"Definitely one of the best party and protest sites to come out of the UK. Updated weekly, brilliantly written, bleakly humourous, and essential reading for anyone who gives a shit. And we all should." - Radiohead
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Party & Protest - 1997
5 - Discussion about the future of the direct action movement at the 121 Centre in Brixton. Free pancakes!
6 - Miners Support Group Action Meet 10.30 Chesterfield BR station car park. Make same fookin' noise! Inf. 0171 6720698.
9-11 - Newbury Reunion Rampage & Rally. Details: 01635 45544.
Sat 18 - There is a national vigil outside Bullingdon prison, near Bicester, Oxfordshire at 12 noon. Info: (01954) 230542. Write to: Barry Horne VC2141, HMP Bullingdon, P.O. Box 50, Bicester, Oxon. (See SchNEWS 103)
Mon 20 - Liverpool Dockers mass picket at Seaforth Docks, Liverpool. Liverpool Dockers, on strike now for 15 months against casual lahour practices, have called for a world-wide strike of docks on the 20th January. Call 0151 207 3388
23 - Support the Asylum Seekers Hunger Strike - meet outside Home Office, 5-6:30
21 - Next Justice? meeting:, 7:30pm @ Albert Pub, Trafalgar St, Brighton. Featuring "Flickering Flame", the Ken Loach film about the Liverpool Dockers. Plus "Reclaim The Future" film by Conscious Cinema.
25-26 - Direct Action On Tour! There will be gathering in Bradford/Leeds. To get involved in a direct action trip to Germany in May. Details: 0113 262 9365
26 - Rochester Prison, Kent, 2pm. Coach, Hackney Town Hall, 12:45. Contact Brian 0181 986 3606
28 - SchLIVE & Conscious Cinema at Sussex Uni, East Slope Bar. 01273 685913
31 - Menwith Hill blockade. Cat or Helen on 01943 468593
1 - Anniversary of Jill Phipps' death. Nation-wide actions. Contact 01203 632 873
1 - Groundswell Conference against Job Seekers Allowance. Chestnut Community Centre, 280 St. Ann's Rd, Haringey, 12-6pm. "Project Work" is about to be tested in 29 new areas affecting up to 100,000 claimants - come to meeting to help co-ordinate nation-wide resistance to these attacks Info: PO Box 2474, London N8
1-2 - Party and Action to celebrate birth of spring. Faslane Peace Camp 01436 820901
3 - SchNEWS training day. Call 01273 685913; followed by meeting on Project Work at Albert Pub, Trafalgar St., Brighton
8 - Eco-Trip Party and Gathering, 24 Porden Rd., Brixton 10pm onwards £6/£4.
8 - Amsterdam Reclaim the Streets!Contact London RTS for coach on0171 281 4621
8 - Football Solidarity! Brighton Independent Supporters Club ask supporters from other clubs to turn up in their colours to show solidarity at the Hartlepool game. 01273 870875
8-9 - Anniversary of Mike Hills' death: Nation-wide actions against hunting. 01203 632873/ HSA 01273 622827
12 - Protest against the corporatisation of football, and Brighton & Hove Albion whose ground was flogged off. Outside the FA, Lancaster Gate, London, 11am
14-15 - Anniversary of the Sea Empress disaster. Mass direct action against oil industry and Milford Haven Port Authority 01749 812665
15 - Farnham Fusion Festival, 4 rooms of music mid-day to midnight - \A312 01483 454159
15 - Campaign Against the Arms Trade One-Day Conference to plan actions to stop the torture trade: Caxton House, London N19 (Archway tube) 0171 281 0297
15 - SchNEWSnight, political cabaret at the Sanctuary Cafe, Brunswick St. East, Hove. Performers welcome to contribute. Ring Justice?
Tues 18 - Solicitor Mike Schwarz on the implications of the Police Bill, 7:30pm, at the Albert Pub, Trafalgar Street, Brighton
21 - Reclaim The Valley on the anniversary of the first battle of Daisy Nook camp, actions organised against the M66 extension. 0161 344 0255.
Tues 25 - "Frankenstein's Food: Is it Safe?" Public meeting with speakers held by Brighton Green Party, 7:45pm @ St. John's Church Hall, Palmeira Sq. Hove. Free/Donation.
Weds 26 - Have I Got SchNEWS For You! £2.50/£3 @ The Lift, Queen's Road, Brighton, 8.30pm
First week in March (probably) Gorleben, nuclear waste blockade (Germany). Last year this spectacular piece of direct action cost £25 million to police, if it costs them too much this year the transportation will be too costly to be economicaly viable. This is our big chance to stop the senseless transportation of radioactive waste around Europe!! Get there!! 01273 685913
6 - Squall Benefit - a night of news, views and reviews from the DIY movement, featuring British and European videos at the Ritzy cinema, Brixton Oval, Coldharbour Lane at 6.30pm (bookings 0171 737 2121). To be followed by a Squall benefit by Freetown RTS Ska band at The Canterbury Arms, next to Brixton Cop Shop from 11pm
9 - National Demonstration against Live Exports. Meet 12 noon at AJ's diner, junction 9 off northbound M5 - signposted A46 / A435.
9 - Anti-Opencast mine action! Meet at Blythe Roundabout services (Junction of the A1 & the A614, Junction 34) 4am, Sunday 9 March. Info: 0171 603 1831. Bring spades, miner's helmets etc...
13 - Rock The Dock benefit for the Liverpool Dockers at the Liverpool Irish Centre, Mount Pleasant, £2/3.
14-17 - Faslane Peace Camp Women's Action, for info. Tel: 01706 812663
Sat 15 - SchNEWSnight Political Cabaret at the Sanctuary, 51 Brunswick St. East, Hove £1 before 9pm/£2 after.
Sat 15 - Animate, festival for the rights of animals 10am till 8pm, Westminster Central Halls, London. Info: 0114 253 0020
Sun 16th - Celebratory walk & picnic along part of the no longer to be built Worthing by-pass. Meet 12 noon, Lancing Ring car park.
Fri 21 - Spring Equinox Gathering at WoMenwith Hill Womens' Peace Camp. Contact: 01943 468593.
Fri 21 - Greenheart Dance Party: 01835 850364 / 01289 382565
Fri 21 - Premiere showing of 'La Ballade des Sans-Papiers' (The Ballad of the Sans-Papiers) at St. Mary's Church, Eversholt St., London NW1. Sans-Papiers are 300 African asylum seekers campaigning against deportation from France.
Sat 22 - There will be a tree-planting ceremony for Squatter Alex at the Justice? allotments. Meet 12 noon at the New Kensington.
Sat 22 - Campaign Against the Arms Trade Campaign Day at the Friends Meeting House, 9 The Hop Gardens, off St Martins lane, London. Tel:0171 281 0297
Wed 26 - Talk on the Police Bill by Mike Schwarz of Bindman's solicitors, East Oxford Community Centre, Cowley Road, 8pm.
Wed 26 - A review of new proposals for reform on traveller laws is taking place at Cardiff Law School, hosted by the Traveller Law Research Unit, Tel:01222 874000.
Thurs 27 - Solicitor Mike Schwarz and Liberty's Liz Parrot will be talking about the Police Bill at 7.30 pm at the Ecotrip Centre, 22 Porden Rd, Brixton, SW2 (behind the Fridge) followed by showing of Undercurrents + food 0181 671 5936.
Weds 2 - National Day of Action Against Work Fair In Brighton: meet 12 noon, Churchill Square For news of actions in your area contact Groundswell, who are co-ordinating national resistance to 'Project Work' and the benefits clamp-down. SAE to c/o East Oxford Community Centre, Princes St., Oxford, OX4 1HU. Tel: 01865 723750 - Fax: 01865 724317.
Weds 2-5 - Disabled Action Network Conference on Accessible Transport including action. 0181 889 1361.
5-6 - VOHAN (Vegan Organic Horticulture and Agriculture Network) Regional Gathering. SAE to 35 Rayleigh Ave, Westcliffe on Sea, Essex SS0 7DS. Tel: 01702 303259
7-8 - Third International Sustainable Development Research Conference 01274 530408.
Weds 9 - Schnews Benefit at The Cuba, Brighton, with Superfast Oz, Supersexy Helen (Innerfield), Supershine Max Phasm + Darius £2 10pm-2am super cheap tequiila
Weds 9-11 - 3 Days of action against the Institute of Animal Technology's national annual meeting 01203 632873.
Thurs 10 - Pain + Haywire @ Albert Pub, Trafalgar St, Brighton £3/£2.50 Proceeds to anti-bloodsports groups
- Support The Liverpool Dockers, Women Of The Waterfront and the Hillingdon Hospital Workers
Ding ding! All aboard the Anti Election Express - Reclaim The Streets 'co-inciding' with March for Social Justice April 12th. Meet 12 noon Kennington Park, London. Coach from Brighton - tickets from Peace Centre, £5/£3
Sat 12 - Justice for Women benefit gig @ Cumberland Arms, Byker, Newcastle with Maggot Colony, Milky Wimpshake, Cycle & Grudge
Sat 19 - SchNEWSnight @ The Sanctuary, Brunswick Street East, Hove. £1 before 8.30/ £2 after
Sat 19 - Colchester Reclaim The Streets. Meet 12.30pm @ Tescos, Greenstead Rd.
Sat 19-20 - Big Gene Gathering, on a 40 acre organic farm in Hertfordshire. Camping £1.50/3 nights. Info & Booking 0171 865 8117
Sat 19-26 - Lab Animal Week. NAVS: 0181 846 9777. Visit Consort Beagles on the 19th, meet noon at Cosort, off the A49 (Ross to Hereford Rd.) at Harewood Park, Harewood End, Ross on Wye, Herefordshire.
Sun 20 - Bluebell Picnic met 2pm @ Great Mills Car Park on A4 to protest against the first stage in A350 corridor 01249 713742
Sun 20 - Come to a picnic in sunny Offham and help rebuild an SSSI. A dodgy old farmer is currently ploughing up an SSSI in order to plant the cash crop flax, just in order to attract Common Agricultural Policy subsidies of £189 per acre. The farmer could settle for the £110 John Gummer offers to farmers content on leaving the land. This loophole ensures only rich farmers can afford conservation. Meet at noon, Cooksbridge Road, Offham, North of Lewes. Details: 01273 324455/ 0966 298327
Mon 21 - Land Is Ours benefit with the Baghaddies @ the Tap + Spile, Grainger St, Newcastle
Mon 21-26 - Global Days of Action Against Genetically Engineered Food. Details: Pure Food Campaign 01218 226 4164
Thurs 24 - World Day for Laboratory Animal Day of Action. Meet noon at Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London. Details: 0171 278 3068
Thurs 24-30 - TV Turn-Off Week. Contact The White Dot: PO Box 2116, Hove, East Sussex BN3 3LR or e-mail: whitedot@mistral.co.uk Website at http://WWW3.mistral.co.uk/whitedot
Fri 25 - The Land Use Debate, inc. FoE talking about the South Downs and The Land Is Ours on land rights. Meet 7:30 at Friends Meeting House, Brighton
Fri 25 - Critical Mass National Day of Action
Fri 25 - Clubversive Party at The Bedsit, 1 Park Drive, Glasgow. All proceeds to NVDA
Fri 25-28 - Chernobyl Day Actions. Faslane Peace Camps: 01436 820901
Sat 26 - Stop the Copex Fair planning meeting. 2pm @ CAAT, 11, Goodwin Street, London 0171 281 0297
Sat 26 - Following the success of the footie competition at last year's Hackney Anarchy Week, Between the Lines challenge political/environmental groups to a Loony Left Football competition. Clissold Park, London. Kick off at 11am. Fantastic Alcoholic Prizes, £14 per team. Details/registration BTL, Box 32, 136 Kingsland High Street, London W8 2NS
Mon 28 - Justice? Meeting @ Albert Pub, Brighton, 7.30pm Ecological revolution on Bougainville!
Weds 30 - British Aerospace AGM 9.30am. 0171 281 0297 / 0171 281 0291
Thurs 1 - Reclaim MayDay! The anarcho-syndicalist view 8pm Room E, Portsmouth Central Library, Guildhall Square
Thurs 1 - Reclaim the Flat Oak - no more roads. Meet 6pm Tescos car park A299 Whitstable 01227 771363
Sat 3 - Hull Reclaim The Streets Meet 1pm @ Pearson Park
Sat 3 - National Anarchist Bookfair, Bradford. 1 in 12 Library, Albion Street, Bradford
Sat 3-5 - MayDay Weekend Anarchist Camp. Info: EMAB, 88 Abbey Street, Derby
Sat 3-5 - Lots of stuff going on at the Campaign Against Runway 2 in Manchester over May Bank Holiday weekend. Details: 0161 834 8221
Sat 3-5 - May The Forth Be With Us Beltane Celebration. Party, Workshops, Chill & Action. 0161 834 8221
Sun 4 - Green Festival, Leazes Park, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Music, solar cinema & music. Info: 0191 272 4964
Mon 5 - Land Is Ours Anniversary action to commemorate the Wandsworth eco-village. (see SchNEWS 73) Meet 10am South Park, Fulham SW6. Bring seed bombs, food, drums...01865 722016
Weds 7 - RTZ AGM Protest. RTZ, the world's biggest mining corporation responsible for genocide and displacement of indigenous people worldwide, including the Pacific Island of Bougainville (where foreign mercenaries hired to crush rebels who had shut a copper mine on the island were recently expelled by the army), are holding their AGM on Wednesday 7th May at the QE2 centre in London. Meet outside the centre opposite Westminster Abbey (nearest tube St. James' Park) at 10:00 am. There may be transport available, ring 01273 685913 for details.
9-11 - Aldermaston Women's Campaign Beltane Celebration camp. Details: 01222 396563
10 - Reconnecting Society Conference, exploring the post-election landscape. £10/ £5. University of London Union: 0171 278 4443 for details
Sat 10-11 - SchNEWS Direct Action Conference III Everyone together to plot where we go after Tony Bleurgh gets his hands on power. Dockers, direct activists, & campaigners old and new will be there - don't be left out. In the old Evening Argus building in North Rd, Brighton. The event runs Sat & Sun from 12.00 to 5.30. Free. For more details of the conference ring 01273 685913.
Tues 13 - Have I Got SchNEWS for You @ Bar Centro, (ex-Berlin Bar), 6 Ship St, Brighton 5/3. Starring Mark Chadwick (Levellers), Atilla the Stockbroker, Steve North, Margaret Pracy (Town Crier of Brighton), Sergeant Shitter of the Crap Arrest Squad & a special guest from Manchester Airport. Doors open 8pm, part of Brighton Fringe Festival. Tune into Radio Aktiv 106.6 FM - on the airwaves all May Bank holiday. Listen into SchNEWS 4 pm Monday 5th
Weds 14 - "Defending the Right to Peaceful Protest", 7-9pm The Battlebridge Centre, 2-6 Battlebridge Road. representatives from Bindmans solicitors, Earthrights, Legal Defence and Monitoring Group, Liberty, FoE, Greenpeace
Fri 16 - Anniversary Day of Action - the second battle of Shoreham Harbour "No more single issues, this time we take on the entirety of modern civilisation and stop those importers from hell" - Meet 10am Hove Lagoon (Adur pub, 2 miles west of Brighton along seafront) Details: Box A, Public House Bookshop, Brighton BN1 2HQ
Sat 17 - SchNEWSnight! @ Sanctuary Café, Hove, £1 before 9pm then £2.
Sat 17 - Sheffield Reclaim The Streets 12noon Devonshire Green 0114 2662302
Sun 18 - Demo at Consort Beagles who provide dogs for vivisection. Midday. Meet 12 noon at the village of Harewood End, on the A49 between Hereford & Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire.
19 - Glaxo-Wellcome AGM. Meet 2pm @ Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster. Details: 01438 359424
23 - Free Drugs! Be at the Dept. of Health at 1pm to witness the launch of the Free Medical Marijuana Foundation. Howard Marks will be giving out free cannabis for medical use. Contact FMMF, PO Box 223, Glastonbury BA6 9YU. Marks received 1200 votes in Norwich North & South on election day.
23-25 - Sellafield Women's Peace Camp. Details: 01482 463768
25 - EuroCarnival at Mersey Park, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead (nearest station: Green Lane). In solidarity with the Euro March 97. Should be a great day with premier dubmeisters Back to Base, Life Bomb, 0898 & loads more. Wirral TUC for details: 0151 512 1868.
26 - The Sheep Bite Back - National Demonstration against live exporters Stephen Woods and Gordon Gilder. Meet noon at Abbey Sports Stadium on A441 to Redditch
26 - The Between the Lines Collective challenge all you footie players to a day of mud and bedlam, starting at 1pm , Clissold Park. Info: BTL, Box 32, 136 Kingsland High Street, London E8 2NS
26 - Kingston Green Fair, stalls, music and entertainment at Canbury Gardens
26 - Maidstone Annual Green Fair 12-8pm at Mote Park. 01622 673413
27 - Brighton to Stonehenge Walk. Meet noon at Old Steine, Brighton, then picnic at Hollingbury Hill before the long stroll. Details: Jez 01273 385959
Fri 30 - 1 June - Blow Out '97, Northants: 01327 705265
Fri 30 - BAe AGM. Make your protest heard against the company's arms exports. CAAT: 0171 281 0297
Sat 31 - York Reclaim The Streets, Clifford's Tower - this is gonna be acoustic. Contact York EF! c/o York Leaf, Peace Centre, Clifford St., York 01904 410185.
Sun 1 - Annual Stonehenge Walk, leaves from Peace Pagoda in Battersea Park, London, 12 noon: 0171 485 0694
Wed 4-11 - Appleby Horse Fayre: 01325 362933
Fri 6-8 - Leominster Fringe Festival @ crossroads of A44/49: 01568 610060
Sat 7 - Strawberry Fayre, Midsummer Common, Cambridge. FREE! /
Sat 7 - Rage Against The Cage - National March Against Vivisection, Devonshire Green, Sheffield. 12 noon : 0114 2530020
Sat 7 - Canal Bridge Green Fair, London
Sat 7 - Release are celebrating 30 years of providing class A advice on drugs and the law. Performers include Beamish, Choci, Liberator and so much more!!! At Brixton Academy, June 7th, 9pm-6am, £15/£12 con Info 0171 729 5255.
11-17 - Eurovision - Making Your Mind Up! Amsterdam European Council Summit - As all your favourite heads of State meet in Amsterdam this month to discuss 'convergence criteria' for a single European currency (see SchNEWS 121), they will be greeted by activists from an array of political backgrounds, attempting to highlight European mass-unemployment, poverty and job insecurity and anything else that makes them/us rather angry...
14 - Euromarch Against Mass Unemployment - Euromarch! People on 30 different marches from 17 different countries are making their way towards Amsterdam, arriving for a massive rally in the city on 14th June. They are marching against mass unemployment, poverty and job insecurity in Europe. This is apparently the first time there's ever been an all European demo. More info: http://www.gn.apc.org/labournet/ Email: 101326.41@compuserve.com
15-17 - LegalizE StreetParty. SchNEWS has heard that rather a large number of sound-systems are gonna party and protest against "European drugs policy and other shit they've planned for us...."
PLUS... Alternative Summit - to plan for a better world, a Stop The City - against everything that puts profit before people, Reclaim The Streets - to party and protest, and a Gay & Lesbian demo. Tegencontrole, Postbus 3762, NL1001 AN Amsterdam.
Thur 12-15 - Africa Oye Festival Liverpool: 0151 708 6344
Fri 13 - Support the 500 sacked Liverpool dockers - demonstrate outside Drakes Recruitment Agency - the people who supply scab labour to the Liverpool docks @ 12 noon North Street, Brighton (just down from the Clock Tower)
Sat 14 - SchNEWSnight at The Sanctuary, Hove, £1 B4 8:30pm/ £2 if yer late!
Sat 14-15 - Party And Protest Against Trident - Faslane Peace Camp - established for 15 years on the banks of the Gareloch and Britain's oldest peace camp are holding a birthday party. Call 01436 820901.
Sun 15 - Coin Street - 0589 913 091
Mon 16 - Justice? Open Meeting @ The Albert, Trafalgar Street, Brighton, 7.30pm - Sainsbury's Development
Tues 17 - New organic vegetable supplier in Brighton. "Worth Eating" will be selling reasonably priced chemical-free food from the old Harvest Forestry building on New England Rd. Tues-Sat 8am-6pm. Also check out Organic Roundabout for door to door delivery: 01273 707001
Tue 17 - Car Free Day: 01932 828882
Fri 20-22 - Greenheart Festival, Borders? Scotland: 01421 577486
Fri 20-22 - Greenfolk Network Midsummer Gathering nr. Kinghorn Loch, Dundee: 01592 890346
Fri 20-22 - Church in the Fields Solstice Camp: 01908 665124
Sat 21 - Bristol Reclaim The Streets 0117 9393093
Sat 21 - Solstice Gwyllfan Festival, Cardiff: 01222 563989 /
Sat 21 - Sexual Freedom Co-Alition Parade (dress well but not indecently) 3pm depart from Soho Sq PO box 4ZB London W1A 4ZB
Sat 21 - Free Leamington Peace Festival: 01926 421830
Sat 21 - Mazey Day Street Carnival Penzance: 01736 365520
Sat 21 - Raving in the Park - carnival at Bedlam park, Imperial War Museum: 0171 525 2783
Sat 21 - McLibel Trial 'Victory Day Of Action'. This means that it's your last-minute chance to adopt-a-store for the day. Over 500 stores - more than two thirds of all UK McDonald's - have already been adopted. Let's make it a full house! McLibel: 0171 713 1269 (London) or 0115 958 5666 (nationwide).
Sat 28 - Heeley Festival, Sheffield: 0171 258 0244
1 - Reclaim It! Party - meet @ sacred stone circle. Pilton or Glastonbury assembly rooms 10 am
4 - Independence from America day at Menwith Hill Women's Peace Camp, against US Spy Base
5 - Falmouth Big Green Fair, Cornwall: 01326 375158
5 - Gay & Lesbian Pride Festival + march: 0171 792 1200
4-6 - Bracknell Festival, South Hill Park: 01344 484123
6 - William Morris Free Family Festival, Morden Park, Surrey: 0181 401 1895
6 - National Demo at Consort Kennels (breed beagles for vivisection) A49 Harewood Park, Harewood End nr Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire 12 noon Meet at main gates
8 - Leicester Reclaim The Streets. Meet Victoria Park War Memorial 1 pm
6-14 - Ternin Nuclear Powerplant, direct action camp, Czech Republic 01524 849313
9-15 - Earth First! Summer Gathering. The most important direct action conference this year will be in bonny Scotland, and consists of a weeks workshops and training. Come equipped for a week's camping in Scotland, i.e. shelter, warm and waterproof clothing and cutlery and a plate. Vegan organic food will be available, approx £2.50 a day, please bring £10 to cover the cost of the site. No dogs, journalists, or cameras, please. More details: 0113 262 9365
10 - Winchester Hat Fair, Hampshire: 01962 863966
11-12 - Beggars Festival, Romsey, Hants: 01703 227979
11-13 - Larmer Tree Music Festival, Toolard Royal, Wiltshire: 01722 415223
11-13 - Severn Revels Festival, Forest of Dean: 01594 517104
Sat 12 - A pilot scheme by the British Waterways Board plans to charge cyclists using the Avon and Kennet canal towpath £12 a year. A mass trespass is being organised, contact Stop The Cycle Charge Campaign 0181 960 3785
Sat 12 - Brighton Dance Parade (still needs stewards. Can you help? Call 01273 704600 or meet at the Richmond on Monday 16th)
Sat 12 - Ambient Green Picnic, Millmead Island Guildford. Free 01483 203212
Sat 12 - TUC Respect Festival, London. Free.
12-13 - Ashton Court Festival, Bristol: TBC 0117 942 0140
12-13 - T In The Park, Perthshire, Scotland: 0141 339 8383 (Jump the fence!)
12-13 - Castle Donnington Festival near Derby (take a ladder, and ear plugs!)
Sun 13 - Hillingdon hospital workers. "Where do we go from here?" Sacked Hillingdon Hospital workers and Liverpool Dockers will be meeting at Hillingdon Civic Centre (8 minutes from Uxbridge Tube) 11am - 2pm
16-20 - Buddha Field Festival, Shepton Mallet: Call 0181 677 9564 / 01273 509660
16-20 - Music in the Sun Festival, Don Valley Bowl, Sheffield: 0114 27545041
16-17 - Defend The Faslane Camp Gathering (just after Earth First Gathering) Faslane Peace Camp, Shandon, Helensburgh, Scotland, G84 8NT For more info call 01436 820901
17-20 - Phoenix, Stratford-upon-Avon ("long queues, high prices; not a festival in the true sense not recommended" - Festival Eye)
Sat 19 - SchNEWSnight @ The Lift, Queens Road on at 8:00pm - £1 B4 8.30 pm/£2 after. Afterwards, same night: Get down to the Harvest Forestry building straight afterwards for a BUDD (the group opposing the Sainsbury's development in Brighton) benefit gig. 10pm til whenever, donations on the door with Flannel, Going Down Girls and all wimmin DJs.
Sat 19 or 26 - Rossay Moor Free Festival, near Forfar Scotland: 01436 820901
Sat 19 - World Earth Healing Day, Info: 0181 806 3828
Sat 19-20 - Lambeth County Show Brockwell Park Brixton 0171 926 7282
Sun 20 - Free Festival of Global Rights, Shoreditch, London.
Sun 20 - Aug 3 - Bikespotting - an ecological biketour of the lowlands of Scotland and the north of England. Contact: Bikespotting, c/o G/L 33 Afton St, Shawlands, GLASGOW, G41 3BT 0141 636-6084
Mon 21 - Justice? Meeting @ Albert Pub, Trafalgar St. Brighton, 7.30pm
22-27 - Anarchist Teapot, Brighton's radical squat cafe and info shop is celebrating the opening of its fifth premises with events, fun and frolics. This is the provisional timetable:
- Tuesday 22nd - 3pm Blags and Scams and dealing with the Dole workshop. 7pm Film night and discussion on the Black Panthers.
- Wednesday 23rd - noon Anarchist guided tour of Brighton, (come masked up!) 3pm Squatting skills workshop. 6pmEF! meeting. 8pm Acoustic music night.
- Thursday 24th - 3pm Self defence training, including women only session. 7pm - Practical discussion on tactics and behaviour on demo's.
- Friday 25th - 2pm meet at the Teapot for a full on food fight at the beach, bring your squishy foods. Other games to follow. 7pm Anarchist Christmas dinner.
- Saturday 26th - noon Critical Mass, meet at St. Peters Church, bring bikes, skate boards, roller blades, costumes, kids, drums, anything to make a noise and anything you would like to find. Let's make it a good one! 3pm Kid's afternoon with painting, cooking, eating and games.
- Sunday 27th - 3pm Action not Talk Discussion.
23-27 - Big Green Gathering. Warminster, Wiltshire, 01747 870667
24 - Pat Edwards of Tamariki School speaking on Minding The Children, social emotional and academic learning for a child centred revolution at Kinning Park Community Centre by Kinning Park Underground 7-9pm (Glasgow)
25th - 25th Anniversary of the International Wages For Housework Campaign - celebrations throughout month: 0171 482 2496
25-27 - Womad Festival, Reading, Berkshire: 01225 743188
Sat 26 - Urban Free Festival, Peckham, London 12 noon - 10 pm Free to be confirmed : 0171 277 9657
Sat 26 - Brighton Critical Mass - 12 noon at St Peters Church.
26-31 - There's a celebration/gathering at the Brewery Fields, Bangor, Wales - another area of beautiful meadows to be trashed by the local council. Info: rbomford@gn.apc.org
26 - Aug 2 - Second Intercontinental meeting for Humanity - Barcelona, Spain. "An international network ...comprising all those resist". Info: London Committee c/o BM-CRL, London, WC1N 3XX.
26 - Aug 3 - People's Summit on Food, Population and Finance. Last summer the Mexican rural revolutionary army, the Zapatistas held the first Intercontinental Encounter for Humanity and Against Global Capitalism in the mountains of Chiapas. There will be discussions in smaller groups about building a network of groups and on different topics (land, labour, environment, gender, culture, etc.). More information: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3849/gatherdx.html (English)
27 - Rainbow Festival, Hull: 01482 585582
1- Summer Rights, Brixton Brockwell Park Brixton 0171 737 2183
1-3 - Earth Energy Festival, London
1-3 - Guildford Fusion Festival, Stoke Park, Guildford
1-18 - Ecotopia - 3 week European Youth For(est) Action's (EYFA) environmental summer camp at Gowanbank near Edinburgh. (no dogs, vehicles or sound systems) 0131 558 8762.
Sat 2 - Brighton Anarchist Black Cross benefit Spithead + Eastfield + The Informers + No Legs 8-11 pm £2.50 @ Free Butt, Albion St.
Sat 2 - Benefit Gig for Thespionage (as they didn't get no grant from the arts council)Tragics and Lucky 7 are playing .£2/3,Kick off 8pm @The Lift, Queens Rd., Brighton
Sat 2 - Day of Action Against Bloodsports. Meet @ 12 noon Reformers Tree, Hyde Park for the march and rally. Benefit Gigs in the evening - details to be announced on the day. Details: 01442 240246.
Sun 3 - Carry On Gardening - Open Day at Justice Allotments 12.30pm. ring office for directions.
Mon 4 - Sundaze Festival, Kettering, N'hants 01536 710002
Mon 4 - Justice? Meeting @ The Hobgoblin, London Rd, 'Prisons and prisoners do we need them?' 7.30 pm Sharp
Tues 5 - Action against the Alconbury - Peterborough A1(M), one of the first privately financed roads. Meet 11.00am, McDonalds car park near the roundabout at the junction of B1043 and A604 (Alconbury)
6-9 - Menwith Hill Women's Peace Camp near Harrogate 01934 468593
7 - No Oil Exploration Action. Meet 11am outside Green Park tube.
7-10 - Peace Camp outside Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment 0171 607 3616
8-9 - Cropredy Festival, Banbury, Oxfordshire 01869 337142
8-9 - Megadog Lizard Festival, Helston, Cornwall 01736 350984
9 - Action at Faslane to commemerate the aniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki
9-10 - Cardiff Summer Festival Big Weekend FREE 01222 873936
Sun 10 - Smokey Bears Picnic 12noon Southsea Common (opp Clarence Pier) Portsmouth FREE
Sun 10 - Brighton Prisoner Justice Day. "a day to rememeber the thousands of ordinary people who have died in prisons as well as showing our solidarity with all those enduring and resisting the prison system." On the Saturday (9th Aug) Brighton ABC are organising a demo outside Lewes Prison @ 10 am.
Sun 10-30 - Edinburgh Festival Fringe 0131 226 5257
11 - Edinburgh Reclaim The Streets meeting place at The Mound, off Princes St.
12 - Benefit Gig for Lyminge Forest - The Concorde, Brighton. Acts include Rory Mc Cloud, Kicks off at 8pm, tickets £7 available from Steve 01273 300 454.
12-17 - ACE'97 African Celtic Explosion - Whitland, Dyfed 01994 484466
13-23 - 2nd Annual DIY Music Festival - City Arts Centre, 23-25 Moss Street, Dublin
15-17 - Pontardawe World Music Festival, near Swansea 01792 830200
Sat 16 - Peace Fair from 10am at the peace camp outside the Alvis tank factory in Coventry that sells Scorpion tanks to Indonesia.. Peace Camp, Alvis factory, Northview, Walsgrave, Coventry or give 'em a call on 01926 338805/01926 831439
Sat 16 - SchNEWSNight at The Lift - £1 before 9pm, £3/£2 pounds after
16-17 - V97 Festival, Chelmsford/V97 Festival, Leeds (£60) 0113 244 4600
17 - Vale Earth Fayre, Gurnsey (£6 + camping) 01481 727332
Tues 19 - Justice? Meeting @ Hobgoblin Pub, London Rd, Brighton, 7.30 pm talk by Brighton Friends and Families of Travellers
Thurs 21 - Anarchist Picnic, Regents Park, 2pm onwards. Let's pray for sun this time!
22-24 - Reading Festival (Not very FREE and not a festie)
22-25 - Towersey Village Festival, Oxfordshire: 01296 433669
22-25 - Gathering Of Animal Rights Activists @ Earthworm co-op in Shropshire 01902 711935
Sat 23-25 - Exodus Long Meadow Community Free Farm Festival, Streatley, Nr. Luton, Beds. 01582 508936 WATCH THIS SPACE!
Mon 25 - Notting Hill Carnival, London FREE
Mon 25 - Worthing Friends Of The Earth Eco-Festival, Homefield Park, Worthing. Call Sophie 01903-529583
Tues 26 - Ashton Court Quarry - get down there for some fun when locals will show Pioneer the same due respect that the Oz multi-national has shown the residents of Bristol. (See SchNEWS 129)
Tues 26 - GandALF Trial Begins at Portsmouth Crown Court - be there for support 9am. Also bike blockade of Portsmouth planned for 9am. contact Green Anarchist BM 1715, London WC1N 3XX for more. (See SchNEWS 130) There will be transport going from Brighton for the first day of the trial. Ring Justice? office 01273 685913 if you want to go.
Fri 29-30 - One World Frome Festival, Somerset. 01373 473334
Fri 29-31 - Off The Tracks Festival, Castle Donington, Derby. 01332 384 518
Sat 30 - Rave Against Roads at the anti-A33 roadcamp, Germany. 2 days of party and direct action. meet 2pm. at Dissen/Bad Rothenfelde rail station. Take the wochenende-ticket (5 persons for 35DM). Directions: 1 hour train ride from Bielefeld. The last at 12.55. By car/hitching, take the B68 in the direction of Osnabruck for about 25 km (it leads you straight to Dissen). info. (+49) 5425-270.
Sat 30 - National Day of Action Against Vivisection. Meet @ noon, BIBRA Woodmansterne Rd, Carshalton, Surrey. 0171 278 3068
Sun 31 - Sun In The East, Earlham Park, Norwich 0370 807517
Sun 31 - National demonstration against England's most notorious Mink Farm. Meet 12 noon outside Child Okeford near Blandford. Pre-demo talk 11-15am-11.45am outside Tesco's in Blandford by speaker from Respect For Animals.
Sun 31 - London Forum meeting. 4pm.-7pm. Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London, WC1.
Sun 31 - Demo against Windmill Hill Fur Farm - Britain's most notorious and barbaric fur farmers @ 12 Noon outside the farm, speaker from Respect For Animals.
Sun 31 -5th Sep - Actions against the Royal Navy and British Army Equipment Exhibition. CAAT: 0171 281 0297
3 - Premiere Of Undercurrents 7 - 7:45 at Cinematique, 9-12 Middle St., Brighton 01273 384300. £3/2 conc. tickets from the Peace Centre, Gardner St. Including films on Economic Sabotage, Global Warming, The Holtsfield Community, CS Spray, Street News and Much Much Much More. Undercurrents 7 now available £9.95 (student or UB40) or £12.95 (waged) from 16b Cherwell Street, Oxford, OX4 1BG. 01865 603663. You can also order it from their website: http://www.undercurrents.org
4-6 - Disabled Action Network National Action, Bristol. Tel 0181 889 1361
5-6 - One World Festival. Shepton Mallet, Frome 01373 454330
5-7 - Alternative Media Conference in Oxford hosted by Corporate Watch and the New Internationalist. 01865 791391
6-7 - Day of Fun In The Sun at Newbury to mark the anniversary of the main construction contract. Bungee jumping, cycle walk on the wildside, music 01635 550552/ Rapid Response: 0468 505344
6 - To mark the anniversary of the granting of the main contract at Newbury the Third Battle of Newbury are organising a "Bicycles and Bipeds" action. Meet 12 noon at Newbury Railway station, bring bikes if possible, although this is not essential. For those who want to go there will be a camping space provided for up to two days, but bring a tent. Contact Jim: 0468 505 344 or Third Battle on 01635 45545 http://www.gn.apc.org/newbury
11 - Free public preview of Undercurrents - Portsmouth - 7pm-7.30pm, Wedgewood Rooms, Southsea - bar, stalls, alternative comedian, open mike, etc. Details on (01705) 293673
12 - Reclaim The Streets Benefit gig at 414 Club Coldharbour Lane, Brixton 9-6am
13 - Demo & Mass Trespass at Babraham Institute of Animal Physiology - meet 1pm Babraham village (off the A1307, south of Cambridge, near Junction 10, M11)
14 - National Demo at Shamrock Farm - Sussex Primate Prison, one mile south of Small Dole, Henfield, W. Sussex.
17 - Oct 4 - The 121 Centre is staging a DIY culcha exhibition called "i didn't do nuthin" on Wednesdays through Saturdays from Sep. 17th to Oct. 4th, 4-9pm each day plus opening and closing night parties - b.y.o beer and food. 121 Railton Rd., Brixton SE24. 0171 274 6655
Sat 20 - SchNEWSnight @ Lift Club, Queens Street, Brighton, 8pm-11pm
Sat 20-21 - Mass Trespass in Oxfordshire to defend the right to roam on all uncultivated land. Overnight camp and nature trial. Meet 10am, outside Oxford Railway Station. Please bring tent, food, sleeping bag. Cooking facilities on site. Details: 0402 176410, or 01865 722016 on the day.
Sat 20 - In January London will host a "Job Creation Summit" where an unsavoury crew of European Union finance ministers and representatives from the G7 leading capitalist powers will put together proposals to "restructure labour markets," i.e. to further erode job security. Meet Sat 20th Sep. to organise opposition. 2-6 pm Brownswood Library, Brownswood Road, London, N4 or contact BM-CRL, London, WC1N 3XX
Sat 20 - Critical Mass Shoreham. SchNEWS reported on the tragic death of an artist from Worthing killed by a lorry. Her name was Danni Plank, not Parke. Sorry. Critical Mass to commemorate her life on Sat 20th Sep.. Meet 12 noon Shoreham Station
Sat 20-21 - Midge Death Free Festival - Grampian, Scotland free. 01436 82090
Tues 23-25 - For people interested in having a friendly word with Porton Down Germ Warfare scientists they will be holding exhibitions this month in Dorchester Town Hall (23rd), Weymouth (24th), Bridport Town Hall (25th) from 2-8pm. For more exact info. contact 01305 835341.
Thurs 25 - The planned visit to Camilla Parker-Bowles has been cancelled; instead, the anti-monarchists will be paying a visit to Charlie at Highgrove, Corsham, Wilts @ 12pm. Movement Against Monarchy, PO Box 14672 London E9 5UQ
25-28 - Groundswell DIY forum, "housing a sustainable future": 0171 833 2071
Fri 26-28 - Women Speak Out. Weekend of workshops, speakers, info, food and stalls at Leeds Uni to mark the 40th anniversary of the Windscale fire. Accom/childcare available. Sellafield Women's Peace Camp 01482 443829
Fri 26-28 - Faslane Peace Camp. Party call 01436 820901.
Sat 27 - National Demonstration at Hillgrove Farm - who breed kittens and cats for vivisection. Meet 12 noon at the main gates on Dry Lane, Witney, Oxon. More info: Box CB, Inner Bookshop, 111 Magdalen Rd., Oxford.
Sat 27 - Dockers Anniversary Demo assemble 12.30 Myrtle Parade, Liverpool, march to St. George's Plateau. Coach details - ring Merseyside Port Shop Stewards 0151 207 3388
Sat 27 - Fuming Mad Rally to cut traffic levels, part of 100 days of action against the oil industry. 2pm Trafalgar Square. 100 Days Update, Box CW, 111 Magdalen Rd, Oxford, OX4 1RQ email 100days@waveland.org
Sat 27-29 - Bristol Earth First! are organising training & a mass trespass against the expansion of Durnford Quarry, which has been given the green light to expand into Ashton Court public park. 0117 9420129
Sun 28 - Ramblers Association Access Day. Nation-wide walks to highlight public access to the countryside. Details: 0171 582 6878
Mon 29 - Reclaim The Streets are promising to be dancing into action with the Liverpool Dockers on Monday 29 September. Meet Victoria train station 10am with a train fare of £12:50, bring drums, instruments, sugar, lock-ons, water, pixies, tunes and imagination for a mystery tour 0171 281 4621
Tues 30 - Vegetarian Society celebrates 150th birthday. For info on events in your area: 01649 280793
October is End Corporate Dominance Month - start organising your actions now! More info: International Reply Coupon to Earth First! End Corporate Dominance Campaign c/o EF! Austin, PO Box 7292 Austin, TX 78713 USA Tel 001 (512) 320-0413
Wed 1 - Mass blockade against COPEX Arms Fair, Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire. 12 noon - 6pm CAAT: 0171 281 0297 (See SchNEWS 133)
Wed 1 - Hillingdon Hospital Workers - 2nd Anniversary of Struggle - Mass picket 7am outside Hillingdon Hospital, March at noon from Colham Green, Colham Road (U4 from Uxbridge tube) Rally 1pm Uxbridge Civic Centre speakers include Malkiat Bilku, Arthur Scargill President NUM, Shirley Winter Magnet Women’s Support Group, Jimmy Nolan Liverpool dockers.
Thurs 2-5 - Anti Fascist Action are organising a rally and conference in London. SAE to BM 1734, London, WC1N 3XX
Thurs 2-16 - Global Days of Action against genetically engineered food. Consumer, farm, animal and public interest organisations from over 40 nations will be holding simultaneous protests, press conferences and public education events. Wanna get involved in local or national actions, or do it yourself? Contact WEN: 0171 923 9511 or GEN: 0181 374 9516.
Fri 3-5 - Gathering in the Borders to discuss land rights/ forest living in Scotland. Contact Reforesting Scotland 0131 226 2496
Fri 3-5 - Low Impact Weekend Party, Birch Hill wood near Leicester 01254 234228
Sat 4 - Derby Reclaim The Streets. Meet 12 noon at the Market Place
Sat 4 - Bath Reclaim The Streets. Meet 12 noon at the Circus 01249 713742
Sat 4 - Anti-JSA Benefit Gig @ Albert Pub, Trafalgar St, Brighton, 8pm £2.50/£2 - minute manifesto + unslug + anal beard + unbelievables + no legs
6 - NASA plans to launch 73lbs plutonium on board the Cassini space probe! 01274 730795
Tues 7 - Job Seekers Allowance is one year old. Huddersfield against the JSA are having a demo. Meet 12 noon at the Train Station
Thurs 9 - Some people who set up camp in Devon to stop a developer trashing two rivers (so we can all have clay toilets) are on a protest walk to Houses of Parliament. A mere stroll at 235 miles, they hope to do it in just 12 days. They are gonna hand in a letter from the local people to John Prescott demanding a public enquiry. If you’d like to join in ring 0467 622825. If that’s a bit much why not join them on the last leg: Thursday 9th Hyde Park Speakers Corner 1.30 pm
Thurs 9 - Demonstration Against Genetically Manipulated Crops at the National Farmers Union. Meet 11am @ 164, Shaftesbury Avenue, London
Thurs 9 - At the centre or the margins? Discussion on the welfare state in radical new politics. Economic and Cultural Justice Group - Tel: 0171 278 4443
Thurs 9 - London Forum meeting, Brownswood Library, Brownswood Rd., London N4, 7pm onwards. Bring: literature & info (stall space available), open minds, creative ideas. More info: London Forum, BM 5588, London WC1N 3XX
Thurs 9 - Benefit night for ARCH (Autonomous Refugee Centre in Hackney) and ASS (Advisory Service for Squatters) at The Point, 79 Stoke Newington Rd., London N16. Bands, stalls, comedy, 9pm ’til "very late" - £3.50/£2.50. ARCH: c/o ASS, 2 St. Paul’s Rd., London N1, 0171 713 1269
Fri 10-12 - Sellafield Women’s Peace Camp, opposite Sellafield Visitors’ Centre - wimmin only from dusk till dawn, but visitors welcome in the day. More info on 0113 262 1534 or 01482 443829
Sat 11 - Mass demo at the vet’s practice of Andrew Scott, the chairman of the British Veterinary Assoc.’s Animal Welfare Foundation, whose day job is signing live export certificates. 9am, Edgewood Veterinary Practice, 8 Wantz Road, Maldon, Suffolk
Sat 11-18 - International Week of Action Against McDonald's. McLibel Support campaign 0171 713 1269
Sun 12 - 5th anniversary of the death by electrocution of a McDonald's Worker, and International Day of Solidarity with McDonald's Workers. 0171 713 1269
Mon 13 - Stop the Store Alliance! Flannel + Tit for Tat + Bob @ The Richmond. 9pm-1am £3/2.50 to stop a proposed Sainsbury’s behind Brighton Station.
Mon 13 - Indigenous Environmental Network "Unplug America - Give Mother Earth a Rest Day" UNPLUG! from all our electric, battery-operated conveniences, and spend a day off the "grid." Contact: c/o IndigenousEnvironmental Network, ien@igc.apc.org
Tues 14 - Liverpool Dockers Benefit Gig at the London Forum, Kentish Town. Chumbawamba, Zion Train, more acts and special guests t.b.a.
Thurs 16 - World-wide Day of Action Against McDonald’s. Details: 0171 837 7557
Fri 17 - World Day for Overcoming Extreme Poverty. Events 0171 703 3231
Sat 18 - SchNEWSNight- 1 year anniversary bash @ The Lift, Queens Rd, 11pm £3/2 cons.
Sat 18 - Schumacher Lectures, Colston Hall, Bristol. Speakers on Solar Power. Details: 01803 865051
Sat 18 - Welfare State Network are holding a conference on October at the South Camden Community Centre in London. More details 0171 639 5068
Sat 18 - 16th Annual Anarchist Bookfair 10 am onwards Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1 (tube Holborn) Tel: 0171 242 8032
Sat 18 - 100th birthday of Shell. Part of the 100 days of actiona gainst the oil industry. Corporate Watch 01865 791391 email 100days@waveland.org
Sat 18 - International day of action against Nike. Contact Campaign for LaborRights: alliance@mr.net
Sat 18-19 - "Shut It!" action at Faslane Peace Camp. Call 01436 820901.
Weds 22- 27 - Events at the Anarchist Teapot, 72 Grand Parade, Brighton. * Wed 22nd - Talk on Brazilian land squats at 7pm, with food being served after.* Thurs 23rd - Anarchist talk and video by two Maori's Mike and Annette about the resistance to the destruction of their homelands and culture. * Mon 27th - 7pm Bandit Queen video, with Indian food.
23-26 - Wanna learn how to make a yurt? This is yer original yurt-weaving course - you’ll never be homeless again. The course will take place at Tinker’s Bubble in Somerset October 01865 722016
Sat 25 - Direct Action and British Environmentalism Conference at Keele University 10am-5.30 pm £10/£6 unwaged 01782 583452
Sat 25 - Liberty and Earthrights are hosting a meeting to discuss a litigation strategy for protest and public order, open to all lawyers and activists involved in protests, particularly direct action campaigns, and those with direct experience of the criminal justice system. NB this is NOT an all-purpose discussion of protest and the law. Wanna go? Call 0171 357 8689 asap, and leave a contact address or number so they can send details.
Weds 29 - March for a woman's right to choose! Commemorate 30 years since the 1967 Abortion Act with a torchlight march at 6pm University of London Union, Malet St., Euston, London 0171 561 6503
Thurs 30 - Public Service Announcement - striking a chord - no issue is single benefit night: The Duvalls, Inner Terrestrials & King Prawn play a benefit for Reclaim The Streets and Autonomous Refugee Centre in Hackney at Pembury Tavern, 90 Amhurst Rd., Hackney E8 London 8.30pm-1am £3/£2
Fri 31 - Halloween National Day of Action against Open Cast Coal. Meet 5am Ward Green Community Centre, Genn Lane, Worsborough, Barnsley, South Yorkshire. The community centre will be open from 10pm Thursday 30th October for gathering/sleeping. Bring food and warm clothing. For transport from London and the south/more info phone 0171 603 1831/0171 672 9698 For transport from Brighton call the Justice? office on 01273 685913.
Fri 31 - A British section of Food Not Bombs has been established kicking off with a Halloween Meal at the Imperial War Museum Park (!) Lambeth Rd, SE1 4.30 pm. More info 0181 766 8813 If you wanna get involved in the group they meet every Monday night 8pm at 121 Centre, 121 Railton Rd, Brixton, SE24
Fri 31 - Nov 2 - ‘Raise Your Banners’ - ‘the Festival of Political Song’ is happening in Sheffield, with 11 choirs, theatre, poetry, films, childrens events and people like Billy Bragg, Fun-da-mental, Atilla the Stockbroker and the Tofu Love Frogs. Programme from PO Box 44, Sheffield, S4 7RN or tel:0114 249 5185
Sat 1 - Oxford Reclaim The Streets
Sat 1 - World Vegan Day (01424 427393) and also the day Fox Hunting season begins. If you wanna go sabbing ring Hunt Sabs Association (01273 622827)
Sat 1 - March and Rally against Critchley Labels - the 'worst employer in Wales'. Assemble 12.30 pm in Sophia Gardens, Cardiff. Contact Strike Committee, 54 Beech Grove, Oakdale, Blackwood, Gwent, NP2 ONB 01495 220597
Sat 1 - Ideas & Action alternative politics fair in Norwich from 10.30am - 4pm at Norwich Arts Centre, St.Benedicts St., Norwich. And it's free!
Sat 1-7 - Berlin Activist Gathering, continental networking, skills training, possible Berlin RTS.Tel: + 49 30 789 131 44.
5 - Wakefield: "Burn the Horricks" demo at the site of a proposed toxic dump. Tel: 01924 893 564.
8 - RENA, Britain's first animal rights camp, outside Huntingdon Life Sciences, Cambridgeshire, is now two months old and will celebrate with a Bonfire Extravaganza Protest and Party on Nov. 8th at 3pm. Details/directions tel: 0589 026435
10 - The second anniversary of Nigerian writer Ken Saro-Wiwa's execution. Shell Oil, anxious to avoid public interest in the above, have postponed their 100th birthday party from Oct. 18th until Nov. 11th and have invited the Queen along (which was nice, we are still trying to get invites). There is also a demo at Shell Centre, Waterloo at 1pm on Nov. 10th.
14-16 - 1st ever joint conference between the Green Student Network and Students for Environmental Action at Reading University. Entitled "Burning the Planet at Both Ends" there will be workshops, speakers, entertainment in the evening and an action on Sunday. Contact Maike Ball (daytime) 0161 2752942 email Marie ldulevet@reading.ac.uk. Or call 0118 966 2228 for more details.
Sat 15 - WRATH (Welsh Rurals Against The Hunt) have organised a rally in support of Michael Fosters Bill to outlaw fox hunting . Meet 12noon in Aberystwyth outside the Town Hall (Queens Road) More info 01970 615398
Sat 15-17 - Weekend camp for action against Ashton Court quarry near Bristol; phone (0117) 9420 129
Sun 16 - National Demo against Hillgrove Farm - the place that breds cats for vivisection. Meet 12 noon at the farm Dry Lane, Witney, Oxon
17-19 - Anti-nuclear actions approaching... Faslane Peace Camp, near Glasgow. Tel: 01436 820 901.
Sat 22 - SchNEWSnight Political Cabaret, 8:00 @ Lift Club, Queens Rd
Tues 25 - 10th Dec - Greenpeace are holding an ongoing climate change vigil. Phone 0171 865 8100
Weds 26 - McLibel Campaign Benefit Gig at the Garage, 20 Highbury Corner, London N5. Bands Radical Dance Faction, Tofu Love Frogs and Citizen Fish Starts 8pm £5/4
Thurs 27 - Benefit gig for Contraflow magazine and the Autonomous Refuge Centre in Hackney. Acoustic music with Turkish and Mexican musicians at Pembury Tavern, 90 Amhurst Rd., Hackney Starts at 8.30 pm £3/2. Both these gigs are part of the Public Service Announcement `no issue is single' events programme
Thurs 27 - Mindful of the 'token' Anti-Hunting Bill getting its reading on the 28th, the blood-junkies of Britain have announced a massive 'show' hunt in Leicestershire on the 27th - a joint meet of the 'Big 3' foxhunts: Quorn, Cottesmore and Belvoir. Seeing as each often musters 150+ inbreeds each, you can imagine the size of the chinless cavalry which this event will attract. Contact HSA on 01273 622827 to arrange transport.
Fri 28-30 - Bi-monthly women-only peace camps at Sellafield Cumbria. Phone Laura or Tracy on 0113 2621534. They are celebrating 7 years of resistance against BNFL.
Sat 29 - ‘Stop the climate wreckers’ - Green Party etc picket of the US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London W1, (Bond St tube.) 0181 442 8640
Sat 29 - The Network of Socialist Alliances are holding a conference "There is no one issue which defines Alliances, other than a commitment to end the free market economy and to promote socialist campaigns". Ring 01922 644705
Sat 29 - International No-Shop Day - no-shoppers around the country (and all around the world) will be taking their "enough is enough" message to the public. Last year street theatre, spoof products and send ups of advertising corporations were commonplace. More info: ENOUGH on 0161 226 6668 One World Centre, 6 Mount St., Manchester, M2 5NS. Email: ethicon@mcr1.poptel.org.uk Web: http://envirolink.org/issues/enough/
Sat 29 - Drag Hunting - the day after the first reading in Parliament of Mike Foster’s anti-hunt bill, hunt sabs in the Chiltern area will be standing proud, going out in drag themselves as they once again prevent the Vale of Aylesbury foxhunt from killing. Hunting folk will encounter sabs as they’ve never seen them before as wigs and make-up will be the order of the day. Slinking and mincing and making innuendoes. "I’d like to blow his horn!" You can come too: if you don’t like hunting, don’t get cross - cross-dress! Phone Doog on (01494) 465358
Sat 29-30 - Strike Oil - a wind-powered petrol-free service station to eclipse the Kyoto sideshow - running until the 6th/7th Dec. cnr City Road & Remington Street, London N1 - 5 minutes' walk from Angel tube station.
3 - Train to the 'climate summit' in Kyoto, Japan - passing thru' Russia, Siberia and China. If you wanna go contact Ben Matthews at School of Environmental Science, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ Phone 01603 593733 email b.j.h.matthews@uea.ac.uk
Sat 6 - Picket and Rally to protest at PolyGram's policy of casualisation. Last year they ditched 550 workers in favour of £3-an-hour-labour despite sales of nearly £3 billion. M&S Packaging, the company who now pack CD's for PolyGram, expect employees, including pregnant women, to stand throughout 12-hour shifts, day or night, and put up with owners' dogs messing in their canteen. Nigel Cook has been sacked, at PolyGram's request, for protesting at these conditions and will be speaking at the rally, along with: Liverpool Dockers, Hillingdon Strikers, TGWU and the Revolutionary Communist Group. Meet 11am Philips Road, Blackburn.
Sat 6-13 - National Week of Action Against the Fur Trade Details from CAFT, PO Box 38, Manchester, M60 INX Tel 0171 278 3068 email: caft@londonaa.demon.co.uk
Sat 13 - Haringey Solidarity Group will be leafleting shoppers at Tesco's in Tottenham, between 11 am and 2 pm, warning them about the dangers of the Government's so-called `New Deal' for the unemployed.This branch of Tesco's is in Tottenham High Road (Seven Sisters tub) 0181 800 1281
Sat 20th - SchNEWSNight @ Lift, Queens Rd, £1 (B4 9)
Sat 20-21 - Faslane Peace Camp are hosting a Christmas weekend Party plus Actions. Bring yer instuments and something very warm!