone who feels like they would like to contribute something to the Festival's events. Contact: Chris c/o 56a Infoshop, 56 Crampton St London SE17 3AE. winterwind@hellokitty.com www.56a.org.uk
1 Battle of the Beanfield 20th Anniversary - see SchNEWS 25
3- 5 Wychwood Festival, "World and Roots Festival" Cheltenham Racecourse, Gloucestershire www.wychwoodfestival.com
4 Strawberry Fair www.strawberry-fair.org.uk
4 Road Block National Networking Conference, Birmingham, 'The Road Block national networking conference is a unique opportunity to meet with people from around the country who are opposing road schemes, learn from each other, and share strategies for defeating road schemes. The conference is for those actively fighting roads, and priority will be given to those in local groups.' (suggested donation £10 per attendee) 01803 847649 office@roadblock.org.uk www.roadblock.org.uk
5 Camden Green Fair, London Green, Regents Park 12pm-8pm FREE 020 7974 2192 www.camdengreenfair.ik.com
5-19 London Sustainability Weeks 020 7359 0452 www.londonsustainabilityweeks.org
10-12 Weekend Of Resistance For Jeff Luers "June 2005 marks the five-year anniversary of the imprisonment of our friend and comrade: Oregon environmental political prisoner, Jeff "Free" Luers. Jeff was sentenced to more than 22 years in prison for burning three Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) at a car dealership in Eugene, Oregon, and on attempted arson charges. Jeff set fire to SUVs to call attention to climate change and to protest oil wars and environmental destruction. Jeff was motivated by compassion and a desire to protect life, not to harm it, despite what some might think of his tactics. Prior to his arrest, Jeff was a popular community activist in Eugene. He was well-known to law enforcement because of his involvement with national forest protection (starting an occupation of a controversial old-growth timber sale in 1998), anti-police brutality activism (documenting rampant police abuse in Eugene), free food programs in a local park and his teaching of self-defense to women. Since his imprisonment, Jeff has continued to be extremely active in prison and fight oppression with his words and inspiration." www.freefreenow.org/june2005.html
11 Wheel Thing cycle powered festival, Bath
11 World Naked Bike Ride. Protest against oil and clothes dependancy. Go on, do it! www.worldnakedbikeride.org
11 Norwich's 2nd annual anarchist bookfair. Over the last few years Norwich (the land of Alan Partridge) has built up a good anarchist scene with several active radical groups in the area. Things are going in a good direction here and we thought we'd build on the success of last year. We plan to iron over a few creases (ensuring that the directions will actually get you there for example!) and make sure this bookfair is bigger and better. 10am to 7pm 07941 657485. norwichanarchists@hotmail.com www.norwichanarchists.org
11/12 Deepdale Jazz Festival www.deepdalefarm.co.uk/jazzfestival
12 Wandle Valley Festival special events and activities all along the river Wandle. Two days of enjoyment for people of all ages - especially families.www.wandlevalleyfestival.org.uk
16- 26 Golowan (Feast of John) Festival Celebrating Cornish, Celtic, and international culture, with parades, street entertainment and market stalls www.golowan.com
18 Realfood - The Heart of England Vegan Festival. Stalls, food, speakers, Food demonstrations, comedians, creche, Trolley park, Book signings. Come along see what veganism is all about. 9.30am - 5pm. Birmingham Acadamy, FREE. 0845 458 0146, info@veganfestivals.org.uk, www.veganfestivals.org.uk
18-19 Leamington Peace Festival www.peacefestival.org.uk
19 Global Day Of Action For Burma (this will be the 60th birthday of Aung San Suu Kyi, the world's only imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize recipient.)
20- 21st Summer Solstice Stonehenge
Till 30 You Are Here but Why? A Festival of Mapping. As part of the 56a Infoshop Free Skool (see below), which runs through the whole of June 2005, The Map Room (is open...) will be running a Festival of Map and Mapping. Intended to be as freeform as possible, a call hereby made to anyone who feels like they would like to contribute something to the Festival's events. Contact: Chris c/o 56a Infoshop, 56 Crampton St London SE17 3AE. winterwind@hellokitty.com www.56a.org.uk
24-26 Glastonbury Festival www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk All round guide to Glastonbury http://forums.virtualfestivals.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37559
Banner Theatre's new play 'Wild Geese' is a song and video ballad of exile and migration, using live music and video to combine the stories of Irish nurses, Asian textile workers, Iranian refugees and Chinese cockle-pickers. For dates www.bannertheatre.co.uk/tour_schedule.htm
The anti G-8 clown army Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination Tour Glasgow (24th - 26) Edinburgh (June 28th - July 5th) To book a place trainings@labofii.net For all the tour dates see: www.labofii.net/tour05
Till 24 No School Apartheid brings asylum seeking women and girls to schools in Camden and Brent to talk about their experiences. Crossroads Women's Centre, 230a Kentish Town Road (entrance on Caversham Rd), London NW5 2AHtFully wheelchair accessible 020 7482 249
Till 26 Golowan (Feast of John) Festival Celebrating Cornish, Celtic, and international culture, with parades, street entertainment and market stalls www.golowan.com
Till August International Radical-Ecological Protest Camp, Otradniy, Russia. Against a aluminum waste processing plant. Organised by Rainbow Keepers www.duplo.narod.ru www.otrada.narod.ru
Till Aug/September (depending on weather!) Protest camp in the Icelandic highlands. One of Europes last great wilderness threatened with destruction by a massive dam (see www.schnews.org.uk/archive/news487.htm) http://savingiceland.org
24 Hackney Migrant and Refugee Support Group Benefit night of music, speakers and comedy to raise awareness of immigration detention in the UK. Acts include: speakers from Bail for Immigration Detainees, Institue of Race Relations and CAMPACC, comedians Robert Newman and Ivor Dembina and local music from Konstruct Live, Ebonescence, Kurdish folk dancers and much more... Full bar and food. 7.30 until late place. Chats Palace, Homerton price £8/4 concs 020 8986 6714 sophienaftalin@hotmail.com www.chatspalace.com
24 A Refugee Week Press Conference to launch: A self-help guide for asylum seekers facing detention & removal 11am t All welcome @ Crossroads Women's Centre, 230a Kentish Town Road (entrance on Caversham Rd), London NW5 2AHtFully wheelchair accessible 020 7482 2496 minicom/voice; email: law@crossroadswomen.net
24 g8 critical mass 6pm Manchester Central Library - joined
by cyclists from all over the world who are cycling from Brighton
to Edinburgh in a protest against the G8 www.velorution.org.uk
Followed by fundaraising evening event www.dosummat.org.uk
24 Fundraiser UK Action Medics International Action Stations! A night of funky, folky, healthy vibes for the UK Action Medics who will be providing a first aid and health service for the G8 protests www.actionmedics.org.uk Presenting Riot Folk from North America, Radio Revolution from South America 8pm-1am RampARTS 15-17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (off commerical road) suggested donation £5 healthandfreedomforall@yahoo.com www.actionmedics.org.uk
24 International Women's Day for Disarmament www.ifor.org/WPP
24-26 Action Medics group training days - for all your protester needs Glasgow www.actionmedics.org.uk
25 Direct Action Training. In preparation for actions at Faslane on Monday 4th July and during the G8 Summit at Gleneagles the FaslaneG8 blockade team are hosting two training sessions in Glasgow and Edinburgh on Saturday 25th June Edinburgh, Friends Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2JL 10am - 1pm Glasgow Lansdowne Church, 416 Great Western Road, Glasgow G4 9HZ 2.30pm-5.30pm 0845 458 8361 www.faslaneg8.com
25 Omar Deghayes from Saltdean has been held in Guantanamo Bay for 3 years without trial. Come and find out more at St Joseph's Hall, Milton Rd, Brighton Saturday 7-9pm (corner of Elm Grove/MiltonRd. 2nd on right going up Elm Grove) Speakers include Clive Stafford Smith: Legal director of Reprieve and Omar's lawyer 07796478421 www.save-omar.org.uk
25 Bike to Campsfield Detention Centre Meet at Martyrs Memorial, Oxford (near The Randolph and Debenhams) at 11:15. Cycling vests and placards with slogans are available to borrow, or make and wear your own. www.closecampsfield.org.uk
25 irRESISTable G8 fundraiser... all day event with Nottingham bands and djs and bbq to raise cash for Notts neighbourhood, Gleneagles. Moog bar, Newdigate St, off Alfreton rd, in Radford. (Near Shakedown site, over the rd from big 'YES' garage)
25 London Anarchist Forum 'Is Activism Counter Revolutionary? Devils Advocate :Steve Ash 3pm -5pm at Freedom Press 0n the "Anti Terror Laws 3-5pm at Freedom Press www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com
26 Rhythms of Resistance's "G8 Summer Fete" -
a fundraiser for the upcoming week of protests in Scotland 2pm -
10pm @ Duke of Clarence, 140 Rotherfield Street (off Essex Rd),
Islington, London, N1 3DA Map: http://tinyurl.com/bwqey £3
suggested donation on entry, under-12s free www.rhythmsofresistance.co.uk
27 Cycleogical 2 -beyond therapy. Benefit for g8bikeride
wih djs inc si rees,dj Mee (positive sound system) + Chris the Courier
& dj boysy(muppet sounds) RIDING TANDEM! Also bike films, projections,food
+ The Soap box trike. 9pm-6am RampART centre,rampart st, london,E1
donation 07050 618445 timorous29@veryspeedy.net www.g8bikeride.org.uk
27 Trial of five anti-nuclear activists accused of criminal damage to Northwood Military HQ. Hemel Hempstead Magistrates Court 07815 004 578 www.tridentploughshares.org
28 G8 Counter Conference Speakers include Speakers: George
Monbiot, Tariq Ali, Trevor Ngwane, George Galloway 6pm Old Theatre,
London School of Economics, Houghton St (nearest tube: Holborn)
FREE www.corporateg8.org
29 Protest outside 'Iraqi Petroleum Conference 2005' The Hilton, Paddington. Meet 10.30am, Edgeware Road tube . "Corporate Pirates have called a day of action outside this conference. The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the corporate plunder of Iraq and of the silent takeover and exploitation of Iraq's natural resources. Replicating the success of the Windrush Action on April Fools Day we hope to bring out the pirates in force and invite you to join us for another swash buckling adventure. A week before Bush and Blair meet in Scotland for the G8, we are taking this opportunity to remind them of the violence of the corporate plunder of Iraq and urge groups and individuals to join us to expose the hypocrisy and lies behind why we went to war. We may not have stopped the war but we can stop their spoils of war and we can stop this event." 07931337890 stopthepillage@yahoo.co.uk www.radicalactivist.net/corporateiraq
29 Breaking Barriers, Changing Cultures Gypsy and Traveller Conference, Newquay, Cornwall 01736 711 378
29 Organising Opposition to New Restrictions on Protest around Parliament Public meeting 7.30pm Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AQ, nearest tubes: Goodge Street, Warren Street, Gt Portland St.) www.parliament-square.org.uk
30 Offline - the Urban 75 club night Brixton's Dogstar Club, 389 Coldharbour Lane, 7pm - 2am Free www.urban75.org/info
30 Discussion forum - David Miller (ed.) and other guests will
discuss issues raised in the book 'Arguments Against G8' 6.30
p.m. Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX Call 0207
837 4473 to book www.housmans.com
30-July 3 Fusion Festival ex-soviet military airfield now
biggest holiday camp in Germany - intersting venue!. The fusion
motto is four days of holiday communism featuring music, theatre,
performance, cinema and fine art, interaction and communication. www.fusion-festival.de
For a full list of dates see: www.dissent.org.uk/content/section/12/63/
1 Edinburgh Critical Mass
1 Come to the Caber8, an eclectic evening with SchNEWS, Rob Newman, The Clown army, Trapeze and MC's Hustle and Pickle.These Geisha's of Gaiety will be raising money for the coming weeks frolic's,£5 ono Bongo Club, 37 Holyrood Rd, Edinburgh, EH8 8BA 0131 557 2827
2 Make Poverty History March, With an anti-capitalist bloc, cos after all capitalism causes poverty. Edinburgh. www.makepovertyhistory.org
3 Make Borders History A Magical Mystery Tour of Immigration Controls and the "Chain of Deportation" in Glasgow Sunday 3rd July. We visit some of the magicians who help asylum seekers "disappear". We will visit organisations involved in locking up and deporting Asylum seekers. Let's join the dots in the picture of detention and deportation. www.makebordershistory.org
3 G8 Alternatives Summit Organised by the G8 Alternatives coalition this counterconference "Ideas to Change the World"aims to present a serious ideological challenge to the corrupt policies and ideology of the G8. It will feature prominent speakers from around the world in eight plenary sessions and 36+ workshop/seminars. To be held in Edinburgh on Sunday 3 July. Tickets: £10/£5, 0131 2281155. For more info: www.g8alternatives.org.uk
3 Global G8 Nightmare Counter Conference WDM along with War on Want, People & Planet and Friends of the Earth are holding the 'G8 Corporate Dream… Global Nightmare' counter conference. Speakers include: George Monbiot, Trevor Ngwane, Meena Raman, Walden Bello, Caroline Lucas, Amit Srivastava (Campaign Against Coca Cola) and The Yes Men. Assembly Hall, Royal Mile, Edinburgh. FREE. 0131 557 0444 www.wdmscotland.org.uk/campaigns/g8/index.htm
4 Big Blockade at Faslane Nuclear Submarine Base. Help snub the subs... Thousands of peace campaigners from around the world are called to non-violently blockade the base. 0845 45 88 361 www.faslaneg8.com
4 Carnival for Full Enjoyment Street Party, Edinburgh. "Flex, temp and casual workers, benefit claimers, full-time wage slaves and work refusers, pensioners, new dealers, migrants, stundents, part-timers..Bring noise, music, yourselves and friends for action against the G8 that comes out of our experiences in work, out of work and wherever we live. Assert our desires for FULL ENJOYMENT with some fun in the city - and start to make capitalism history..." Meet around the West End 12 noon. email dissentagainstwork@yahoo.co.uk
5 Close Dungavel Detention Centre. As the leaders of the
world's most powerful states meet in luxury at Gleneagles, hundreds
of people - including families with children - are imprisoned behind
the razor wire of Scotland's shame: Dungavel Immigration Removal
Centre, join the No Borders demonstration. 11am to 4pm Strathaven,
South Lanarkshire, ML10 6RF. Transport to Dungavel from Glasgow,
George Square, shuttle bus all morning from 9:30am. Edinburgh, Waterloo
Place at 9.30am and 11.30am. £5/£3 To Book 0141 946
6193 email glascamref@hotmail.com www.makebordershistory.org
6 Global Day of Action at the opening day of the G8 Summit A day of decentralised action, in villages, towns and cities worldwide.
The biggie - what are YOU going to be doing? www.agp.org www.dissent.org.uk
6 G8 Blockades 'The Blockades Group', a part of the Dissent! network, call out to all autonomous direct action groups and individuals opposed to the G8 to carry out autonomous actions starting on the 6th July to blockade the summit. www.g8blockades.org.uk
6 Anti-G8 Demonstration Marching from Gleneagles train station from noon, try to get as close as you can to Gleneagles, go on give it a go! 0131 220 6259 www.g8alternatives.org.uk
6-8 Hill Walking Actions Cross Country Rambles and Scrambles on the Ochil hills with a big day-glow banner or two.
7 People's Open Golf Tournament The People's Golfing Association is hosting an open golf tournament at Gleneagles. People are encouraged to begin forming autonomous golfing affinity groups. No caddies, no Masters! For more info email wrench@tao.ca and pgag8@lists.riseup.net
8 International Day of action on the root causes of climate change Come to Scotland with your inspired ideas for action and join us on the streets and on the golf courses. Or do whatever you can, wherever you are, to resist the fossil fuel madness and make the dream of a socially just, sustainable future a reality. Stop climate chaos - flood the G8! www.cca.movingpages.org
Here's a load of useful stuff for you to get clued up about before
you go to the G8...
Legal: Despite the government always saying how they support protests, they don't like it, so you may get into trouble with their boot-boys, i.e. the police. Get clued up, know your rights. Check out: www.g8legalsupport.info
Training: This ain't gonna be just an A to B march to listen to a load of boring speakers - lets face it that isn't an effective form of protest. Check out: www.dissent.org.uk/content/view/66/57/ for a whole load of resources, or see the SchNEWS Diy Guide
Medical: Let's hope no-one gets hurt (well it would be good if Blair, Bush and Co get a good kicking!), but be prepared: www.actionmedics.org.uk
Trauma: Some people freak out after demos, we all need support at sometime in our life. www.activist-trauma.net 07962 406940
2 Haringey Critical Mass Bike Ride - For Clean Air and a 'Safe' G8 Assemble 12.00 Noon Manor House www.haringey.org.uk
2-3 Workhouse festival. Music from Chumbawamba, Space Ritual and Rory Mcload. Kids area, circus workshops,healing area & much more. Llanfyllin, Powys £25 weekend 0845 458 8359 workhousefestival@phonecoop.coop www.workhousefestival.co.uk
4 Independence from America Day, Menwith Hill SpyBase, near
Harrogate, North Yorkshire 12 noon - 4pm Guest Speaker: Scott Ritter
(former US Iraqi Arms Inspector) Music by: CHUMBAWUMBA (Acoustic)
01943 466405 www.caab.org.uk
6 Bristol G8 Dissent protest for all those who can't get to
Scotland Meet 5pm outside the Hippodrome, St Augustine's Parade,
central Bristol. 'Bring pots n pans, drums, banners, flyers,
instruments, masks, attitude, humour & joy' http://bristol.indymedia.org/newswire/display/23255/index.php
6 Public meeting about the proposed expansion of Lydd Airport on Romney Marsh, Kent. Town Hall, High Street, Hythe 7.30pm
8-9 Romsey Beggars Fair Get a job you lazy gits. Someone get on the phone to Michael Howard! www.beggarsfair.com
8-10 Clogfest Dust off those beards and dancing shoes! www.clogfest.demon.co.uk
8-10 The Small Nations Festival "a multilingual celebration of the music of Wales alongside that of other small nations. Set on a farm near a very small village, the festival aims to celebrate the revival of minority cultures and languages and the universal language of music in all its forms." www.cilycwm.com/smallnations
9 The Snake in the Grass Festival, Castle Park, Colchester, Essex £20 "A one day music festival, headlined by Levellers with support from local favourites Saltdog, Scoobs in Colombia, and Curly Circus." www.snakeinthegrass.co.uk
9- 10 Cornbury Music Festival, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire. With Joe Cocker, Elvis Costello and SchNEWS' favourite old power ballad diva Bonnie Tyler. Sponsored by Waitrose - Rock and Roll or what? www.cornburyfestival.com
9-10 Reggae Festival of Wales, Haverfordwest Showground, Pembrokeshire, Wales
9-10 Rhythms of the World, Hitchin. 700 performers on 8 stages. www.rhythmsoftheworld.com
9-10 L'Esprit Manouche World guitar festival, Moseley Park, Birmingham 0121 249 2303 www.lespritmanouche.com
13-17 Buddhafield Festival, Pay £60 to meditate in a field in Devon so all nasty things will stop. 01647 24539 www.buddhafield.com
13-17 Larmer Tree Festival Laid back festival for grown-ups and families - chilling to music, craft workshops, sculpture garden, artists quarter and more. Jools Holland and lots of funky world music bands / DJs. All set in idyllic peacock gardens. Only one day tickets left, from £29 (+ discounts for children) www.larmertreefestival.co.uk
15-17 Guilfest Pogues, Paul Weller, Status Quo, Echo And The Bunnymen - must be a time warp and we've gone back 20 years to 1985. Day ticket £35, Weekend £85. 01483 454159 www.guilfest.co.uk
15-17 Glade Festival. Electronic dance music extravaganza. "We're all sorted out for Es and Whizz." www.gladefestival.com
15-18 Animal Rights Camp. Workshops on a wide range of issues and activities related to animal rights campaigning. There will also be lectures and speeches from a host of speakers, including academics, doctors and activists. Don't take any meat or you'll get lynched! www.ar2005.info AR2005, BM Box 2248, London WC1N 3XX.
16 RISE 2005 - a FREE anti-racist music festival celebrating London's diversity 12noon - 8.30pm, Burgess Park, London SE5 020 7983 6554 www.risefestival.org
16-17 Ashton Court Festival, Bristol. Local bands plus Lemon Jelly, Super Furry Animals and more. £6 per day, 0870 4444 400 www.ashtoncourtfestival.com
18-21 Towards Carfree Cities Budapest, Hungary www.worldcarfree.net/conference
21 Ruigoord Landjuweel, Netherlands. We haven't got a clue what this festival is about as we don't speak Dutch! www.ruigoord.nl
21-24 Trowbridge Village Pump Festival Folk/Roots music washed down with quite a lot of ale in picturesque village. Weekend tickets £85, day tickets £10-£38. www.trowbridgefestival.co.uk
22-23 The Wickerman Festival Dundrennan, Scotland. Dreadzone, Alabama 3 and Stranglers. Family friendly festival. £45. www.thewickermanfestival.co.uk
22-24 Rhythm of Latin America festival, Machynlleth, Wales www.mindout4music.org.uk
23 The Freedom March and Rally to oppose monkey vivisection laboratory Meet at 12 noon, Oxpens Park, Oxpens Rd, Oxford, OX1 1RX. 07906 497 317 www.speakcampaigns.org.uk Speak PO Box 6712
23 London Anarchist Forum - Seamus Carey From CAMPACC 0n the Anti Terror Laws 3-5pm at Freedom Press www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com
23-24 Truck Festival This event has grown, evolved, and become (almost!) a professional operation. A village fete it is not, but it is still small enough to find your mates at 2am, and fiercely independent. Abingdon, South Oxfordshire. www.truckrecords.com
25 The Peace Tax Seven are a group of seven citizens, each from different parts of the UK who have been campaigning for over a year to get the law changed so conscientious objectors need no longer pay for war and killing. They are to present arguments at the Royal Courts of Justice, London 0870 777 3223 www.peacetaxseven.com
27 Public meeting about the proposed expansion of Lydd Airport on Romney MarshDymchurch Village Hall, Orgaswick Avenue, Dymchurch 7.30pm.
28-31 Cambridge Folk Festival. Seminal gathering of beardies and guitars (and lots of other people, obviously) Sold Out. www.cam-folkfest.co.uk
28-31 Resurgence Summer Camp, Gloucestershire. Discussion, crafts, music and dance with Resurgence magazine’s authors and readers www.greenandaway.org
29-31 Hazards 2005 Campaigning & building workplace organisation "This year’s conference focuses on the importance of union
safety reps in policing the workplace and promoting a safe working
environment. We need to build the campaign for improvements in key
areas like corporate responsibility, occupational health provision,
tougher enforcement and most importantly, increased rights for safety
Help to build a mass campaign for better regulation, tougher enforcement,
corporate responsibility and strong worker’s organisation."
University of Leeds 0161 953 4037 www.hazardscampaign.org.uk
29-31 Womad, Reading. The best mixing pot for World Of Music, Arts and Dance with a clever acronym. www.womad.org
31 Ambient Picnic "four music stages and activities
for children & young people. There will also be the Healing
area, Carbon Footpath, BAR and of course space for stalls; catering,
craft, commercial and charity."
1-14 Ekotopia Alternative technologies festival in Moldova. More information and the application form available soon on www.eyfa.org
3-7 Big Green Gathering £90 for a load of hippy nonsense! But if you liked Glastonbury Green Fields in the eighties, you'll love this 01458 834629 www.big-green-gathering.com
3-7 Stockton International Riverside festival. Street Theatre on the streets (funny that) of Stockton. 01642 526473 www.stockton.gov.uk/events/sirf05
5-7 The Big Chill For 30-something Guardian readers too tired to go clubbing. Eastnor Castle, Herefordshire. £112. 020 7684 2020 www.bigchill.net
5-7 No Occupation, No WDM - a two day round-the-clock fast and vigil to rmember the victims of Iraq and to demand justice. Whitehall, opp Downing Street. Organised by Voices in the Wilderness 0845 458 2564 www.voicesuk.org
6 Pride in Brighton & Hove The biggest gay festival in the UK - Free! 01273 775939 www.brightonpride.org
8-14 National Allotment Week You dig? 01536 266576 www.nsalg.org
8-14 One World Summer Festival, Hampshire. Holistic Health, Macrobiotics, Tofu Welding, Music, Dance and Yogurt Weaving. www.macrobios.com
11-13 Cropredy Festival, Oxfordshire. "A mix of 1960s-style pop festival and village fete" www.fairportconvention.com/crop/cropmenu.htm
17 Into the War Zone Play by Karl Dallas, performed by The Writers Company (On Tour) 8pm Hebden Bridge Trades Club, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire. £5 "While millions of people joined the anti-war protests to make our concerns known, a small number of people went one stage further - they became what were popularly known as "human shields". Based on the genuine experiences of real international peace-seekers, astute journalist and playwright Karl Dallas, presents us with a unique insight of what it was like to visit a faraway land in the name of global peace." 01422 845 265 www.tradesclub.info
17-21 Earth First! Summer Gathering, Peak District. Dust off those bolt croppers... 0845 355 0111 www.earthfirstgathering.org.uk
18-21 Earthwise Festival www.earthwise-uk.com
19-21 Green Man Festival, Clun, Shropshire. The Green Man is "The look o' that face saying so many different things only no words to say 'em with. Never seen that face befor yet it wer a face I knowit..." Er, right, if you know what that means then maybe this is the festival for you. www.clun.org.uk/greenman/gfestival.htm
19-21 Rockinbeerfest with SchNEWS faves like Dr.Feelgood, Eddie and the Hotrods and Caravan. God-help-us, Cambridgeshire. www.rockinbeerfest.co.uk
20-21 V Festival. Take an effigy of Richard Branson and burn it! www.vfestival.com
20-21 Beautiful Days, Escot Park, Devon. Music festival organised by The Levellers."All vehicles, including campervans, will be parked in the car parks adjacent to the festival site." Which is a bit odd coming from a band who have promoted a traveller life style. £75 01392 425309 www.beautifuldays.org
Till 21 Rebel Flowers - A photographic exhibition by Jess Hurd charting the rising resistance to neo-liberalism and war across the World. The Foundry, 84-86 Great Eastern Street, London, EC2A 3JL Free 07713151765 jesshurd@btopenworld.com www.jesshurd.com
International tour of 20 children from Balata Refugee Camp,
Occupied Palestine performing traditional Palestinian dance (dabke)
and creative dramatic drama. (19) Swansea YMCA , 1 The Kingsway
01792 361 005 (20) Exeter John Stocker School Buddle Lane,
Dabke Workshop (21) Totnes Woodlands Leisure Park, near Totnes. (23) London St. George's Theatre; 49 Tufnel Park Road. For more
info on the tour www.balatacamp.net
Till 21 Earth First! Summer Gathering "A gathering to inspire
and train all those opposed to the
destruction of our planet" Dust off those bolt croppers...
Peak Distric (nearest mainline station is Derby) 0845 355 0111 www.earthfirstgathering.org.uk
Till 21 Earthwise Festival www.earthwise-uk.com
19-21 Green Man Festival, Clun, Shropshire. The Green Man is "The look o' that face saying so many different things only no words to say 'em with. Never seen that face befor yet it wer a face I knowit..." Er, right, if you know what that means then maybe this is the festival for you. www.clun.org.uk/greenman/gfestival.htm
19-21 Rockinbeerfest with SchNEWS faves like Dr.Feelgood, Eddie and the Hotrods and Caravan. God-help-us, Cambridgeshire. www.rockinbeerfest.co.uk
20 Unity Demonstration for Peace, Inclusiveness and Justice 12noon at the Peace Statue, Hove Lawns (on the seafront) and march to a rally at the Level 2-3.30pm. Followed by Love Music Hate Racism fundraiser @ Pressure Point 33 Richmond Place, Brighton £5/4 NUS 10am-2pm www.safp.org.uk
20-21 V Festival. Take an effigy of Richard Branson and burn it! www.vfestival.com
20-21 Beautiful Days, Escot Park, Devon. Music festival organised by The Levellers. £75 01392 425309 www.beautifuldays.org
21 "Hibakusha Songs" 11am & 3pm Imperial War Musuem North, Manchester FREE World premiere performance of a new musical composition by Robert Steadman to mark the 60th anniversary of the dropping of the A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
24 Party to stop global meltdown! Volks Club, 3 The Colonnade, Madeira Drive, Brighton BN2 1PS Time: 8-2pm £5 (£4 with NUS, £3 with fancy dress!)
24-30 WIT Music Festival for Women and Girls, nr Lampeter, West Wales. www.womenintune.org.uk
25 Benefit Night - Live politically charged hiphop and breaks from the nation's two foremost proponents of the tradition. Big Speakers plus Subterfuse £5 Joogleberry Playhouse, Brighton 01865 722986 bigspeakerinfo@gmail.com www.bigspeakers.co.uk www.subterfuse.co.uk
26 Talk and booksigning by Dr. Khassan Baiev about Chechyna 'The Oath' 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP 7pm www.savechechnya.org.uk
Till 28 No Border actions, Xanthi, Greece on the Greek - Bulgarian borders www.noborder2005bg-gr.net
26 Talk and booksigning by Dr. Khassan Baiev about Chechyna 'The Oath' 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP 7pm www.savechechnya.org.uk
26-28 Greenbelt Arts Festival, Cheltenham race course £72
for the weekend www.greenbelt.org.uk
26-28 Reading Festival Load of corporate crap - overpriced
shit beer, overpriced consumer crap and security thugs. If you wanna
go - jump the fence (and get beaten up by security). www.readingfestival.com If you do find youself there, maybe visit the Bollocks to Poverty
- ActionAid tent www.actionaidspace.org
26-28 Leeds Festival See Reading Festival.
27 SUBVERT 2005 A celebration of alternative music, art and culture, brought to you by the Bastard Squad collective. 4pm-late The Porter Butt, London Road, Bath £5 on the door 07875 771298 no_island_of_dreams@hotmail.com www.geocities.com/bastardsquadcollective
27 Demonstration at Campsfield Detention Centre 12noon-2pm Bike to Campsfield 11:15am Martyrs Memorial, Oxford (near The Randolph and Debenhams) www.closecampsfield.org.uk
27-28 Grassroots Gatherings, North West Mayo, Ireland www.indymedia.ie/newswire.php?story_id=68675
27-29 Westcountry Storytelling Festival, Once upon a time yarn-spinners met at Aller Park, Dartington, Devon. Tickets (including camping): Adult £60/Child £30/Family (2+2) £125 01803 863790 info@weststoryfest.co.uk www.weststoryfest.co.uk
28 DISARM DSEi direct action training @ LARC, 62 Fieldgate St, Whitechapel, London (Nearest tubes: Whitechapel, Aldgate East) 07817 652029. disarm@dsei.org www.dsei.org
28-29 Notting Hill Carnival - You and a million or two others dancing in the streets for free.
30 United Against Racism - Don't let fascists divide our community
Solidarity Rally & Demonstration
Outside Cardiff City Hall 2 pm The mosque received a letter covered
with swastikas containing threats to burn down mosques and commit
violence against Muslims. The mosque itself was broken into and
animal parts left on the premises. 079 8183 0455
1 Meeting of The Worthing Alliance, forum for local groups and individuals concerned with Worthing people, their rights, freedom or heritage. 8pm. Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, off Montague St, Worthing.
1-2 Demonstrations against the G8 'informal meeting' of Foreign Ministers from European Union Member States, the High
Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
and the Commissioner for External Relations. Celtic Manor Resort,
Coldra Woods, Newport, Gwent, NP18 1HQ.
www.indycymru.org.uk www.riseup.net/cardiffanarchists
1-3 Bicycle Film Festival, London. More details to follow.
1-10 Vegan and Vegetarian dolphin camp in Wales. Not a place where vegan dolphins stay, but a chance to see dolphins! cetaceadefenceuk@yahoo.co.uk
2-4 Off The Tracks Festival, Castle Donnington. "amazingeclcectricrootsglobaltrancedancefusion" er, Hawkwind are playing... 01332 384518 www.offthetracks.co.uk
2-4 Temporary Autonomous Art. Call for venue 07845 624436 www.randomartists.org
2-4 Anarchist Cultural Event, Florence email: marcella.schmidt@unimib.it
3 Newchurch Guinea Pigs Victory March (see SchNEWS 509) 12 noon Park behind the central Library, Burton on Trent (01902) 564734 info@liberation-now.org www.liberation-now.org
3 Justice not deportations 2-4pm 10, Downing Street, Westminster 020 7586 5892 www.campacc.org.uk
3 Which way forward Africa: a Ghana case study. The experience of the United Revolutionary Front of Ghana (1982 to 1992). How did that influence the development of the Socialist forum of Ghana and the African Liberation Support Campaign (ALISC) Presentation by Explo Nani-Kofi, Socialist Forum of Ghana Venue: Anatolian Peoples Cultural Centre (Anadolu Halk Kultur Merkezi), 91 Stoke Newington Road, London N16 2pm to 6pm 07984 405307
3 Queers Beyond Borders. Benefit party for the queer festival in Poland and for the self-defense project for women. 8pm-3am Rampart Social Centre www.rampart.co.nr
4 Northampton Green Festival Abington Park 12pm - 6pm. Free
5 Who Supplies the Weapons for bombing Iraq and Afghanistan or fuelling civil wars that force people into exile/repression/torture/maiming civilians. Newham Opposition to War and Racism (NOWAR) public meeting as part of the growing campaign against DSEi's the world's largest arms fair that will be held in Custom House in September. St Francis of Assisi RC Church Grove Cresent Rd, Stratford E15 7pm www.nowar.org.uk
5 Breakfast Against Trade With Israel. Join defendants at
Uxbridge Magistrates' Court (Near Uxbridge Tube) Support those arrested
at the depot of Carmel-Agrexco who import Israeli goods.
9-11 Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens 25th anniversary The principal anniversary event is a Celebration of City Farming
and Community Gardening to be held at Mudchute Park and Farm, London.
This event will be a gathering of members from all over the UK and
will be a fun, family-friendly affair, with plenty of site visits,
workshops, activities and social events. It will be a chance for
everyone to celebrate the movement and its work. www.cityfarm.org.uk
8 Stand Up against the Arms Fair- A comedy benefit in aid of Campaign Against Arms Trades campaign against the DSEi arms fair, which will be taking place in London's Docklands the following week. Featuring Adam Bloom, Ivor Dembina, Felix Dexter, Ayesha Hazarika, Stewart Lee, Angie McEvoy and Ian Stone Red Rose Club, 129 Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, London. £8/5 For tickets call 020 7281 0297 or email kathryn@caat.org.uk
10 Seedsaving event: Sew Your Wild Oaks - Practical workshops and presentations at seed saving event. Workshops, presentations, live music, kid's activities and seed swapping in Machynlleth Community Hall, Wales
10 Timeless Festival, Ravensknowle Park, Wakefield Rd, Huddesfield.
3 Stages, Rodney P Playback, DJ Vadim presents One Self (Ninja Tune)
feat Vadim, Yarah, Blu Rum, Bongo Pete, Transglobal Underground,
Panjabi Hit Squad (BBC 1 xtra), Zion Train vs Iration Steppas vs
Dubdadda Soundclash, Kava Kava (Chocolate Fireguard), LA Cédille
(Chocolate Fireguard, France), Autobots feat. Teri (Mary Jane),
Practical Headz, Ground Wurq, Flexible Future (France), Nex, The
Voltaires, YT (Sativa) + Bongo Chilli + Dan Man (Ruffneck Productions),
Being 747, New Vinyl, Burden Of Reality, DJ Sharaz, DJ Dr Weevil
(Desert Storm), DJ Bunch of 45s . More acts to be confirmed. stalls,
food and licensed bar, workshops, visuals. 11 am to 9.30 pm. 01484
432657 www.chocolatefireguard.co.uk
11 Hastings Green Fair, Alexandra Park
11 Animal Rights Coalition - National Meeting @ The Basement, 24 Lever St (off Piccadilly Gardens) , Manchester 07899 775493 www.veggies.org.uk/arc.htm
13-16 Disarm DSEi arms fair DSEi is Britains biggest weapons supermarket. This is where scumbags like BAE Systems can sell weapons to murdering tyranical regimes to wage war on their own people, it is subsidised by the government. When you next hear of some atrocity commited in some far off country there's a pretty high chance the weapons used were made by British companies. Its time to Disarm DSEi! ExCeL Centre, London Docklands 07817 652029. disarm@dsei.org www.dsei.org
14 We are all terror suspects' public meeting 7pm Sussex Arts Club, 7 Ship St., Brighton www.campacc.org.uk www.smashedo.org.uk
17 Stop Wickham Animal Testing national demonstration. Meet 12 noon Mill Lane car park 023 9258 8516 www.SWATonline.co.uk
21-24 Robodock Festival, Amsterdam. www.robodock.org
22 'Sleepwalking into disaster: Are we in a state of denial' with a discussion in the Holywell Music Rooms led by George Monbiot and George Marshall 01865 727 911 www.COINet.org.uk
22 World Carfree Day. www.carbusters.org/wcfd
22 'Still We Ride' showing of film about police clamp down no Critical Mass cyclists during the 2004 Republican Convension in New York. Fringe Basement, 24 Kensington Street, Brighton. www.stillweridethemovie.com
23-25 Buddhafield Equinox Gathering, Wye Valley 01647 34539 www.buddhafield.com
23-25 Thimbleberry music festival Powered by solar and wind energy green friendly. "60 acres of magical land on an ancient viking settlement. It's the way festivals used to be, uncommercialised friendly and cheap(prices) but it has it's own class. If you like 24 hour dancing then you know where to come. There will be the rainbow gardens and childrens area. The Yippee tent, and the SYNC RON INACITY Tent. The Yorkshire highway man pub. The Beatroot cafe. Stalls. Cinema. Trance, Reggae, techno and house music. Tickets £35.00 inc camping. Thimbleby Hill farm, Stanhope, Co Durham. Tel 07792192006 www.weird.uk.com
25 Demonstration at Lakenheath US bomber base. 01508 550446 info@lakenheathaction.org
27 - 2 Oct Fourth Global Conference of Peoples’ Global Action. Haridwar, Uttaranchal, North India. www.agp.org
Every Sunday Peoples Commons/Mad Tea Party/Picnic-Protest. In defence of the right to protest, recently criminalised, s132 Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (April 2005) we are defying this law by holding our weekly event in Parliament Square in order to challenge and poke a little fun at the powers. We share food, drink, music and there are opportunities for sponataneous shenanigans 12 Noon On The Green, Parliament Square, Westminster. Bring Something Nice To Share 0785 439 0408 marshall_darkness@hotmail.com www1.atwiki.com/picnic
Till 28 Art Not Oil Exhibition The Forth, Pink Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 5DW; Tel: 0191 232 6478 "Climate chaos is set to have a catastrophic effect on all of us, while hitting the poorest hardest. Oil is a curse that also fuels war, poverty and environmental destruction. Yet the companies most responsible are profiting handsomely, and they are still welcome it seems in many of our most prestigious public galleries and museums. Why?" 07708 794665 info@artnotoil.org.uk www.nationalpetroleumgallery.org.uk www.londonrisingtide.org.uk
1 No One Is Illegal's days of action and days of outrage. www.asylumpolicy.info/daysofoutrage.doc
1 Star Wars - an international activists conference, organised by Yorkshire CND. www.cndyorks.gn.apc.org
1 National Planning Meeting for Climate demo 12-5pm Asian Cultural Centre, Mazil Way off Cowley Rd. Speakers include Mark Lynas and George Marshall. www.campaigncc.org
14 Meeting in support of Prisoner Ray Gilbert Friends Meeting
House, Paradise Street, Liverpool.
"It is specially hoped that anyone with recollections of the
events of 1981, or who can put us in touchwith witnesses who could
help Ray, will turn up and help investigators reconstruct what really
14 Rock around the Blockade and AMP present a night of Art, Music and Politics 6pm to midnight atThe Macbeth, 70 Hoxton Street, London N1 6pm: film showing of The Motorcycle Diaries, followed by...Live music, poetry, speeches, DJ, dancing and more £3 entrance 020 7837 1688 www.ratb.org.uk
15 Come to hear top Glasgow authors ALASDAIR GRAY, LOUISE WELSH
& JANEY GODLEY - and help raise money to help JAM74 fight
back against the daft plan to build yet another motorway through
Glasgow. 7.30pm at Woodside Halls, 36 Glenfarg Street (just off
Maryhill Road), Glasgow £10 Donation www.jam74.org
15 Local Transport Plan training days - for activists to
compare their local authority's draft 5 year Local Transport Plans
and share campaign strategies. Manchester http://transport2000.org.uk/diarydates/
16 International Day of Action Against McDonald's, to mark World Food Day. 020 7713 1269. www.mcspotlight.org Adopt your local store - for ready-made leaflets 0845 458 9595 mclibel@veggies.org.uk
16 Aberystwyth University Tree Seed Collection and Tour! A rare opportunity to visit Aberystyth University and collect seeds and cuttings from the many unusual trees in the Llanbadarn and Penglais campus grounds! 10am in the College Ceredigion Car Park, Llanbadarn campus. Directions will be available closer to the day. 01654 703965 dyfivalleyseedsavers@hotmail.co.uk
16 Weapons of Mass Deception (Film Documentary screening) 3pm Everyman Cinema, Hampstead, London With filmmaker Danny Schecter (from the US). 'WMD, Weapons of Mass Deception', is an award-winning documentary by journalist/filmmaker Danny Schechter. The film, which won Best Documentary at both the Denver and Austin Film Festivals depicts a media guilty of selling the Iraq war instead of telling the truth, by adopting a patriotic correctness and a uniformity of perspective that is undermining democracy in America.
17 Mclibel film @ The electric palace, High Street, Hastings £4/3
17 The G8 Deal Exposed - Indymedia Film Night An evening of films from the 2005 G8 Protests including, 'Raised voices', The Clown Rebel Army', 'Shut down Gleneagles', and the 'Pilton G8 Video'. Speakers from Corporate Watch and the African Liberation Support Campaign Network. Inn On The Green, 3 Thorpe Close, London W10. Nearest tube is Ladbroke Grove(London, W10) 7pm Free/Donations
17 'If food could talk… Hidden stories from the food chain' Conference to mark World Food Day. The Chamber, Greater London Authority, City Hall, London SE1 www.foodethicscouncil.org
18 Veggies 21st Anniversary! 8pm Sumac Social Club bar, Nottingham - buffet provided. www.veggies.org.uk/arc/event.php?ref=146
18-23 Three speakers from Women of Zimbabwe Arise, the women's group who have been resisting the Mugabe regime on the streets of Bulawayo and Harare and incurring arrest, detention, sexual abuse and torture as a result. For dates iar@amnesty.org.uk wozasolidarity2005@yahoo.co.uk
19 Bush, Blair and Bob An evening of films from Indymedia UK and speakers from Corporate Watch and the African Liberation Support Campaign Network 6pm Inn On The Green, 3 Thorpe Close, London W10 (Ladbroke Grove) free/donation
19 Presentations by Prof Nick Grief and Prof Margaret Cox of the University of Bournemouth on the difficulties of prosecuting those responsible for war crimes and the use of forensics in bringing perpetrators to justice. A Welsh Centre for International Affairs legal affairs committee seminar. 6pm Temple of Peace, Cathays Park, Cardiff centre@wcia.org.uk
20 IRAQ - invaded & occupied, what happens next? HANDS OFF anti-war FORUM 7.30pm St Joseph's Church, Milton Road A talk and discussion with Milan Rai, author and anti-war activist. For more details see www.watchingthewarmakers.org.uk
22 Palesine, Israel and the Law 10am - 5pm International
Conference organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign Logan Hall.
Institute of Education.Bedford Way, London WC1. Tickets £10
(concessions £5) 0207 700 6192 www.palestinecampaign.org
20-23 Ladyfest Brighton Organised primarily by women for
the benefit of the wider community, Ladyfest Brighton will showcase
performances by bands, visual artists, fashion designers, writers,
film-makers, dancers, zine creators, teachers, students and activists.www.ladyfestbrighton.co.uk
20-23 " Re-enlivening Agriculture: Biodynamic Preparations and the Future of the Earth" Edinburgh Steiner School, Scotland 01453 759501 www.biodynamic.org.uk
21 Taking it Down to the Shop Floor/ ArtMusicPolitic and War On Want present 'Taking it Down to the Shop Floor', a night of live music, DJs, film and more timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Morocco's invasion of the Western Sahara 9pm-6am Jamm, 261 Brixton Rd, Brixton £7/£5 conc 07862 274542 artmusicpolitic@gmail.com www.artmusicpolitic.com
21 Word up! it's RUBBISH! "Fans of hard hitting spoken word are in for a treat at the rampART as DJ Rubbish sets the world to rights with a conviction, intellect and passion absent from off-the-shelf pop culture. More conscious vibes from MC Angel and her crew, plus The Rub and BC400. They all join MC Drowning Dog and DJ Malatesta from the San Francisco's Anarchist Hip-Hop Collective, Entartete Kunst, in London at the end of their epic European tour. Expect electronic stylings with "potent anti status quo hip hop mixes"." 8pm. 15 Rampart St, London E1 2LA (off Commerical Road, near junction with Canon Street Rd) £5 suggested donation. 07050 618445 rampart@mutualaid.org website: www.rampart.co.nr
21 October - 10 November The Remember Saro-Wiwa Season;A 10th anniversary season of public art, film, music, dance, poetry and debate 020 7357 0055 www.remembersarowiwa.com www.platformlondon.org
22 London Anarchist Bookfair, The 24th A-Bookfair moves to a bigger venue. It reflects the full range of Anarchist groups, publishers and activity. Alongside the day length Bookfair, where you can get the latest books, pamphlets, magazines and all the other stuff, there are continual meetings and discussions on all aspects of anarchist activity. These are open to all. Through the day there is a professionally run creche and hot food.The Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Road, London N7. 10am-6pm Free/Donation www.anarchistbookfair.org
22 Stop Deportations - Repeal Section 9 demonstration 12 noon Cardiff City Hall cardiffsocialforum@yahoo.co.uk
22 Okupational Hazard 4 The 4th Annual Okupational Hazard squat fest is an all night event organized to raise funds and awarness for grassroot south london/london organizations such as Advisory Sercie for Squatters and the south london convergance center amongst others. There are bands djs art instalations cafe cinima and a hole heap of cabaret shows for your enjoyment 9pm sharp! south london location call info lines: 07908 116 440 or 07961 651 791 drizzit13@hotmail.com www.the-infidel.co.uk/okupational-hazard
22-24 Put the brakes on Rolls Royce Raynesway. Trident Ploughshares are organising a weekend of action against Rolls Royce in Derby: the driving force behind Trident. Rolls Royce Raynesway is the plant in Derby responsible for producing reactor fuel for Trident submarines - essential for Britain’s nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction.0845 330 3877 http://tridentploughshares.org
23 Freedom To Protest Conference. "It is your democratic right to protest" - Yeah right... This conference will share experiences, and promote mutual aid & co-ordination between protestors threatened by repressive laws and to develop effective strategies for standing up for our freedom to protest against injustice and oppression. Central London 11am-5pm www.freedomtoprotest.org.uk
25 ID cards and the threat to our civil liberties Speaker: Leanne Wood AM (Plaid Cymru, shadow social justice minister) 7.30pm Grosvenor Suite, Miners' Institute, Grosvenor Rd, Wrexham 01978 362 193 va1935@yahoo.co.uk
25 Public Meeting, No More War speaker Bruce Kent: War and Peace - a challenge to Everyone 6pm University Main Arts Lecture Theatre, College Road, Bangor
27 Meeting of The Worthing Alliance, forum for local groups and individuals concerned with Worthing people, their rights, freedom or heritage. 8pm. Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, off Montague St, Worthing.
27 Offline, Dogstar, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, London 7pm - 2am www.urban75.org/offline
28 G8 / No-ID Benefit, Sumac Centre, Nottingham www.veggies.org.uk/arc/event.php?ref=443
28-30 Saving Iceland Weekend gathering for the campaign to stop the Icelandic government and Alcoa destroying Europe's last remaining wilderness for an aluminium plant! (see www.schnews.org.uk/archive/news487.htm) Sumac Centre, Nottingham
28-30 Called to be Peacemakers - a weekend gathering for young Christian peacemakers (18-30) in South London. Soeakers, workshops and discussion. £15 01865 748 796 www.for.org.uk
29-30 Pendle Witch Camp Sahmain Gathering www.penwitchcamp.co.uk
29 A Climate for Change - tackling the eco-crisis & corporate power. "Put together an action plan to halt and reverse climate change and discuss strategies to 'recycle' capitalism in favour of an economic model based on co-operation." 11am-4pm Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley Street, London, WC2 (Covent Garden/Holborn Tubes) £5/£3.50 (inc.lunch) 07871 745258 info@aworldtowin.net www.aworldtowin.net
29 Vigil for the Death of Democracy at Titnore Woods. Gather around Northbrook College roundabout on junction of A259 and Titnore Lane. Bring placards etc. Called by Titnore Emergency Action 2pm.
29 'Whose London? Shaping Alternative Futures for our City' London Social Forum conference www.londonsocialforum.org.uk
29 Vegan Food Fair - in celebration of World Vegan Day (November 1st), for the public to sample how tasty vegan food is and to show how easy it is to live on a healthy and cruelty-free vegan diet. Methodist Church Hall, Percy Road, Hampton 12.30- 3.30pm 020 8941 8075 Lesley@vegan4life.org.uk
World Development Movement Campaigner Conventions Glasgow (29th) Liverpool (12th November) Leeds (13th November) Exeter (26th November) London (27th November) "Interested in finding out more about how you can campaign with movements around the globe to win justice for the world's poorest people? These free events will give you the opportunity to meet others, share ideas and information, learn more about the issues we are addressing in our campaigns and join the debate on how best to tackle the underlying causes of poverty." To book a place go to www.wdm.org.uk/convention or call Katharine Bosman on 0800 328 2153.
Activists from County Mayo will be touring the UK during November
to increase awareness of the struggle to prevent a giant Shell Consortium
from building a dangerous, raw gas pipeline and huge refinery on
unstable bog land, raising serious public health and safety issues
and devastating remote conservation areas on the north west coast
of Ireland. www.corribsos.com
Lancaster (4-6th) London (8th) 7.30 pm Autonomy Club, Freedom Bookshop, Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High street, London E1 (nearest tube Aldgate East), hosted by the Anarchist Federation. Oxford (9th) 7pm, Oxford Action Resource Centre. Nottingham (10th) 7pm, International Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Rd. London (12) 7pm to 3am, RampArts social center (www.ramparts.co.nr) There will also be benefit gig for the campaign with food & drink + music. Newcastle (14) 7.30pm, Tyneside Irish Centre. London (17th) 7.30pm, hosted by London Rising Tide. 7.30pm LARC 62 Fieldgate Street, London 020 7377 9088 www.londonrisingtide.org.uk
World Development Movement Campaigner Conventions Liverpool (12th November) Leeds (13th) Exeter (26th) London (27th) "Interested in finding out more about how you can campaign with movements around the globe to win justice for the world's poorest people? These free events will give you the opportunity to meet others, share ideas and information, learn more about the issues we are addressing in our campaigns and join the debate on how best to tackle the underlying causes of poverty." To book a place go to www.wdm.org.uk/convention or call Katharine Bosman on 0800 328 2153.
Till 19 Dec Background to World News. Mini-course of 5 classes on the Power of Money. Politicians like to see themselves as standing at the pinnacle of the power pyramid. Democracy can then be presented as the control of supreme power by the people. But is this the reality? Isn't financial power, exercised by unelected billionaires, higher up the pyramid than political power, especially in a globalised market? Each Monday 4-6pm at the Brighton Peace Centre, £30. Info: Francis Clark-Lowes 01273 602168 or francis@fclark-lowes.freeserve.co.uk
Till 27 Narmada Bacho Andolan Call for International Solidarity Actions Against the Narmada Dam. Challenging destruction and displacement of over 150,000 tribal people and farmers already displaced by the Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP), 7,000 hectares of prime forest already submerged, and still thousands of families continue to be pushed off their ancestral lands without adequate compensation or alternative land to turn to for their livelihood. Protests planned at Indian Embassies across the globe: Is your city involved yet? www.narmada.org
Till 30 Remember Fallujah month of action 0845 458 2564 www.voicesuk.org
3 'The Left Field Movie' and 'Who shot the sheriff? The story
of rock against racism' 7.30pm The Bread and Roses, 68 Clapham
Manor Street, London, SW4 6DZ (nearest tube - Clapham North) With
buffet, punch, guest speakers and discussion Organized by Battersea
ands Wandsworth TUC 07831 465 103
5 Incident 137 - Local benefit for those busted at G8 protests - fight their system with our systems! 3 sound systems, many dj's - techno, breaks & psy-trance. 10pm-5am place Lakota, Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS2 5 quid B4 midnight/6 after c/o dissentbristol@subsection.org.uk
5 The Norwich Forum On ID Cards United Reform Church 10am to 6pm. NorwichIDForum@gmail.com
5 Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)Centenary Celebration - 100 Years of the IWW. 7pm onwards Organised by the newly established London RampART social centre, 15-17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (off Commercial Road) Whitechapel www.iww.org.uk
7 Peace Cycle Comedy Night Benefit - to raise funds for The Peace Cycle 2006, a London to Jerusalem bike ride to raise awareness of the situation in Palestine and call for a just peace in the region. Comedians include Mark Steel and Ivor Dembina. 6.30, show starts 8pm Comedy Store, Picadilly Circus price £15/10 claire@thepeacecycle.org www.thepeacecycle.org
7 Screening of "The World Stopped Watching", film about the Contra War in Nicaragua and its aftermath, with introduction by Ben Gregory, Secretary of the Wales Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign. Y Ffynnon, Ffordd y Tywysog, Bangor. Organised by Bangor and Ynys Môn Peace and Justice Group.
8 Resistance at Rossport. Anarchist activist involved in the fight against Shell in Ireland , where small farmers and environmental activists have united, talks Convened by Anarchist Federation 7.30pm Autonomy Club, Freedom Bookshop, Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High St, London E1 info@afed.org.uk www.afed.org.uk
8 Animal Rights tribute to Barry Horne & Jill Phipps, with a showing of the story of Jill's life. There will be Free!! Vegan refreshments!!..& information on how to get activte. 7.30pm at the Electric Palace, High Street, Hastings
10 Wrexham Peace and Justice film evening. To mark the anniversary
of the US/UK assault on Falluja, we will be screening Jo Wilding's
DVD "Letter to the Prime Minister" and the film "Testimonies
from Falluja", both of which contain footage from Falluja.
Free entry but we will be making a collection for Child Victims
of War. Wrexham, Trinity Church 7pm wrexhamsaw@yahoo.com
10 Tenth anniversary of the execution of the human rights activist
Ken Saro-Wiwa. The Nigerian government's decision to execute
Ken and eight of his colleagues for campaigning against the devastating
environmental impacts of oil corporations - especially Shell and
Chevron - shocked the world and triggered a global re-evaluation
of the impacts of corporate activity. Find out more about the life-long
struggles of Ken Saro-Wiwa at www.remembersarowiwa.com
10 Wrexham Peace and Justice film evening. To mark the anniversary of the US/UK assault on Falluja, we will be screening Jo Wilding's DVD "Letter to the Prime Minister" and the film "Testimonies from Falluja", both of which contain footage from Falluja. Free entry but we will be making a collection for Child Victims of War.7pm Wrexham, Trinity Church wrexhamsaw@yahoo.com
11 Climate Crisis public meeting 7.30 pm, Friends Meeting House, Ship St., Brighton Speakers include Caroline Lucas MEP (Green Party); Sustainability Commission, National Coordinator, Campaign against Climate Change www.campaigncc.org
11 Bolton Radical Bookfair, Socialist Club, Wood St. Bolton 11-5
11-13 Raise Your Banners Festival of Political Song. Norwich ryb@phonecoop.coop
12 Solidarity Benefit Gig with all proceeds towards Ireland's struggle against Shell with talks, discussion, films and then a gig with veggie cafe, bar and music. rampARTs social centre, 17 Rampart Street, Whitechapel, E1. 7pm till 3am.
12 The Incredible Veggie Show. Everything you ever wanted
to know about being or going veggie or vegan - or simply cutting
down on meat 10am - 5.30pm Wembley Conference & Exhibition Centre,
£2 (under 16s free)0117 944 1000 info@viva.org.uk www.viva.org.uk/wembley
12-13 Annual festival "Black Petrograd" in St. Petersburg, Russia. This time theme of the festival will be resistance to summit of G8 in St. Petersburg 2006. +79213819425 Dmitry (preferably SMS) Epicenter-infoshop@nm.ru MpakoMan@inbox.ru
15 Smash EDO life Drawing session - the interim injunction prohibits filming or photography at EDO's bomb making HQ - but they underestimate peoples artistic abilities! 4-6pm Home Farm Park, Moulsecoomb, Brighton www.smashedo.org.uk
17 Sustainable Rural Community Project. Diy discussion includes:- Types of communities, Planning law/ self-build/eco-housing, Setting up a housing co-op:visions, Funding; Existing communities-what they do; Resources/networking; Social/domestic issues and conflict: Community -where, who and why: sustaining a community. Online discussion http://groups.yahoo.com/group/communityforum_/ 7:15pm LARC, 62, Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 1ES www.londonarc.org
17 Climate Change meeting, Environment Centre, Swansea 7.30pm.
17 Feminist film season: 'A Question of Silence'. Landmark feminist film. £6/4 at the Women's Library, London Metropolitan University, Old Castle St., E1 info@thewomenslibrary.ac.uk
19 Stop deporting children national day of action 020 7502 6749 www.standup4children.org
22 RAHUL MAHAJAN, author and anti-war activist from Texas, US, speaks on Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond 7pm The Roxy Art House (Formerly Lady Glenorchy's Church) Roxburgh Place (off Drummond Street and 5 mins from Word Power), Edinburgh EH8
22-24 Weekend of action against Rolls Royce Raynesway, Derby www.derby.peacepages.co.uk www.tridentploughshares.org or phone 0845 330 3877
23 Palestine and Media Bias - talk by Tim Llewellyn Ex BBC
Middle East Correspondent 7.30pm The Auditorium, the Brighthelm
Centre, North Road, Brighton organised by Brighton and Hove Palestine
Solidarity Campaign.
24 Meeting of The Worthing Alliance, forum for local groups
and individuals concerned with Worthing people, their rights, freedom
or heritage. 8pm. Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, off Montague
St, Worthing. www.eco-action.org/porkbolter/events.html
25 Brighton Critical Mass 6pm The Level, www.tinyurl.com/dfkc2
25 Eyewitness - An Iraqi Humanitarian Aid Worker's Story. Evening with an Iraqi humanitarian aid worker and speaker who is currently touring the UK, co-founder of a humanitarian relief organisation made up of a group of Iraqis and Americans who work primarily with children and women currently at risk in Iraq, including the besieged city of Falluja. No charge, but donations for her relief work are welcome. 7:30pm - 9:30pm, The Yurt, 28 Abbotts Road, New Barnet, Herts EN5 5DP. 0208 441 8903 www.breathingspacearts.co.uk
25 Peace Not War Party fundraising support for Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign. Including the Asian Dub Foundation sound system, Maracatu Estrela do Norte (a fifteen piece Brazilian Maracatu band!) and UK Apache amoungst others. come along, have a dance and give some dosh to a campaign thats skint. 9pm-2am, JAMM, 261 Brixton Road, London. £7/£5 www.barlorca.com
25 Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign and Peace Not War
present ALL NATIONS RAVE 9pm-3am @ Jamm (formerly Bar Lorca),
261 Brixton Road, SW9 £5 before 10pm, £8 after. Featuring:
Asian Dub Foundation's Invasion Sound System feat. MC Spex, Maracatu
[15 piece Brazilian band] etc. 07779 276 575 www.justice4jean.com
25-26 BeyondTV International Festival, Swansea 01792 455900 www.undercurrents.org/beyondtv
EYEWITNESS FALLUJAH: SPEAKING TOUR MARKS ANNIVERSARY OF MASSIVE ASSAULT ON IRAQI CITY Rahul Mahajan, A US author and activist who was one of the few international witnesses to the US siege of Fallujah in April 2004 will be speaking across the UK later this month to mark the 1st anniversary of the second attack on the Iraqi city during November, in which hundreds of civilians were killed, most of the population was forced to leave and half the city's housing severely damaged or rendered uninhabitable London (25 Nov), Sherborne (27 Nov) 7.30pm, Methodist Hall, Cheap Street.and Brighton (28 Nov) 7.30pm, Brighthelm Centre, North Rd. He will also be speaking at the international conference "Voices from Occupied Iraq" in London on 26 November 0845 4582564 www.rememberfallujah.org
26 Sweatshops,workers and international solidarity - A conference for activists 12 - 6pm School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London Tickets £8 (waged) and £4 (unwaged) 07904 431959 admin@nosweat.org.uk
26 "Voices from Occupied Iraq" Iraq Occupation Focus International Teach-in Themes: corporate invasion; democratic, civil and human rights; resistance. 10.30am to 5pm University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1 www.iraqoccupationfocus.org
26 (UK) Buy Nothing Day 25 (USA/Canada). To take a break from consumer culture why not join in with Buy Nothing Day, where for 24 hours people abandon the creed of commercialism and enjoy all things free. Why not help spread the message and do something to celebrate Buy Nothing Day. Set up credit card cut-ups, don white coats and vaccinate against affluenza, give out free samples of nothing - anything to show that the best things in life are free. See www.buynothingday.co.uk
26 River Ocean Foundation Conference: Community Action on Climate Change, Developing networks in the Channel's coastal communities Challenging the "it's too big" mentality…Community Base, Queens Rd, Brighton. Details at: www.riverocean.org.uk/conference.htm
26 Save-Omar Deghayes Campaign benefit gig - an evening
of music, comedy and poetry for all ages,
all tastes @ CONCORDE 2, Madiera Drive Brighton 6-9pm Tickets available
online from Concorde 2 or tel 0779 647 8421 www.save-omar.org.uk
26 Adverts And Their Enemies. Noon at The Basement, 24 Lever St Manchester. A day devoted to the art of subvertising with workshops and discussion and practical tips. www.dosummat.org.uk
26 Close Down Campsfield - 12 years Too Long! Campsfield
House Immigration Removal Centre, Langford Lane, Kidlington near
Oxford Bring Musical Instruments, Saucepans, Placards, Banners!
Music from Leon Rosselson. Speakers include former detainees Patricia
Mukandara, Mafungasei Maikokera and Philip Shamamba Jean-Lous N'Tadi,
Playwright Dave Renton of the NATFHE trade union
Bike Ride from Oxford city centre to Campsfield starts at
Martyr's Memorial, St Giles at 11 am sharp www.closecampsfield.org.uk
26 Trades Unions for Refugees The aim of this conference is to launch a campaign within trade unions to persuade the TUC general council to adopt an active policy of support for all refugees regardless of status. Supported by the Manchester branch of the National Union of Journalists, the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, and the Mansoor Hassan Campaign. This conference will take place at the Mechanics' Institute, 103 Princess Street, Manchester, M1 6DD. Info: bob.pounder@tesco.net 07837 558036
World Development Movement Campaigner Conventions Exeter (26th) London (27th) "Interested in finding out more about how you can campaign with movements around the globe to win justice for the world's poorest people? These free events will give you the opportunity to meet others, share ideas and information, learn more about the issues we are addressing in our campaigns and join the debate on how best to tackle the underlying causes of poverty." To book a place go to www.wdm.org.uk/convention or call Katharine Bosman on 0800 328 2153.
28 'Hands Off' anti-war forum Remember Fallujah: A talk and discussion with Rahul Mahajan, US anti-war activist and author 7.30 to 9pm Brighthelm Centre, North Rd, Brighton. Free 01273 706820 cath4peace@yahoo.com www.watchingthewarmakers.org.uk
29 Revolution in Venezuela - an eyewitness account Speaker: Ramon Samblas (Hands off Venezuela) 7.30pm Grosvenor Suite, Miners' Institute, Grosvenor Rd, Wrexham 01978 362 193 va1935@yahoo.co.uk
29 "What has happened to the dream of African Liberation? Is it dead?" Presentation by Explo Nani-Kofi. 6pm South Bank University, SE1 Organised by Afrikan Society of South Bank University. nkexplo@yahoo.co.uk
29 "Your Climate Your Choice" 7-9pmHampstead Old Town Hall (Interchange Studios), 213 Haverstock Hill, NW3. Speakers include Darren Johnson, London Assembly (Green), Martyn Williams, Leader Parliamentary team, Friends of the Earth, Phil Thornhill, Coordinator campaign against Climate Change. Contact sian_berry@hotmail.com
29 Air Transport - No Future! Demo and Special Critical Mass "Those living close to airports have long suffered from the effects of noise pollution, traffic congestion and an increase in respiratory illnesses. Now many of those people are being told their homes may be destroyed to make way for more tarmac. A coalition of eco-activists and local airport residents are coming together to say, "No to airport expansion!". On November 29th, the airline bosses will be wined and dined on the luxurious Towerbridge Walkways. We'll be there to greet them. Meet at 6pm on the bridge itself. Dress formal to blend with the delegates. Bring business cards and prepare to network. Following the demo, there will be a public meeting. Details to be confirmed... We dramatically alterered the government's road building programme in the 1990s, we destroyed their GM crops...now let's stop climate chaos...lets stop airport expansion!" Meet on Towerbridge at 6pm or for Critical Mass bikeride to the demo meet at Southwark Needle, by London Bridge station 5.45pm (sharp). info@planestupid.com www.roadalert.org.uk www.earthfirst.org.uk
29 Over 300 airline executives including hate figures like Mr Ryanair - O'leary, and BA Boss Rod Eddington, will gather in London for an international conference where they will discuss how to expand the aviation industry. As Im sure you know, aviation is the fastest growing cause of greenhouse gas emissions, and well frankly, we want to shut them down. We (grassroots climate activists) and members of local airport resident groups, are teaming up to greet the climate criminals when they gather on Towerbridge Walkways for their Gala Dinner. We're calling for people to dress formal and gather at 6pm on Towerbridge in London. actionupdate@hushmail.com www.planestupid.com
1 Indymedia film night short films from around the UK 7pm Tithe Barn , west walls , Carlisle. Free 01228 597689 marklloyd@riseup.net
2 'Globalisation, Education, Information and libraries'. This
event focuses on the possible future for libraries in the United
Kingdom under new global trade rules. New research shows state funded
libraries, including public libraries, university libraries, government
libraries and school libraries, are living on borrowed time under
new global trade rules. 10am-3pm Swansea University, The Library
and Information Centre, Level 7 www2.swan.ac.uk/maps/campus.htm To book a place e-mail n.t.smyth@swan.ac.uk
2 Tube party - meet on the anti-clockwise circle line platform
near the last car at 8pm at Kings Cross station, then follow the
2 Punk Rock Party £5 benefit concert for Axis Of Justice Bands playing - Resolute, The Wotnots, Off Limit, Playfire.
Venue - Chequer Mead Theatre, De la Warr Rd, East Grinstead, West
Sussex ALL AGES 7:30pm-10:30pm www.axisofjustice.org
2 Get Clued Up Bout Consumerism an evening of films, workshops
and speakers about consumerism and over consumption.. with music,
chitchat and cheap but delicious food. A fun evening not only to
get clued up but to get involved with everything else going on.
7pm at The Basement, 24 Lever St Manchester. www.dosummat.org.uk
3 International Day of Climate Protest - to coincide with the next round of climate talks in Montreal. Days of action in London (12am Assemble Lincolns Fields - Holborn tube. March via EXXONMOBILE offices and Australian embassy to US embassy, Grosvenor Sq, W1. 2pm Speeches at the US Embassy Organised by the Campaign against Climate Change 020 7549 0395/07903 316 331www.campaigncc.org Edinburgh, Aberystwyth (12 noon Procession from the Police Station to the Town Hall) and Bangor (www.hebffinia.com) as well as simultaneous demonstrations in many other countries including USA, Canada, Greece, Turkey, Australia and Asia. www.globalclimatecampaign.org
3 Anarchist Assembly Against Authoritarianism "The UK regime is quickly constructing a dystopian web of repression. Today's ASBOs, injunctions and exclusion zones will soon be joined by biometric ID cards, internment, blanket powers of arrest and summary justice. This cannot go on unchallenged. This is an invitation for an open dialogue between all anarchist and anti-authoritarians to discuss how we resist the authoritarianism of the state in our day to day lives, in our local communities, and on an international level." 2pm - 6pm University of London Union (ULU) an_assembly@hushmail.com
3 Showing Of Video Of John Pilger Thomas Paine Society lecture,
'Propaganda and Silence in the War on Terror' Admission is,
free. 3pm Presented by The Thomas Paine Society at Conway Hall,
25 Red Lion Square, London WC1 www.conwayhall.org.uk
3 Queer Barrio - A night of radical DIY fun, with DJs (playing
electro, hip hop, drum+bass & house), performers & the sexiest
queers around. A benefit for Queer G8 & radical queer activism.
9pm-6am Ramparts, 15-17 Rampart St, London E1 £5/3 donation www.queeruption.org.uk
3 Annual Dutch Anarchist Bookfair 11am till 6pm. De Kargadoor, Oudegracht 36, Utrecht, The Netherlands www.kargadoor.nl
3 David Rovics + Robb Johnson + G8 2005 slideshow LARC, 62 Fieldgate St., London E1 (Whitechapel tube) 8-11pm. £2 0207 377 9088
3 Hands off Venezuela Conference 11.30am-5.30pm NATFHE, 27 Britannia St., London, WC1X 9JP www.handsoffvenezuela.org
4 Ethical Dilemma Debate - Should We Sacrifice Freedom For Security? NO Argues Edmund McArthur 3pm Presented by South Place Ethuical Society at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1 www.ethicalsoc.org.uk
4. "Beating the Bounds" of the Democracy-Free Zone around Parliament in London, where protest is now a crime. Meet 12 noon by Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square, London.
6 ID Cards Debate No2ID will debate with Andrew Burnham MP (Home Office Minister) about the need for ID cards to protect us from Benefit Fraud Terrorists. 7pm, City College, Pelham Street, Brighton.
7 Rally in support of Sarah Hata and her children - Dennis, Hope, Maureen, Peace and Moris – all deported to Uganda in October. The protesters demanded that the Hata family are returned to their home in Wigan and their solicitor enabled to make representations on their behalf. Meet 5.15pm Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan
7 Freedom to Protest meeting, featuring Walter Wolfgang, the Omar Deghayes campaign and Titnore campaigners. Labour Hall, Lyndhurst Road, Worthing (near Worthing Hospital). 7.30pm.
7 Briefing: HOW TO MAKE POVERTY HISTORY... LISTEN TO GRASSROOTS VOICES. Speakers: African, Asian and Latin American experts and representatives of grassroots organisations, and report editor David Satterthwaite 9.00am. Breakfast served. Mall Room, Foreign Press Association, 11 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AJ.For invitation email Leanne.Dmyterko@iied.org Organised by the International Institute for Environment & Development www.iied.org
8 Brighton Peace and Environment centre presents a fundraising night of folk, blues and soul @Grand Central Pub (opposite the centre) Tickets 2.50 minimum donation
9 International Day of Prisoners for Peace. Demonstrations in Frankfurt, Berlin, Mainz, Münster, London, Paris, Belgrade, New York and some other places to support imprisoned anarchist gay total/conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan. Tarhan had declared his objection on 27th of October 2001 in Ankara. On 8th of April 2005, he was arrested in Izmir and since then he is imprisoned and faced torture in the military prison. At the moment he isthreatened with judicial rape. His struggle is widely supported by anarchists and anti-militarists in Turkey and abroad. The picket in London will be organized by "wages due lesbians" and "Payday", in front of Turkish Airlines, 125 Pall Mall / corner of Haymarket St. (Charing Cross/Piccadilly Tube) bw. 12 - 2pm. www.refusingtokill.net
10 You Can't Buy Beauty. A day of street theatre and mischief around the city centre targeting the beauty industry. With 'makeovers', fashion show and real beauty tips. Noon in Manchester City Centre. www.dosummat.org.uk
10 Stop the Arms Trade! Defend the Right to Protest! Churchill Square, Brighton. 12 noon.
10 Don't Buy Israeli Apartheid. National day of action on the consumer boycott of Israeli goods. Contact the Palestine Solidarity Campaign at info@palestinecampaign.org or on 020 7700 6192 to find out what's going on in your area or to let us know what you're planning. www.palestinecampaign.org
11 Bike Treasure Hunt. A fun free bike race around the city. A way to have fun without harming the environment or your wallet. 2pm starting from The Basement, 24 Lever St Manchester. www.dosummat.org.uk
11 Bulb Magazine is 1 year old! So we've teamed up with War on Want on International Human Rights day to bring Colombian Hip Hoppers 'Asilo 38' to town and have some fun. 7pm til nice and late Carling Academy Islington. £10 in advane, £12 on the door 0207 720 2555 mike@bulbmag.com www.bulbmag.com
12 Indymedia cinema 'Climate Change' film night from 6pm Inn On The Green, west London free/donation www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/cinema.html
12 Abergavenny Women in Black - Meeting to discuss 'A postive
passive response to war and violence'. 8pm Details: Katrina Gass
01873 855760 or katrinagass@yahoo.co.uk for venue.
14 Peak Oil - A global impact? London School of Economics
Old Theatre, straight in the main doors, Houghton Street Free www.re-cycle.org
14 East Sussex Wildlife Rescue, British Divers Marine Life Rescue and International Animal Rescue joint Christmas Party @ Rainbow, 179 The High Street, Lewes 7.30pm onwards. There will be live reggae music, vegan and veggie food and for just £12.50 per person. Tickets 01825-765546.
15 till 16 January ART NOT OIL at The Bongo Club, 37 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8BA; 0131 558 7604; www.thebongoclub.co.uk www.artnotoil.org.uk www.nationalpetroleumgallery.org.uk
16 Rally to Defend Courage Idiagbonya Courage fled persecution
in Nigeria for his work as s a student leader whilst at the University
of Benin, fighting against the authorities for human rights and
democracy. The demo has been postponed, but for more info see www.ncadc.org.uk/archives/filed%20newszines/
16/17 Into The War Zone an entertaining and enlightening play about the Iraq war, at the new Carriageworks theatre, Millenium Square. Produced by the Bradford-based Writers Company, this tragicomedy tells the moving real life stories of peace-seekers who braved danger and political disapproval to help save lives in Iraq by becoming human shields to protect water purification plants, power stations, and food silos. Tickets are £8 / £5 conc. Tel: 0113 224 3801 to reserve a ticket.
17 Christmas carols & picket outside Yarl's Wood Removal Centre, 12.00pm Twinwoods Road, Clapham, Bedfordshire. Yarlswood Detention Centre has been called the "Bleak House" for Our Times. Legal Action for Women: law@crossroadswomen.net 020 7482 2496, 07958 152171 (call them about transport going from London)
17 Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees invites you to put your - Hands Around Brand Street Immigration Office in Ibrox 10am www.gctwr.org.uk/home.aspx
17 Shut down Guantanamo - Support the Hunger Strikers - Vigil for Omar summary 3pm Churchill Square, Brighton info@save-omar.org.uk www.save-omar.org.uk
17 School Students Against The War benefit night. Rampart Social Centre, London
17 FREE MARKET in Manchester city centre. www.dosummat.org.uk
17 Grand Anarchist Winter Solstice Party At The Autonomy Club, Freedom Press, ANGEL ALLEY 84b Whitechapel High Street E1 7QX 2pm
18 LARC Library Muntmass Mash UP Snow white and the 7 Dwarves, Rockers and Female Tragedy as well as tripped out shorts from KTimeTV Food Drink n Whatnot, 6pm-12pm, 62 Fieldgate St E1 020 7377 9088 www.londonarc.org
23 Word On The Street: Benefit gig for the homeless Live
hip hop from Alex Blood and Mr Crowe along with live rock-pop from
bands The James Warner Prohphecies and The 45 Rebellion. The evening
will be also see DJ Hudson spining some funk classics while the
Trinity B-Boys demonstrate their dance floor talents. 8pm - Late
The 5 Lamps Pub, Duffield Road Donation based 07779800919 jonalouie@hotmail.com http://img2.uploadimages.net/show.php?img=64
25 Christmas Day Something to do with Jesus, a fat bloke
with a beard (must have been an anarchist) shopping and getting
26 Boxing Day Every day is Boxing Day in West Street (Brighton Joke).
30 Brighton Critical Mass 6pm The Level, www.tinyurl.com/dfkc2