"Definitely one of the best party and protest sites to come out of the UK. Updated weekly, brilliantly written, bleakly humourous, and essential reading for anyone who gives a shit. And we all should." - Radiohead
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Party & Protest - 1999
6 Jan - 6 Feb - The Colour of Justice - A play featuring the reconstruction of the major events in the six month inquiry into the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Opening at the Tricycle Theatre, London. 6th Jan - 6 Feb 1999 More details 0171 636 3750
10 - 'End of the Road Reunion' for the Third Battle Of Newbury. For details of this and monthly meetings: 07000 785 201. P.O. Box 5642, Newbury, Berks RG14 5WG. E-mail: thirdbattle@hotmail.com Web: www.gn.apc.org/newbury
15, 29 - The London Anarchist Forum meets every Friday evening at Conway Hall, 25, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL (Holborn tube). Topics include What is an Anarchist Movement? (Jan. 15th.) & Symposium on Behaviour in Anarchist Meetings. (Jan. 29th)
16-18 - Give General Pinochet a warm welcome: Sat 16th Jan a march/visit to his home in the country; Sun 17th Jan a march Millbank, Parliament Square, Trafalgar Square, starting 11a.m meet at Dean Ryle St, SW1 followed by a rally at 12 noon in Trafalgar Square with speakers and music. Then picket in front of the Lords (Houses of Parliament) Monday 18th Jan 9am to Weds.
28 - Stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal - Public meeting 7.30pm at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Tel.0171 3260353. Web: http://www.mumia.org [turn off Javascript as this page crashes some browsers].
29-31 - Earth First! Winter Moot. Earth First! will be holding it's 'introverted rabid navel gazing National Winter Moot to question who we are and what we're doing' More details from EF! Winter Moot, c/o Notts EF!, Box EF!, 182 Mansfield Rd,Nottingham, NG1 3HW. (If you have to bring kids or dogs book them in by 7th of January or they can't come)
30 - Benefit Ceilidh for Ashton Court Quarry Campaign, St. Werbughs Community Centre, Horley Rd, Bristol. 8pm-12pm £3/2 More info 07970 423834
8 - Demo against The Eden Project - a planned giant tourist attraction in Cornwall. It threatens 80 acres of medieval field systems, hedgerows, mature oak and ash wood, and 2 conservation sites. Drilling and testing along the proposed 2-mile road has begun and direct action is likely. Contact 01726 843586. Demo at council offices, Restormel, St Austell, Cornwall.
14-15 Valentine's Day Trident Ploughshares Action - a weekend of fun and frolics in Glasgow, culminating in a mass blockade of the nuclear base at Faslane on the 15th. The action is part of TP2000's aim to disarm the Trident weapons systems by the year 2000 through non-violent direct action. Contact TP 2000, 42-46 Bethal St., Norwich, NR2 1NR email tp2000@gn.apc.org
20 - National Demo at Hillgrove cat vivisection farm, 12 noon. More info 0121 632 6460
27 - New Labour's Immigration and Asylum Bill Protest (see SchNEWS 202) - 12 noon, Embankment, London (Embankment tube) Contact 101 Villa Rd., Birmingham, B21 1NH , 0121 5546947 email: cair@ncadc.demon.co.uk (a minibus is going from outside St.Peters Church, Brighton at 10am.)
1 - Demo in support of the Portsmouth Three - hunt sabs on trial charged with conspiracy to commit violent disorder. Outside Portsmouth Crown Court, 1:00pm, Monday March 1 (1st day of trial, and National Day Of Acton Against All BloodSports). Defence Campaign, Box H, 67 Fawcett Rd., Southsea, Hants, PO4 ODH
5 - Benefit evening for Workers Aid for Kosova, 8pm-12pm, The Yard Theatre, Hulme with Attila the Stockbroker. Tickets £6/4.
6 - National Anti-Fur Day. Brighton Animal Rights Coalition demo outside Karen Millen boutique, Nile Pavillions, Nile St, 12pm- Brighton's last fur stockists!!
6 - International Women's Day-Rally for Mothers Against Disappearances! 4pm Trafalgar Square.
8 - International Women's Day. Crossroads Women's Centre have organised some events over the coming month. Sunday 14th March there's a Mothers Day Celebration and Protest 1pm; 26th March video and talks celebrating the sans-papiers (without papers) third anniversary - both events at the Women' Centre. Meanwhile this Sunday there's various events at Hove Town Hall 11 am - 4pm. Join the global women's strike 8th March 2000 "for a new millennium that values women's work and women's lives". Contact Crossroads, 230a Kentish Town Rd (entrance on Caversham Rd.) London NW5 0171 482 2496
13-14 - Permaculture Introductory Weekend Contact NatureWise 0171 281 3765.
18 - Rebel Alliance - get together of Brighton campaigners and activists, 7pm sharp upstairs at Hobgoblin Pub, Brighton.
Followed by SchNEWS Benefit - Exodus Collective, Ground Zero @ New Madeira Hotel, 19-23 Marine Parade (along the seafront)
SchNEWS live! & talk and film from the Exodus Collective - 8pm-9.30 pm -
then music till 2 am. Just £3. Transport is hopefully being sorted to get people from the Rebel Alliance to the Maderia Hotel.
20 - Demo outside vivisection lab Huntingdon Life Sciences 11am outside Huntingdon Tescos, Ring Road (A141) Tel 0589 026435 http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/shell/279/
24 - International Day of Action against Exxon-Mobil. Contact Friends of the Earth 0171 490 1555
24 - Next meeting of the Inter-Continental Caravan is at Strike, Top floor, 11-29 Fashion St, London E3 at 7 pm
26 - The Crossroads Women's Centre, are hosting Sans-Papiers, immigrants without papers third anniversary celebration, on Friday 26 March at 7pm, with big screen footage of recent protests around Europe. The centre is at 230a Kentish Town Road NW5 Tel: 0171 482 2496
27 - Network of Socialist Alliances Conference at the Union Club, 723 Pershore Rd, Birmingham. Contact 32, The Green, Long Lawford, Rugby CV23 9BL. Tel 01788 569766.
27 - Transport Action Day, organised by A SEED Europe. This will co-incide with the offical meeting of EU Transport Minsisters about the Trans European Network (TEN) of roads. Actions are promised all over Europe. For a Transport action pack contact Frank van Schaik, c/o A SEED Europe, Postbus 92066, 1090 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands. Tel + 31-20-668-2236 email: frank@aseed.antenna.nl
28 - Protest at a genetic crop site near Edinburgh. Contact Fife Earth First! 01334 477411
3 - Land occupation somewhere in the south of England, to clebrate 350th anniversiary of Diggers occupation of St.George's Hill. The Land Is Ours, Box E, 111 Magdalen Rd., Oxford, OX4 1RQ, Tel: 01865 722016 Web: http://www.oneworld.org/tlio
4 - Get on down to the Guilford Technival at Maltings Bridge Sq Farnham. Six room festival featuring acts from Megadog and Pendragon. Tickets £6.80 adv. Box office 01252 726234
10 - Street Party outside 121 Centre, Railton Rd, Brixton 2pm. Info 0171-274-655
15-30 - Global Days of Action against Monsanto and genetically modified foods. Info: http://www.jps.net/dcasner [Turn your graphics on but take a deep breath first!] Tel: 0181 374 9516, Genetix update, c/o PO Box 9659, London, N4 4JY
17 - No More Bombings! Lift the Sanctions! (Libya & Iraq) March and Rally for Peace and Justice: 1pm assemble Hyde Park Corner; 3pm Rally in Trafalgar Square. Tel: 0171 436 4636.
17 - Demonstrate against Hillgrove Farm's continued breeding of cats for vivisection. From 12 noon. Transport is available from all over the UK - for details call 0121 632 6460
18 - Kosova Aid Convoy benefit @ Sussex Arts Club, Ship St, Brighton 7.30pm with Tartan Amoebas + DJ's Ghecko and Hair Bear. £5/3
19 - The contract for the Avon Ring Road has been awarded to Christiani Nielsen, the Leamington-based outfit responsible for the Wells relief road and the nasty evictions at Dead Woman's Bottom. Work is expected to start on Apr 19; the protest camp is gearing up for action. Contact the camp on 0836 653 723 or 0797 999 0389 or STARR at 84 Colston St, Bristol BS1 5BB
23 - National Animal Rights demo at Medical Research Council, the Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London. The labs here were infiltrated several years ago and such cruelty exposed that top profs had to resign: the experiments still continue - let's stop them. 11am. Nearest tube Mill Hill East, then 240 bus. More info: Soraya 0181 888 4971; Chrissie 0181 203 2325/ 0467 471111
24 - World Day for Laboratory Animals with a national march in Brighton. Meet Preston Park at noon followed by wreath laying at Shamrock Farm
24 - No Pasaran. Get cultural with the Stroud Football Poets compelling accounts of the Spanish Civil War. 8pm. Hexagon Theatre, Kingsfield School, Brook Rd, Kingswood, Bristol. Tickets £4/3 - Tel: 0117 971 1540
24 - The National Front are planning a march in Worcester. The Anti-Nazi League are planning a counter-demonstration, assemble at the Guildhall at 1pm.For confirmation:Tel.: 0171-2844040,e-mail: editors@s-light.demon.co.uk
24-25 - Party at Lyminge Forest West Wood protest camp. The battle is nearly won!!
27-28 - Thespionage presents 'TICK-A-TEENTH? because dealing can be murder' Another tale from the front-line, for those that know the score. At The Komedia, Gardener St, Brighton. Tues 27 and Wed 28 April 8pm 01273 647 100. The Akademia, Manchester St, Brighton. Fri 14th & Sat 15th May 7.30pm 01273 607 171. Tickets £5/4
28 - Rebel Alliance - get together of Brighton campaigners and activists, 7pm upstairs @ Hobgoblin Pub, London Rd
29 - McBurger Off! Anti McDonalds benefit gig featuring special guests Chanter (Folk-Rock) at the Royal Standard Music Venue, Blackhorse Lane - directly opposite Blackhorse Lane (Victoria Line) tube station - Walthamstow E.17. Starts 8pm.
30 - Manchester Reclaim The Streets
INTERNATIONAL WORKERS MAY DAY MARCH. Meet 12 noon Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square. 100 years of celebrating trade union rights, human rights and international solidarity. + May 2nd, May Day International Evening-music from around the world at Subterania, 36 Acklam Rd, London W10 (Ladbroke Grove)4-11pm
Reclaim May Day The Oyster House 6-11pm, Locksway Road, Milton, Portsmouth. £3/2. Featuring bands and DJs. Food 6-8pm.
Cannabis Coalition Beltane Ganja day. Celebration of Cannabis March and free-festival on Clapham Common. Meet noon Brixton Ritzy. Tel: 0171 737 6289 mayday@schmoo.co.uk
Nottingham May Day events 26th April to 1st May. Program available from Mushroom Bookshop, 12 Heathcote St, Nottingham
Bradford May Day. Tel: 01274 734160 1in12@legend.co.uk
DIY Resist Global Action. Birmingham. Fight back against global economic power.. Meet 11am outside NatWest HQ. Colmore Row, City Centre.
30 Manchester mini Reclaim The Streets. Meet Midday at University Students' Union, Oxford Road. 0161 2245153 mfox4rhm@fsl.art.man.ac.uk
1-2 - Newcastle Community Green Festival, free environmental event. Tel: 0191 232 1750
1-2 - Vegan Organic Network. Permaculture, forest gardening, community gardening, etc. May 1-2 at Fresh Horizons., 50 Ditton Court Rd, Westcliff On Sea, Essex. Tel: 01702 303259
3 - Llantrisant Free Festival Mid Glamorgan, S.Wales; 0973 399220
8-9 - Streets Of Brighton Festival on-the-beach including The Firestarter Stage with Zion Train, Head-Mix collective, Max Pashm, the super-groove Jazz Skiffle Sensation, Kyras Tortoise and the phenomenal, unmissable, legendary Lucy Wild Blues.(viva villcabamba sista!) Tel: 0181 986 9646; wwwcontinentaldrifts.ukxom
8 - Peace In The Balkans, Stop the War Demo. Meet Embankment 12 noon. Tel 0171 275 0164
8 - Hull Reclaim The Streets. Meet, Pearsons Park, off Beverly Rd. 12 noon
8 - Undercurrents 10 & comedian Mark Thomas at New Theatre Royal, Guildhall Walk, Portsmouth 7pm £2
11-16 - Hague Appeal for Peace for the abolition of war Internationl Conference. Tel: 0181 347 6162. www.haguepeace.org
13 - World Starfishman Day. Foreshadowed by the Hale-Bopp comet, starfishman left the womb of the ocean and came ashore at Whitby on May 13th ’97... .Celebrate by doing Starfishmanly things of your own devising, in your own way.
13-18 Home Educators Festival, Work shops and educational activities, Beach, Dorset; 0171 813 5907
14 - National Demo against Live Exports from 9am, Meet Tesco car-park, Whitfield. Tel: 01304 613904
14 - London Anarchist Forum meets every Friday, 8pm, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. Tube Holborn. Various talks and discussions Tel 0181 847 0203
15 - London Permaculture Gathering, 11am-7pm, lunch 1.30pm, at the Bowlers Community Nursery, 81 Crouch Hill, London N8. BusesW7, 91, 41, 210. Tube: Archway, Finsbury Park £5-25 (sliding scale). Tel: 0171 281 3765
15 -Freedom For Ocalan! Freedom For Kurdistan! Demo. Sat 15th May, 1pm, Malet Street WC1. Tel: 0956 155 788
17 - John Tyndall, the leader of the British National Party, has been invited to address the Oxford Union (University Debating Society). Protest to Oxford Union, Frewin Court, Oxford,OX1 3JB Tel (01865) 241353 E-mail:President (Theo Mills): president@oxford-union.org
17-21 - National Breast-feeding Week. Freephone: 0800 555 777
19 - SchNEWS 'Survival Handbook' book launch - Headmix Collective, Ground Zero, Bar Centro, Ship Street Brighton, 7-11pm £2, Raffle, Video, MegaMash & FAF Decor, cheap beer
21-24 - Action camp against Highway A20. Nr Lubeck(N.Germany). Protesters travelling from Europe will be reimbursed for 50% of travel expenses (as long as you don’t fly). Camp costs between 25 and 40 dm. Vegan/organic food, tree-climbing, canoeing, street theatre, RTS etc. Tel: (+49) 0451/7070646. Email: jupluebeck@t-online.de
21 - Demo at biotech company Zeneca’s AGM. Tel: 0161 224 4846
22 - Festival 99 Devonshire Green, Sheffield; 0114 225 4158
22 May - 20th June The InterContinental Cararvan will be in town. Around 500 activists from across the globe will be coming to Europe to bring the concerns of the South directly to the hear of the North. Telling us how free trade and economic globalisation is devestating the lives of the poor. Contact the ICC London Welcoming Committee, 39 Thornhill Square, London, N1 1BE Tel 07970 896736 email icx99uk@hotmail.com
22 - Citizens Assembly for the Abolition of War, Westminster Central Hall. Tel: 0181 347 6162
22 - Sex Maniacs Ball and the 6th EROTIC OSCARS. 10pm-4am, The Pleasure Rooms, 604 Highroad Tottenham. Contact Sexual Freedom Coalition 0171 460 1979 www.sfc.org.uk
22 - Stanmer Park Organics community open day sustainability, gardening, music. Bring a picnic 10am onwards 01273 388673
23 - Moulsecoomb Forest Garden and Wildlife Project (behind Moulsecoomb Railway Station, just off the Lewes Road) Open Day 12 noon till 4 pm 01273 628535
28-31 - Blandford Forum Festival, Stour Park, Dorset. Alabama 3 + Zion Train + Headmix + Rory McLeod etc. £5 a day
28-31 - Animal Gathering Festival at Greenacres Sanctuary, Marston Montgomery, Nr Uttoxeter, Derbyshire. Tel: 0171 278 3068
28-31 - Animal Freedom Gathering, at The Miners Welfare Recreational Ground, Moira, nr Ashby-de-la-Zouch, various workshops, transport available 0171 278 3068
28 - June 2nd - Alternative to the EU Summit, Cologne Details from Bundnis Koln 99, KornerstraBe 69, 50823 Koln, Tel 492219520008 email koeln99@gmx.net
29 - Europe-Wide-March. Cologne. Against unemployment, job insecurity, Social Exclusion and racism.Tel: 0191 222 0299. Email: EUROMUK@aol.com
29 - Organic Festival, Arundel
29 - CAAT day-school planning action against DSEi arms fair (14-17 Sept) 10-5pm, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, WC1. Tel: 0171 281 0297
31 - Kingston Green Fair. Canbury Gardens, Kingston, Surrey. Tel: 0181 974 8883
31 - Anti Bloodsports demo. Surrey County Show, Guildford, 10.30am-5.30pm. Tel:0790 181 4936
1 - London to Stonehenge Walk begins. Meet Battersea Park Peace Pagoda noon onwards phone Willie X 0171 722 4781
4 -6 Coventry Festival
4 - Is Anarchism a Religion? For a rivetting discussion turn up at Conway hall, 25 red Lion Square, London WC1 at 8pm. It's organised by the London Anarchist Forum who put on talks same time same place every Friday. List of events ring 0181 847 0203
5 - Strawberry Fayre, Mid Summer Common, Cambridge FREE!
5 Legalize! Streetparty 10am until 22pm on against the War on Drugs Meet-De Dam Sq. Amsterdam. Live entertainment. FREE!
4- 6 - Living London Festival, environmental music festie Battersea Park, www.proteusweb.com/gp
7 - Rally For Socialism, in Birmingham with Jeremy Hardy & Mark Thomas 01203 229311
8 - World Oceans Day. Walks, talks, exhibitions and events worldwide. Tel: 0171 924 2355
8 - Protest naked for the right to be naked in public outside 2pm Buckingham Palace. Contact: 208 Foleshill Rd. Coventry, CV1 4JH
10 - Possible Referendum for a ban on genetically modified food. Under the 1972 Local Government Act if 10 local authority electors in a parish vote for a referendum then one has to be called. For a campaign pack ring 01226 762359
11 - National Goldfish Day. For goldfish freaks everywhere, put your best fish forward and boogie on down...Sat 12 National demonstration against Hillgrove cat vivisection farm. Meet 12 noon at Hillgrove, Whitney, Oxfordshire 01386 833846
12 - Cambridge Reclaim The Streets. @ railway station 1pm Bring your party toyz, banners, strawberries and cream. A coach will be going up on the day from Brighton. Tickets cost £5; available soon from the Peace Centre, Gardner Street.
12 - Reclaim The Streets Newcastle upon Tyne - Meet Monument Metro or Central station, 1pm Tel 07091135047
12 - Demo against Hillgrove Cat Vivisection Farm, 12 noon, Dry Lane, Witney, Oxfordshire. 0121 6326460
12-13 - Stoke Newington Church Street Festival
12-20 - Stop The Arms Trade Week - An International Week of Action. Contact Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) Tel: 0171 281 0297 www.gn.apc.org/caat
13 - King Arthur will lead a Mass Trespass of the proposed Avon Ring Road. Meet at the site 12.00 noon. Bring Banners, Insruments & Creativity. A Samba Band will accompany the march.Cyclists will set off as groups from either end of the Railway Path.Meet Brassmill lane in Bath and Trinty street in Bristol at 10.30 am.Overnight accommodation available at the camp, bring your sleeping gear. FFI phone 0797-999-0389.
14-20 - National Vegetarian Week. Vegetarian Society, Tel: 0161 928 0793
18 - The London to Stonehenge Walk will arrive in Winchester on 18th June. If you want to join them on their way to the stones for the solstice call 07979 013795
J18 - June 18th International Day Of Protest And Carnival
On the first day of the meeting of the G8 Summit in Cologne, Germany a global day of direct action is being planned, aimed at the heart of the global economy/financial banking districts. Actions are planned to take place in 35 countries across the world. In the UK people are taking their action to the City of London. Groups including London Animal Action, Campaign Against Arms Trade, Third World First, London Greenpeace/McLibel and Reclaim The Streets are planning openly advertised action for people to get involved in. Autonomous groups around the are also planning actions to carry out on the day. For info n your local groups contact Reclaim The Streets. A booklet about how the City works and detailed map of the area is also available for a SAE from J18 info, Box E, 111 Magdalen Rd., Oxford, OX4 1RG wwwj18.org
19-20 - Leamington Peace Festival, Warwick (free!) 01926 421830
18-27 - Space 1999 - 10 Days That Shook The Universe!! A celebration of independent, community-based space exploration including * games of 3 -sided football *All night parties / training for raves in space * Workshops on how to become an autonomous astronaut *Sex in space. The Association of Autonomous Astronauts are keen to hear from those with access to venues, satellites, soundsystems, rocket technology Contact: Space 1999 c/o BM Box 3641, LondonWC1N 3XX. www.deepdisc.com/aaa
20 Camden Green Fair 12pm-6 pm at Kilburn Grange Park Tel 0171 911 0959
20 - Save Our World Festival. Brockwell Park, Lambeth. Three music stages and an interactive and performance area. Tel: 0171 6400 492
21 - Stonehenge Summer Solstice Celebration!! The exclusion zone has been lifted but in anticipation of a renewal of the old festivities police say their operation will be “adjusted accordingly” SUNSET 8.49pm at the Stones -BST-..Tues 22nd SUNRISE (nearest to solstice) 4.59am at the Stones-BST- www.geocities.com/ soho/9000/glastone.htm
21 - Brighton Lifeline for Kosova meeting upstairs at the Hobgoblin, 7pm, arranging convoys out to the Balkans. Come along or phone 234 788 ext 234 or 0780 864 3523.
21-26 - Global Week of Action against Quintiles Animal Tests. For info on events tel: 01562 745778. Email: sqat@messages.to
23 - The Right to Protest Forum is setting up an organisation to provide legal observers and legal observer training to defend protestors and demonstrators. Meeting/discussion in the Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq, London 0171 727 0590 jb1@netlane.com
25-27 - Glastonbury Festival, Pilton, Somerset
1 - onwards Russian Rainbow Gathering, near Moscow Tel +7 (812) 3146920
2-4 - Bracknell Festival South Hill Park £40 Tel: 01344 484123
4 - Free Festival Of Global Rights 12noon-10pm (Hackney Marshes)
4 - Return To The Source Open Air Festival, Tel:0181 674 6003 http://www.rtts.com/
2-4 - Winchester Hat Fair Tel: 01962 849841
2-3 - X72 End of the world (according to Nostradamous) free party, Spain Tel 0034 93 316 5763
3 - Mardi Gras Gay Pride Festival, Finsbury Park, London £10/7
4 - Free Festival of Global Rights (Hackney Marshes); Tel: 0181 808 9755 CANCELLED
8-11 - Larmer Tree Music Festival nr. Shaftsbury £50 Tel: 01722 415223 www.larmertree.demon.co. uk
9 - Education for Sustainable Communities at Pearce Institute, Govan Rd., Glasgow 3 pm Tel 0141 332 8064
10 - Conference on sustainable housing by the Urban Regeneration and Greenfield Environment Network (URGENT!) Ruskin College, Walton St., Oxford Tel 07000 785202 http://www.urgent.org.uk
10 - Summer Animal Fair, Hove Town Hall, E.Sussex 10 am-5 pm organised by Justice and Freedom for Animals, PO Box 2279, Hove, BN3 5BY
10 - Big Day Out, Milton Keynes
10 - Defend Public Services Conference 11am-4pm at Mechanics Institute, Princes St. Manchester, six sacked Tameside care workers opposing privatisation, cheap labour, casualisation, corruption, sleaze and all forms of prejudice have invited speakers from trade unions and various care services to assist them in their fight to defend a decent public care service £3/1 Contact Tel: 0161 861 8390
10 - Bristol Reclaim The Streets
10 - WHAGA Open Day all day at Whitehawk Hill Allotments, with free food, bouncy castle and kids entertainment, and loadsa fun and games inc. Tragic Roundabout and a sound system
10-11 - T in the park, Kinross, Scotland £58 0115 912 9190 http://www.tinthepark.com/
11 - Ambient Green Picnic, Shalford Park, Guildford 12 noon - 9 pm Michael Dog/Mandragora + lots more FREE/DONATION Tel 0956 319 692 http://www.guilfin.org/
11 - Demonstration to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the fall of Srebrenica when 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were massacred when the UN 'safe area' was allowed to fall to the Bosnian Serb and Yugoslav armies. Tel Women of Srebrenica 0171 465 5312
11 - Critical Mass bike ride to the M11 Link Road for the last time before it turns into a rat run. The M11 Link Road destroyed more than 1,000 homes and already a new Tesco hypermarket, an Asda/Wal-Mart hypermarket, and a 1,000 Millennium Dome car park are planned for the area. Meet George Green, Wanstead, E11 (near Wanstead tube), 3pm, Contact Storm 0181 527 9857
19 - The three hunt sabs who were nabbed in December 1997 and charged with Conspiracy to Commit Violent Disorder after a big day out at the Hursley Hambledon foxhunt are finally coming to court. Support them on the first day of the trial, 1:00pm, at Portsmouth Crown Court. Portsmouth 3 Defence Campaign, c/o Box H, 167 Fawcett Rd, Southsea, Hants.
16 - Babymilk Scandel - London Anarchist Forum, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1 (Holborn) 8pm Tel 0181 847 0203
16-18 - Severn Revels CANCELLED; Tel: 01452 505384
17 - National Day of Action against Tarmac contact Earth First! 07971 755823
17 - Derby Punx Picnic Bass Recreation Ground, Derby 12 noon onwards + weekend of gigs
17 - Anti-Live Exports March and Rally 11am, Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London.
17-18- Ashton Court Free Festival, Bristol Tel: 0117 904 2275 FREE
17-18 - Music In The Square, Portsmouth FREE Tel: 01705 357593 http://www.btinternet.com/~themagiccat/square/square.html
18 - Tolpuddle Rally and festival nr. Dorchester. South West TUC events Tel 0117 965 3394
18 - National Genetics Event: Stop the farm scale GE trial at Model Farm, Watlington, Oxfordshire rally followed by walk to the site. Meeting place in Watlington tba Contact GEN on 0181 374 9516 http://www.gene.ch/ To find out what genetic test crop sites are near you, check out the Friends of the Earth web-site http://www.foe.co.uk/
19 - Support the Portsmouth Three demo 1pm Portsmouth Crown Court, Winston Churchill Ave: 3 sabs on conspiracy charges for mass sab on notoriously violent hunt.
19-20 - Organic Gardening Weekend Contact Henry Doubleday Research Association Tel 01203 303517
20 - onwards International anti-nuclear camp near the Balakovo nuclear plant, one of the most dangerous power stations in Russia. In 1990 protests stopped construction of the second part of the plant. Contact Ecodefense!,Moskovsky Pr 120-34, 236006 Kaliningrad Tel +7 0112 437286 email ecodefense@glasnet.ru
21-25 - Buddhafield Festival, Somerset Tel 0181 677 9564
22 - 'After the Bombing' - a public meeting organised by Workers' Aid with speakers from Prishtina and Belgrade. 7 pm Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London, WC1 (Holborn tube).
22-29 - Annual Congress of the European Civic Forum Stubbendorf @ Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany Tel +33 (0)4 92731818 email Longomai@karatel.fr
23-25 - Foothills Festival, Wales 01558 823005
23-25 - Womad, Reading £65 Tel: 0118 939 0930 http://realworld.on.net/womad/
23-25 - Guildford Live; Tel: 01483 454159
23-25 - Music In The Sun, Donvalley Grass Bowl Attercliffe, Sheffield £6 Tel: 0114 275
24 - Tissue! Tissue! We all fall down! Action against animal to human transplants with an attempt to break world record for largest ring-a-roses (currently 1,197 people) Jesus Green, Cambridge 2 pm sharp Contact Uncaged, 14 Ridgeway Rd., Shefield, S12 2SS Tel 0114 2530020 http://ds.dial.pipex.com/town/terrace/py61/
25 - National Anti-vivisection demo against Harlan UK & Astra Charnwood, Loughborough 12noon & every Wednesday tel: 0116 236 6450
27 - 4 Aug. Sprial Women's Camp near Shepton Mallet, Somerset. Pay what you can afford Tel 0181 257 5028
28 - 1 Aug Northern Green Gathering, Pontefract, W.Yorks £30 0113 224 9885
28 - Protest naked for the right to be naked in public 2 pm Royal Courts of Justice (Holborn tube)
28 - National Bog Day 0131 312 7765
29 - 1 Aug Greenbelt 99 Cheltenham Racecourse, Cotswolds, £60 0845 845 0021 http://www.greenbelt.org.uk/
30 - 8 Aug The 4th Anarchist summercamp, nr.Hannover, Germany Tel 0049 531 82909
30 - 1 Aug Organic Food and Wine Festival at Royal Horticultural Halls, London, SW1 Tel 0181 746 2832
31 - 1 Aug Brighton Festival, Stanmer Park
31 - 2 Setting up Ecological Communities course at Stepping Stones Coop, Wales 0870 7332538
31 - Sexual Freedom Parade 2pm Soho Sq., London, W1. Sexual Freedom Coalition 0171 460 1979 http://www.sfc.org.uk/
31 - Gladstonebury one day festie in aid of Brighton Lifeline for Kosova, bands, performers, DJs, BBQ, kids stuff. 3pm – 1am, £2 Gladstone Pub, Lewes Rd, Brighton.
31 - Smash Genetics Action - Meet 12 noon in Cambridge. For details of location ring 07808 191858 email smashgenetics@yahooo.com
1 - Sunsplash 99 legendary raggae event http://www.reggaesunsplash.co.uk/
1-2 - Ecotopia nr . Timisoara, Romania solar eclipse info EYFA, Postbus 94115, 1090 GC Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel + 31 20 665 7743
2-8 - European Animal Right s gathering Oslo, Norway http://www.noahonline.org/
1-15 - Moonshadow Eclipse Family Camp, Cornwall 0181 941 6277
1–21 - Green Futures Eclipse Family Camp – a snip at £200 01736 788926
3 - Hackney Solidarity Group are campaigning against the housing benefit delays since the council housing benefit office was taken over by private firm IT-NET. Public Meeting 6.30pm at The Old Fire Station, Leswin Road, N16. For info. HSG Contact HSG, 136-138 Kingsland High St., London E8 2NS Pager: 07654 513 180
6 - Hiroshima Say In Preston there will be a vigil at Navy Recruitment Centre, Fishergate Rd. City Centre 3-4pm, followed by an evening of films about nuclear deviance at St. Wilfred’s Church Hall, City Centre 7.30 pm *Organised by Bread Not Bombs Ploughshares Support Group. Ciaron 07930-961842 ciaronx@hotmail.com
6-8 - The Big Chill ‘Enchanted Garden 99’ , Salisbury £73 Tel: 0181 372 9735 http://www.bigchill.co.uk/
SchNEWS RECOMMENDED TOP ECLIPSE FESTIVAL! The Lizard Festival, 7-14th August, Goonhilly Down, Cornwall £125 A Celebration of the Spiritual Significance of the Eclipse organised by a crew of idealists who have been involved in the festival scene since the 70’s. Lizard are committed to supporting the local economy. The site will be supplied with locally produced food, with not a shitty burger van in sight. Tel: 0906 2102376 http://www.lizard.net/
6-13 - Zac’s Tipi’s Total Eclipse Camp (family friendly) 01558 685682
6–12 - Megadog Essential Total Eclipse FestivaL , Nr.Plymouth £95 Tel: 0181 806 6242 http://www.megadog.net
6-15 - Sunshadow Festival, Torpoint, Cornwall £85 Tel: 01502 230387 http://www.sunshadow.com/ www.klasol.demon.co.uk/sve99/sunshadow/ssMain.htm
6–15 - Rainbow Circle Astrology and Solar Eclipse Camp, Devon Tel 01452 813505
7–12 - Eclipse Party, Cornwall Tel: 0161 860 6472 £25 http://www.splintered.demon.co.uk/eclipse
9-15 - Solipse, solar eclipse festival Ozora, Hungry. Tickets 0171 428 0127 http://www.solipse.com
11 - Total Solar Eclipse Devon/Cornwall 11.11 am
11 - Eclipse Gathering for Travellers in Romania - organised by the ‘International Suneclipse Itinerant Society’ (ISIS): http://www.online.de/home/klins/ or contact: FrankMelhop@yahoo.com
7 - Close Down Woodhill Prison Control Unit (part of the Prisoners’ Justice Day demonstrations, see article)
7-8- Organic Gardening Weekend - Henry Doubleday Research Assocation 01203 303517
7–15 - No One Is Illegal Border Camp – no racism and fortress Europe. The camp will be where the German, Polish and Czech borders meet. Contact Forschungsstelle Flucht und Migration, GneisenaustraBe 2a, D-10961 Berlin http://www.contrast.org/borders/camp/
Critical Mass. Swansea. This and every first Sat. of the month. Meet 12.15pm @ The University & 12.30pm @ The Guildhall. http://www.members.tripod.co.uk/swanseacm/ [doesn't work]
7-14 - National week of action at burger bars across the country. VIVA! 01273 777688 (on the 7th there will be a demo outside Burger King nr. Clocktower 10.30 am)
7 - The Animal Jive. Hillfields Animal Sanctuary, Greenhill, Blackwell, Nr Bromsgrove, Worcs. £2 7–14th Cornish Eclipse Stone Festival, nr.Lostwithiel
7-8 - Organic Gardening Weekend – Henry Doubleday Research Assocation 01203 303517
9-12 - Totality! Newquay Tel: 01637 871999 www.totality.co.uk
9 - Nagasaki Day
9–16 - If I had a hammer.. Trident Ploughshares 2000 Disarmament Camp at Coulport Trident missile base, Scotland Tel 01603 611953 http://www.gn.apc.org/tp2000
10 - International Prisoners’ Justice Day This day has been commemorated in several countries since 1976. This year in the UK the focus is on the notorious Woodhill control unit in Milton Keynes. Opened last year, it consists of 3 units, where prisoners considered too "subversive" to be contained in the mainstream of the prison system can be arbitrarily confined until they "progress" with the behaviour modification programme. More details from Anarchist Black Cross (London), 27 Old Gloucester St., London, WC1N 3XX email londonabc@hotmail.com
11 - Tribal gathering, Men-an-Toll, Cornwall FREE (See Eclipse snips)
11 - World Earth Healing Day Tel 0181 806 3828 email WEHD@freenet.co.uk
11–26 - European Rainbow Gathering , Hungary For info send an international reply coupon to RIC, Brandaris 321, 1503 CE, Zaandam, Holland 12 Day of action against the glorious Twelfth (protest against the start of the grouse shooting season) Hunt Sabs Assocation 01273 622827
13 - Hackney Solidarity Group Demonstration. 12 noon at IT-NET’s offices, Dorothy Hodgkin House, Morning Lane, E8. Tel: 0181 374 5027 Web: http://home.clara.net/hsg/hhome.html Email: hsg@clara.net
13 - Abbey Park Festival (Leicester); Tel: 0116 2673196
13-14 - Cropredy (Fairport Convention) Festival, Oxfordshire Tel: 01869 338853 (good if you’re into beards)
14 - Brighton Gay Pride FREE and wicked 01273 730562
15 - National Vegan Festival ,10am-7pm, Camden Centre, Bidborough St., London WC1 0181 670 9585
15 - Smokey Bears Picnic , 2 pm Southsea Common, Portsmouth FREE! The picnic now in its sixth year, is the largest and most established regular legislation event in the UK challenging the countries ridiculous cannabis laws
15-13 - Natty Gathering near Lampeter, S.Wales. Exploring practical solutions to sustainable living. Tel: 01273 834995 Email: nattytrust@gn.apc.org Web: http://www.gn.apc.org/nattytrust/
18-23 - Earth First! Summer Gathering in East Anglia. An opportunity for actvists involved in or interested in environmental direct action to come together to learn new skills and plan campaigns with hundreds of workshops and discussions. Contact 0113 262 9365 http://www.eco-action.org/gathering/
19-20 - Festival of the Unknown , Hackney (of course), London Tel 0181509 3353
19-23 - 1999 in Tabor, Czech Republic. Cesta presents ‘At Home Abroad’ An arts festival whose goal is to explore and collect reflections on adopted cultures from Im/E/Migrants, Refugees, Extra-legal and Resident Aliens, and Others making their homes on foreign soil. CESTA Novakova 387, Tabor 39001, Czech Republic tel: (420) 361 258 004 e-mail: cesta@mbox.vol.cz Web: http://www.cesta.cz/
21 - Save the Shamrock Monkeys . National Demo noon outside Shamrock, at Henfield Road, Small Dole, West Sussex. To offer or request transport call 07020 936956
21–22 - V99 Weston Park, Staffs £70 Tel: 01142 554973
21-22 - V99 Chelmsford £70 Tel: 01142 554973
23-26 - second conference of the People’s Global Action against ‘free’ trade and the World Trade Organisation.Hosted by the Karnataka State Farmers Association in Bangalore, India. http://www.agp.org/
27–29 - Reading Festival £78 if you must Tel: 0181 961 5490
27–30 - Exodus Festival, Long Meadow Farm, Sundun Rd., Charlton, Beds FREE 01582 508936
28 - Critical Mass Brighton meet top of Montpelier Cresc, by bottle bank @12pm
28-30 - Leeds Festival Tel: 0181 961 5490 http://www.readingfestival.com/
29-30 - Notting Hill Carnival, FREE
30 - Sutton Green Fair, Carshalton Park, Ruskin Rd., Carshalton, Surrey. 10.30am-8pm 0181 647 7706
31 - Sea Action Benefit Gig - Rob Newman at the Komedia. Tickets from the Brighton Peace & Environment Centre, £5-10 (pay what you can afford but remember it’s for a good cause)
September is Free Cannabis Month and events have been lined-up and down the country SchNEWS highlighs include
9 - Cannabis Prisoners Day.
10-11 - National Cannabis Action Conference at Norwich.
18 - ‘Healer of the Nations’ march and one day cannabis festival at Stockwood Park, Luton. Organised by the ‘Campaign Against Narcotic Abuse Because of Ignorance in Society’ (C.A.N.A.B.I.S),
25 - Smokey Bears Picnic, Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London. High noon onwards.
26 - Smokey Bears Picnic, Norwich. Chapelfield Gardens, Norwich. High noon.
Free Cannabis Month Info Lines: 0171 637 7467 / 01605 625 780 Listings update www.schmoo.co.uk/free99.htm
1-3 - Groundswell’s 3rd Annual Self Help Forum FREE! The Ponderosa, Crookesmoor, Sheffield. The only UK wide event for homeless people creating their own solutions. Contact: National Homeless Alliance, 5-15 Cromer St, London, WC1H 8LS Tel: 0171 833 2071 http://www.oneworld.org/groundswell/
3-5 - Building Sustainable Economies, Centre for Alternative Technology , Machynlleth, Powys. SY20 9AZ Tel: 01654702400 http://www.cat.org.uk/
3-6 - The Land Is Ours Autumn Gathering @ ‘Flying Pig Farm’ Nr Stroud, Gloucestershire. (a long-term rural land squat planned straight after the gathering)Tel: 01865 722 016/0585 132080 http://www.oneworld.org/tlio/
4 - Human Genetics briefing day, central London. Contact: The Campaign Against Human Genetic Engineering, PO Box 6313, London N16 0DY. Email: cahge@globalnet.co.uk
4 - Worthing Green Fair 12 noon – 11 pm Field of Hope, Beach House Green, Brighton Rd, Worthing seafront 01903 210351
6-8 - Seeds of Resistance conference Cambridge - to share ideas in the fight against the global agri-business monster and the development of positive alternatives. An alternative to the World Seed Conference running at the same time featuring the world's biggest seed and agri- corporations. More info from WEN, 87 Worship St., London, EC2A 2BE Tel 0171 247 3327 www.gn.apc.org/wen
7-21 - The Colour Of Justice -The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry U.K Tour. A dramatised reconstruction of key moments in the 6 month murder inquiry. For tour details ring 0171 636 3750
8 - The Right to Protest Legal Forum Legal Observer Steering Group. Interested in developing a legal observation group? Then turn up and get involved. Artist’s Room, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq., London. 6.30-8pm.
9 - 11year Solar Cycle Festival at Glastonbury Tor (9/9/99 – how significant)
10-12 - Loony Left Weekend “It’s time to stop being sad and start going mad” Three Days to change the world culminating in the loony left football cup Sun 12th starting 11am £15 per team payable to Between the Lines, Box 32 136, Kingsland High St. London E8 2NS Tel: 0171 787 9510
11-12 - Working Class Politics Conference. A weekend of ideas and discussion, such as, Solidarity Through Football, Drugs and working class. £3 /£1.50. @ Crown Inn, Bridgewater, Somerset. Info: 01278-450562.
11-12 - CND National Conference , London 0171 7002393
11 - Norwich Reclaim The Streets 1pm Bus Station Entrance, Queens Road. “Holding up the Traffic to Liberate the Streets” 0793 1308091
11 - Bath Reclaim The Streets meet 12 noon The Circus.
11 - National demo at Wickham Animal Research Laboratories 12 noon meet in Mill Lane car park Tel 01705 588516
11 - No Birmingham Northern Relief Road Picnic in the Park Hednesfield Rd Nr Brownhills, 1pm. Tel: 01922 860514
12-18 - Groen Front! (Green Front!) Action Camp week against Trans European Network (TEN’s) railfreight ‘Betuveline’, through the deepest (if that exists!) and greenest part of Holland. e-mail grgroenfr@dds.nl
12-15 - The American Association of Petroleum Geologists are having their annual shindig at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham with the inspiring title: ‘Oil & Gas in the 21st Century-Dawn of the Third Age.’ Highlights include a talk from Sir John Browne (Group Chief Executive, BP/Amoco)on ‘Oil, Gas and the Environment.’ Nice to know that the environment makes it into the top three priorities of the fossil fuel business. SchNEWS reckons someone should organise a little reminder that there may not be room in the Third Age for fossil fuels...For more info on the conference, see: http://www.aapg.org/uk99/uk99.html
14-17 - All your top torturers will be at the Defence Systems Equipment International arms exhibition in Chertsey. Held on Ministry of Defence land it will be the largest exhibition of its kind ever in the UK with over 20,000 delegates, buyers and officials attending. Unfortunately, despite the taxpayer forking out £1/4 million to host the event the public aren’t allowed in. Previous government guests include delegates from such torture-friendly countries as Indonesia, Turkey and Nigeria. Hey what happened to our ethicial arms policy? Campaign Against The Arms Trade will be organising demonstrations throughout the event 11 Goodwin St., Finsbury Park, London, N4 3HQ Tel 0171 281 0297 http://www.caat.demon.co.uk/
18 - Demonstration against Hillgrove cat vivisection Farm. Meet 12 noon. Details - see 31st July- All-Night Vigil 10pm-7am
18-19 - Naturewise are organising an introductory weekend on permaculture in London this month. Call 0171 281 3765
19-25 - Mumia Abu-Jama Awareness Week - contact Mumia Must Live! BM Haven, London WC1N 3XX Email: mumia@coolnetuk.com Web: http://www.mumia.org
22 - The Land Is Ours Autumn Gathering 99 at The Reddings (AKA Flying Pig Farm), Stockend Lane, Edge NR. Stroud, Gloucestershire. Land Occupation after Gathering. 01865 722016/0961 460171. www.oneworld.org
22 - Free The World Bike Ride - a pedal powered tour of London. “Along with reclaiming London streets on this ‘car free day’, we will be visiting various dodgy institutions and businesses to express opposition to the destructive system of global capitalism.” Meet 12 noon at Speakers Corner. The tour will end with a picnic held somewhere inappropriate – so bring food and drink. Contact London Greenpeace, 5 Caledonian Road, N1 9DX. Tel: 0171 713 1269
23 - Autumn Equinox BST
24-26 - Equinox Party, Rustlers Valley, The Free State, South Africa. Tel 0027 519333939 http://www.rustlers.co.za/
25 - International Rabbit Day! We kid you not. The Rabbit Charity, PO box 23698, London N8 0WS
26 - 'Turn around the WTO' Conference 11am-5pm, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4LR. To register contact Chris Keene, 90 The Parkway, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 OAE Tel: 01268 682820 Email: chris.keene@which.net
27 - SchNEWS’ favourite mass-murderer Gen Pinochet is back in court - meet 10am at Bow St magistrates to let him know what you think of him, or 7-9pm Parliament Sq every Tues & Thurs to find out what’s going on. Contact: Chile Cmte Against Impunity 0171-261-9578.
27-28 - Disabled Action Network will be demonstrating outside the Royal National Hospital, Bedford Way, London (nearest tube Euston) as part of the ‘Free our People’ campaign. They want to stop disabled people being sent to nursing homes and institutions, and instead be able to live in the community with adequate support. Meet each day outside the hospital 9.30 am
29 - Rebel Alliance - Brighton’s forum for direct action groups meets upstairs at The Hobgoblin, London Rd, 7pm. PLUS Screening of June 18 film.
6 - Brighton and Hove World Development Movement group is staging a public debate on "Can GM crops feed the Third World ?" Hove Town Hall 7.30pm.
6 - Fluoride In Water Public Meeting - If you’re worried about fluoride in the water coming to a town near you, get along to this public meeting 8pm at Willesden Library, 95 High Rd., Willesden Green Tel 0181 902 5949
9 - Save The Shamrock Monkeys march and rally in Horsham Park (near the Park Recreation Centre) 12 noon Tel 07020 936956. There's also a phone and fax campaign aimed at the monkey prison Tel 01903 879191/fax 01903 812532
9 - Campaign Against the Arms Trade 25th Anniversary - a party at Union Chapel, Compton Terrace, London N1 (Angel Tube). Guests include comedian Mark Thomas, John Pilger, Jeremy Hardy and lots more. Doors open 7.30 pm £10/7.50 conc. More details and tickets in advance 0171 281 0297
9 - Keep The Tube Public are having a free festival in Trafalgar Square 12pm-4pm. More details about the campaign Tel: 0181 981 8065, or http://www.catp.infomen.co.uk
10 - Oxford Demo Against Tuition Fees at Balliol College at 2pm. For transport, or for the new Campaign for Free Education campaign pack Contact CFE at PO Box 22615, London N4 1WT. Tel: 0958 556 756 http://members.xoom.com/nus_cfe/main.htm
10 - Anti-Fascist Action are having an afternoon of discussion and film, including the recent ‘Up to their knees in Fenian blood’, at the Lux Cinema, 2-4 Hoxton Square, London, N1 6NU. 2.30-6pm
12 - Following the recent High Court decision to grant a judicial review over the killing at work of Simon Jones (See SchNEWS 182), the Memorial Campaign are having a meeting on Tuesday 12th October 8pm at the London Unity Pub, Islingword Rd., Brighton
15-17 - ‘Gathering Visions Gathering Strength’ III, in Hebden Bridge - bringing together people from different movements and communities to explore self organising for radical social change. GVGS III c/o yorkshire CND, 22 Edmunds St, Bradford, BD5 0BH. 07971 302412. http://www.gvgs3.freeserve.co.uk
15-23 - Aberdeen Alternative Festival http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/abfest/
16 - World-wide day of action against McDonalds . McLibel Support Campaign: 0171 713 1269. Adopt-A-Store Network: 0115 958 5666
16 - Anarchist Bookfair, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn, London 0191 2479249
17-24 - One World Week. Campaign opportunities on theme of “Re-forming our Futures”. P O Box 2555, Reading, RG1 4XW. Ph: 0118 939 4933. email: oneworldweek@gn.apc.org
18 Marks the 15th anniversary of Veggies catering company to be celebrated with parties and picnics. The comprehensive Animal Contacts Directory is available for £4/3.50 from Veggies Catering Campaign. Tel: 0115 958 5666 E-mail: veggies@veggies.org.uk A book is to be published, if you've got any submissions should be sent to 180 Mansfield Rd., Nottingham, NG1 3HW
18 - The second Big Brother Awards (See SchNEWS 189) takes place at the London School of Economics. If you’d like an invite email simon@privacy.org or give SchNEWS a ring and we’ll see if we can get you on the guest list mate.
21 - Apple Day - for a list of events in your area send SAE to Common Ground, PO Box 25309, London, NW5 1ZA Tel 0171 267 2144 http://www.commonground.org.uk/appledayevents.html
27-29 - Procure the latest in warfare technology at the AFCEA Arms Fair, now at the Renaissance Hotel, Heathrow, after Belgium booted 'em out for being "politically and ethically undesirable". Details of actions from Campaign Against Arms Trade 0171 281 0297
29-31 - Permaculture Conference at the Centre for Alternative Technology, Contact: steve.jones@cat.org.uk or 01654 702400..
30 - Day of Action against Huntingdon Death Sciences. This evil company was recently saved by NatWest Bank who lent them £24.5 million when major clients pulled out following an expose revealing an horrendous record of animal abuse. Video evidence showed monkeys being thrown into cages and staff shaking and punching beagles. Meet from 10am, NatWest, Emmanuel St, Cambridge. Evening vigil will follow at the labs. Tel. 01223 476596
1 - Fox Hunt Sabbing Season begins . Contact Hunt Sab Assocation 01273 622827
2-4 Shut down the Copex arms and equipment fair at Sandown Park.This is the place to be if you are a dictactor on the look out for the latest in electro-shock batons or other torture equipment. Campaign Against The Arms Trade, 11 Goodwin St., London, N4 3HQ Tel 0171 281 0297 http://www.gn.apc.org/caat/
18 - SchNEWS 5th BIRTHDAY PARTY - 8pm-2am £3/4 @ New Maderia Hotel, Marine Parade, Brighton. Ring office for ticket details
19-21 - West Country Activist Gathering, a weekend of direct action workshops, at Calstock Village Hall, Calstock, Cornwall. Tel: 01822 833457 or WCA99@hotmail.com
24-5 Dec - This year marks the 25th anniversiary of National Tree Week. Great - except its sponsored by those well known lovers of the environment ESSO. Contact The Tree Council, 51 Catherine Place, London, SW1E 6DY or www.treecouncil.org.uk
27 - International No Shop Day. Contact Enough!One World Centre, 6 Mount St., Manchester, M2 5NS
Protests Against The WTO Meeting In Seattle - November 1999
27 - Seattle, USA is the place for the next big shindig for the world’s power elite. SchNEWS's favourite ‘shadowy organisation ’ The World Trade Organisation (see SchNEWS 206 & 220) meet to plan the next wave of free trade with their mission to write ‘the constitution of a single global economy’. Protests are planned, but details are vague at the momement, but we know International Forum on Globalisation will be having a ‘Teach In’ on why Globalisation is bad, a few days before also in Seattle. Contact IFG, 155 Pacific Ave, San Francisco, CA 9409 USA, http://www.ifg.org/ * “ Demystifying the WTO” Booklet available upon request. Contact A SEED, PO Box92066, 1090 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands. Tel: +31 20 668 2236 Web: http://www.antenna.nl/aseed/
30 - Anti-Nato Picket to welcome Jamie Shea and George Robertson (spokesman and new head of NATO respectively) who are arriving by river for a ‘celebratory meal’ in their honour at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich SE10. Meet 6.30pm.
30 - Shutdown Citibank: worlds’ largest holder of student debt, backed by Japanese loan-sharks who steal clients’ organs to pay off their debts. Shut ‘em down as part of the international protest at the WTO. 12 noon, Lewisham. Out of the station and look up!!
30 - Reclaim the Railways in opposition to tube privatisation in London. Meet Euston Sta. 5pm. Transport from Brighton leaves 2.30pm, Corn Exchange, tickets £3/£5 from Peace Centre
7 - West Papuan tribesman fighting Indonesian occupation will be addressing the Worthing Eco-Action meeting. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month upstairs at 42 Marine Parade 7pm, but as they remind us if you’re the kind of person who does what you’re told you’re going to want to stay away! www.worthing.eco-action.org or PO Box 4144, Worthing, BN14 7 NZ
10-14 - Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp sian@aldercamp.freeserve.co.uk
21-22 - Winter Solstice and Full Moon There’s a Winter Solstice Celebration and Full Moon Party at Catherines Hill, Twyford Down, Wincester. (Dec 21/22). They need yurts/domes to stay warm and cosy and a Tarmac director for a pagan sacrifice. Bring booze and cake! Tel 01248 75039 email sop04@bangor.ac.uk