"Definitely one of the best party and protest sites to come out of the UK. Updated weekly, brilliantly written, bleakly humourous, and essential reading for anyone who gives a shit. And we all should." - Radiohead
Other Reviews

Party & Protest - 2006
1 New Years Day The hangover starts now (if you stop drinking) and lasts forever. Happy New Year!
7-8 Fuck me its the 10th anniversiary Newbury Re-union. 10 years since the start of work on the Newbury Bypass (see issue 55 onwards) "Thousands of people passed through this mammoth campaign, many with their lives changed forever. Come and meet up with old friends and relive that freezing cold winter experience! People who weren't at Newbury are more than welcome too. Nothing is planned yet, but everyone keeps agreeing it is a good idea" www.roadalert.org.uk
9-15 Faslane Peace Camp "Adventure Week'
11 Benefit for Brighton Peace and Environment Centre and the Moulsecoomb Forest and Wildlife project, Volks, Brighton
12 Right To Work March for asylum seekers living in Scotland. Assemble 10.00am YMCA, Petershill Drive, Glasgow, march to George Sq for rally. scottish-infosarco@excite.com
13 The Band'Stand with Narmada Dam Campaign benefit gig. Music from Go Go Pimps, Beans on Toast, Kai Motta @ Macbeth, 70 Hoxton St N1, London 7pm-1am £3 www.artmusicpolitic.com
14 Public meeting for helping to organise the Climate Camp happening in the north of England late summer. 11am - 6pm Bridge
5 Mill, 22a Beswick St, Manchester. climatecamp@yahoo.co.uk
14 National rally and march in Oxford against the proposed animal experiment lab. Meet 12 noon outside Balliol College, Broad Street, Oxford. Coaches from Brighton 01273 885750 www.speakcampaigns.org.uk
14 Abergavenny Women in Black Silent Vigil. This Saturday
and the 2nd Saturday every other-month there will be a WIB Silent
Vigil. Please wear black. 11 - noon Red Square (opposite Ottakers),
Details: Katrina Gass 01873 55760 or katrinagass@yahoo.co.uk
17 International Solidarity Movement talk and films on Palestine. Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton. 6pm to 8pm.
18 Drumming and percussion noise demo at EDO factory, Brighton, which makes parts for bombs used against innocent people in Iraq and Palestine. Meet 4pm, Moulsecoomb station. www.smashedo.org.uk
18-30 Exhibition of photographs about detention by Isabel Merminod Spitz Gallery, 105 Old Spitalsfield Market Commercial Street, London E1 12 noon to 5pm daily
21 National Demo calling for justice for the British residents in Guantanamo Bay 12 noon Tothill Street, London (nearest tube St James Park) March via Downing Street to the American Embassy in Grovesnor Square For local coach tickets (£6/£4) call 07914 265849 www.save-omar.org.uk
21 London Anti-war Action Forum - A joint initiative of the Corporate Pirates, Iraq Occupation Focus, Justice Not Vengeance, Peace Not War, Rhythms of Resistance and Voices in the Wilderness UK. The forum will be a monthly open space for people who want to organise (and take part in) actions related to the so-called "war on terror" (eg. the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, Guantanamo, Islamophobia etc...)a place for *your* ideas and energies. IT ISN'T: a place for in-depth discussion of the latest news from Iraq, Guantanamo etc... Information and analysis are crucial to all our work but the Forum's focus will be action. An attempt to replicate the important work that's already being done (newsletters, conferences, weekly street stalls etc...) but will instead focus on the stuff that's *not* happening. Another group. Rather, it's a space where groups and individuals can come together to talk about and plan actions (forming ad hoc coalitions where appropriate). In particular the Forum will have no fixed "membership" or agreed "platform" and no actions will be organised under the name of the "Anti-war Action Forum". 2-5pm, London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London E1 1ES (nearest tube Aldgate East). www.londonarc.org For more information contact 0845 458 2564, e-mail voices@voicesuk.org or visit www.voicesuk.org
21 The Peoples Autonomous Destination are having a new year discussion & planning meeting at Cardiff Quakers Meeting House between 1pm & 6pm. 07910 973 876 thepad@riseup.net www.thepad.org.uk
24 South London Radical History Group presents a talk by Terry
Liddle 'DAN CHATTERTON AND HIS ATHEISTIC COMMUNISTIC SCORCHER' An almost forgotten 19th century figure, Dan Chatterton was a Chartist,
radical, atheist, class warrior... "Gaunt, ragged, almost blind...the
embodiment of helpless, furious poverty..." 8pm 56a INFO SHOP
56 Crampton St, London, SE17 (Elephant & Castle tube) mudlark@macunlimited.net
26 Worthing Alliance meeting with updates on local campaigns. All welcome. Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, Worthing. 8pm
27 Brighton Critical Mass 6pm The Level, www.tinyurl.com/dfkc2
28 Fighting the Asylum & Immigration Acts A working conference for trade unionists, anti-deportation campaigners and anti-racists. Plenaries and workshops on: campaigning against section 9, local anti-deportation campaigns, defending civil liberties, racism / fascism - defence of asylum seekers, co-ordinating campaigns Methodist Central Hall, Oldham St, Manchester, 11:00am- 5:00pm. More info: Jason Travis, Bolton NUT, 07976 476 181 or George Binette, CDAS, 07905 826 304. £5 waged £3 unwaged. Asylum seekers: Free
28 Prison Abolition Seminar. Resisting prison construction, radical alternatives to prison and abolitionist theory past and present are the themes for this seminar. Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn, London 2 - 5pm. www.alternatives2prison.ik.com
28 South West Peace Conference - An End To Nuclear Fission? South West Conference to highlight the nuclear industry and its damaging effects upon the South West and its inhabitants. The Upper Guildhall in Plymouth. 9am to 7pm 07904934142 mark@scantlebury8205.freeserve.co.uk
Feb-March 'We've yet to MakePovertyHistory… so where next?' The World Development Movement is running a series of free public meetings around the UK discussing the campaigning challenges and opportunities of 2006 as well as issues such as the G8 and the WTO ministerial meetings. For a full list of locations, dates and speakers go to www.wdm.org.uk/wherenext
As part of the first national student week of action against sweatshops Jose Julian Penunuri, a worker from the Argentinian occupied tile factory, Zanon (SEE SchNEWS 477) is on tour in the UK in February. Brighton (13TH) Brighthelm Centre, North Road 7.30pm. More details on the tour and a briefing, Zanon - A Factory Without Bosses, are available at: www.nosweat.org.uk/article.php?sid=1465&mode=thread&order=0
3 Peace Not War Live Music Room At The Synergy Project. A five-room spectacular at SeOne Club, with a diverse showcase of positive anti-war musicians. Contact sarah@peace.fm or 07905 514049. See also www.peace-not-war.org
4 The Activist Trauma Network is organising a day of discussion
and networking for all who are involved in promoting practical mutual
support in activist, campaigning and community groups. 10am-5pm
London Action Resource Centre (LARC), 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel,
London E1 1ES. 0207 377 9088 www.londonarc.org www.activist-trauma.net
4 How Home Education Works Day of activities, presentations, Q&A and information around home education. 12-1.30pm talks and more for parents, 1.30pm lunch, 2pm onwards activities and presentations from and with children. Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton.
4 Bath Swap Shop on Southgate Street outside the McDonalds. Come down and get or give something nice!
4 Northern Anarchist Network Conference. Speakers will include Dennis Pye on history of syndicalism with special reference to Tom Mann and Bolton. There will also be a discussion on the 70th anniversary commemoration in Manchester of the Spanish Revolution. Wood Street Socialist Club, Bolton 10am- 5pm.
8 Save Council housing - Mass Lobby and rally 12 noon Central Hall, Westminster 020 7987 9989 www.defendcouncilhousing.org.uk
8 Worthing Green Social meeting with quiz night and prizes. All welcome. Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, Worthing . 8pm
10 Film: From WOZA With Love Women of Zimbabwe Arise, a women's direct action group, is part of the new tide of opposition to the Zimbabwe government's campaign against ordinary people. Discussion: Is Zimbabwe a special case in Africa? What is the African women's movement? 6.30pm, Room G50, Main Building, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Thornhaugh Street, London WC1. 07984 405 307 friendsofafrica_soas@yahoo.co.uk
10 PORNCORE 4 XXXsextravaganza a filthy dirty valentines rave. Two rooms of elicit sounds and sites.
Upstairs: sordid hardcore Downstairs: slutty breaks Original artwerks,
projections and Live sets by Random Artists Includes spoken word
performance by Spleen Sounds from Headfuk, Prank and Crossbones
£3 entry all night 10pm – 5am @ The Red Star Camberwell
Green, 316 Camberwell Rd, London www.headfuk.net
10-12 Projectile international festival of anarchist film and culture, Newcastle www.projectile.org
10-12 Radio 4A On Air Around Brighton on 101.4 (ish) FM. www.radio4a.org.uk
11 The Committee Against Criminal Rendition will join the Save Omar Deghayes campaign in a public reading of Victoria Brittain and Gillian Slovo's play 'Guantanamo: Honor Bound to Defend Freedom' at the New Venture Theatre, Bedford Place, Brighton. 8pm 07799 362 884 info@save-omar.org.uk www.save-omar.org.uk
11-18 No Sweat / Students Against Sweatshops Week Of Action & Zanon Speaker Tour. Actions, discussions, film shows, alternative fashion events and speaker tours during a national week of action against sweatshops. Speaker tours will include a representative of the workers' committee which runs the occupied Zanon factory in Argentina plus film showings of Naomi Klein's The Take (about the factory occupation movement in Argentina). www.nosweat.org.uk
12 Seedy Sunday community seed swap, Seeds for swapping or donations. Stalls -books - community groups - seed potatoes. Organic Cafe with "Due South" Creche. Disabled access.£1 entry, kids go free. Talks throughout the day. The Old Market, Upper Market Street , Hove . 10am - 5pm. 01273 381686 www.seedysunday.org
12 ZineFest "a festival of zines, anti-corporate artwork, and diy publications" Basement Bookshop, 24 Lever St. manchesterzines@riseup.net
13 Protest the ID Bill. NO2ID and Liberty will be holding an emergency lobby of Parliament, when the Identity Cards Bill returns to the Commons for consideration of Lords' amendments. 12 noon - 1pm on the sundial in Old Palace Yard, opposite the St Stephen's Gate entrance to the Houses of Parliament. This will be your last chance to make a visible protest against the Bill before it goes into Parliamentary 'ping-pong'. Please bring your own banners and placards - the bigger and clearer the better. www.no2id.net/news/events.php#70
13 Camcorder Guerilla Cinema Short Films based around oil & climate change including "Baked Alaska" By Spanner Films and Grangemouth - Brazil Video letters. At Mono, 12 Kings Court, King Street, Glasgow. 7-9pm, www.camcorderguerillas.net
13 Argentina, Zanon and the Factories Without Bosses. Talk by Jose Julian Penunuri, worker at Zanon worker-occupied factory. Brighthelm Centre, North Road , Brighton , 7.30pm - 9.15pm . Organised by No Sweat.
13 International Day of Protest against Chinese Fur. 12noon, at Embassy of People's Republic of China , 49-51 Portland Place , London W1N 3AH . In protest at China 's reluctance to act against the horrific treatment of animals in its fur industry, an international day of protest will take place in front of Chinese embassies and consulates worldwide. www.veggies.org.uk/arc/event.php?ref=603 For details of other protests around the world see http://fur.arforum.org/
14 Bell-ringing demo at EDO arms factory, 4-6pm at EDO MBM, Home Farm Rd, Moulsecoomb, Brighton. Bring bells to toll.Call 07891405923 or email smashedo@hotmail.com for more details. www.smashedo.org.uk
14 Demonstrate outside the Health and Safety Commission Meeting 9am to 10.30 am Rose Court, London SE1 9HS Organised by Hazards
NO to Deregulated, unsafe, deadly work 0161 636 7557 or
mail@gmhazards.org.uk www.hazardscampaign.org.uk
15 "Iraq 3 Years on; how many more must die?" Peter Brierley - Military Families against the War. Peter Brierley lost his son Shaun in Iraq and has said "I need to find out why this has happened. I won't stop until I've done everything I can to find out. aLSO speakers from Smash EDO and Save Omar Deghayes local campaigns 8 pm Friends Meeting House, Ship St, Brighton. Organised by Sussex Action for Peace. 07973 228335
16 Get Clued Up About Transport. Short films, spoken word, food, workshops and music. All around transport issues. 7pm at The Basement, 24 Lever St, Manchester.
17 All Night Vigil Against the Oxford animal lab. Start time 9pm "Meet at the edge of the exclusion zone on South Parks Rd. Hot food and drinks will be available all night. Please join us at anytime throughout the night and let's show the animal abusers that our campaign against the animal torture lab is a 24 hour campaign and they can expect us anytime day or night." 0845 330 7985 Mob: 07986 559012 info@speakcampaigns.org.uk www.speakcampaigns.org.uk
17 Head-to-Head "Freedom of speech: Who cares what Muslims think?", Sajjad Khan Sajjad Khan, Editor of New Civilisation Magazine, vs Claire Fox, Director of The Institute of Ideas. Room D702, London School of Economics, 6pm.
Till 18 No Sweat / Students Against Sweatshops Week Of Action & Zanon Speaker Tour. Actions, discussions, film shows, alternative fashion events and speaker tours during a national week of action against sweatshops. Speaker tours will include a representative of the workers' committee which runs the occupied Zanon factory in Argentina plus film showings of Naomi Klein's The Take (about the factory occupation movement in Argentina). www.nosweat.org.uk
18 Street Theatre at Manchester Airport. Meet 12pm at the Basement, 24 Lever St, Manchester. As planes are one of the worst contributors to global pollution, aviation themed fancy dress & leaflets are probably on the cards.
18 London Anti-war Action Forum - A joint initiative of
the Corporate Pirates, Iraq Occupation Focus, Justice Not Vengeance,
Peace Not War, Rhythms of Resistance and Voices in the Wilderness
UK. The forum will be a monthly open space for people who want to
organise (and take part in) actions related to the so-called "war
on terror" (eg. the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, Guantanamo,
Islamophobia etc...)a place for *your* ideas and energies. IT ISN'T:
a place for in-depth discussion of the latest news from Iraq, Guantanamo
etc... Information and analysis are crucial to all our work but
the Forum's focus will be action. An attempt to replicate the important
work that's already being done (newsletters, conferences, weekly
street stalls etc...) but will instead focus on the stuff that's
*not* happening. Another group. Rather, it's a space where groups
and individuals can come together to talk about and plan actions
(forming ad hoc coalitions where appropriate). In particular the
Forum will have no fixed "membership" or agreed "platform"
and no actions will be organised under the name of the "Anti-war
Action Forum". 2-5pm, London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate
Street, Whitechapel, London E1 1ES (nearest tube Aldgate East). www.londonarc.org
For more info 0845 458 2564, e-mail voices@voicesuk.org www.voicesuk.org
18 Camcorder Guerilla Films at Edinburgh Filmhouse 1pm. Showing "Why Close the G8?" Gleneagles 2005, "Dear Mrs Blair" and " Dungavel - Monster of the Glen" Edinburgh Filmhouse, Lothian Road, Edinburgh
20 B52-Two House of Lords Appeal. Early on 18th March 2003 two activists - Toby Olditch and Philip Pritchard - were arrested trying to get into USAF Fairford to nonviolently disarm the B52 bombers stationed there. Hours later these self-same bombers were used to bomb Iraq. Though the pair were released on bail in June 2003 they are still waiting to stand trial. Next week, a five-day hearing in the House of Lords will determine whether or not they will be allowed to present one of the key planks of their defence, namely whether or not the international "Crime of Aggression" can ever be deemed a "crime" in UK domestic law. Show your support for Toby and Phil by joining the demo. in Parliament Square at 9am but ring 07971 406180 to check! For more info see www.b52two.org
22 Nonviolent resistance and the conflict in Colombia - Speakers, Discussion, Information @ St Columba's URC Church, Alfred St, Oxford OX1 4EH(Alfred Street is off The High, opposite The Mitre pub) 7.30pm-9.30pm Organised by: Fellowship of Reconciliation, Colombia Solidarity Campaign, Peace Brigades International, Oxford Catholic Worker More details: 01865 748796 office@for.org.uk
22 - March 20 It will be ten years from the first eviction of the No M66 Campaign in February 2006. There will be an exhibition about the No M66 Campaign, at the Basement Social Center, Lever Street, Manchester. The M66 was a motorway which was built around the north east of manchester it is now called the M60. The campaign lasted for over a year. There were three camps on the route and the first was evicted in february 1996. To mark the tenth anniversary there will be an exhibition about the campaign. If you were involved with the campaign and can help out in anyway or if you have any photos, leaflets etc we could use drop me a line. Also we will be having a reunion get together details to be worked out yet.
22 Challenging Corporate Power London School of Economics. Corporations
have built extraordinary power through globalization - but are they
equipped to act in the interests of society as a whole? Speakers
from campaigning organisations include: Mike Brady: Nestle and the
Boycott, Mika Minio Paluello: Private banks and the Oil Sector "
Matthew McGregor: Asda-Walmart " Chair: Louise Richards-Chief
Executive, War on Want 7.30pm Room E171, London School of Economics
WC2A 2AE (Nearest tubes, Temple and Holborn) Hosted by War on Want
and LSESU People and Planet Society
23 London Radical History Group presents The Radical History
of Cycling. The subversive nature of bikes, trikes and penny
farthings revealed. 56a INFO SHOP 56 Crampton St, London, SE17 (Elephant
& Castle tube) mudlark@macunlimited.net
23 "The Anarchists Are Coming!" - Talk and discussion on anarchist ideas in Limerick. The Workers Solidarity Movement are holding a series of meetings around Ireland on anarchism. The aim is to let more people know about what anarchism stands for and to discuss how we can build for real change in the here and now. Meeting will be organised on an open format with a speaker on anarchism, to be followed by lots of time for discussion. Anarchist books on sale. Pery's Hotel, Glentworth St., Limerick, 8 p.m. 087-2666015 http://struggle.ws/wsm/cork.html
23 London Rising Tide (LRT) will play host to Heather Rogers, who's just written a book called 'Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage' (www.gonetomorrow.org). She will show a 20 minute film and lead off a discussion looking into rubbish, consumption, climate chaos, capitalism and whatever else catches our eye. All welcome. (This will be instead of our usual weekly planning meeting.) 7.30 pm LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES 07708 794665 info@risingtide.org.uk www.londonrisingtide.org.uk
23 Music for a free Palestine @ The Polar Central, 11-12 Queens Rd., Brighton £5/4
24 Brighton Critical Mass cycle ride. Reclaim the streets from the cars. Meet 6pm at The Level, off London Road, Brighton.
25 Re-opening of Rossport Solidarity Camp to stop Shell again. All welcome. Mayo, in the West of Ireland www.struggle.ws/rsc
25 SPEAK monthly demo against monkey laboratory, 12 noon Carfax Tower, on the corner of Cornmarket St and Queen St., Oxford 0845 330 7985 Mob: 07986 559012 info@speakcampaigns.org.uk www.speakcampaigns.org.uk
25 Censorship: Symposium On censorship with Steve Ash other contributors welcome. Presented By The London Anarchist Forum 2:30pm at Freedom Press 84b Whitechapel High Street www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com
25 Reclaim the Night Brighton Reclaiming the streets as a safe space for women. 6pm, Meet outside Brighton Pier. email: kh40@sussex.ac.uk
25 No Borders Network South Wales presents a free workshop by Legal Action for Women, based on their booklet "For Asylum Seekers and their Supporters: a self-help guide against detention and deportation" Also featuring: film showing, discussion, free information. Anyone interested in issues around asylum are welcome. Free vegan food provided by the 'Now, In a Minute!' kitchen collective. 3pm Friends Meeting House,Charles St, Cardiff noborderswales[at]riseup.net
25 A Taste of Palestine IV. A cultural fundraiser for Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) water projects and Al Amari girls' choir, with Palestinian/Arabic Music & Culture, plus Stalls, Raffle, Auction. Authentic Palestinian/Arabic food (kindly provided by local Middle Eastern restaurants and delicatessen) included in price, drinks extra. Tickets also available from and the Quaker Shop, St Giles. Book early as space is limited! 7pm-11pm Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way (off Cowley Rd), Oxford £9/£6 01865 778 009 www.oxfordpsc.info
26 Bath community seed swap 3pm
26 Volunteer working session on Palatine School gardens, Palatine Road , Worthing . Any time between 10am and 5pm. Bring gardening tools and a picnic!
27 Demo in Corby against the new vivisection lab being built by Oxford University., at Oxford University Press, (OUP) at 2-30pm. Meet outside OUP, Oakley Hay Industrial Estate, Saxon Way West, Corby, Northants, NN18 9ES, Contact number on the day: 07986 559 012. info@speakcampaigns.org.uk, www.speakcampaigns.org.uk
27 Club Hedonistic in support of Oxfam. Islington Academy, 16 Parkfield Street, London 7-12am with four live bands and XFM's DJ Marsha. Entry is free, first band on at 7.45pm. www.oxfam.org.uk/generationwhy www.clubhedonistic.com For info on bookings or to help out with the Hedonistic street team contact play@clubhedonistic.com
28 Worthing Society meeting on planning, addressed by James Appleton, borough council planning chief who has been pushing through Titnore development. 7.30pm , lecture theatre, Worthing Library, Richmond Road , Worthing . £2 for non-members.
1 Republican St David's Day Demonstration - rights for the people not royal prerogatives oval basin, cardiff bay "Our National Assembly does not have the powers to meet the needs of the people of Wales. It has fewer powers than a council - it is little more than a talking shop. It cannot make laws and it cannot raise taxes." A demonstration has been called by Cardiff Social Forum. cardiffsocialforum@yahoo.co.uk
1 Refuge Without Borders - Stop Violence Against Women - Asylum Seeking Women Speak Out Public Meeting: 5-7pm, The Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House, London, SW1A 2LW. In the week preceding International Women's Day an invitation is issued to MPs to hear from an All Women Platform. Asylum seeking women from Africa, India and Pakistan will speak about their experiences and their campaign to remain in the UK. Women from grassroots and voluntary sector organisations in various capacities will call for international protection for survivors of rape, forced marriage and other violence. Info: Kent Campaign to Defend Asylum Seekers, Tel: 01227 266 858, Mobile: 07940 964551, kadams314@hotmail.com
1 Peter Tatchell: “Why I’ve Joined the Green Party.” Public meetings in Norwich 1pm in room 1.28 of Union House at
UEA. and 7:30pm at St. Thomas’s Church Hall, Earlham Road (by
Edinburgh Road
junction; on 26 and 27 bus routes) 01603 621980.
1 The Africa Commission One Year On; Has Anything Changed? Discussion about the commission with Lord Joffe, former Chairman of OXFAM; Mr Myles Wickstead, Secretary to the Africa Commission; Professor Lord Desai, Director of the Centre for Global Governance, London School of Economics; Mr Dapo Oyewole, Centre for African Policy and Peace Strategy; Mr Anver Versi, Editor, African Business. St James's Church, Piccadilly, London - 7pm. Tickets in advance and information : www.global-development-forum.org - www.ethical-events.org
2 Worthing Alliance meeting with updates on local campaigns. All welcome. Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, Worthing. 8pm
2 'Protecting the right to water' Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London 7pm More than one billion people lack access to an adequate supply of water and more than two million people, mostly children, die annually from water-related diseases. Privatization of public water delivery systems and exploitation of resources by large-scale agriculture, industry and bottling companies are criticised for exacerbating the situation. Agricultural and industrial pollution can endanger whole communities. There is a call for action at an international level to protect water as a human right and a public good. A key date is the World Water Forum in Mexico in March. Launch of this declaration www.babymilkaction.org/action/waterdeclarationform.html
3-5 Llanberis Mountain Film Festival. As part of the 2006 festival, LLAMFF will be hosting a dedicated session looking at climate change issues. This afternoon program of film, lectures and discussion offers a rare opportunity for climbers and people who love the outdoors to look at what climate change means for us. www.llamff.co.uk
4 Seedy Saturday community seed swap Edmund Kell Hall, Southampton 10am-2pm - Free entry though donations are very welcome. This will be the first event (possibly) of its kind in the area. 02380 643813 or seedysaturday@yahoo.co.uk
4 "What I heard about Iraq" street theatre workshop. A practical workshop to prepare for the day of international readings of Eliot Weinberger's celebrated anti-war work "What I heard about Iraq" on 20 March.Organised by JNV, Surrey Code Pink and Voices UK. 11am - 5pm The Front Studio, Diorama 1, 34 Osnaburgh St, London NW1 3ND 0845 458 2564 voices@voicesuk.org www.voicesuk.org
4 Imperialism War and Resistance Conference: Imperialism, the system which brings the world poverty and war, is in crisis. From the killing fields of Iraq and Afghanistan to a crumbling system at home, capitalism is creating the conditions for its own destruction. Despite the horrors of war, new forces are emerging to undermine the imperialist's rule of the world: from Cuba, Bolivia, Colombia and Nepal; in the Middle East the Palestinian and Iraqi people continue to resist subjugation. 12-5pm. Room G108, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2. Free - includes organic fruit crush! 020 78371688. su.soc.fight-racism-fight-imperialism@lse.ac.uk
4 Creative Forum Visioning Day at The Square. Come to swap ideas and contacts, have a chat and suggest ideas/workshops/sessions for the Creative Forum Open Space to be held on Sunday March 19th. Socialising renovation... contribute to The Square alongside us by helping them decorate, though it is not compulsory! An opportunity to relax and contemplate with like-minded thinkers. The Square social centre, 21-22 Russell Square, London, 12-5pm. Leading into a month of events in United Diversity's 'Another World is Blossoming' http://wiki.uniteddiversity.com/AnotherWorldIsBlossoming
4 Sustainable Communities in Practice a practical skillshare forum on sustainable communities, 6-8pm @ St. Matt's Centre, Bullivant Street, All Saints, London E14. www.creativeforum.org
5 The Band'Stand a Learning For Life South Asian Earthquake fundraiser. Line-up: Youth of Britain, King Blues, Bellagios, Daddy Longlegs, Tacticians, Greyhound Green, Shuffle + Special Guests. The Spitz, 109 Commercial Street, Old Spitalfields Market, London E1 4pm - 12 midnight approx £6 07868 738 315 www.artmusicpolitic.com
5 Creative Recycling Workshops @ The Sumac. Come along to our free Art from Recycling Workshops with Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL] and the Crafty Sumac Folk. Sumac Centre, Nottingham . 11am - 3pm
6 Three Palestinian women from Abu Dis describe daily life and resistance vs occupation Crossroads Women's Centre, 230A Kentish Town Rd, London NW5 2AB. (entrance in Caversham Rd) All Welcome. Fully wheelchair accessible. 6.30pm. £3/£1.50 Global Women's Strike 020-7482 2496 globalwomenstrike@server101.com www.globalwomenstrike.net
6 Ghana's 49th Independence Anniversary Event. Ghana's independence was a trigger for the whole of Africa. Music, Poetry, Film, Presentations, Discussion, Solidarity Messages, Refreshments. 6pm in Room VG06, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Vernon Square, London WC1. Organised by the Kwame Nkrumah Students Society, SOAS kwame.nkrumah.soas@gmail.com 07984 405 307
6 Liberty Public Meeting: No Torture- No Compromise; Extraordinary Rendition- Allegations and Evidence. Speakers: Phillipe Sands QC, Author of 'Lawless World', Martin Bright, Political Editor of the New Statesman, Andrew Tyrie MP, Chair of the All Party Group on Extraordinary Rendition, Jean Lambert MEP, Participant in the European Parliaments Investigation into Rendition. The LSE Old Theatre, Houghton Street, London. Entry free on first come first served basis, doors open at 7.15pm
8 Global Women's Strike & International Women's Day Photo exhibition: Women spearheading Venezuela's revolution. from 11am, Crossroads Women's Centre, 230A Kentish Town Rd, London NW5. Open Day with photo exhibition and videos about the World Social Forum and Venezuela's grassroots revolution. Global Women's Strike 020-7482 2496 globalwomenstrike@server101.com www.globalwomenstrike.net
8 Film: Talking of Power: sex, race and class in revolutionary Venezuela. From the hills of Caracas to the banks of the Orinoco, the grassroots spell out how they are changing our world. 6.30pm Room V111, School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), Vernon Square, London WC1, Goodge St/Russell Sq tube. Free. Global Women's Strike 020-7482 2496 globalwomenstrike@server101.com www.globalwomenstrike.net
8 Is The WTO's Doha Round Good For Development? Mr Duncan Green, head of research at OXFAM; Mr Philippe Legrain; Ms Claire Melamed, Trade Policy Adviser at Christian Aid; Ms Sheila Page, ODI. St James's Church, Piccadilly - 7.30 pm Tickets in advance and information : www.global-development-forum.org - www.ethical-events.org
8 Dave Morris will give a talk on the history of The Tottenham Claimants Union since 1983. Wood Green Labour Club, Stirling Crescent, London, N22. Stirling Crescent is just opposite the Civic Centre on the High Road. Nearest tube station: Wood Green. Organised by the Radical History Network of North East London
8 Corporate accountability and the Simultaneous Policy Wilson Room, Portcullis House, Westminster, London. 2.30-4pm The Simultaneous Policy (SP) is a package of measures to address global problems such as climate change, unfair trade and unsustainability and is being developed by campaign supporters known as Adopters. Anyone can sign up as an Adopter free of charge at www.simpol.org.uk www.babymilkaction.org
9 Rebuilding Lives In Tamil Nadu: in the aftermath of the tsunami. Talk and slide show with Ravikularaman Ramasamy of Pondicherry Fair Trade & Bernard Carré of Southampton Fair Trade City Group. Widespread poverty in Indian fishing communities have compounded the problems of recovery from the tsunami. In the words of a recent OXFAM report, ".The majority of people who suffered lived on the margins, on the edge of both the sea and of society". 7.30pm, Free, October Books, 243 Portswood Rd, Southampton SO17 2NG www.octoberbooks.org/events.htm
10 And the Haitian resistance continues - features Kevin Pina film plus clips from keynote speakers at workshop at the World Social Forum (Caracas, Jan 06) including Andaiye (Guyana), Margaret Prescod (Pacifica Radio host & Women of Colour in GWS, L.A.) 7 pm, Trinity United Reform Church London NW1. £3/£1.50 Global Women's Strike 020-7482 2496 globalwomenstrike@server101.com www.globalwomenstrike.net
10 Benefit for London No Borders Network. Films & Talk
on the No Borders Network Followed by Live Music In The Basement
feat. BETTER DEAD THAN YOU (Hardcore/Punk from Wales) BARACKCA (political
anarcho punk from Hungary) CHAPIPAS - THE BOSS IS ON FIRE (Experimental
Dub from Greece) SPANNER (Dub/Ska/Folk from Bristol - tbc) Cafe
Room (non-smoking space // Zapatista coffee/tea counter)
8pm - 2am THE SQUARE Occupied Social Centre // 21 Russell Square
London WC1 £3 Suggested Donation. square@riseup.net www.londonsocialcentre.org.uk
10 The Band'Stand with the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign highlighting the important work of the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign as they fight for justice and recognition for the Palestinian people. With: Captain Black skiffle rhythms and careless melodies; Popular Workshop propulsive, unhinged, beautiful pop music; Danny Dudziec and the Revenge of the Phoenix strangled pop punk from strangely named band. The Macbeth, 70 Hoxton Street, London N1, 7pm - 1am approx, £3.
10 Peace Not War at Brixton Jamm. The night will see Logic joined by a heavyweight live PA line up of the best the UK has to offer, including: The Extremists; Big P & Skeme; Chain of Command (feat. DJ Snuff & Manage);Lowkey and Styla; Genesis Elijah & Wordsmith; Kraftsmen; Non-Applicable & Kalldean; Elite Team; N.S.G; YBM. The night will also showcase some of the best anti-war documentaries, graffiti and capoeira displays, as well as stalls from most of the leading peace groups. 9pm - 3am Brixton Jamm, 261 Brixton Road, London SW9 FREE to Activists -£5 / £3 concs 07779 276 575 katie@peace-not-war.org www.peace-not-war.org
10 Bridport Peace and Justice Group present Disturb the Peace 2 with Seize the Day plus Backstage feat Lauran Glover; + compere: Herbie Treehead. Bridport Arts Centre. 7.30pm, Tickets: £8/£5 from: Bridport Arts Centre, The Bookshop, The Record Centre Box Office: 01308 424204
10-12 Radio 4A On Air Around Brighton on 101.4 (ish) FM. www.radio4a.org.uk
11 Peak Oil And The Capitalist System. London Anarchist
Forum talk with Adrian Williams 2:30pm @ Autonomy Club, Freedom
Press, Angel Alley. 84b Whitechapel High St, London E1
11 Soup, Seeds and Subversion - Seedy Saturday community seed swap in Newport, Pembrokeshire (not Newport, Gwent)10am - 2pm, at the Eco-Centre, Newport. Bring any spare seeds - home saved or bought, from flowers, to vegetables, to trees, everything is welcome. If you don't have anything to bring, still come and find something new to take home with you and grow! 01239 821107 kate@brithdirmawr.co.uk
11 Uprising Day Freedom March & Cultural Event. Join supporters of Tibet in demonstrating their backing for the Tibet movements' peaceful campaign. Gather for the Freedom March from 11am at the Chinese Embassy, 49-51 Portland Place, London. Rally outside Westminster Cathedral, Victoria Street, SW1, from 12.30-1pm approx. Two ex political prisoners in the notorious Drapchi prison of Tibet, will be speaking about their experiences. Harry Cohen MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet will also present on the political status of Tibet. After the March will follow an afternoon of Tibetan culture, music and food in Westminster Cathedral Hall, Ambrosden Avenue, London, SW1. 020 7272 1414 info@tibetsociety.com www.tibetsociety.com
11 Turning the tables on the state - achieving human & social rights in the 21st century. Open discussion on how to defend, achieve and take forward human & social rights. Guest speakers. 10.30-4.30pm , Diorama Arts D2, Regents Place , Euston. Warren St/Euston Tubes, £5/£3, 07871 745258, info@aworldtowin.net, www.aworldtowin.net
11 Wandsworth StWC Cavalcade - End the Occupation. A car and cycle tour of Wandsworth borough, 11am outside Asda at Clapham Junction. Decorate cars and cycles with posters and balloons (both available at the start point). Contact Isobel 020 8 6754744
13 Aldermaston Blockade 07969 739 812 btb@aldermaston.net Please meet up on Sunday evening, 12 March, 18.00 at Friends Meeting House in Newbury (map: http://tinyurl.com/beuyo ) for a meal, a meeting and some planning of the action on Monday morning. Bring a sleeping bag and a mattress, or if you want somewhere more comfy email chrisandgwyn-AT-phonecoop.coop www.blockthebuilders.org.uk
14 , 'Peak Oil - Imposed by Nature' film and discussion about Peak Oil. Sussex Democratic Left open event, 11am at Brighton Peace and Environment Centre, 39-41 Surrey Street, opposite Brighton station. 01273 766610, info@bpec.org, www.bpec.org
14 London Indymedia outreach evening including an eye-witness
report from Palestine, and two seminal films... 'Eye Of The Storm'
and 'The Fourth World War' Inn on the Green, 3 Thorpe Close, W10
2 mins from Ladbroke Grove tube station, halfway between Ladbroke
Grove and Portobello Road under A40 flyover 7pm
15 Foreign Policy Can Never Be Ethical Discussion with Martin Bell, writer and broadcaster Clare Short MP, former Secretary of State for International Development; Mr Jonathan Aitken, former Cabinet Minister. Can we expect our government ever to pursue any ethical dimension into foreign policy? Was Clemenceau correct when he said that nations have no permanent alliances, only permanent interests? St James's Church, Piccadilly, London. - 7pm www.global-development-forum.org - www.ethical-events.org
15 World Trade Isn't Working. Brighton & Hove World Development Movement are holding a public meeting on issues surrounding world trade and what we can all do to help alleviate poverty. The format will be user-friendly and jargon-free. 7:30pm, Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton. slambrighton@yahoo.co.uk leila.deen@gmail.com
16 Anarchist Federation Hostage cities: London and Madrid. 7pm, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1. free. info@afed.org.uk www.afed.org.uk
16 Fairtrade & Big Business - Is it a perfect blend? Meet the leading representatives from the Fairtrade Foundation,
Globalisation Institute, big business, and lobby groups. 7.30pm
Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton Organised by the Brighton
and Hove and Burgess Hill Fairtrade Steering
Groups 01273 678447 a.mills@sussex.ac.uk
17 Report back from Venezuela - women spearhead the revolution. 7pm, Trinity United Reform Church London NW1. £3/£1.50 Book launch of Creating a Caring Economy, by Nora Castañeda, President of the Women's Development Bank of Venezuela, Banmujer, which provides a path-breaking framework for building the movement which is "creating an economy at the service of human beings." Plus: Report back and video footage of recent Global Women Strike eight country delegation to Venezuela, for World Social Forum and meeting the grassroots. Contact: Global Women's Strike 020-7482 2496 globalwomenstrike@server101.com www.globalwomenstrike.net
17 CAMPAIGN AGAINST CRIMINALISING COMMUNITIES 5TH ANNIVERSARY BENEFIT EVENT with MARK THOMAS - Comedian, SOFIA BUCHUCK - Peruvian musician, DOUBLE NEGATIVE - Rappers, NAWROZ ORAMAR - Kurdish singer ODYSSEY- International songs & KURDISH DANCE GROUP. KURDISH COMMUNITY CENTRE 11 Portland Gardens, N4 10 mins from Manor House tube. Near Harringay-Green Lanes rail station (Gospel Oak-to-Barking line) 7.30pm. £8, £5 concs 07811 253600 www.campacc.org.uk
17-20 The Dragon Fest Cigarrones, Orgiva, Spain FREE "kicks against corporate greed and campaigns against the relentless spread of of greenhouses." www.dragon-festival.com
18 Control Your Arms. Rip-roaring charity fundraiser featuring bluegrass electronica from Alabama 3. In support of Amnesty International and the Anchor Project, a drop-in centre for young asylum seekers.Photo exhibition, stunts, bands and djs. One not to miss. All cash raised goes to charity. Corbett's Place, The Old Truman Brewery, E1 6QL (020 7770 6100) 7pm-1am, £5, £3 before 9pm.
18 International day of action against the Iraqi occupation Assemble 12 noon Parliament Square
18 Punkpurim - a night of radical jewish counterculture from jewdas.org and heeb magazine. Reviving the jewish anarchist tradition in the east end there will be live klezmer hip hop, punk visuals, films, radical torah and much much more. 9pm rampART, 15-17 Rampart Street E1 2LA jewdas@gmail.com www.jewdas.org www.rampart.co.nr
18 Glastonbury community seed swap, United Reformed Church,
Glastonbury High Street, 1-4pm.
20 Booklaunch - 'Enemy Combatant: A British Muslim's Journey to Guantanamo and Back' former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mozzam Begg will be launching his book at 7pm in the Main Hall at the Stratford Campus, University of East London, Romford Rd E15. Entry by ticket only, £5 in advance from Newham Bookshop 020 8552 9993
20 Around The World: International Day Of Readings Of "What I Heard About Iraq." See www.voicesuk.org for links and more info.
22 Is Human Population Growth Is A Bigger Threat Than Climate Change. With Dr Camilla Toulmin, Director of the International Institute for Environment and Development, Mr David Nicholson-Lord, Optimum Population Trust; Professor Chris Rapley, director of the British Antarctic Survey. A few years ago slowing down the growth of population was seen as the key issue of world poverty. Is this one of the hidden issues that cannot be mentioned? St James's Church, Piccadilly, London - 7pm.Tickets in advance and information : www.global-development-forum.org - www.ethical-events.org
25 SPEAK monthly demo against monkey laboratory, 12 noon Carfax Tower, on the corner of Cornmarket St and Queen St., Oxford 0845 330 7985 Mob: 07986 559012 info@speakcampaigns.org.uk www.speakcampaigns.org.uk
29 Does Europe Really Care About The South? Baroness Uddin, House of Lords, Mr Austin Mitchell, MP, Chair of the Labour Euro-Safeguards Campaign; Mr Tony Colman, former MP for Putney. Will the accession of the new countries, none of them with any obligations towards former colonies, signal the end of the interest of the European Union in the development of the South? St James's Church, Piccadilly, London - 7pm. Tickets in advance and information : www.global-development-forum.org - www.ethical-events.org
30 STOP THE CITY: Anti-Capitalism, Then and Now. The Stop the City actions of 1983-4 in the City of London were an attempt to take on the bastions of capitalism, the multinationals, the banks, 1980s style. How do these actions compare and relate to the current anti-capitalist movement, June 18th, Seattle, G8 etc? Talk, film and debate from 7.30pm The Pullens Centre, 184 Crampton St., London, SE17 (Nearest tube: Elephant & Castle). mudlark@macunlimited.net
31 Trial of Activist Mark Barrett charged with taking part in an "unauthorised" demo in Parliament Square. 10am, Bow Street Magistrates Court. See www.peopleincommon.org
31 The monthly Brighton Critical Mass bike ride.
Meet 6pm on 'The Level'. It happens last friday of the
month, same time and place.
31 - 2 April The Second Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb, Croatia. Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb (ASK - Anarhisticki sajam knjiga) will take place in Zagreb every spring, as a local resource for anarchist and libertarian books and other publications. We also aim to open discussion on subjects that are important for the anarchist movement, or for our local community. To help organize or confirm participation email: ask-zagreb@net.hr www.ask-zagreb.org
1 From Seeds to Fruit: Growing Futures in Southend This day conference is aimed at providing a forum for groups and individuals involved in or concerned about promoting community, social inclusion, greener environments and sustainability, life-long learning (for both children and adults), health and well-being. www.spiralseed.co.uk/seep
1 Nonviolent Direct Action Workshop And Legal Briefing, The Front Studio, Diorama 1, 34 Osnaburgh St, London NW1. 11.30am - 4.30pm (NVDA workshop), 4.30pm - 5.30pm (legal briefing) Run by Seeds for Change (www.seedsforchange.org.uk).
1 All Fools, Fairies, Clowns and Dragons Party - benefit for anti SOCPA group Reclaim the Commons. 7pm-2am. 21 Russell Square, London, Next to SOAS, Nearest Tube Russell Square.
1 "FIST THE SIXTH" Live art event. Daytime events: Beginning from 1pm -5pm FREE! inc performances, films, soundwork, installation, photography and more. Evening events: Beginning from 7pm - 11pm £5/3 conc. live sets, film showreel, music, performance, special guests. "The Fleapit", 49 Columbia Road (Off Hackney Road), Hackney, London E2 7RG. Venue has fully licensed bar, and serves light organic and vegetarian food. Enquiries to: cardinal_butane@hotmail.com
2 "Unauthorized" demo Naming the Dead -Mass Civil Disobedience against the Occupation of Iraq, demand for reparations, prosecution of those responsible for war crimes. On the 2nd anniversary of the April 2004 siege of Fallujah. 12 noon, Parliament Square. www.j-n-v.org www.voicesuk.org or tel. 0845 458 2564
5 Demonstration against GMO in Vienna - in reaction to the EU conference on co-existence ("Freedom of Choice") that will take part from 4th to 6th April in Vienna. We want to mobilize people from all over Europe to participate. Michael Johann, 9173 St. Margareten im Rosental, Oberdörfl 9, Austria. Tel: +43(0)6642 668548 E-Mail: michael.johann@aon.at Up-to-date Information: www.gmofree-europe.org
6 Hands Off Iran anti-war forum. Free talk and discussion with Naz Massoumi from Action Iran, a group that is campaigning against US intervention in Iran. 7..30 to 9pm. Friends Meeting House, Ship St, Brighton. Tel: 01273 706820 Kate, email: cath4peace@yahoo.com or see www.watchingthewarmakers.org.uk
6 - 9 Events to celebrate Roma Nation Day (8th) marking forty years of human rights campaigning by organisations representing Britain's 350,000 Gypsies and Travellers. For more see http://groups.msn.com/romaintheuk/romaday8thapril2003.msnw
8 UNITE! Demo - Glasgow. 0rganised by UNITY - the Scottish Union of Asylum Seekers and the Glasgow No Borders Network. Kicking-off at 11.30, outside the Home Office, Brand Street (near Cessnock underground). All asylum seekers and friends - join the protest! Any donations to be made out to 'The Unity Centre' and sent to The Unity Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Ibrox, Glasgow G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992 for more details or see www.openborders.org.uk
8 No Borders Demonstration at Harmonsdworth Detention Centre near Heathrow. Book your place on the coach from central london £6 or less phone 07944 135 617 or email noborderslondon@riseup.net
8 Jubilee Debt Campaign Annual Conference 2006 Debt and Power. With Susan George, author of 'A Fate Worse than Debt', and Lidy Nacpil, Jubilee South. Come along to the Jubilee Debt Campaign conference for high-profile speakers from South and North, debates, workshops, films and discussion of what you can do. Eusyon, London, Booking Essential. www.jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk/events 0207 324 4722 email: events@jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk
9 B&K Universal Anti-vivisection Demo. Hornsea, North Humberside. Meet 1pm at the car park next to Sullivans Chip shop, New Road, Hornsea (just before the sea front) for a march around the town. Map at www.tinyurl.com/ggzd5 Call 07955 256104 or see Northern Animal Rights Network website www.narn-online.com for more.
11 Who Is Watching You? Hammersmith & Kensington Defeat ID Group presents films from 'The Camera Surveillance Players'. Films start 7pm. Food available. Inn On The Green, 3 Thorpe Close, London W10, nr Ladbroke Grove tube station.
12 David King will give a talk on "The Hornsey Prosecution, 1950: The end of ID cards last time." Wood Green Labour Club, Stirling House 3 - 4 Stuart Crescent, London, N22. Stuart Crescent is just opposite the Civic Centre on the High Road. Nearest tube station: Wood Green. Organised by the Radical History Network of North East London
13 Indymedia cinema. Free Films & talk from Balatacamp.net 7.30pm. The Square, 22 Russell Sq, London WC1 see www.indymedia.org.uk / www.londonsocialcentre.org.uk for more
13 EveryChild Band'Stand New Music Competition. EveryChild is an international charity working with vulnerable and marginalised children in 18 of the world's poorest countries. Performers: 6 6, Big Truck, The Pocket Gods. The Macbeth, 70 Hoxton Street, London N1 (Tube: Old Street). Doors: 7pm - 1am approx. Admission £3
14-16 Radio 4A On Air Around Brighton on 101.4 (ish) FM. www.radio4a.org.uk
15 European Alternatives Resistance (E.A.R) protest - Strasbourg, France. Assembling at 2pm/1400hrs at Place de l'Universite. The Autonomous and free living peoples of Europe have suffered violent oppresion for far too long! Bring the carnival atmosphere with whistles, horns, drums for a fun, non-violent protest...the worlds' press will be watching. More at on www.free4euroalternatives.org
21 The Band'Stand with The Campaign Against The Arms Trade. Broad coalition of UK groups and individuals working to end the international arms trade and its negative effect on Human Rights, security, global, regional and local economic development. Performing will be… Red Eye Banquet, Airhammer, Tin Soldier. The Macbeth, 70 Hoxton Street, London N1. Doors: 7pm - 1am approx. Admission £3
22 World Day for Laboratory Animals
22 SPEAK Demo in Oxford against the animal testing lab on the World Day for Animal Labs. For more see www.speakcampaigns.org.uk
22 April London Zine Symposium 2006. The world of zines and beyond... workshops, chat, a radical tour of Bloomsbury, feminist health teach-ins, craft exchange, films and more including a vegan café. 12-6pm at The Square occupied social centre, 21 Russell Square, London WC1. Email: info@londonzinesymposium.org.uk or See www.londonzinesymposium.org.uk
22-23 Freedom Weekend. As part of the ongoing campaign against SOCPA [The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005], there's a Freedom/Alternative St George's Day weekend. Meet on 22nd at Runnymeade (where Magna Carta was signed) for overnight camp then march to Westminster for an alternative St George's Day party, including a ceremonial burning of the Magna Carta and a game of cricket for its Ashes in Parliament Square. 0785 439 0408. For more info please check in for updates at www.peopleincommon.org
24-30 “TV Turnoff Week” To mark the event there is a picnic on Southampton Common (under trees near boating lake) from 1pm to ‘turn off the TV and do something less boring instead’ such as play music, do art, fly kites or even talk to people... (Free/no alcohol).
28 March on the money men during world week for lab animals.Rally, march and demos against companies financial involved with Huntington Life Sciences EG shareholders market makers etc. Meet 11am Finsbury Square, London (nearest tube Liverpool St) 0845-458-0630 info@shac.net www.shac.net
28 Workers Memorials Day. Protest outside Canada House besides Trafalgar Square, Pall Mall East between 9am and 10am in support of the European wide protest against Canada's promotion of asbestos. Followed by main event with a March from behind the Tate Modern Gallery on the South bank at Holland St, assembling at 10.30am to proceed out march at 11am to HSE HQ national offices at Rose Court, Southwark Bridge Road, SE1 to protest against de-regulation of safety laws, especially asbestos. We will then march to the Greater London authority to hold a rally at 12.15pm at the south side of Tower Bridge, SE1.
28 Brighton Critical Mass - reclaim the roads with bikes. Last Friday of every month, 6pm, meet at The Level. www.tinyurl.com/dfkc2
28 Taking It Down To The Shopfloor Night supporting Friends of the Earth's Big Ask Campaign. Featuring the Guillemots, Polar Bear, Keiretsu, the Bellagios, and more…. Venue: Jamm, 261 Brixton Road, London SW9. Tickets £10 See www.artmusicpolitic.com for more.
28 Advisory Service for Squatters benefit at Ramparts Social Centre, Rampart St, E1, 7pm. There will be a cafe, a bar, squatting videos, and an open acoustic mike session (bring songs, poems, stories). See also www.rampart.co.nr/wiki For info on ASS see www.squatter.org.uk
28 Benefit for Russian mobilisation against the G8 summit 2006. With stalls, films & speakers on the G8, “Gagged! @
11.40ish” News broadcast & more! Free vegan food at 8pm,
Old Howardian Club, Clifton
street, Cardiff 8pm. £3 entry. The G8 Summit will be held
15-17th July 2006 in St Petersburg.
28 April - 1 May, Aberystwyth Social Forum. Aberystwyth Peace and Justice Network invite you to construct and enjoy Social Forum Cymru. For one packed and productive weekend Aberystwyth will become the activist centre of Wales! To discuss your participation e-mail information@socialforumcymru.org.uk or call Matt on 07767 798601. www.socialforumcymru.org.uk
28 '1 In 12 Club', Bradford, 25th Anniversary celebrations. For listings of these events and more at the 1 In 12 see www.1in12.go-legend.net
29 Network for Peace AGM and public meeting. Security, Civil Liberties and Peace. How much do recent and planned curtailments in civil liberties hinder the peace movement? Is peace itself threatened? Speakers include Tom Frost from Campaign Against Criminalising Communities and Jean Lambert MEP. 10am-5pm Brockway Room, Conway Hall, London WC1. Network for Peace, 5 Caledonian Road, London, N1 9DY Tel: 020 72783267 nfp@gn.apc.org www.networkforpeace.org.uk
29 Swindon Against Fascism - A single issue campaign not linked with any political party, in leafleting against the BNP. Assemble 11am, April 22 & 29th, at Salvation Army, Chapel Street, Gorse Hill, Swindon.
29 Demonstration at Broadholme Farm, Irthlingborough, nr Wellingborough, against neglect, starvation, animal abuse and cruelty. Meet at Tesco Carpark off A45 in Turnells Mill Lane, Wellingborough at 12pm
29 Manchester Anarchist Bookfair 12 noon-5.00pm The Basement, 24 Lever Street (off Piccadilly Gardens) central Manchester manchester@bookfair.org.uk www.bookfair.org.uk
29-30 ANARCHISM2006: 21st Century Ideas and Action. An opportunity
to discuss and debate politics, common experiences and collective
organisation. All contributions welcome! The Square Social Centre,
21 Russell Square, London WC1. Nearest tube: Russell Square. To
help structure this event, come to our weekly Tuesday meetings (8.30pm)
Email: anarchism2006@hushmail.com
29-30 Newcastle Community Green Festival This years'
festival is trying to go 100% renewable this year admin@newcastlegreenfestival.org.uk www.newcastlegreenfestival.org.uk 0191 2321750
30 Beltane at Thornborough Henge 12pm onwards, Thornborough Central Henge. Celebrate the ancient Celtic festival of Beltane at one of Britain's most important prehistoric sacred sites. Everyone welcome, admission FREE! www.sacredbrigantia.com
30 'MayDay Minus One' buffet at the Sumac Centre, Nottingham. 4-10.30pm. www.veggies.org.uk
30 Good food, fertile vibes, info & music at the Kebele social centre, 6-9.30pm, 14 Robertson Road, Bristol. 0117 939 9469
1 Freedom to Protest **Human-Chain around Westminster Anti-Democracy Zone** "Freedom of speech and freedom of protest has been outlawed within a kilometre of the mother of Parliaments in Westminster, London. Under the "Serious Organised Crime and Police Act" the British government have banned all protest without notifying police 6 days in advance. Police can then impose arbitrary limits on protest and the length of time allowed. If enough people sign the pledge at www.pledgebank.com/protest, we will surround the Democracy-free zone around the Houses of Parliament. Sign the pledge ""I will form part of a human chain around the Westminster no protest zone but only if 6,000 other people will join in." at www.pledgebank.com/protest and come to Westminster on May 1. 3pm London, Trafalgar Square, under Nelson's 07974821406 richard@memespring.co.uk www.pledgebank.com/protest
1 May Day Funday on a local green space about to be privatized in Bristol. Music, food, games, maypole & more. 12pm-6pm, Packers Field green space, Johnsons Lane, off Whitehall Rd, Bristol www.packersfield.org.uk
1 Stop nagging and help leaflet against the horseracing at Kempton Park on Mayday, 1st May. Meet at Coral’s bookmakers, The Avenue, Sunbury-on-Thames, Surrey, at 10.30am, before moving on to the track itself (racing starts at 2.10pm). Map link at www.veggies.org.uk/arc/event.php?ref=697
1 May Day March Bradford from Infirmary Fields to Centenary square with The Peace artistes and Samba band. Bring flags, banners, noise etc. Plus post march social,drinks bingo etc at the 1in12 club. Bring a vegan dish buffet. Part of the 1in12 club's 25th anniversay celebrations www.1in12.com
4-5 AGM of Leading War Profiteer BAe Systems who sell £11 billion worth of weapons every year to such freedom-loving regimes as Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Israel. are currently working on a $3.5bn contract to refit the Bradley fighting vehicles being used in Iraq and Afghanistan. At QEII Conference centre on London's South Bank. (Tube Waterloo or Charing Cross). By Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT). For more info ring 020 7281 0297 or e-mail enquiries@caat.org.uk. www.caat.org.uk For travel from Brighton call 07891 405923
6 Rally Against Calf Exports. Thanks to relentless pressure from Britain's dairy farmers, Europe's ban on British beef imports may soon be lifted and, after a 10 year hiatus, infant dairy calves will once again be transported to the veal farms of France, Belgium and the Netherlands. This event is to be confirmed after the EU vote at the end of March. Please contact Viva! in April to confirm whether it is going ahead. Meet at 11am on Dover's seafront, near the shelter/toilets on the approach road to the Eastern Docks. Stalls and food will be on site. Speakers at 12 noon. March at 1 pm. Viva!, 8 York Court, Wilder St, Bristol, BS2 8QH 0117 944 1000 toni@viva.org.uk www.viva.org.uk
6 East Anglian Social Forum 12-5pm, Citizen's Advice Bureau, Ipswich (opposite St Mary Le Tour church). With discussions about the environment and the public service crisis. For more info email sayersgemma@hotmail.com
6 Brighton Anarchist Bookfair, Cowley Club, 12 London Rd, Brighton, 11am-5pm. www.cowleyclub.org.uk
6 Don't attack Iran Protest, Saturday 6th May, Churchill Square, Brighton, 2pm, Organised by Sussex Action for Peace www.safp.org.uk For more info contact cath4peace@yahoo.com / 07815 983022. For info on the national campaign: www.stopwar.org.uk
7 Peasants Collective Solidarity Meal - a vegan Sunday roast dinner, prepared and maybe even grown by the 1in12 club's peasant collective. Phone to book in advance. '1 In 12 Club', Bradford. 4.30pm, £5 for 3 courses! Call 01274 734160/08453458628, events@1in12.com web www.1in12.com
8 & 10th 'Simon Jones Was Someone!' - a play performed by The Dingle Community Theatre in Liverpool which looks at the causes of Simons death and the campaign by friends and family to get justice for his killing. May 8th and 10th at 8pm at the Casa Club, Hope Street, Liverpool. Entrance is free - donations collected for SJ Memorial Campaign. Tickets available from the Casa Club or by phoning 0771 684 8894. More about Simon Jones at www.simonjones.org.uk
8 - 10th Radical Film Festival Three days of radical films, shorts and documentaries: anti-war action, ecological resistance, queer uprising, urban guerillas and more - 5-8pm each day at the Cowley Club, 12 London Rd, Brighton. Entrance Fee: £2.00/£1.50 conc., tickets available at the Brighton Fringe box offices. www.cowleyclub.org.uk
8 Film showing: 'A Letter to the Prime Minister - Jo Wilding's Diary from Iraq' at the Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea at 7.30pm, presented by The Swansea University People and Planet group. To read more about Jo and her time in Iraq from her personal blog at: http://www.wildfirejo.blogspot.com/ After the film Peace Activist Dave Rolstone (http://www.newcastle-emlyn.com/stopwar/rolstone/) will talk about his work in Iraq and Palestine.
11 To Russia with love and rage! South Wales Coalition Against the G8 meeting discussing solidarity actions, upcoming awareness raising events and importantly, a chance for those interested in going to Russia to discuss some practical stuff about travel. Free, 8pm, The Glamorgam Staff Club, Westgate Street, Cardiff, s_w_a_g_8@yahoo.co.uk
12 - 14: La Chispa (The Spark) summer gathering held in a beautiful rural farm near Coín, Málaga. 3 days of music, movement and meditation - a celebration of alternative living in Andalucia. 10€ per day, camping extra. www.lachispa.net
12-14 Radio 4A On Air Around Brighton on 101.4 (ish) FM. www.radio4a.org.uk
13 Stop the Seal Prison Demo against the Sealife Centre's application for seal and otter pools in Brighton. Meet outside Sealife Centre at 12pm. If you can help putting up stalls and banners get down there at 11.30am. Brighton Animal Action will also hold meetings 1st and 3rd Weds of every month at Cowley Club, 12 London Rd, Brighton 7pm. For more info call 07787953347
13-14 planning meeting for The Camp for Climate Action to be held in Bristol. The camp will be held somewhere in the north of England between August 24 - Sept 4th 2006 - see www.climatecamp.org.uk for details. Email info@climatecamp.org.uk
15 Blockade of Aldermaston Weapons Base, by Trident Ploughshares,
Call 0845 4588366
17-21 International Anti-Homophobia Week in Ankara, Turkey. Anti-Homophobia Conference A famous author and a social psychology professor will speak about homosexuality, homophobia and sexual orientation discriminations. If you can't attend the meeting personally, we would appreciate if you could share with us your information, experiences, ideas and suggestions. www.kaosgl.com
18 Climate Change Crisis - public discussion by Haringey Solidarity Group about how this global crisis will affect people and environment locally in Haringey and what people can do about this. 7.30pm at 42 Falmer Rd, London N15. Please bring food to share...
18 No Widening M1 present Roads and Climate Change speakers include Becca Lush from Road Block (who pied Jeremy Clarkson)and Tony Bosworth from FoE. 7.15pm, Thursday 18th May, Central United Reformed Church. All welcome. Free tea and biscuits! www.nowideningm1.org.uk
18 Public Meeting with Paul Rogers Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford. "A War Too Far: Iraq, Iran and the New American Century." 7.30pm, Huddersfield Methodist Mission Lord Street, Huddersfield. For more information contact Ann Bettys 01484 851998.
18-21 Trident Ploughshares Devonport Disarmament Camp 2006. Peace pirate activities at the Devonport naval base. Bring suitable eye patches, any spare galleons and all your affinity group tricks. Call 0845 458 8363 or Michal on 01822 832815 for information. www.tridentploughshares.org/article984
19-21 The Rocket Festival is a three day festival of contemporary and traditional music, performance and sculpture set in a beautiful site in the heart of Andalucia in the south of Spain. Acts confirmed include Dreadzone, Eskorzo, Mojo Project, Stanton Warriors, Evil 9 and more. Tickets on sale now - only £35 all in for the whole weekend! www.rocketfestival.com
19-21 Action Skillshare Fancy meeting like-minded campaigners
and equipping yourself with the skills you need to win your campaign?
Seeds for Change are running a weekend skillshare near Oxford this
month! 2
days of high-quality skills workshops plus plenty of time for informal
networking, sharing ideas and experience. And all this for free! www.seedsforchange.org.uk/rrinfo
19-21 Border Cases - a solo theatre performance piece telling real life stories of migration. At the Sanctuary Cafe for the Brighton Fringe Festival at 5.30 pm.
20 Bush in Wonderland, a Mad Emitters Tea Party. Join the Campaign Against Climate Change's CLIMATE PARTY to send up & satirize the fossil fools of the Whitehouse...... Unplugged sounds and performance. Live music, jugglers and street performers. Bring your own music, instruments, things to make a noise and join our picnic, bring some food! 2pm-6-ish at The U.S. Embassy, Grosvener Square, London, phone 02078339311, 07903316331 info@campaigncc.org www.campaigncc.org
20 Global Boycott Procter & Gamble Day 0114 272 2220 www.uncaged.co.uk
20 Baby Milk Action Protests against Nestlé, Croydon, and Body Shops. Nestle's HQ is the tower block St. George's House, Park Lane, Croydon. If you cannot make it to Croydon, why not demonstrate outside your nearest Body Shop? Body Shop is being taken over by L'Oreal - Nestlé own 26.4% of L'Oreal. www.babymilkaction.org
20 No More Prison Members Meeting and AGM No More Prison, the group campaigning for the abolition of prisons is holding its first AGM. Speakers include Pauline Campbell. All welcome....lets resist mass incarceration! 1.30-5.30pm, free. The Square Occupied Social Centre, 21 Russell Square, London WC1 nomoreprison@aol.com www.alternatives2prison.ik.com
20 Small Press and Comics Fair, Cowley Club, 12 London Rd, Brighton, 11am-5pm www.cowleyclub.org.uk
21 Moulsecoomb Forest Garden Open Day. Tour of allotments, story telling, food, with some plants and seeds for sale. Behind Moulsecoomb Train Station, Brighton, 12pm-5pm For more info call 01273 707656 Email info@forestgarden.fsnet.co.uk Web www.seedybusiness.org
21 No More Roads and Runways Skillshare. A skillshare to empower and energise you and your campaign Do you want to... *Plan effective strategy and action? *Attract new members to your campaign group,and keep them? *Take nonviolent direct action - everything from the simplest of actions to blockading, tree-climbing, and tripods? *Know your legal rights? *Meet other roads and runways activists from around the UK and share your experience? ...then, come for 1 day or for the whole weekend. Dormitory accommodation and vegan food provided. Donations towards cost much appreciated. Places are limited, so booking is essential. Oxford 0845 458 4776
20 Demo at Body Shop, Nottingham, about their new animal testing owners, L'Oreal (part owned by Nestle. Meet at usual Nottingham Animal Rights stall opposite M&S. contact 0845 458 9595 or email nar@veggies.org.uk
21 Why do Feminists Oppose Censorship? Talk followed by open discussion, Free. 3-4.30pm, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London. 020 7242-8034
22 Defend Council Housing - National Conference. 'Winning The Fourth Option' - discussing resistance to council house sell-offs, privatisation and more. 11am-4.30pm, at TUC, Congress House, 23-27 Great Russell St, London, WC1. £5-tennants/£12-councillors. Please register in advance. 020 7987 9989, www.defendcouncilhousing.org.uk
22 Playing with our lives: The Realities for Women in Iraq and Afghanistan. Public meeting and film screening of 'Baghdad Days' by Hiba Bassem. 6.30pm - 9.30pm, Khalili Lecture Theatre, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Malet Street, London. Organised by Act Together www.acttogether.org
23 The Corporate Invasion of Iraq. Public meeting with Antonia Juhasz ("The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time", see Greg Muttit ("Crude Designs: The Rip-off of Iraq's Oil Wealth", see and Loukas Christodopoulos ("Corporate Carve-up: the role of UK corporations in Iraq". New Theatre, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE. 5.30pm, www.thebushagenda.net, www.crudedesigns.org, www.corporatewatch.org.uk Organised by LSE Staffers Against the War and supported by Voices.
23-24 "Operation Dragon's March" - during Army Recruitment Fair near Wrexham. At these events the army shows schoolkids guns and tanks and tries to recruit them to the cadets or regular forces. Creative ideas for protest welcome. Day 1 - All day, Day 2 - All day and 6-9pm. Meet A483 at Chirk, nr. Wrexham, next to McD's, which you can see from the road. Email wrexhamsaw@yahoo.com Website www.wpjf.org.uk
25 Riff Raff - Haringey Independent Cinema (a volunteer run cinema showing monthly films) presents a screening of the film directed by Ken Loach which is a hard edged comedy about the lives of building workers in London, 7pm, West Green Learning Centre, Park View Academy, West Green Rd, London, N15 3RB. £3/£2 www.haringey.org.uk/hic
25 Meeting/Discussion: the 1926 General Striike, History and Myth. This month sees the 80th anniversary of the 1926 General Strike, when the Trades Union Congress called more than 2 million workers all over Britain out on strike, in support of a million miners locked out of the mines until they accepted wage cuts… Nine days later, afraid of the forces they had unwillingly unleashed, the TUC leadership called the Strike off. 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm, Pullens Centre, 184 Crampton St, London SE17. South London Radical History Group.
25 Public Meeting Against Water Fluoridation - Professor Paul Connett, international expert on the illegalities and human rights abuses of water fluoridation, will expose the gobsmacking truth about the illegal, grossly unethical, poisoning of UK water supplies we are now all threatened with. 7.30pm, Brighton Steiner School, Roedean Road, Brighton. Free/donation to cover costs, Phone 0208 5975868, www.npwa.org.uk
26 Demo against BP's new pipeline. BP's Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
pipeline will be launched May 27. After destroying water supplies
and propping up repressive regimes - now communities have to live
under constant threat of leaks and intimidation from security forces.
5pm BP Building, St James Square, London SW1Y
07766175641 bakuceyhan@googlemail.com www.baku.org.uk
27 Show of support for people imprisoned in Campsfield House. We come to the refugee lock-up called Campsfield House at noon on the last Saturday of each month to show vocal support for the people locked inside there. Banners are held and we sing and make music. The event also serves as a meeting of the several various groups acting to oppose the detention centre and infrmation is shared. 12-2pm Campsfield House, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford. 01865 558145
27 Anti-McDonald's Action, Wrexham. Blowing the cover on McDonald's feeble attempts to look healthy and ethical. 11am Wrexham Centre Branch. More info from wrexhamsaw@yahoo.com
27 Prisoner Benefit for Darren Thurston - Darren is one of the 'Green Scare' prisoners arrested for ELF actions in the US. An open mic event to discuss the case and raise money for his defense fund. 7:30pm, free/donation, at The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, Nottingham. www.veggies.org.uk/sumac
27 Critical Mass Bournemouth, Start off from the Lansdowne roundabout at 1pm. Contact info call Nick 07745789258 or bournecriticalmass@riseup.net
29 Kingston Green Fair - with environmental theme; lots of stalls, food, kids activities and big stage plus bands in marquee too. takes place on lovely gardens right by the river near to kingston bridge. Canbury Gardens, Lower Ham Road, Kingston £5 www.kingstongreenfair.org.uk
31 'A New World In Our Hearts'. public meeting with video about the Spanish revolution of 1936 and discussion by the Anarchist Federation. 7.30pm at LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1. Free. Nearest tubes Whitechapel, Aldgate East - buses 25, 205. Disabled access. Email: info@afed.org.uk Web: www.afed.org.uk
1 Amps present benefit for the ArtMusicPolitic Co-op. The Best of London's Indie and Urban Scenes. Stalls. Speeches, Film. Art Exhibitions. Debates. Gallery Space. Rebel Artists. Ideas Fighting for Freedom. Real World Politics. Something to Say? Say It!!! Screening film: “SchNEWS at Ten”. Nambucca, 596 Holloway Rd, London. 6:00 pm - 1:00 am. £4. Email: artmusicpolitic@gmail.com Web: www.artmusicpolitic.com Tel: 07868 738315
1 The Battle of the Beanfield 21st anniversary reunion, Assembly Rooms, Glastonbury, 12 noon to 12 midnight. Admission free, donations welcome. For more info call Jo: 01458 834405 / 07761 321341 or visit www.andyworthington.co.uk
2 Saving Iceland Reyt Posh Dinner - a three course alfresco vegan dinner, campaign film, donation bar and funky fun djs. Benefit for saving Iceland campaign to stop the building of dams powering heavy industry. 6.30pm, 8pm meal, Matilda Social Centre Sheffield, £10 phone 07981993938, email mobilemidwife@gmail.com website www.matilda.aktivix.org
3 The Incredible Veggie Roadshow. Everything you ever wanted to know about going, being or staying veggie/vegan. Food tastings, cookery demonstrations, talks, free diet and health advice, stalls, competitions, vegan fashion and footwear, beauty products, books, vegan food products, information and campaign news. Free Entry. 10.30am to 4.30pm, The Guildhall, St Helen's Square, York. www.viva.org.uk/roadshows06/ 0117 944 1000
2 Revoutionary Intent III: A benefit for the Russian mobilisation against the G8. Punk music from No Choice, This System Kills, STD, plus films free vegan food, speakers, stalls, etc. 8pm, at The Old Howardian Club, Clifton Street, Cardiff, £3, email s_w_a_g_8@yahoo.co.uk Web - http://g8-2006.plentyfact.net
3 Strawberry Fair - SchNEWS' favourite 1 day free festival in Cambridge a great place to visit for kids with its free rides, a great place to appreciate music in its many forms, to learn more about ecology and to shop amongst the many varied stalls. www.strawberry-fair.org.uk
3 Climate Conference Wide range of seminars & workshops on climate-related themes: How bad how fast; climate change & biodiversity loss; climate change & development; climate change & transport issues; solutions etc and a planning Session for November 4th demo. Big Speaker session includes Caroline Lucas MEP, Mark Lynas, and George Marshall. 9.45am-6.00pm, at The London School of Economics, Houghton St, London, WC2A 2AE. Free/donation. 020 7272 8715, 07903 316 331 info@campaigncc.org www.campaigncc.org/conftimetable.shtml
3-11 Stop the Arms Trade Week An opportunity for co-ordinated local campaigning. This year's focus is the Shut DESO campaign which calls for the government's arms sales unit to be closed. Contact Campaign Against Arms Trade on 020 7281 0297 to order a free campaign pack or to find out what is happening in your area, or visit www.calltheshots.org for more information.
4 Camden Green Fair, Regent's Park. 12noon-7pm
4 'On the agenda? Military action against Iran'. A discussion and debate organised by Reading Peace Group. With Bruce Kent (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), Tahrir Swift (Arab Media Watch), and Emily Johns (Justice Not Vengeance). 2.30 - 5.00 pm, Friends Meeting House, Church Street (off London Street), Reading. All welcome - admission free. Info: 0118 958 8281
4 International day of Child Victims of Aggression - Bring the family to Beith munitions depot in Ayreshire, Scotland - where a very large number of bombs used in the Iraq conflict and conflict elsewhere are made, tested and stored. Meet 1pm for picnic outside the gates - bring food, music, and your children. For transport from Edinburgh and Glasgow ring 07876698736 or email info@act4peace.org
5 Camp Bling, Southend, Essex, are celebrating World Environment Day by launching a series of talks about green issues from 7.30pm-9pm, including an introduction to environmental philosophy by Camp Bling resident Adrian Harris, plus a talk from Trident Ploughshares activist Irene Willis. For more contact adrian@gn.apc.org See also www.dragonnetwork.org/campaigns/bling
6 Benefit for Friend Farmed Animal Rescue, 7pm at Pogo Cafe, 76 Clarence Road, London E5 8HB Tickets cost £15 - with vegan buffet meal, live acoustic music, free raffle. www.friendsanimalrescue.org.uk Email friendbenefit@vegancampaigns.org.uk for tickets
7 Reclaim the Bases - Global Call for Anti-militarist action against war. Anti-militarist alternative - MOC, coordination of antimilitarist groups from Spain, is calling for protests, nonviolent direct actionsand civil disobedience at all military bases throughout the world. More info (in Spanish) www.antimilitaristas.org/article.php3?id_article=2414 or in English see www.indymedia.ie/article/75586
7 No Bases for Aggression. Meeting to organise a march with a giant B2 stealth bomber to/from the MI6 building on 19 Aug - the 53rd anniversary of the CIA/MI6 coup in Iran - to protest against the possible use of UK-controlled bases in Fairford and Diego Garica in a US attack on Iran. 7pm, central London venue tbc. Contact 0845 458 2564 or voices@voicesuk.org
7 the Cambridge group of the Camp for Climate Action will host a forum at Friends Meeting House. For more about campaigning on environmental issues in cc-cambridge@lists.aktivix.org See also http://climatecamp.org.uk
8 World Ocean Day A day after World Ocean Day, another world event begins... with smaller nets but much better television coverage! So… we've put together our own league table of countries who have and have not voiced their support to ban high seas bottom trawling. Every breath you take, an area the size of 10 football pitches is destroyed by huge bottom trawl nets. The destruction is taking place away from stadiums and news broadcasts - on the high seas. Check out website on things you can do. http://oceans.greenpeace.org/en/ocean-defenders/wo
8 Liverpool Defy ID Meeting, News From Nowhere Bookshop, 96 Bold St, 2nd & last Thurs of month. All welcome. See here www.liverpool-defy-id.org.uk for more.
8 The World Naked Bike Ride Documentary (+ panel discussion). All over the world people are stripping off, getting on their bikes, and cycling through major cities, to raise awareness of a rich and varied range of issues, such as global warming, oil dependency and body freedom (feeling happy whatever shape, colour or size you happen to be). Narrated by life-long cyclist and Channel 4 News reader Jon Snow, this amusingly cheeky documentary combines quirky animation with an unprecedented amount of naked flesh. "nudity with a purpose" says ride co-ordinator Jesse Schust. Barbican Centre, London. 020 7638 8891
9 Screening of "A Letter to the Prime Minister: Jo Wilding's Diary From Iraq." 8pm, Cube Cinema: Dove St South (off Kings Square), Bristol (see www.cubecinema.com/directions.html). Introduced by Jo Wilding (tbc).
9-11 Lllama Festival. Not a Lllama in sight at the Lynton & Lynmouth arts and music association festival, instead bands from Devon and beyond. www.llama.org.uk
10 2006 Road
Block national conference. Anti-roads campaigners take note.
The location is central Birmingham. Workshops and guest speakers.
Get more information and download booking forms here:
10 Norwich Anarchist Bookfair - Stalls, meetings, food, bar & music. Blackfriar's Hall, Norwich, 10am-6pm. Free entry. Beards optional. www.norwichanarchists.org
10 - 11th Faslane Peace Camp Birthday Party. Celebrating 24 years in defiance of the Naval base. Music, bands, dj's, food, bar, poi etc. Some accommodation available, but bring own just in case. Entry free/donation Call 01436820901 for more info see also www.faslane.co.nr
10 Fifth annual Stop The War Coalition Conference, Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London WC1 www.stopwar.org.uk.
10 World Naked Bike Ride. Strip off as much or as little as you like and ride your bike at one of over 60 worldwide locations. www.worldnakedbikeride.org
10 Big Sexy Festy Party. 12pm-10pm in Finsbury Park, London. A free festival with music, circus, quaility food stalls, campaigns, ethical traders, kids area, and good value beer. This is celebrating 10 years of Crisis the homeless peoples' charity; and all donations collected will go straight to Crisis www.crisis.org.uk. Any enquirys call 07903 968975
11 - July 1 Art Not Oil, London. An exhibition and campaign committed to showing powerful political/ecological art, to seeing an end to oil sponsorship of the arts, and to helping build movements for climate justice both here and throughout the world. As well as work that looks at the negative impacts of fossil fuels, we welcome work that looks at positive alternatives and solutions. Send us your art - turn your visions, nightmares, anger and hope into creative resistance!
June 11-24, 12-7pm: 491 Gallery, 491 Grove Green Road, E11 4AA, next to Leytonstone tube (Central line); 491gallery.com
Saturday June 10th, 8pm-midnight: launch gig & oil-free cabaret at the 491 (benefit for the Camp for Climate Action), followed by a week of films, workshops & interactions with the BP Portrait Award at the National Portrait Gallery.
June 29-July 1: The Foundry, 84-86 Great Eastern St, London EC2A 3JL, (Old Street tube)
Then it's on to the Big Green Gathering, Norwich, Aberdeen (in December, tracking the BP Portrait Award) & beyond...
For more... email info@artnotoil.org.uk call 07708 794665 Web: www.artnotoil.org.uk
www.nationalpetroleumgallery.org.uk Art Not Oil is a project of London Rising Tide: www.londonrisingtide.org.uk
13 First meeting of new Worthing Greenpeace group, Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, Worthing at 8pm. For what's going on in Worthing see www.eco-action.org/porkbolter
13 Liverpool Social Forum - a regular meeting where people & groups in & around the city can share skills and resources, to organize events & actions. At the Casa, Hope St, Liverpool, 7.30pm.
13 – UK premiere screening of 'Arabs And Terrorism' with Q & A with the filmmakers. In this film director Bassam Haddad goes through the US, Europe and Middle East speaking to a range of people on opposite sides of the 'War On Terror' debate. 7pm, at Inn On The Green, underneath the A40 flyover at 3 Thorpe Close, London, W10, 2 mins from Ladbroke Grove tube. Free entrance, put on by London Indymedia. www.arabsandterrorism.com
14 Radical History Of North London. A talk by David Black about the events in London in 1839, the Chartist movement, and the struggle for the right to vote. 8pm at Wood Green Labour Club, Stuart Cres, London, N22
14 Worthing Green Social. Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, Worthing. 8pm. For what's going on in Worthing see www.eco-action.org/porkbolter
14 How So-Called Democracy In Ghana Has Undermined The Gains Of The Independence Struggle - The Legacy Of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah. Room 15, House of Commons, Westminster, London SW1A 0AA. With Jeremy Corbyn MP, also hosting meeting at the House of Commons, Dame Betty Asafu-Adjaye, Executive Director, Mission Dine Club, David Atugiya, Chair, Ghana Human Rights Committee in UK and J.K. Offeh, former Ghana High Commissioner to Kenya. Chair Explo Nani-Kofi, Editor of Kilombo Pan African Journal 07984 405 300
14 "1839: Chartism in London and the Struggle for the right to Vote - Dave Black" In 1839, out of a population of twenty five million, only seven hundred thousand were entitled to vote. This sparked the Chartist Movement. Wood Green Labour Club, Stuart Crescent, London N22. Radical History Network of North-East London - PO Box 45155, N15 4WR
14 - film - 'Divorce
Iranian Style' – a documentary which follows Iranian women
as they fight for divorce and child custody in a deeply patriarchal
society. Red Pepper's film and discussion night, featuring maker
of the film Ziba Mir-Hosseini, and Roudabeh Shafie, founder of Action
Iran. At The Square, 21 Russell Square, London WC1, 7pm, free/donation.
To reserve space contact 0207 281 7024 or email redpepper@redpepper.org.uk
15-16 Emcee Lynx in Wales: Anarchist Hip Hop from California – with local hip-hoppers Japonica. On June 15th, 8pm, at Le Pub, Caxton Place, Newport, and on June 16th at The Old Howardian Club, Clifton Street, Cardiff. Both gigs £3. gwentanarchists@yahoo.co.uk Web www.circlealpha.com
15 Picket At Court - Four Palestine Solidarity Campaign supporters are in court, charged under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 for protesting at Downing Street. Picket of Horseferry Magistrates Court, Horseferry Road, London SW1 at 9.30am. www.palestinecampaign.org
15 – Benefit night for Ernesto Leal. Ernesto – whose has been in Britain for 30 years - was arrested on May 1st and taken to Belmarsh Prison for deportation – because he was a foreigner and had served imprisonable offence (See SchNEWS 543). At the Liquid Rooms, Edinburgh, 7-10pm, £6 – all funds go to Ernesto's campaign. For more info call 07817 027 862, email info@friendsofernesto.org.uk web www.friendsofernesto.org.uk
16 SHAC Meet the Murderers The forma of this day follows on from the march agaist the murderers demo we held at the end of April. You need to be at the gates of GSK at 11am at the latest (we will be there from 8am onwards so if can come early that will be great)and at 11.45am we will be spiltting into teams and then going to customers of HLS in the surrounding counties. All demos will end 6pm-6.30pm and lift will be then offered back to the GSK site if you left your car there, also to Stevenage train station. Lifts will also be offered back in to central london. www.shac.net
16 Public Meeting: End the Occupation Speakers: Tariq Ali, Anthony Arnove (US Activist and author of 'Iraq: the Logic of Withdrawal') and Glen Rangwala (exposed Blair's 'dodgy dossier' and co-author of the new book 'Iraq in Fragments'). 7pm Main Hall, Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1
17 National Badger Day Organised walk “Brock the Badger” at Ditchling Beacon in East Sussex, for information see http://www.badgertrust.org.uk
16-18 Projectile: A festival of anarchist film and culture. At the Star & Shadow Cinema, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2BB. £25 waged/ £5 unwaged / free for asylum seekers. Accommodation - contact in advance. Email info@projectile.org.uk Web: www.projectile.org.uk
16-21 Sunrise Summer Solstice Celebration A Summer Solstice celebration offering a new concept in UK festival design. 13 Areas, 6 Stages 5000 tickets The next generation of global family gathering - Contemporary performing arts, permaculture, healing and visionary culture. Fully ecologically-empowered. Site-wide organic policy. South Somerset, £50 E/B, £60 normal ticket, £15 Parking Charge, 01458 831358, info@sunrisecelebration.com www.sunrisecelebration.com
17 National Badger Day Organised walk “Brock the Badger” at Ditchling Beacon in East Sussex, for information see http://www.badgertrust.org.uk
17 No Incapacity Benefit Cuts! March and rally for a decent disability welfare system in Sheffield. Assemble Devonshire Green 12:00pm - with music, speakers, and info. By Sheffield Welfare Action Network (SWAN) www.swansheffield.org.uk
17 Protest to defend refugees against Neo-Labour's vicious and racist immigration laws at 12pm, Market Street, Manchester city centre, by the North West Asylum Seekers Defence Group (NWASDG). email – fightback_05@yahoo.com
17 EAPeace Conference - East Anglia Peace Network are having their 3rd conferenceon the theme of “Honing our Campaigning Skills”at Friends' Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Norwich, 09:30am-4.30pm. www.eapeace.org.uk
17 Peace News 70th Birthday Event. Special all-day event to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the independent peace and antiwar monthly. 11am - 5pm (workshops, plenary discussions, banner-making workshop, NVDA training games and more!); 7pm - midnight (live bands, film showings and DJ's). Food and drink! All welcome. Entry by donation. Venue: The Square Occupied Social Centre, 21 Russell Square, Central London. (nearest tube Russell Square - see www.londonsocialcentre.org.uk). For more info see www.peacenews.info
17-18 Leamington Peace Festival. Two day free festie featuring: Rory McLeod, Boka Halat, Pressgang, Three Daft Monkeys, Perfect and Baraka. www.peacefestival.org.uk
17-25 Golowan Festival The Cornish Feast of John blends Celtic traditions of Penglaz and the Serpent Dance with a ten day programme of diverse festivities, entertainment and music. www.golowan.com
18 Newham Community Protest March protest march against police behaviour in anti-terror raids, meet at 12 noon at Plashet Park (Plashet Grove, East Ham). For information call 020 84708333 or see http://www.nmp.org.uk
19 Good Food Up North, local, ethnic, ethical? It is a chance to celebrate and debate what good food means to you - to your business, your health, your conscience or your taste buds. The event will be chaired by Sheila Dillon, presenter of the BBC Food Programme, and the speakers include Lord Haskins, Pam Warhurst (Countryside Agency), Zad Padda (Ethical First), Gillian van der Meer (Rural Cultural Forum), Julie Starck (IGD), Gilberth Bermudez (COLSIBA, Costa Rica) and Geoff Tansey (author of 'The Food System'). We'll debate big issues in food and farming, meet new people and enjoy great food. To join us, reserve your place at www.ethnicfoodgroup.org - if you have any difficulty booking on that site, please visit www.foodethicscouncil.org/node/154.
19-23 Voice of Iraq Music Week The event is organized by the Department of Music in SOAS,RASIT Culture for Pace International Program, and is supervised by the renowned Iraqi musician Mr. Ahmed Mukhtar Contact Nora Mehdi 020 8668 4025 info@rasit.org
19-25 National Refugee Week - for events see www.refugeeweek.org.uk
19-29 The Banner Theatre on Tour with two plays dealing with migration issues. For dates, venues and reviews see http://www.bannertheatre.co.uk
20 Hastings 'NO2ID- ID cards do not stop terrorism meeting'. Speaker: "David from Brighton" (NO2ID Campaign) and open discussion. Organized by Hastings Against War 7.30pm Friends Meeting House South Terrace Road.
21 Summer Solstice Celebration Stonehenge 2006. Celebrate the fact that the days are going to get shorter for the next six months! Why not come back in six months time and celebrate the Winter Solstice (which is more likely what the stones were put there for), oh cos it'll be freezing cold, you fair weather druids. Access to the stones will begin at 10pm on Tues, 20th June, with the solstice sunrise occurring at 5am on the 21st. Buses will run all night from Salisbury, and vegie food will be on sale. Bring blankets and acoustic music. To find out what else you're allowed to do see www.english-heritage.org.uk/summersolstice or call 0870 333 1186.
21 Also at Stonehenge: Celtic Heritage Trust. Peaceful protest against road under Stonehenge - at the stones. For information see www.celticheritagetrust.org.uk
21 Totnes Midsomer
Festival. Bands, dance, health & healing, kids area - all
in the street and down by the river and it's free! 12pm onwards,
Totnes Town, Devon. Email: bl4ckhawk777@totnesmidsomerfestival.co.uk
web: www.totnesmidsomerfestival.co.uk
21 - Solstice celebration, 8-11pm, Samba procession from Daltons Bastion (opp Volks) with samba, fire jugglers, etc heading to the banjo groyne, followed by afterparty at The Volks, Brighton
23 Traditional celebration at Midsummer Tree, Broadwater, Worthing, with local historian Chris Hare. Gather at Cricketers pub, Broadwater, from 9pm. Fancy dress encouraged - anything from skeletons to pagan Green Men.
23 Claiming Asylum From Rape: Three tools for rape survivors, legal representatives & supporters. Claiming asylum from rape - A Rights Sheet Misjudging rape A Dossier into adjudicators flouting international law and even their own guidelines when they consider the asylum claims of women and girls seeking safety and protection from rape. Asylum from Rape Petition - calling on the government to officially recognise rape as torture and persecution and therefore grounds for asylum, and to end the detention and deportation of rape survivors and their families. By Black Women's Rape Action Project& Women Against Rape in collaboration with All African Women's Group & Legal Action for Women, Crossroads Women's Centre. 11am, Trinity United Reformed Church, Buck Street, Camden Town, London NW1 020 7482 2496 bwrap@dircon.co.uk www.womenagainstrape.net
23 - Moon Bear Rescue with Jill Robinson (founder Animals Asia and Moon Bear Rescue) about the rescue of China Moon Bears, plans to build a sanctuary in Vietnam and work to end the cat and dog fur and meat trades. Tickets £25 (including vege/vegan banquet), 7pm, Chung Ying Garden Restaurant, 17 Thorp Street, Birmingham B5 4AT. For more call 0870 241 3723, email info@animalsasia.org website www.animalsasia.org/ukroadshow
23-26 Global Animal Rights Gathering organised by Shac (www.shac.net). For information contact info@ar2006.info or see www.ar2006.info
24 Control Your Arms All Dayer. A celebration of Human Rights and Activism in aid of Amnesty International and the Anchor Project , a non-profit youth club for unaccompanied young asylum seekers aged 10-17. Diverse music, DJs, Bands and performance. 1pm-2am at Anchor Project, Marcus Lipton Centre, Minet Road, London SW9 7HU. £5concs/before 9pm and £7 after for information see www.anchorproject.org
24 Climate Gangsters Party/Campaign Against Climate Change at the American Embassy, Grosvenor Sq, London, 2-6pm. Bush and co. are modern day Al Capones, making money from climate crimes and bullying the rest of the world into inaction. Join Campaign against Climate Change for a party, protest and afternoon in the sun (we have been assured that sun will be present this time!) For more call 0207 833 9311, email info2006@campaigcc.org, web www.campaigncc.org
25 Hackney Refugee and Migrant Support Group film double bill during Refugee Week at the Rio Cinema, 107 Kingsland High Street, Dalston, London, E8. Featuring 'In This World' - at 1.45pm – about two Afghan refugees journey through Iran, Turkey, Italy to Sangatte and London. Plus Gypo - at 3.30pm - exploring asylum and race issues facing Roma refugees in Kent (winner Br. Independent Film Award for production, 2005, Award winner, San Francisco Firmaline Festival) £7.50/£5.50 concessions.
25 - launch of the 'Asylum Monologues', a joint collaboration between Ice and Fire theatre and Actors for Refugees, to be held at Amnesty International’s Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA, on the last day of Refugee Week. Starts at 5pm, free but seating is limited. Call 0791 351 3567 before June 15 to secure tickets. actors_for_refugees@yahoo.co.uk
25 - “The Right To Live” - a walk around radical Camberwell with the South London Radical History Group, with stories of Chartists, artists, rioters, anti-fascists, squatters and more. Meet 2pm, Camberwell Green, corner of Camberwell Church St. Free, For more see www.past-tense.org.uk
28 - A Night of Conscience - Flight Lieutenant Malcolm Kendall-Smith was given an 8 month sentence for refusing to serve in Iraq and made to pay £20,000 costs. To help pay costs there's a celeb packed benefit gig with Tony Benn, Mark Thomas, film director Ken Loach, Walter Wolfgang, chair of CND Kate Hudson, and more. 7.30pm St. James Church, 197 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL. £15 for tickets and details see www.stopwar.org.uk
29 - Worthing Alliance meeting. Get together of rabble-rousers in Worthing. Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, Worthing. 8pm. For what's going on in Worthing see www.eco-action.org/porkbolter
30 - 2nd July Workhouse Festival - A 3 day music and fun filled festival with environmental undertones. Solar powered venues,six stages, healing area, green crafts, kids area, workshops and electronic dance tent. Acts so far inc. Zion Train, Freestylers DJs, Horace X, 3 Daft Monkeys, Crosbi, Shooglenifty, Swervy World and Hattie Hatstar. 6pm Friday to 6pm Sunday. Llanfyllin, Powys. £30 adult weekend, £10 concessions. 07890 458561 info@workhousefestival.co.uk www.workhousefestival.co.uk
30 - Day of action against Africa's forgotten wars. Stop The War In Somalia – meet at 3.30pm at the Ethiopian Embassy, 17 Princess Gate, London SW7 1PZ, Train: South Kensington Bus: 9, 10, 52. Email stwc_ham_sb@yahoo.co.uk Also a demonstration against the war in Congo – meet – 12pm, Marble Arch, London W2, via the West End to Downing Street.
1 - 56a InfoShop 15th Birthday Party. South London's finest (only) anarcho outlet, archive and social centre is having a party at 2pm, at 56a... please come, bring food and drink, music, gripes and pipes, memories and slightly deranged laughter... At 56a Info Shop, 56 Crampton St, London, SE17... Tube/Overground: Elephant & Castle. Buses: 12, P5, 35, 40, 45, 68, 133, 155, 343, 468, all go nearby.
1 - London Anarchist Forum, 2:30pm, at The Automy Club, Freedom Press, Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX, (2 doors from Whitechapel Art Gallery), Aldgate opr Aldgate East Tube, No 25 Bus stops out side. Web www.freedompress.org.uk
1 - East Anglia Social Forum in Norwich. 9:30am-5pm For location see www.easf.org.uk
1 - 'unfair football match' – to commemorate a year since the G8 met in Scotland, there will be a football game between people dressed as Blair, Bush & co, versus a team representing the developing world – with a blatantly biased referee. 2pm kick off, by the Peace Statue on Hove Lawns, Hove. By Brighton & Hove World Development Movement (WDM). For more call Stephanie on 07800 729 165 slambrighton@yahoo.co.uk www.wdm.org.uk
1 - Beauty and the Beat Party BATB play blend of ' jazzy house, underground disco, Afrofunk, electropunk, and shimmering pop', no bar - you can bring your own drinks! 10pm to 8am, Entry £5 (donation), The Concrete Basement (Ozepes Gallery), 43 Transwell St (off Lower March), SE1 7RG see www.houseparty.org.uk
3-15th - Rob Newman's new political comedy show No Planet B - The History of the World Backwards – which features material about the consequences of peak oil and climate chaos. Each show 8pm, tickets £12 in advance – conc available, at the Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road, London NW6 (nearest tube: Kilburn on Jubilee line), book online at www.tricycle.co.uk, or 020 7328 1000. See also www.robnewman.com.
4 - Independence from America Party outside US space communication base Feltwell (near USAF Lakenheath) at 6pm. Peacemakers' Ball, cabaret and fireworks c/o the Pentagon at 10pm (directions: turn left off 1065 onto B1112, past Lakenheath village and the back of base, then look for domes). Contact Mell on 01986 892723. For more see www.lakenheathaction.org
5 - Book launch of journalist Greg Palast's new book Armed Madhouse, an event by Word Power bookshop, Edinburgh. 7.15pm at St Columba's by the Castle, 14 Johnston Terrrace, Edinburgh. www.word-power.co.uk See also www.gregpalast.com
7-8 - Romsey Beggars Fair. A day of Music, Dance and Street Entertainsment. They'd never be allowed to get away with this in Brighton. www.beggarsfair.com
7-9 - Clogfest "A celebration of the glorious tradition of English step-dance." Skipton, Yorkshire. www.clogfest.org
7-9 Small Nations Festival - a celebration of the music of Wales and other small nations. www.cilycwm.com/smallnations
7, 8 & 10-15th - Indymedia film festival - While the eight richest countries continue to promote nuclear and oil-dependent 'Energy Security' and increasingly repressive global governance, Indymedia presents a film festival to inspire resistance to the G8 agenda. For details watch www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/london
8 - Challenging the corporate water takeover. A panel will debate whether privatisation can ever be the solution to the global water crisis or whether water supplies should remain in public hands. Keynote speakers; Bianca Jagger, Oscar Olivera (from Bolivia) and WDM’s director Benedict Southworth, set out their ideas on how the global water crisis can best be tackled, and discuss the wider issues around corporate globalisation. By World Development Movement. 2pm - 5.30pm, Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London, Free entry, Phone 020 7737 6215 register@wdm.org.uk www.wdm.org.uk/wrr
8-9 - Cornbury Festival Pretentiously billed as: "One-of-a-kind: an eclectic and eccentric musical carnival - a dynamic summer festival disguised as a country fayre - a lovingly crafted, top notch, very English open air party, tailor-made for the whole family." £70 www.cornburyfestival.com
8-9 - T in The Park - Kinda like Glastonbury in Scotland but with a better line up, less hippies and more corporate sponsorship. www.tinthepark.co.uk
8 – Rise 2006 – a free anti-racist music festival celebrating London's diversity. On the bill are Graham Coxon, Sway, the Buzzcocks, Roy Ayers, The Wailers, Kila Kela and more plus dance, comedy, food, alcohol, stalls etc. 12pm-8.30pm. Finsbury Park, London. For more info call 020 7983 6554, or email info@risefestival.org web www.risefestival.org
8 - Second Sustainable Science Symposium, a day of talks and workshops hosted by Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in conjunction with the University of East London (UEL) – with a focus on architecture and sustainable building technologies. There will also be family friendly events on the day including storytelling, straw toy making, and BBQ. For more info call 01654 705957, email a_calcott@dsl.pipex.com or visit www.aees.co.uk/symposium see also www.cat.org.uk
8 - Behind the headlines - The Hidden Faces and Needs of Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Public meeting covering the topics of bail, detention, trauma & emotional impact and more. 10.00 am to 3.30 pm, free entrance, Digby Stuart College, Roehampton University, Roehampton Lane, London SW15. For more info email jmfaber4@aol.com see also www.ncadc.org.uk
8 - Viva Anchor. Benefit gig featuring Sudanese rapper Emmanuel Jal, indie ska band Imperial Leisure, Be Loco, Heatwave, DJ Scotty and Class Hi-Fi. All proceeds to The Anchor Project a drop-in centre for separated asylum seeking children. 10pm till 4am, at Jamm, Brixton. £5 before 11pm, £7 after. Call 0207 274 5537, email mail@anchorproject.org web www.brixtonjamm.org
9 – 'Peace Of Art' – a family/community event to be held 12pm on Hove Lawns, by Peace Statue. With buskers, picnic, and a aerial photo to be taken of a mass of people in the peace symbol. For more information call 01273 766 626 or info@harmonyculture.com
9 - Profiting from the Occupation. Conference with speakers including Dr Mustafa Barghouti (Palestinian Presidential Candidate and MP) and Elizabeth Corrie (cousin of murdered activist Rachel Corrie). Hear about how corporations like Caterpillar, Connex and high street supermarkets are exploiting the Occupation of Palestine, and learn about activism from across the world. 10:30am- 7pm, free entrance, at Human Rights Action Centre 17-25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA email hclose@waronwant.org web www.waronwant.org
10 - Big Aldermaston Blockade. Resist Britain's WMD programme - Stop the next generation of nuclear weapons! Corporate war profiteers and their military masters are building new nuclear weapons facilities at Britain's nuclear bomb factory at Aldermaston in Berkshire. Come and join us for a big and practical/active NVDA blockade of the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Aldermaston and block the builders working on the new facilities. Web www.blockthebuilders.org.uk/action
12-16 Buddhafield - "What does it mean to be a Dharma Warrior? How does a Dharma Warrior wield the two 'weapons' of Compassion and Wisdom? How can we unite transformation of ourselves with transformation of the world?" Four day gathering with: Buddhism - Ritual - Meditation - Yoga - Tai Chi - Healing Area - Kids Area - Cafes - Workshops - Debates - Music - Dance - Crafts. Booking in advance only - call 01647 24539, email festivalinfo@buddhafield.com web www.buddhafield.com
13 – Talk from the president of the powerful Iraqi oil workers union in Basra, Hassan Juma'a who will be speaking at the Iraq Occupation Focus monthly meeting. Hear about how this repressed union is fighting the US-led grab for Iraq's oil resources. 7.30pm at the Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London, WC1. (tube Warren St). www.iraqoccupationfocus.org.uk
13-15 - The Banner Theatre on Tour again - see www.bannertheatre.co.uk for information about the play and the venues.
14 - Oscar Olivera, the renowned trade union activist who led the fight against water privatisation in Cochabamba, Bolivia, is to talk in Brighton, followed by a short film by the Bolivian Solidarity Campaign. 7.30pm, at Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton, free entry. Call 07886 313196, email leila.deen@gmail.com
14 - Global Action Day against G8 on 15th of July, the first G8 meeting will be held in St.Petersburg, Russia. The network NAG8 (see: http://spb8.hardcore.lt/post10 )calls for a Global Action Day at the 14th of July in solidarity with the struggle in Russia.
14-16 - Hazards 2006 - gathering for trade union safety reps and activists discussing safety in the workplace. Organised by National Hazards Campaign and Greater Manchester Hazards Centre, at University Of Manchester. For details call 0161 636 7558 hazconf@gmhazards.co.uk www.gmhazards.org.uk
14-16 - Glade. Electronic Dance Music Festival. 9 Arenas, 3 Days open air diverse bonkersness. And no corporate sponsorship, to be held in Central England, 90 minutes from London. www.gladefestival.com
15 – Colchester Military Festival. Nevermind Mean Fiddler – this little festie is being put on by the British Army, where they will show off all the nice hippy-dippy weapons which they are currently using in war zones and occupations around the globe including helicopters, armoured vehicles and even re-enactments. The Peace Is Possible Action Group are calling for all groups to organise autonomous or surprise actions during the event. At Abbey Field, Colchester, Essex. Entry is £5 and it is suggested that people enter the 'festival' and subvert from within. Check the MOD's tied-dyed fractal mandala encrusted website about their 'festie' at www.army.mod.uk/garrisonradio/roadshows/index.htm
15 - “Latin America: Social movements fight back” Radical Activist Network conference, supported by War on Want, featuring Oscar Olivera, the spokesperson for the Coalition in Defence of Water and Life, Bolivia and many more, also workshops and sessions, 1pm to 7pm, University of London Union, 3rd floor, Malet Street, London WC1, entry by donation (£2 suggested), for details see www.radicalactivist.net/latinamerica.
15 - Day school on young people and asylum. Hackney Refugee and Migrant Support Group is holding a day school on young people and asylum, with workshops on laws, social & health needs, detention and other issues which affect young asylum seekers.10am-4.30pm, free entrance, at The Old Fire Station, 61 Leswin Road, Stoke Newington, London N16 7NY. Email pierre@hclc.org.uk
15 - Summer Vibes - a free summer event in the Wealden area, with two stages, and regional talent from folk to Djs, with international food, crafts, info-stalls, workshops, graffiti wall and more. 2pm-12am, Luxfords Field, Uckfield, East Sussex, call 07986 762025, email rafbimmer@hotmail.com Web www.youngonesyoutharts.com
15-16 - Rhythms of the World Free festival of world music, Hitchin. 160 performances with over 700 performers on 10 stages. www.rotw.org.uk
15-18 - G8 2006 St. Petersburg, Russia. The leaders of eight of the world's most powerful nations meet up each year to discuss the carve up of global resources for the rich, while the rest of the world gets screwed. There's gonna be protests against it (as there are every year), so if your up for a "holiday" in Russia, check out http://g8-2006.plentyfact.net http://spb8.hardcore.lt
15-29 - Earth Activist Training. A permaculture design course and more for activists: Learn the skills to transform a piece of land, a community and our political and economic systems. Ragman's Lane Farm, Gloucestershire. £100-£500, eat2006@riseup.net. www.earthactivisttraining.org
17 - Non Photography Day "Non-photography day is an effort on my part to revive the moment by putting down the camera. It is a day to think about how life exists, in essence and not appearance and to understand the inadequacy of the photograph in describing this essence, to bring awareness of the perils of living through the view finder or the display screen…" but SchNEWS doubts the cops will be turning off the CCTV for the day. 01273 231686 www.nonphotographyday.com
17 - Peace Group meeting, planning North Walian Faslane blockade 14th - 15th November for which about 100 people are needed, meet at y Fynnon, Prince's Rd, Upper Bangor, 6.30pm, for more details see www.faslane365.org
17-24 - National Cruelty Free Week, Did you know that products like lipsticks, shampoos, and window cleaners are still tested on animals? Most people have no idea that items they buy could have been dripped into the eyes of a restrained rabbit, or forced down the throat of a terrified beagle. This is BUAV's 4th annual National Cruelty Free Week. Find links to details and info at www.buav.org/campaigns/ba/2006-02.html
18-31 - Vegan Speed Dating. To take the stigma out of speed dating and an opportunity to find a vegan lover – with three events across northwest. First in Manchester, July 18th at at Green Room, 54-56 Whitworth Street West, – for bookings call 0161 4341941. Second in Liverpool, July 24th at The Green Fish Cafe, 11 Upper Newington Street. call 0151 707 8592. Third in Leeds, July 31st at Hansa's Gujarati Vegetarian Restaurant 72-74 North Street, call 0113 244 4408. All events are from 8-11pm, entrance £20, but first gets in free, and next three get in half price.
19-23rd No-Borders Camp in Italy's north west Gorizia on the Slovenian border. People are invited to to “join and to participate in a sustained mobilitation that means to besiege the eastern border of fortress Europe”. Camping will be near the Clandestino Social Centre and the week-long event will focus on a nearby Detention Centre. More at www.globalproject.info/art-8798.html (in Italian) www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/07/344585.html (in English)
19 - The Horror of War Demo with creative ways of showing bomb component manufacturers EDO MBM the true horror of war. 4-6pm, Outside EDO, Home Farm Road, Brighton. www.smashedo.org.uk
19 - Film screening - Atenco - Breaking the Siege! - about recent events where villagers aiming for self-rule in Mexico were attacked by army (See SchNEWS 543 for background) - 7.30pm at Room 3, RISC International Solidarity Centre, 35-39 London Street, in Reading town centre. Hosted by Chi'iltak (Reading based anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian Zapatista Solidarity group). Email hiiltak@hotmail.co.uk
21 - International
Protest Camp in Iceland. A series of gigantic dams is already
under construction at Kárahnjúkar in the eastern highlands
of Iceland. These dams are designated solely to generate energy
for one massive ALCOA aluminium smelter to be built by war-profiteers
Bechtel in the beautiful fjord of Reydarfjördur, and due to
be operational in 2007. The national grid will not derive a single
kilowatt from it for domestic use. The natural habitat of many rare
and endangered plants and animals will be submerged, lost, destroyed.
It is still not too late! Join our protest gathering in Iceland
21 July 2006. www.savingiceland.org
21-23 - Eastern Haze 2006 - festival in Somerleyton Hall Estate, Suffolk with six stages featuring everything from Hawkwind to Eat Static to Nick Harper and all stops inbetween, plus circus. £40 including camping & parking, under 14s free accompanied by adult. www.easternhaze.com Ticket hotline 08700 600100
22 - Come to the monthly Unity protest outside the Home Office Immigration Centre, Brand Street, Glasgow in solidarity with families who are forced to report there. Unity are a new growing union of asylum seekers fighting for greater rights. For more details contact: The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992 theunitycentre@btconnect.com
22 - Son de la Vie - Birmingham ARC are organising their 4th international social in support of refugees and asylum seekers, with Rumba and Afro Beat from Dem Rep of Congo, plus Kurdish, Irish and English music, and food. 2-6pm, £5 – with refugees, asylum seekers and unemployed free. At the Oaklands Centre, Winleigh Rd, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham. Call 07973 945 873 or email birminghamantiracistcampaign@yahoo.co.uk
22-23 - Ashton Court Festival Two day festival in Bristol, £9 per day. www.ashtoncourtfestival.com
22-23 - Truck Festival No corporate shite sponsorship, into its ninth year and it keeps growing, SchNEWS will be there with our marquee. Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Tickets sold out. www.truckfestival.org
26-30 - DIY Anarchist Convention; Against The State: an activist and anarchist convention in Freiburg, Germany. Squatters, artists, cooks and truckers welcome! With workshops about direct action, diy culture, first aid, with bands and more. Plus a big Reclaim The Streets party on Sat 29th July. Contact d.i.y.against@gmx.de Web http://diy.atspace.org
27 – Screening - The End Of Suburbia – the peak oil film. At the Electric Palace, High Street, Old Town, Hastings. 7.30pm, £4/£3 (conc) – plus a talk on Permaculture.
28 – Radical history walk of Greenwich and Deptford. “From revolting peasants in the 14th century to socialist soapboxers in the 20th” - taking in the activities of the Greenwich and Deptford Secular Society who met on Blackheath and in Deptford Broadway in the 19th century. Meet at the Blackheath gate at 3pm walking to Greenwich Park in Charlton Way, London, SE3. Buses 53, 89 and 108 stop nearby. Nearest rail stations are Blackheath and Maze Hill. Call 020 8850 4187 or email tliddle@freeuk.com
28-30 - Prayer-i58 Direct Action Gathering. Prayer-i58 is a radical anti-authoritarian Christian-based network which will hold a gathering this July around the Camp for Climate Action and Faslane 365. The gathering will be held at All Hallows Church, Leeds. Free entry and crash space is available and the venue opens from 8pm Friday 28th July. Email prayer-i58@hotmail.co.uk Web www.almostfamous.co.uk/i58
28-30 - There are actions and demonstrations across the country this weekend protesting against Israeli attacks in Lebanon and Palestine, and the UK Govt's complicity in it.
- Demonstrations include this Friday 28th, 5-7pm at Downing St,
- Saturday 29th: Cardiff - 1pm at the city hall, Birmingham - 1-3pm in High Street by Bull Ring entrance, Leeds - 2pm at Leeds City Art Gallery, and Oxford - vigil 12pm-2pm at the Carfax end of Cornmarket,
- Sunday 30th: London, 1-3pm at Trafalgar Square, and in Brighton 12.30pm at Palmeira Square.
- For more events around the country see www.palestinecampaign.org/events.asp
29 - March in Canning Town, East London, by an alliance
of local organisations against the return of the DSEi Arms Fair
in 2007. Meet at the fountain, Balaam Street entrance to Plaistow
Park at 12.15pm for the march at 1pm through Canning Town to the
west end of Victoria Dock for a rally at 2.30pm. Nearest tube: Plaistow
For details call 07986 904748 See also www.dsei.org
29 - Demonstration at Campsfield Detention Centre in Oxfordshire,
12pm-2pm. Come and make some noise to give support to detained refugees
in the centre. This is a regular event which happens on the last
Saturday of every month. www.closecampsfield.org.uk
29-12th August - Trident Ploughshares - International Disarmament Camp, Coulport, Scotland. 15 days of direct disarmament actions at Faslane and Coulport naval bases. At the Peaton Glen Wood campsite, half a mile from the Coulport base, by the shores of Loch Long. www.tridentploughshares.org/article983
30 - West Country Scythe Festival - watch the UK mowing champion defend his title using the scythe, as well as a shoot-out between a strimmer and a scythe, plus haymaking, and tool blacksmithing. With food and music from Kangaroo Moon. 10am-10pm, £4 adults, £1 kids. At the Trading Post at Lopen Head on the former A303 between Ilminster and South Petherton in Somerset. For more info contact 01460 249204
1 - Basildon Rally Demonstration to commemorate the massacre at the Auschwitz Gypsy Camp and make a final plea to Malcolm Buckley to call off the destruction of Dale Farm. Meet at the Basildon Centre at 11am. Information contact: dale.farm@ntlworld.com
2-6 - The Big Green Gathering "The Big Green Gathering is for people who care about health, the environment, sustainability, our children's future and life in general. It is a celebration of our natural world and our place within it." SchNEWS will be there with a crystal amnesty, where all disillusioned hippies can return their crystals back to mother earth. £95 in Somerset. www.big-green-gathering.com
4-6 - Big Chill Eastnor Park, Herefordshire. Lots of bands and DJs £120. www.bigchill.net
5 - Brighton Pride The biggest gay festival in the UK, watch out for Queeruption's subvertising of the increasing corporatisation of Pride. Parade from Madeira Drive at 11am to festival in Preston Park until 8pm. www.brightonpride.org
5 - The Incredible Veggie Roadshow. Everything you ever wanted to know about going, being or staying veggie/vegan. Food tastings, cookery demonstrations, talks, free diet and health advice, stalls, competitions, vegan fashion and footwear, beauty products, books, vegan food products, information and campaign news. Free Entry. 10.30am to 4.30pm, The Grand Theatre, Singleton Street, Swansea. www.viva.org.uk/roadshows06 0117 944 1000
6 - Peace Cycle Start Rally & Mass Cycle Ride. Mass cycle ride from Embankment Gardens to Greenwich as part of the send off for the intrepid Peace Cyclists who are embarking on a 6 week journey across Europe and the Middle East to Jerusalem to raise awareness about the occupation in Palestine and call for a just peace. Starts 1pm, with music, speakers and middle eastern food, cyclists depart at 3pm. www.thepeacecycle.org
9 - The Uhuru Festival - a funraising event in Brighton for a radical centre empowering youth in poor areas in Harare, Zimbabwe. At The Hope on Queens Rd, from 7pm. £3. For more info email rowansawday@another.com
16 - Where next for the fight against the G8? - South Wales Against the G8 present: Eyewitness reports andimages from the Anti-G8 protests in St Petersburg this year, from one of the only groups from the UK who made it there. 7.30pm, South Riverside Community Centre, Brunel Street, Riverside, Cardiff, free entry, email swageight@yahoo.co.uk
16-20 - Earth First! Summer Gathering in West Wales. For anyone interested in direct action for people and planet. This is not a festival but a chance to meet, discuss and plan. Food provided by Anarchist Teapot - 3 vegan meals for £4 a day. £15 to pay for running costs. There will be talks, stalls, workshops, kids space, teens space, camping areas. No dogs. If you would like to help with the gathering, give workshops, etc contact soon. See web site for more details, posters, leaflets etc - actual location will be published on website one month before. www.earthfirstgathering.org.uk email efgathering@aktivix.org phone 0845 223 5254
17 - Fundraising for the Friends of Ernesto Campaign. Ernesto Leal, a Chilean who fled danger under the Pinochet regime and has been in the UK since the early 70's, was taken to Belmarsh Prison on May 1st this year, threatened with deportation to Jamaica (See SchNEWS 542). He was granted bail and released in June, but still faces deportation. Proceeds from this event go to his legal campaign. 7pm-midnight, £8, Gramaphone Bar & Restaurant, 60-62 Commercial Street, London, E1 6LT (nearest tube Aldgate East). Line up includes Howie B and The Alabama 3 Soundsystem. Phone 020 7377 5332 Web www.friendsofernesto.org.uk
17-20 – Northern Green Gathering. After a three year absence, NGG is back on a new site on the Lancs/Yorks border. Featuring music, campaigns area, crafts, organic vegan food, kids area, healing area and 'Earth Spirit' area. £35, £5 kids - Note – because of licensing laws, the event is 'members only' – which means you pay to join the NGG, and entry is free for members. Free entry also for volunteers to take the roles of stewards, first aid, welfare, facilitators, etc. For more see www.nggonline.org.uk.
18-20 - Beautiful Days. Festival in Devon put on by the Levellers. Sold Out. www.beautifuldays.org
19 - Demonstration against Israeli war crimes in Lebanon and Palestine, and the UK Govt's complicity in it. Palmeira Square, Hove, 1pm, marching to Brighton Pier via seafront. For more info call 07854 188565. Web www.safp.org.uk
19 - Demonstration against Israeli war crimes in Lebanon and Palestine, Cambridge, 12.30pm, at Market Sq. For more info call 07712 893 552 / 01223 473943
19 - Meeting in London to plan actions for October 1st, after which there will be a year of protest against the Faslane Naval Base in Scotland. 3pm, at the Everything4Everyone, 4 Dalston Lane, Hackney, E8 (Opposite the Peace Mural), a minute from Dalston Kingsland train station. For more email stopthebomb@purplehills.net web www.faslane365.org
19-20 - V Festival Virgin Virgin Virgin Virgin Virgin... try to escape the corporate advertising and find the bands...
19th August - 3rd September - 4th European Peoples' Global Action Conference in France. The PGA is a tool and a diffuse structure coordinating groups and people sharing common struggles and practices, in accordance with various anticapitalist and anti-authoritarian principles. This conference is in two parts: from August 19th to August 27th, simultaneous decentralized conferences will take place in five locations throughout France; from August 30th to September 3rd, all participants are to gather in Dijon. For more info see www.pgaconference.org and www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/pgaeurope/pgaconference2006
21 - Blockade The Foreign Office, London, against the UK's complicity in death and destruction in Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Lebanon. 8am, at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Whitehall. Email bringthewarhome2006@yahoo.co.uk
25-29 One Life Free Festival is back for its 4th year at a secret countryside location not too far from London. A very non-commercial event for campers to enjoy anarchist bands, soundsystems, alternative therapies and more. For details call 07922 103690 or 07922 103693
25, 27 - Legendary Anarcho-punks Conflict are back on tour. They play the Cartoon in Croydon on August 25th and the Supernova in Derby on the 27th. Some of the gigs are in support of the bands long-standing drummer, Paco, who's made himself ill by playing too fast. For more see www.conflict-uk.com
25-27 - The Carling Weekend, two festivals in Leeds and Reading. Shit beer, security thugs, rip-off burger bars, oh and a lot of bands.
25-27 Tetris Safari is a charity electronic dance music festival in Ireland working with the Meningitis Research Foundation and will be donating the profits of the festival and helping try to raise awareness. For full confirmed line up and more info you can visit the offical Tetris Safari website at www.tetris-safari.com
25-28 - Shrewsbury Folk Festival top names from the roots and world music scene gather for more than 4,000 enthusiasts to meet up to enjoy four days of folk music from the UK and around the world. www.bridgnorthfolkfest.co.uk
26 – Fur protests at shops selling real fur in London including Harrods in Knightsbridge and branches of fashion chain Joseph Ltd. From 11am til late afternoon. For Harrods exit at Knightsbridge tube and meet at the Harrods/Brompton Rd entrance. Call 07899 775493 For more animal rights events see www.veggies.org.uk/arc.php
26 - Creamfields If it's as shite and annoying as their website, it'll be more like vomit than cream. www.cream.co.uk/creamsite/?&s=creamfields
26-27 - The BigPhat n Sacred Bull 24 Hour Psy - Progressive Trance Extravaganza in the Oxfordshire Countryside www.phatbull.org
26- 4 September - The Camp for Climate Action, Climate change is happening now and is set to get much worse. Governments and corporations dream of growth without end, economy without limits. When the answer to ecological crisis is nuclear power you know there’s a problem. There is a growing grassroots movement that fundamentally challenges the fossil fuel economy. The camp will be a place for this movement to get together. It will be a place for new people, people who have never been "political" before but who want move beyond concern into activity. It will be a place for experienced activists: old and young, cynical and hopeful. We all need courage, the guts to step beyond the comfort of our concern or the borders of our group. Climate change casts a long shadow over the future. But we believe this time can be an opportunity, a moment when people come together and say 'enough'. The camp will be in the North of England and location will be announced nearer the time. Box 10, c/o Oxford Action Resource Centre, E.O.C.C., 44b Princes Street, Oxford OX4 1HU www.climatecamp.org.uk
27-28 - Notting Hill Carnival You and two million dancing in the streets for free.
27-29 - Westcountry Storytelling Festival Once upon a time in Devon... discover the lost art of storytelling, £60 for a weekend ticket. www.weststoryfest.co.uk 01803 863790
31 Save Titnore Ancient Forest - meeting and film showing Film screening of The Styx Valley of the Giants - half-hour documentary about the worlds tallest treesit set up by Greenpeace and The Wilderness Society in Tasmania, Australia in an 84 metre high tree marked for logging. It also shows the huge demonstrations and current lawsuit. Due to the overwhelming amount of international support that forest has now been saved.Come and see this film and learn what you can do to save the last fragment of ancient forest in Worthing. 8pm Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, Worthing, FREE!
31 - Liverpool Defy ID Meeting News From Nowhere, 96 Bold Street. 6.15pm. All welcome! 2nd and last Thursdays of every month. For more see www.liverpool-defy-id.org.uk
31-3 Sept - Tribal Earth Arts village celebration - 3 nights camping, showers, toilets, workshops, marquee hire, field hire, wood, straw bales all other entertainment and donations to our charity. Pestalozzi Estate, Sedlescombe, Battle, E.Sussex www.worldofrhythm.com/tribal_earth.php
1 - benefit evening, raising funds and awareness for the native people of West Papua with Musicians, performers and DJs plus a load of extras including capoeira performances, fire displays, visuals and projections by Do-Little, as well global munchies, laughing gas and DJs spinning everything from dub reggae to Latin breaks. £8 advance (www.ticketweb.co.uk) £10 on the door / £8 conc Jamm, 261 Brixton Road, London SW9 www.brixtonjamm.org 9pm till 4am.
1 - International Day Of Action Against The Icelandic State Aan Alcoa No matter the environmental and social cost, no matter the ever increasing protests from the Icelandic and international communities and the intensifying warnings fom the scientific sector, the Icelandic government is hellbent on going ahead with its plan to inundate the projected Hálslón reservoir at Kárahnjúkar between 15-30 September. They must be stopped! www.savingiceland.org
1-3rd - Permaculture Convergence 2006, taking place near Dorchester. For more info and booking details see www.permaculture.org.uk
1-3 - Off The Tracks Festival. Two stages with Dreadzone, Transglobal Underground, Jah Wobble, Rory McLeod and a lot more, plus stalls, camping, and kids entertainment. Donington Park Farmhouse, Melbourne Road Isley Walton, Castle Donington Nr Derby, Derbyshire. Advance Weekend Tickets £47 by post before 21st Aug. 12yr to 16 yr Tickets (½ price) £23.50 - Under 12 Free. By post make cheque payable to Off The Tracks (Inc a S.A.E.), PO Box 68, Derby DE1 3XY. Call 01332 384518 / 07899 826 955, email info@offthetracks.co.uk web www.offthetracks.co.uk
2 - Preventing Trident Replacement - a one-day strategy conference. Organised by CND, Sponsored by SERTUC. 10.30 - 5pm, TUC Congress House, Great Russell St, London. www.cnduk.org
2 - BASS Community Fayre, free one-day festival at The Level, Brighton, 11am till 7.30pm. Email info@bass23.org Web www.bass23.org We'll be there!
2-3 - Soil Association Organic Food Festival 150,000 visitors and over 200 exhibitors the 2005 Organic Food Festival became the fastest growing food event in the UK and one of the biggest celebrations of organic food held anywhere. Bristol Harbourside, www.organicfoodfairs.co.uk
2-3 - Ragged Hedge Fair a country fair with a difference at Abbey Home Farm near Cirencester. It's going to be a family orientated weekend of camping, arts, crafts, environmental education, music and fun. Only 30 quid for the weekend! www.raggedhedgefair.co.uk
3 - Northampton Green Festival - A free afternoon chilling in the park, listening to music. Eco-friendly kids rides and free craft activities, holistic therapies, fair trade etc. 12 noon -6pm, Abington Park, Northampton, free entry, email info@greefestival.org.uk web www.greenfestival.org.uk
3 - The Incredible Veggie Roadshow. Everything you ever wanted to know about going, being or staying veggie/vegan. Food tastings, cookery demonstrations, talks, free diet and health advice, stalls, competitions, vegan fashion and footwear, beauty products, books, vegan food products, information and campaign news. Free Entry. 10.30am - 4.30pm, The Guildhall, High St, Bath. www.viva.org.uk/roadshows06
4-9 - Week of action against vivisection at Oxford University. Part of the campaign by SPEAK to prevent the building of a new animal 'research' lab, culminating in demo and leafleting on Sat 9th, 12pm outside The Church of St. Michael, Cornmarket Street, Oxford, OX1 3EY. For more see www.speakcampaigns.org.uk
4 - The two week trial begins for Paul Milling and Margaret Jones - charged with damaging military equipment at RAF Fairford during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, with a maximum sentence of 10 years if found guilty (See SchNEWS 557). There will be a peace vigil on Sept 4th, the first day of the trial at Bristol Crown Court at 9am. For more info email nabataat@yahoo.co.uk or visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bristolsocialforum
5 - Cambridge Green Forum, 8pm, Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane. See www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/cambridge
6 - Say NO to racism and fascism in Barking and Dagenham – a protest from 5.30pm onwards outside Barking & Dagenham council meeting. Since May’s local elections, the BNP gained 12 council seats – the highest number in the country, and there has been a rise in the number of racist attacks in the borough. Barking Town Hall, Clockhouse Avenue, IG11 7LU Nearest train/tube: Barking. For more email bdaarf@yahoo.co.uk
7 - Behind The Mask - The story of the people who risk everything to save animals Exeter Phoenix (Arts and Media Centre), Bradnich Place, Gandy Street, Exeter, EX4 3LS, Tel. 01392 667080 8pm, £2 www.thethinkshop.co.uk/mask/behindthemask.htm
8-10 - The 10th Annual Community Composting Network Conference, by the Community Composting Network, in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. For details contact celebrate@communitycompost.org web www.communitycompost.org
8-10 - Bestival a 3 day music festival set in a leafy country park in the heart of the Isle of Wight. www.bestival.net
9 - Press launch of Faslane 365, a year long peaceful blockade of the Faslane Trident nuclear submarine base which will start on October 1st, 2006. This protest will be officially launched with a civic reception hosted by Ewan Aitken, leader of Edinburgh City Council, plus representatives from the different peace groups involved. The aim is to close the base and prevent the UK Govt from committing £25 billion to replace the Trident nuclear warheads. 9-10am, Edinburgh City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ. For more call 07733360955, web www.faslane365.org
10 – Festival Of Life & London Vegan Festival are holding a combined event with vegan food, over 100 stalls and music including Rhythms Of Resistance. 10am-10pm at the Kensington Town Hall, Hornton St, London, W8 7NX. (tube High St Kensington), £1.50/donation, under 16s free. Volunteers wanted – call 0870-7344-888. www.festivaloflife.net
13 - Noise Demo at EDO MBM, Home Farm Rd, Brighton, 4-6pm. www.smashedo.org.uk
14 - Class Struggle In The 70's meeting focussing on the Grunwicks Strike but ranging far and wide. All welcome. Flares, afros and tank tops optional. 8pm, The Pullens Centre, 184 Crampton Street, London SE17
14 - 19 September. Peace Walk from Faslane to the Scottish Parliament The walk will arrive in Glasgow on Saturday 16th for a rally and March (12noon Blythswood Square). 17th - the walk arrives in Bathgate, for an overnight stay. 18th it will arrive in Currie. 18th - leaves Currie at 9am to go to St John’s Church Edinburgh (via Slateford Rd) for 12 noon. At 2pm it will assemble in CASTLE STREET for a rally followed by a walk for a meeting at the Scottish Parliament. If you wish to attend the rally, part/all of the march and/or you can help in any way please email info@scotland4peace.org
15 - International Day Of Action Against The Icelandic State Aan Alcoa No matter the environmental and social cost, no matter the ever increasing protests from the Icelandic and international communities and the intensifying warnings fom the scientific sector, the Icelandic government is hellbent on going ahead with its plan to inundate the projected Hálslón reservoir at Kárahnjúkar between 15-30 September. They must be stopped! www.savingiceland.org
16 - National rally & demonstration against animal testing at Wickham Laboratories in Hampshire. Web www.swatonline.co.uk
16 - Campaign Against Climate Change - Race Against Climate Doom Put on your jogging gear, join the race and spread the message! Gather 12.30PM outside ExxonMobil London Offices, St Katherines House, on the corner of Kingsway and Aldwych. Finishes at the US Embassy for a party (read on....)
16 - Party For Global Climate Justice Climate change will affect the poor the most. Come and show solidarity wth those at threat around the world and call for climate justice. 2PM - 6ish US Embassy, Grosvoner Square (Bond Street Tube) 0207 8339311 or 07903 316331 email info@campaigncc.org www.climatecc.org
18 - Behind The Mask - The story of the people who risk everything to save animals public screening of this new film. The Ritzy Cinema, Brixton Oval, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, SW2. 7-9pm, £5. For more details, or to order tickets for this screening, or dvd copies of the movie, email puppypincher@yahoo.co.uk or call 07800 805 855 www.londonanimalrights.org.uk/mask/mask.htm
19 - Justice in the Middle East. March for Peace Silent March Starting from Despenser Gardens, Riverside, Cardiff at 2.30pm. Please wear black. 3.00pm Rally City Hall.
19-21 - IMF/World Bank Monetary meeting, Singapore. Global loan sharks backed by western governments and big business meet to rake in the money from the poor. As usual there'll be protests against this, in Singapore you need a permit for politcal gathering of more than four people (in Britain a group of two can be called a group by the police and made to disperse). Singapore's Home Affairs ministers said protests may "attract severe punishment, including caning", ouch! www.targetwto.revolt.org/node/307
20 - Noise Demo at EDO MBM, Home Farm Rd, Brighton, 4-6pm. www.smashedo.org.uk
21 - Hamas and Hizbollah - Mission and method Public Meeting Glasgow with Dr Azzam Tamimi. Find out about democratic forces in Palestine and Lebanon and about Blair's efforts to suppress them in Britain - all welcome 7.45pm, Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre, Dunbarton Road, Glasgow.
21-23 - Military Families Against the War Peace Camp, Albert Square Manchester - to highlight our campaign to bring the troops home, and the 'Time To Go' demonstration at the Labour conference in Manchester on 23rd September (see below). This protest is open to all. The camp will be set up at 3pm on the 21st and then move to a site opposite the Labour conference. Email peacecamp@mfaw.org.uk web www.mfaw.org.uk
22 - 'Communities Creating Change' - a conference bringing together campaigners, researchers and active members of the community interested in creating a sustainable future, prior to the Labour Party Conference. This is being organised by the Environment Network for Manchester, Manchester Environmental Resource Centre initiative and other groups. At Friends Meeting House, Mount St, Manchester, 10am - 4pm. £10 /£5 unwaged. For more call Jemma on 0161 273 1736, or email sustainable@bridge-5.org web www.manchesterenvironment.net/events.php
22 - Bicycle Ballet - on Car Free Day in Brighton, there will be a choreographed bike spectacular 1-6pm, Madeira Drive, Brighton. Beforehand 20-30 cyclists who are able to do 10 x 2 hour rehearsals from July-Sept are needed for the formation routines, as well as 100 others for a larger formation. To get involved contact Karen on 01273 502965. Email info@bicycleballet.co.uk Web www.bicycleballet.co.uk
23 - Time To Go Demonstration Troops Out of Iraq, No Attack on Iran, No Trident Replacement, Get Blair Out, End Israeli Terror. Manchester assemble 1pm Albert Square, Brighton coach tickets - only £10 return (call 07917 300419) London coach Leaves 7:00am, Shepherds Bush Road, (outside Old Fire Station)., near Hammersmith, Police Station. W6 Tickets: £15 waged, £6 unwaged, £3 under 18s. Call Explo on 07984 405307 Or email stwc_ham_sb@yahoo.co.uk for more info on London coaches.
23 - Fundraiser for the people of Palestine and Lebanon at the Basement Cafe, Lever Street, Manchester. There will be Middle Eastern Food, Music, Talks, Films and a Quiz. £8 waged and £4 unwaged from 7pm. ursula.rothe@gmx.net
23 - "No Trident Replacement, Don't Attack Iran" - a demonstration on the eve of the Labour Party conference, Manchester, called by CND and the Stop the War Coalition. Meet 1pm, Albert Square, Manchester. For more info see www.cnduk.org
23 - Sustainable Community Workshop at the Hockerton Housing Project - the UK's first earth sheltered, self-sufficient ecological housing development, in Nottingham. This event will be of particular interest to those interested in setting up, facilitating or joining a sustainable community. For more see www.hockertonhousingproject.org.uk
24 - Benefit gig to raise funds for instruments for a childrens orchestra in the New Aksa refugee camp in Nablus, Palestine. Local Brighton bands 'Asbo Derek' and the 'Don Bradmans' will be playing. The Prince Albert, Trafalgar Street, Brighton, 8pm £5. birdy.bird@tiscali.co.uk
26 - Noborder Meeting in Brighton - 6pm at Cowley Club, 12 London Rd Brighton. Meets every two weeks same time and place. For more info about the Noborder Network see www.noborder.org
26 - Phone Blockade - Ring the EDO MBM arms dealers to ask them any questions you might have on the arms trade - 01273 810500 tell EDO what you think about profiting from murder. If the switchboard isn't working call 810 501, 810 502, 810 510, 810 511 etc or send a fax on 810 600141 to withhold your number (or preferably call from a payphone). www.smashedo.org.uk
27 - Noise Demo at EDO MBM, Home Farm Rd, Brighton, 4-6pm. www.smashedo.org.uk
30 - Brighton Animal Action are holding a rally and march to mark the first World Day for Incarcerated Animals. Meet in Preston Park at 12 marching down Old Steine to Clock Tower and the Pier finally with cheap vegan food at Unemployed Centre.
30 - The 10th European Hazards Conference, "Workers finding a voice in a new Europe" will take place in Jurmula, Latvia for the weekend of September 30th 2006. Full details of the conference and booking arrangements are held on the Hazards Campaign website at www.hazardscampaign.org.uk/docs/riga.htm
30 - Rock Around the
Blockade - Free the Cuban 5 Demonstration to celebrate the achievements
of the Cuban Revolution and raise awareness about the case of the
Cuban 5 - all welcome. Bring your voices, your enthusiasm and your
friends. Trafalgar Square north pavement, 020 7837 1688 office@ratb.org.uk
www.ratb.org.uk 12-3pm
30 - The Camp For Climate Action Benefit the ostrich returns! With MJ13 (Psychedelic Hard Core) Marianne Hyatt (Johnny Cash's female reincarnation), The Tell (Pagan Hard Rock), DJne Mondstrom, DJ Timorous, VJs, films & food. 8pm -2am. RampART, 15-17 Rampart St, Whitechapel, E1. Donation on door, funds to help bailout the climatecamp www.climatecamp.org.uk
1 - Rock Around the
Blockade - Sponsored Cycle Ride Join Rock around the Blockade
for a 35 mile cycle ride to raise money for our solidarity brigade
to Cuba and material aid. Ring or email for sponsorship forms and
full details (£10 minimum requested as a donation if no sponsorship
money raised) 9.30 am Leaving from central London £10 if no
sponsorship collected 020 7837 1688 office@ratb.org.uk
1 - Big Lakenheath Demo against US nukes! USAF Lakenheath in Suffolk holds up to 110 US nuclear weapons at any one time. Demo plus political cabaret, speakers and a place to sleep if needed! 12noon - 3pm, at Gate 1, RAF (USAF)Lakenheath. For more details call 07760161755 or 01508 550446 email mellcndeast@cnduk.org web www.lakenheathaction.org
1-8 - Keep Space For Peace Week International week of protest to stop the militarisation of space. Check out the following link for actions around the world www.space4peace.org/actions/kspfpw06.htm#actions
2-31 - 'Tasmanian
Resistance' Exhibition; As part of Brighton photo fringe, "The
Coupe" is an exhibition of
photos/poetry about logging and resistance in Tasmania, at The Cowley
Club, London Road, Brighton.
3-31 Banner Theatre UK Tour Wild Geese Asong and video ballad of exile and migration, using live music and video to combine the stories of Irish nurses, Asian textile workers, Iranian refugees and Chinese cockle-pickers and to highlight the contradictions in the position of migrant workers, often trapped in some of the poorest jobs, which no-one else will do, but vilified in parts of the media. See www.bannertheatre.co.uk
3-4 - International day of action to coincide with G8 energy ministers' meeting in Mexico City, where they will discuss how they can maintain the status quo in the face of climate change and peak oil, while projecting the image of being 'sustainable'. Join the mobilization for climate justice! www.risingtidenorthamerica.org
4 - Anarchist Federation: Speaker from Venezuelan anarchist movement. Film; Oil and Other Tales. Marchmont Community Centre, 62 Marchmont Street, London WC1. 18:30. Free. Refreshments provided.info@afed.org.uk.www.afed.org.uk
4 - Rock Around the Blockade - the Cuban 5 must go free! Public meeting about the campaign to free the Cuban 5, the hypocrisy of the US's war on terrorism, and Bush's plan for a 'free' Cuba. Speakers followed by open discussion - all welcome. Upstairs at the Yorkshire Grey pub, 29-33 Grays Inn Road WC1, 7.30pm, Free entry. Tel 020 7837 1688 office@ratb.org.uk www.ratb.org.uk
4 - Moazzam Begg book launch - the former prisoner in Guantanamo Moazzam Begg talks about his book, 'Enemy Combatant' at Housmans Bookshop from 7pm, Free entry. 5 Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London N1. Phone 020-7837 4473. Web www.housmans.com
4-6 - Block the BIONOVA conference! In Athens a Greek company named BIONOVA (bionova.gr) will organise a conference to support genetically modifed organisms and biotechnology, sponsored by the Greek Government. Block the conference and inform people about the consequences of capitalistic use of biothechnology! Email a-infos-en@ainfos.ca Web www.ainfos.ca/en If anyone has information/theoretical texts about biotechnology please send to autonomous_gr@riseup.net
6 – Film night
for Sack Parliament Demo (see entry below). Part of the 'weekend
of resistance' in build up for Sack Parliament on Monday 9th October.
7pm at the London Action Resource Centre (LARC), 62 Fieldgate Street,
Whitechapel, London E1 1ES. Phone: 020 7377 9088 www.londonarc.org
Free/donation. Check www.sackparliament.org.uk
for programme and details.
6 - Jo Wilding book launch - activist, clown, trainee lawyer and writer Jo Wilding launches her book Don't Shoot the Clowns; Taking a Circus to the Children of Iraq at Housmans Bookshop from 18:30. Free. Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London N1. Phone 020 7837 4473. Web www.housmans.com
7- Titnore Woods mass mobilisation to oppose access road and support tree camp. Meet Durrington Train Station at 2pm (two stops west of Worthing) to walk en masse to Titnore Woods. email porkbolter@hushmail.com web www.eco-action.org/porkbolter
7 - Migrants on the march for their rights. In London, Assemble 12.00pm, Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London SE1 6HZ and in Glasgow, Assemble 12.00pm, George Square, Glasgow. See more see www.ncadc.org.uk and www.openborders.org.uk
7 Party for migrant rights! Live performance, live bands and DJs at the Rampart Social Centre in East London, raising money for the demo earlier in the day for migrant rights. 8pm - 2am, RampART Social Centre, 15-17 Rampart Street, Whitechapel, London E1, £3 (suggested donation), 07817 320584, rich_thrift@talk21.com
7 A World To Win benefit - Stand & deliver! A night
of stand-up comedy with AWTW's Dylan Strain (MC)
The Coach & Horses, Barnes High St, London SW13, £5 -
all profits go to AWTW 8pm www.aworldtowin.net
7- Picket of Marks & Spencer, Market St, Manchester, 12pm, to boycott Israeli goods in the shop and against the occupation of Palestine, by the Victory to the Intifada Group. For more info about Marks & Spencer's Israeli links see www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-marks-and-spencer.html Email vti@plus.net.com
7 - World Development Movement Campaigner Convention - Brighton - Don't take pity, take action. WDM's Campaigner Conventions will offer you the information and practical tools to campaign for global justice. The Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton, 10.30am to 4.30pm Free 0800 328 2153. Email register@wdm.org.uk Web www.wdm.org.uk
7 - Keep Space For Peace - Part of the International week of protest called for by the Global Network Against Nuclear Weapons and Power in Space action at NSA Menwith Hill, 12 noon-5pm. www.caab.org.uk
7 - Film premiere: Journey with the Revolution and meet two organisers from Venezuela Juanita Romero and Gastón Murat speak for the Land Committee in Guaicaipuro, co-ordinating grassroots self-activity on housing, an urgent problem as the 70s oil boom pushed 80% of Venezuelans into the cities. Juanita Romero co-ordinates the Neighbourhood Mothers Mission through which women with least receive financial recognition for their caring work. Gaston Murat, a trade unionist from the Fuerza Bolivariana de Trabajadores, has a long experience in the movement which led to the revolution. The film Journey with the Revolution is a lively journey with the midwives, housewives, gay and disability activists, nurses, doctors, teachers and others running the health clinics, the soup kitchens, the land committees, the education programmes, the Women’s Development Bank, which are transforming Venezuela. A Global Women’s Strike production in Spanish/English with subtitles. We apologise that the hall is not wheelchair accessible. Call in advance for help. 2 - 6pm Bolívar Hall, Venezuelan Embassy, 54 Grafton Way, London W1. Warren St Tube station. Donations Call 020 7482 2496 or 07960 038476 email womenstrike8m@server101.com web www.globalwomenstrike.net
7 - 70th Anniversary of Cable Street Comemoration Gig - and to raise awareness of the growing right wing threat worldwide today. Organised by Antifa U.K. with Inner Terrestrials, PAIN, Liberty, Fear of Fear, Headjam, Beyond Repair, Bottlejob and Moral Dilemma. 5pm 1am Chat's Palace, 42-44 Brooksby's Walk, Homerton, London. £6 - with proceeds to Antifa. For more see www.antifa.org.uk
7 - Bristol Schumacher Lectures - Rejoining Nature aims to raise an issue central to the human predicament: can humanity find ways of rejoining nature despite its seemingly headlong, even suicidal rush towards turning itself into an ever more dominant species, oblivious of any objective rules of sustainable engagement with the living world. Call 0117 903 1081 or book online www.schumacher.org.uk/bsl06.htm for more info.
7-28 - Anti-war speaking tour with artist Emily Johns (recently returned from a peace delegation to Iran) and activist Maya Evans (the first person convicted for taking part in an “unauthorised” demonstration within 1km of Parliament). Events in: Stirling (9 Oct, 07951 987 422), Sherwood (10 Oct, 6.30pm, Lower Hall, The Methodist Church on the corner of Devon Drive and Mansfield Rd, Sherwood) Birmingham (11 Oct, 0121 414 3219), Falmouth (12 Oct, 01326 378 587) and London (see below). Emily will also be speaking in Tunbridge Wells (7 Oct) and Coventry (28 Oct, 2-5pm at the Coventry Peace House). See www.j-n-v.org or tel. 0845 458 9571 for more info.
7-8 - Training days for Sack Parliament (see entry below) Part of the 'weekend of resistance' in build up for Sack Parliament on Monday 9th October. A second training day for those who couldn't make the first with workshops including: Affinity groups, medic/ trauma, legal, mass action, autonomous actions. Bring ideas and food to share. 10am-4pm at RampART (not LARC) 15-17 Rampart Street, London, E1 2LA, free entry, email bringthewarhome2006@yahoo.co.uk web www.sackparliament.org.uk
8 - Nonviolent direct action workshop and legal briefing. 11am - 4pm, Sunrise Room, Diorama 2, 3-7 Euston Centre, London NW1 3JG (tube: Great Portland Street).
8 Event to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the battle of
Cable St, East London. Procession
Street theatre, Exhibition, Films, Music, History, Stalls, Mural.
Cable Street, London E1 12noon - 4pm See www.naar.org.uk
for more details and leaflet.
9 - Sack Parliament Demo Over the past few years the UK parliament and government have led this country into war upon war, torn up age-old rights and made the division between rich and poor to grow ever wider. MPs and Lords return from their summer recess on October 9th. We need to ensure they can’t get back inside Parliament. Take part! Stop them continuing their wars. 1pm Houses of Parliament, London. web email bringthewarhome2006@yahoo.co.uk web www.sackparliament.org.uk
9-10 - Faslane Blockade, part of Faslane 365 - a year of continual peaceful protest at the gates of the nuclear submarine base in west Scotland, with music from protest folk stalwarts Seize The Day. www.faslane365.org
10-11 - Sustainable Energy & Energy Efficiency Expo. over 100 exhibitors showcasing the most up-to-date energy efficient products and services, including Solar & Photovoltaic, Fuel Cells, Wind, Bio-Energy, Wave & Tidal Hydrogen, Energy Management Control Systems and Metering & Monitoring. Grand Hall, Olympia, London www.energy-expo.info
11 Argentinian film makers present new film about Indymedia in their country. "i"is a meditation on the relationship between media and power as it is manifested by the worlds largest all volunteer network of media activists — Indymedia. The Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton, 6 pm free/donation. www.ithefilm.com
11 Lost and Found social centre openn in the student area of Manchester. Manchester Temporary Autonomous Artists, a group inspired by, and working with the collectives from London and Bristol, will turn the as yet undisclosed location into an art exhibition, including using the building itself as a canvas. Timetable and location can be found at www.lostnfound.org.uk
12 - Nyere and Chavez - New Passions and New Forces; Like President Chávez, Julius Nyerere, the first president of an independent Tanzania, rejected capitalism and worked to develop a society based on co-operation and on bringing together the peoples of the continent of Africa. Selma James, founder and co-ordinator of the Global Women’s Strike, compares the two. 6-8pm, Bolivar Hall, Embassy of Venezuela, 54 Grafton Way, London W1 Warren St Tube Station. Entry by donation. Phone 020 7482 2496, email womenstrike8m@server101.com web www.globalwomenstrike.net We apologise that the hall is not wheelchair accessible. Call in advance for help.
12-16 - "Document 4" - International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival - films covering the issues of asylum and immigration, war and conflict, environmental exploitation, poverty, social exclusion, corporate greed, young people, mental health and more, at a range of venues in Glasgow. For more info contact 15 Argyle Court, 1103 Argyle Street, Glasgow, G3 8ND. Tel: 0141 357 4212. Web www.docfilmfest.org.uk E-mail docfest@gmail.com
13-14 - KLAP!DORP! FILMFEST! Alternative Film Festival - Antwerp, Belgium. www.klapdorp.tk
13-15 - Re:Transmission - gathering of citizen journalists, video makers, artists, educators, programmers and web producers who are developing online video distribution tools for social justice and media democracy. Limehouse Town Hall, London, British Film Institute and RampArt Social Centre, London. www.retransmission.org.uk
13 Kent Against Live Exports (KALE) are asking for anyone who can help with Monitoring support any evening; ie. to take Vehicle Registration numbers and other consignment details, to please turn up and make yourself known at the Eastern Harbour entrance; ie the normal place. Sheep exports seem to be the main stock keeping the trade afloat at present, but this will stop eventually; then we will see if it is livestock exports alone which keep the trade moving. PO Box 363, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 3GJ; England; Uk. Newsline: 01304 204688
13 - 'The "War on Terror" At Home And Abroad' with Emily Johns (recently returned from a peace delegation to Iran) and Maya Evans (first person to be convicted of participating in an "unauthorized" demonstration within 1km of Parliament.) 7.30pm, Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1. Organised by JNV www.j-n-v.org and Voices In The Wilderness http://vitw.org
13 Rampart Social Informally social night like last time - think of it as some kind of pub night. Come along, bring food to share, instruments if you can play, your voice if you have something to say or sing, your records if you fancy a spin. Open decks, open mic, open stage, and music volume kept low enough to hold conversations. Pack of cards? Pub quiz? Karaoke? rampART social centre 15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (near Whitechapel, off Commercial Rd) 8 till late www.rampart.co.nr
14 - World Development Movement Campaigner Convention - York Don't take pity, take action. WDM's Campaigner Conventions will offer you the information and practical tools to campaign for global justice. St John University College, Lord Mayor's Walk, York, YO31 7EX, 10.30am to 4.30pm Free 0800 328 2153 register[at]wdm.org.uk www.wdm.org.uk
14 Public Meeting and workshops for 5th National Miscarriage of Justice Day Blackburne House, Blackburne Place, off Hope Street, Liverpool, L8 7PE. Workshops: 11.00 - 11.45 documents and disclosure - Kevin McMahon and Dr Andrew Green. 12.00 - 12.45 fingerprint identification - Allan Bayle. Main meeting 2pm.
14 - Pyramid of Shoes 2006 - Help call for an international ban on cluster bombs and raise awareness of disability by joining the good soles at the Handicap International Pyramid of Shoes 2006. Hyde Park (Bandstand Area), 10-4pm. Bring a spare pair of shoes to donate to Eastern Europe and Africa. For more call 0870 7743737 or email marie.chiche@hi-uk.org Web www.handicap-international.org.uk
15 - Special screening of “A letter to the Prime Minister: Jo Wilding’s Diary from Iraq” with Jo Wilding, eyewitness to the April 2004 siege of Fallujah. 12 noon, Curzon Soho, 99 Shaftesbury Avenue London W1D 5DY. Tickets £6.50.
15 Iranian Political Prisoner Talk A special Iranian night at the Ramparts. Political prisoners will be talking about their experiences of torture. A film will be shown first and then then an open discussion with the prisoners. There may be some music. rampART social centre 15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (near Whitechapel, off Commercial Rd) 5.30pm till 9.30pm www.rampart.co.nr
16 - Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) are having a peaceful protest campaigning to close down the Defence Export Services Organisation (DESO), a department in the Ministry of Defence employing nearly 500 civil servants who lobby for military exports across government. 12.30pm, 2 -12 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2SH. Call 020 7281 0297 email enquiries@caat.org.uk web www.caat.org.uk/events/DESOactionday.php
16 Anti Shell counter-exhibition and public meeting with speakers from Shell-affected communities in the Niger Delta, South Africa and County Mayo (Ireland) against Shell's sponsorship of the Natural History Museum’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. LARC - or London Action Resource Centre (www.londonarc.org) - is at 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES, (corner of Parfett St., Whitechapel tube) 7pm See also: www.foe.co.uk/shell
16-20 - The SHAC UK tour targetted at companies that have either supplied HLS or been a customer of HLS within the past 12 months www.shac.net/MISC/shac_tour/shac_tour_uk.html
18 Protest against deaths in custody after Lisa Ann Woodhall, aged 28 died of apparently self inflicted wounds. She was the third woman this year to die in prison these circumstances this year. Outside HMP and YOI Eastwood Park, Gloucestershire 1.00 pm.
18 Causes and Hopes for a Peaceful Settlement in the Middle East day conference explaining why "the shortest route to world peace is through Jerusalem" 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP 10am – 4pm For more information, please contact Soraya Boyd, conference organiser, on 07906 435561
18 - Media Democracy Day A day of action based on three themes: * Education - understanding how the media shapes our world and our democracy, * Protest - against a media system based on commercialization and exclusiveness, * Change - calls for media reforms that respond to public interests, promote diversity, and ensure community representation and accountability. "We see great promise in the open communications of the internet and want that openness expanded into every form of media. We envision a global system of communications that has as its foundation in the direct, democratic participation of citizens. To this end, we demand the timely transfer of key media sources back to the people." www.mediademocracyday.org
19 Shut down the G8 An eveing of plotting and skullduggery featuring Russian anarchists giving a report back on the 2006 G8 protests in russia, german anarchists giving an update on plans for the 2007 protests in germnay & welsh anarchists discussing plans for mobilising to the 2007 G8. Plus videos from Past mobilisations against the G8. music from COSMO & Free vegan buffet. 7.30pm, The Model Inn, Quay street, Cardiff, Free cardiffanarchists@riseup.net www.cardiff.revolt.org
21 - Anarchist Bookfair - how many anarchists does it take to change a light bulb? I don't know but someone's probably done a pamphlet about it, which will be available here. At the 25th Annual Anarchist Bookfair you'll find all things anarchist including books, pamphlets, t-shirts and other paraphernalia. 10am-7pm, at the Voluntary Sector Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Rd, London, N7 6PA. Tube - Holloway Road. www.anarchistbookfair.org
21 - World Development Movement Campaigner Convention - Preston Don't take pity, take action. WDM's Campaigner Conventions will offer you the information and practical tools to campaign for global justice. The Salvation Army Centre, Harrington Street, Preston PR1 7BN, 10.30am to 4.30pm Free 0800 328 2153 email register@wdm.org.uk web www.wdm.org.uk
21 Jewdas The Protocols of the Elephants of Zion A night
of radical Jewish culture celebrating subversion, religous anarchy
and rootless cosmopolitanism. Cabaret, djs, bands, installations,
dancers...Corsica Studios, Unit 5, Farrell Court, Elephant Road,
London SE17 1LB, From 9pm £5/4 jewdas@gmail.com
21 - Stop The Oxford
Animal Lab National March And Rally. 12 NOON, Oxpens park, Oxpens
rd, Oxford
Call 0845 330 7985 or 07896 559012 www.speakcampaigns.org.uk/diary.php#national
email info@speakcampaigns.org.uk
21 - Only Connect - uniting the past, present and future A day of discussion, debate and planning sponsored by A World to Win. The first of a series of autumn events to learn from history, explore the big issues of today and work out solutions. Diorama Arts Centre D2, 3-7 Euston Centre, Regents Place, London NW1 3JG www.aworldtowin.net
21 - Challenging Oppression: Open Workshop For Activists. Seeing what empowerment and strategy nonviolence theory and practice can offer to our campaigns confronting oppressive power structures and creating liberating alternatives. 10:15am - 5:15pm. Central Manchester. £20 (£10 concessions). Phone 0207 663 1064. Email sophier@quaker.org.ukWeb www.turning-the-tide.org
21 - A Rough Guide to the Future - A day of debate and planning sponsored by A World to Win. Themes: Hungary 1956, a people's revolution; Challenging corporate globalisaton; Britain, the slide to a police state and Utopia, visions of a sustainable future. Registration at 10:30am, starts 11am - 4.30pm, Diorama Arts Centre D2, London NW1. (Behind Euston Tower, opp. Warren St Tube). £6/3.50 (includes lunch). Phone 07871 745258, email info@aworldtowin.net Web www.aworldtowin.net
21 - Public Meeting + Film Screening of "A letter to the Prime Minister” with Alice Hardy from Public Interest Lawyers and the film director, Julia Guest. Talk and refreshments from 6pm, followed by film at 7.45pm. Friends Meeting House, Church St, Reading.
21 Okupational Hazard V Annual London squatfest. Benefit with live music, MCs, stalls, cafe,cabaret. inc Inner Terrestrials, Crowzone, Fil Planet + loads more. 9pm - all night. place = London TBA price: fiver probably 07956 981 297 www.the-infidel.co.uk
23 Asylum Monologues is an account of the UK's asylum system, told first hand by the people who have experienced it. Holywell Music Room, Holywell Street, Oxford (near Kings Arms pub) Map 7:15 for 7:30 FREE - No bookings required. Get there early to secure a seat. Further info 07913 513567.
23-27 - The SHAC Europe Tour holding demos outside the global headquarters of some of Huntingdon's largest customers, many of them have never had demos outside their offices before. www.shac.net/MISC/shac_tour/shac_tour_europe.html
24 Climate change speaker training Are you concerned about climate change and want to encourage others to take action? Would you like the confidence to speak about it in public? Acquire the text, information, skills and confidence to prepare and deliver a persuasive half hour talk on climate change. St.Ethelburga’s, 78 Bishopsgate, London, EC2. 10am - 4.30pm £20/£85/£120 contact Talk Action on 0207 234 3622 jelliott@talkaction.org www.talkaction.org
25 - Palestine Day of Action at EDO MBM, Home Farm Road, Brighton. 4-6pm. EDO MBM have admitted that they profit from selling equipment for the illegal occupation of Palestine and the bombing of Lebanon. www.smashedo.org.uk
25 - No To Trident discussion/public meeting with Kate Hudson, Chair of CND, presented by The Sussex Alliance for the Retirement of Trident. At the Brighthelm Centre, Brighton, at 7.30pm. For more info contact the Brighton Peace & Environment Centre, 39-41 Surrey Street, Brighton, BN1 3PD, Tel: (01273) 766610, email info@bpec.org web www.bpec.org
27 - Demonstration over Traveller's Death In Prison: Danny Rooney, 39, was found hanged in his prison cell awaiting sentence – but his wife is seeking a further investigation and is contesting the coroner's report. Family members are planning to hold a demonstration outside Bullingdon Prison, Bicester, Oxfordshire at 12 noon. The Irish Travellers Movement 2006 and Gypsy & Traveller Affairs are holding a public meeting at Stow-on-the-Wold Fair on Thursday 26th to rally support for the demonstration. For more contact Margaret McCann on 07765 384449, or Bridie Jones (IRM) on 07765 174141
27 - Funeral of the Wild - Trinidad and Iceland are both having their wildernesses destroyed by the aluminium industry. All invited to join a theatrical and interactive funeral march protest. Meet at 1pm, Sloane Square, wear black. www.savingiceland.org www.nosmeltertnt.com
27 - Nottingham Critical Mass. Meet at the Savoy cinema on Derby Road in Lenton on the last Friday of every month at 5.30pm. The ride lasts no more than a couple of hours (depending on the weather!) and usually ends in a conveniently placed pub or the Sumac Bar for a few drinks. "We are not blocking the traffic - We are Traffic!" www.veggies.org.uk/arc/event.php?ref=213
27 - Anti-fur demo at Harrods, 3pm-8pm. As winter approaches it's time to stop the toffs stocking up on fur winter coats. Nearest tube - Knightsbridge - head for exit marked Harrods/Brompton Rd. There is also an Anti-Fur demo at Harrods on Sat 28th, as usual, from 11am onwards. For more animal rights actions see www.veggies.org.uk/arc.php
28-29 – Sumac Centre Work Weekend - the social centre in Nottingham are holding a work weekend – including building maintenance, odd jobs, gardening etc. 11am – 6pm each day. For more see www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=334
28 - weekend of 'Unauthorised' protest to mark the anniversary of the devastation in Fallujah. Peace Journey from the UK’s Military Nerve Centre in Northwood to Peace Memorial in Tavistock Square (via U.S. Embassy). Meet 11am, Northwood tube station (Metropolitan line tube). Finish 4pm, central London. On Sunday, there will be a 24 hour peace camp in Parliament Square (see below). For more information on 'No More Fallujahs' call 0845 458 2564 or 07791 486484, www.rememberfallujah.org
28 - Protest Against Custory Deaths - 8th Annual Remembrance Procession for those who have died in police, prison and psychiatric care. Silent Procession along Whitehall followed by Protest at Downing Street. Meet at Trafalgar Square, Central London o Assemble at 1.30pm. Nearest tube: Charing Cross. Further info: United Families & Friends Campaign on 07770 432 439 info@injusticefilm.co.uk
28 - Protest against closure of Queens Market, in Upton Park – London's most multi-ethnic market - which is threatened as part of 'renewals' for the 2012 London Olympics – including building 240 executive apartments on the site. Women from the borough of Newham are protesting against the loss of the Market with a march and samba carnival – with all welcome - from Plashet Park along Green St to the Market, at 11am on October 28th. The protest will be directed at St Modwen, the developers, to pull out – as ASDA did four months ago under public pressure. Nearest tube East Ham and Upton Park. For more details call 07956- 649696 or see www.friendsofqueensmarket.org.uk
28 – Noborders Brighton are holding a day of workshops and discussions on the immigration system and how to challenge it: Why the system is fundamentally racist, how the system affects migrants, and how to support migrants. 11:00 am - 5:00 pm, South Wing, 5th Floor, Community Base, 113 Queens Rd, Brighton. This venue has disabled access. Children welcome. A cheap, wholesome vegan lunch will be available - Free to under 18's. For more info contact brightonnoborders@ riseup.net or call 07890023670
28 - World Development Movement Campaigner Convention - Cardiff - Don't take pity, take action. WDM's Campaigner Conventions will offer you the information and practical tools to campaign for global justice. Chapter Arts Centre, Market Road, Canton, Cardiff CF5 1QE, 10.30am to 4.30pm Free 0800 328 2153 register[at]wdm.org.uk www.wdm.org.uk
8 - Take Back The Web Conference; new venture run by campaigners along non-hierarchical and not-for-profit principles. A free forum for discussion, skills and knowledge-sharing so that the benefits of using the internet as a campaigning tool are available to all groups, no matter what their budget. 12pm till 4pm, The Friends Meeting House, Brighton. Free (donations welcome). "Pot Luck" vegan lunch. If you would like to attend please go to http://tbtw.mollyguard.com and sign up.
28 - Nonviolent direct action workshop and legal briefing. 4.30pm - 7.30pm, Diorama 3, 3-7 Euston Centre, London NW1 3JG (tube: Warren Street).
28 “No More Fallujahs” vigil in Eastbourne. 6-7pm, Willingdon roundabout. Bring a candle. Organised by Eastbourne Peace Group. Contact michael.05@tiscali.co.uk or 01323 430 040.
28 – Benefit night for Najjananakumbi Womens Union in Kampala Uganda and Oxfam. At Ormskirk Comrades Club, featuring live music from Gone Beggin +Kasus. 8pm, admission £5.
29 - “Unauthorised” 24-hour peace camp in Parliament Square to demand an end to the occupation. Assemble 12 noon, Parliament Square. The camp will begin with Maya Evans and Milan Rai reading the names of Iraqis who have died as a result of US/UK military action in Iraq – one year after their arrest for doing this. They will also be joined by former UN Humanitarian Co-ordinator for Iraq Denis Halliday and Iraqi artist Haifa Zangana. Please note: this is a potentially arrestable action. For more information on 'No More Fallujahs' call 0845 458 2564 or 07791 486484, www.rememberfallujah.org
29 – Demonstration against UN involvement in Darfur outside 10 Downing St, 1pm-2.30pm, by the Darfur Peoples’ Solidarity, who are saying that UN intervention would only inflame the situation and be perceived in Darfur as a hostile occupation and encourage war between rival groups (in other words a repeat of Iraq or Afghanistan). It is also feared that innocent civilians could be labelled as 'Janjaweed' by UN forces and harassed or killed. For more info call Yagoub Aldmuki on 07947 876839 or email aldmuki@yahoo.co.uk
30 – Noise demo against the Military Nanotech Conference being held Oct 30-31 at 53 Haddon Gardens, London, meeting at 12pm. Meet at Farringdon tube with a frankenstein/cybermen theme. There will be some accommodation at Dalston community centre in London. Nanotech is a big, unregulated area of military research more dangerous than nuclear and biological weapons combined.
31 - Spooky Halloween Demo at EDO MBM, 4-6pm. Come masked Up! At EDO Homefarm Rd, Brighton. For more see www.smashedo.org.uk
2 - Commemoration of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 5.30pm in Room 143 of the Richard Hoggart building of Goldsmiths College, Lewisham Way, New Cross, London, SE14. Meeting is sponsored by Revolutionary History journal and the London Socialist Historians Group.
4 - National Climate March - part of a Day of International Climate Protest on the Saturday before the Nairobi Climate Talks, demanding urgent action on climate all round the world. www.globalclimatecampaign.org
- 10am - Protest Bike Ride assembles Lincoln's Inn Fields. Goes via ExxonMobil offices, Australian Embassy & Downing Street to US Embassy, Grosvenor Square.
- 12 noon - Climate Rally at the US Embassy, Grosvenor Square (Bond St tube) – with mucis and a comic 'mock trial' of climate criminal Bush, with speakers including George Monbiot, Michael Meacher MP, Caroline Lucas MEP, Norman Baker MP.
- 1pm - March for Global Climate Justice from the US embassy, via Berkley Square & Piccadilly Circus to Trafalgar square
- 1.45 - 2pm - March joins I-Count Mass Gathering in Trafalgar Square
This will be the biggest ever climate demo in the UK and part of the biggest ever 'global' climate demo. Join the swelling tide of people all round the world demanding urgent action on climate! More info as it becomes available www.campaigncc.org
4 - The Fire@The Workhouse. We have been given the go ahead to take over a derelict workhouse buliding for an environmental, sustainable community project. This is the first in a series of events to raise the profile and hopefully attract fundimg interest! We've only been given til Feb 2007 to raise the money! The event starts in the afternoon with kids workshops and runs through to 1am with music, fireworks, fire shows, bar, cafe, camping etc. Bands booked: The Sunshine Underground, Subsource, Sicknote, My Void, The Kevs and The Hostages. Llanfyllin, Powys. 14:00 til 1:00. £12 adults, £8 youth, 12 and under. Phone 07890 458561. Email jooles@workhousefestival.co.uk Web www.workhousefestival.co.uk
4 launch party for comic book Funny Weather is being hosted by the Campaign Against Climate Change, and its THIS SATURDAY (4th November) at the Square Pig pub in Holburn, 7pm til midnight. There will be noodly jazz from Tom Rogerson (very book-launchesque) inspirational folk from Theo Simon of Seize the Day (I may cry) and a right old knees up by the sublimely ridiculous Don Bradmans (silly dancing essential).
4-5 - Soil Association Organic Food Festival The Old Fruit Market, Glasgow. The first organic festival for Scotland in the newly revamped Fruit Market. A showcase the best Scottish organic produce and products plus more from around the UK and abroad. It will also feature a Fair Trade area as Glasgow itself moves towards Fair Trade status. www.organicfoodfairs.co.uk
6 - Let's bring the aviation industry down to earth... Plane Stupid national day of action against short haul flights. See www.planestupid.com
6 - Taking Liberties - Public Meeting (Dundee) in response to the growing controversy surrounding the Special Branch Community Contact Unit (SBCCU) run by Tayside Police. Officers from the SBCCU have been operating in Dundee's universities and schools for over a year, seeking intelligence on students and providing what they call "reassurance." 7pm for 7.30pm, Baxter Suite, Tower Building, Main Campus, Dundee University, Perth Road, Dundee Speakers include Aamer Anwar, Osama Saeed, Stewart Hosie MP, Tommy Sheridan MSP, Carlo Morelli (UCU) See www.sacc.org.uk/sacc/resources/dundee_6nov.jpg for poster.
10 - Protecting The
Right To Demonstrate – a public meeting. With speakers
from Smash EDO (www.smashedo.org.uk),
Sussex Action For Peace (www.safp.org.uk),
Palestine Solidarity Alliance (www.palsolidarity.org),
Save Omar Deghayes Campaign (www.save-omar.org.uk)
and more... At Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton, 7.30-9.30pm.
10 - Benefit gig for
Gagged! After pumping out anarchist propaganda for nearly 3
years Gagged! is in desperate need of cash! With two of South Wales’
finest protest singer/songwriters plus the best in knees up
rebellious folk-punk and free vegan buffet!! Le Pub, Caxton Place,
Newport 8pm - 11pm All for a mere £4!
10 - Eleven years on from the murder of Nigerian writer and activist Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight others as part of the Nigerian regime’s crackdown on Ogoni People campaigning against destruction of the Niger delta caused by Shell (see SchNEWS 49). There will be talks and films from 6.30pm with speakers from Nigeria, plus Ireland, where they are also fighting Shell (See SchNEWS 549) at the Common Place social centre, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds, LS2. For more see www.thecommonplace.org.uk
10 - Spoil the Dalston Class Cleansing Party! Punish Institutional Anti-social Behaviour! Go and annoy Ken Livingstone and the Hackney mayor as they attempt to celebrate the yuppie-development based clearance of Gillett Street Market, Dalston. 3pm.
10-19 - Folkestone Literary Festival - talks & films featuring Tariq Ali (Fri 10), John Pilger & Kate Adie (Sat 11), PIlger film (Sun), Steve Jones - On Darwinism v Creationism (Mon 12) & film Death of a President & Talks with writers (12th). Other events through week linked to this. Also Nuclear Debate (Sat 18th) Martin Empson (SWP) v AEA bod. At various venues for more see www.folkestonelitfest.co.uk Bookings 01303 258594 (ask for festival). Email info@folkestonelitfest.co.uk
11 - Picket of Marks & Spencer, Manchester, as part of the international week of action against the building of Israel's 'Apartheid Wall' by Manchester "Victory To The Intifada Group". For more info about Marks & Spencer's Israeli links see www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-marks-and-spencer.html 12pm til 3pm, Market St, Manchester City Centre.
11 - Remembrance Day for Iraq and Afghanistan organised by Sussex Action For Peace (www.safp.org.uk) at Churchill Square, Brighton, at 2pm. With stalls and speakers. Similar events are being organised across the country by groups affiliated with Stop The War Coalition www.stopwar.org.uk
11 - Benefit for No Borders from 7pm-1am with breaks and beats, plus happy hour from 7-9pm. at the Cowley Club, 12 London Rd, Brighton.
11-12 - Northern Eco-action Gathering, Leeds. Workshops on direct action, skill sharing, strategising. Novices and experienced activists all welcome. The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf St, Leeds. 11.00am-6.00pm (both days) For more see www.eco-action.org/northern
13 - Big Aldermaston Blockade. In less than two months the government will publish their decision on the future of Britain's nuclear weapons. Meanwhile at Aldermaston, work has begun on building the new Orion laser facility in advance of the government's "decision". We can stop this if we work together and we apply a lot of pressure NOW. Block The Builders will be using non-violent direct action to stop the building work at Aldermaston. For blockade details (of when to meet, phone and email details, etc) see www.blockthebuilders.org.uk
14 - Strengthening capacity to face future vulnerability Randolph Kent, King's College London; Bill McGuire, Benfield Hazard Research Centre; Olu Arowobusoye, ECOWAS RSA, John Adam St, London WC2. 5pm 020 7451 6868 www.thersa.org/events free.
14 - No Borders group in Brighton meeting, 6pm, Cowley Club, 12 London Rd - all welcome. This is a regular meeting held every second Tuesday.
15 - Mass Lone Demo, Parliament Square, London 6-7pm. These protests, organised by Mark Thomas, are in response to the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (SOCPA) prohibiting 'unauthorised' protest around parliament (see SchNEWS 560) Again, application forms for these demos will be handed into Charing Cross police station before Nov 8th. For more info email tricia_bird@yahoo.com or call 07941 311556. See also www.markthomasinfo.com
16 - anti- horse-racing
demo at Market Rasen, Lincolshire (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_Rasen)
from 11am-2pm. For more see http://www.animalaid.org.uk
17-19 - Introduction to Renewable Energy Weekend in Wales Three-day long Introduction to Renewable Energy Weekend Courses at the Centre of Continuing Education, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, in Mid-Wales. See www.greendragonenergy.co.uk/courses.htm for more info. An on-line enrolment form can be found at www.aber.ac.uk/addysg/geninfo/enrol
18 - Ending The Occupation Of Iraq: A Strategy Meeting. Speakers including Ewa Jasiewicz, Milan Rai, Sami Ramadani and more. 10.30am-5pm, at Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, Euston, London NW1 2BJ (tube: Euston) Book a place beforehand, £5/£2 conc. Organised by www.iraqoccupationfocus.org
18 - Compassionate Living Fair - 10am - 4pm, at the Southampton Solent University Conference Centre, above Bar Street, Southampton. Entry - £1.50, free for under16's, plus free hot and cold vegan/veggie food, cookery demos, and lots of stalls. For details contact Ziggy on 02380 643813, email zigzw@yahoo.co.uk
18 - People's Assembly discussing Islamophobia and The War On Terror by the Stop the War Coalition. Open to all, free, 10am–5.30pm, Camden Centre, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE. For more details contact 020 7278 6694; For more see www.stopwar.org.uk
18 - Day of Action for Primates. Around 10,000 primates are used in experiments across Europe each year, with more than a third in British laboratories. There is a national call-out from Animal Aid for actions and stalls across the country to raise awareness. For more info email kate@animalaid.co.uk or see www.animalaid.org.uk
19 - Benefit Gig for Mumia Abu-Jamal - the former Black Panther and journalist framed on a murder charge in 1982 and on death row since (See SchNEWS 228, 34). Mumia's appeal is currently on 'fast track', and the Pennsylvania state is determined to carry out execution soon. With film, discussion, live music. 7pm-12am. Grosvenor Pub, Sidney St, Stockwell, SW9. £5/£3 - money going to legal defence campaign. See http://brixton4mumia.wordpress.com also www.mumia.org
21 - Film Screening - ''Behind The Mask'' - a direct action film from animal rights activists who risk all to save animals lives. Plus a talk by animal rights activist Keith Mann. At The Electric Palace, 39a High Street, Old town in Hastings, £4.00 unwaged & £5.00 waged, Doors open 7.30pm free yummy vegan refreshments avaliable!!
22 - Protest against Caterpillar's complicity in Israeli war crimes. 5.30pm at Grosvenor Hotel, London, as Caterpillar's Vice President comes to town. Help is needed to publicise the demo, as well as make banners and organise the action. For more email thewallmustfall@riseup.net
24 - Mauritian Embassy Demo against the country's support of the cruel primate trade for vivisection. Primates are either bred in monkey farms or wild caught in the jungles of Mauritius and flown to the UK to die inside disgusting animal testing labs around the country. Meet 11am Gloucester Rd Tube Station, London. For more contact South East Animal Action on 0845 337 2964, email southeastanimalaction@yahoo.co.uk
24 - Synergy – the magical indoor festival is back, combining musicians, Djs, Vjs,performers, and artists from all corners of creativity, with info-stalls from NGO's and campaign groups. From 10pm, at SeOne Club, Weston St, London Bridge SE1. Price - £20/£15 conc/adv. Web www.myspace.com/thesynergyproject
24 - Anchor Rocks – gig by the Anchor Project, a south London youth club for separated asylum seekers with The Cedars, Lovebirds, Tacticians and Officer Kicks. From 8pm til late, at The Windmill, £5, for more call 07886 770 348, email anchor.project@lycos.co.uk web www.myspace.com/theanchorproject
24 - Manchester Critical Mass - last Friday of the month meet 6pm at Central Library, Manchester. After this one the next dates are: dec 29, jan 26 ('07), feb 23, mar 30, apr 27, may 25. For more info see http://velorution.x21.org.uk
24 - Nottingham Critical Mass - last Friday of the month meet at the Savoy cinema on Derby Road in Lenton on the last Friday of every month at 5.30pm - usually ending at the Sumac Centre for drinks. "We are not blocking the traffic - We are Traffic!" http://CriticalMassRides.info/nottingham
25 - Buy Nothing Day For 24 hours, we remember that no one was born to shop, we make a small choice to participate by not participating. We call it Buy Nothing Day. Why not set up a free shop in your local town centre? Why not just hang out with your friends and family for the day without buying stuff? Why not shut down your local shopping centre by dumping 100 tonnes of horse shit in front of their main entrance? Why not? For more see www.adbusters.org/metas/eco/bnd
25 - Buy Nothing Day bicycle ride, Manchester. Bike ride to the Cheshire countryside (buying nothing but having mucho fun!) bring packed lunch, bike and warm waterproof clothing! Meet 11am at the Basement Social Centre, 24 lever st, Manchester, M1 2EZ. For more info see http://velorution.x21.org.uk
25 - Defy-ID National Gathering, Nottingham. 11am onwards at the Sumac Centre, to organise resistance to ID Cards and the National ID Register. Food and basic accommodation – but email in advance. For details see www.nottingham-defy-id.org.uk/gathering
25 - Film screening - "5 1/2 ROOFS" - a film about squatting in London, which will be a benefit for Spirit and those at the Broadway Market (for more see http://34broadwaymarket.omweb.org/modules/wakka/HomePage) at the Rio Cinema, Dalston, East London, at 11.15pm.
25 – Demo to stop the demolishing of The Queen's Pub, Queens Market, Upton Park, East London (Upton Pk tube then south 60 yds) 12-3pm at the pub. The next battle ground as East London fights 'gentrification' and the destruction of communities for the Olympics, as well as the fight to keep Queens Market – London's most multi-cultural market - from being turned into yuppy flats. For more info call FoQM Campaign Coordinator Mr J Peasnall 0208 472 5933 or Mrs P. Rowe on 0208 472 4730 See www.friendsofqueensmarket.org.uk
25 - Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) Annual Meeting. A one day conference open to all discussing the arms trade, and CAAT's campaigns. The event is free but please register online in advance. 10am-6pm, at the Mary Ward House, 5-7 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9SN. For more info call 020 7281 0297, email anna@caat.org.uk web www.caat.org.uk/events/gathering.php
25 - A Benefit for Anarchist Black Cross, Hull. ABC is the international network of groups whose aim is to highlight the plight of prisoners, with an emphasis on anarchist and other class struggle prisoners including asylum seekers and environmentalists. Djs include Maily-Techno, Applemax-Eighties, Kenny-odds and sods, Saoirse-political punk and hiphop. At the Afro Carribean Centre, Park St, Hull, nr Silhouettes. 6.30pm - 10.40pm. £5 waged/£3.50unwaged. Bring yea own Beer and Cider. Email hullanarchistgroup@yahoo.co.uk
25 - Bike to Campsfield - Join the bike ride from Oxford to Campsfield Refugee Detention Centre for the demonstration. Cycling vests and placards with slogans are available to borrow, or make and wear your own. Meet at Martyrs Memorial, Oxford (near The Randolph and Debenhams) at 11:15am. This event repeats on the last Saturday of every month. For more see www.closecampsfield.org.uk
25 – Conference about Omar Deghayes, Brighton resident currently in Guantanamo Bay. Speakers include Craig Murray (ex-Ambassador to Uzbekhistan and author of “Murder in Samarkand”), Milan Rai, activist, co-founder of 'Justice not Vengeance' and author of “War Plan Iraq” and “Regime Unchanged”, as well as testimonies from Omar's family. 11:30am-4pm at 10/11 Pavilion Parade, Brighton (opposite Brighton Pavillion and near The Marlborough Pub). Free entry, with free info packs and refreshments. For more details contact Martin on 07985408124 see also www.save-omar.org.uk To send letters of support to Omar email to jackie.chase@virgin.net
25 – Demonstration against the BNP holding their annual conference in Blackpool. Meet at 12 noon at the square at the top of Victoria Street, Blackpool at the side entrance to the Winter Gardens. Dress warm – it may be chilly. For more see
26 - South West Permaculture Convergence, being held by the Bristol Permaculture Group at St Werburghs Community Centre, Horley Rd, St Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9TJ. With talks, discussions & practical workshops from 9.30am til late, plus vegan food by Kebele Kulture Project Cafe, and entertainment by 'Don't Take That' – a cover band with an eco-twist. £6 for the day, but email dilemma@btinternet.com to book your place. For more see www.permaculture.org.uk
26 - Anniversary demo at Campsfield Refugees Detention centre. Close All 174 Detention Centres In Europe! No Fortress Europe! At Campsfield IRC main gates, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford. 12pm – 2pm. Campaign to Close Campsfield – email bmackeith@aol.com, tel 01865 558145 / 07791 744 260 / 01993 703 994 www.ncadc.org.uk
26 – Animal Rights Coalition meeting – a meet up of activists from around the country, in Banbury at Ruscote Hall Community Association, Ruscote Arcade, off Longelandes Way, Banbury, OX16 1PH. 9am-12pm: vegan breakfast, info-stalls, films etc, 12pm-5pm – discussion. For more details email arcmeetings@rbgi.net For location map see http://tinyurl.com/yeo7oq
26 - South London Radical History Groupies are going to walk along the south end of North London's New River and do a bit of sightseeing, and politico-historical chattering along the way... Meet Turnpike Lane tube at 2pm
26 - Bilston Glen Protest Camp free cafe. The four-year running protest site 7 miles south of Edinburgh is serving free food and tea from 12pm, going onto the opening of the "Bilston cinema in the woods' evening of political films, as well as live music and info-stall. Bring yer own booze, wrap up warm, accommodation available. For map to site, and background information about the protest site, see www.bilstonglen-abs.org.uk Site mobile - 0775 328 0009. The get there take the number 37 or 47 bus from North Bridge or Nicolson st in Edinburgh and ask the driver to let you off at Bilston Glen, go down the gate next to the bus stop and you're there - ring site mobile if you're lost. There is a cafe on the last Sunday of every month.
27 – Climate Change and Fossil Fuel Futures - film night and discussion presented by Plan B and Undercurrents, 6:30pm-late at The Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea, Box Office 01792 463980. Entry £4/ £3concession/£1.50 for low carbon transport (pay on door) Ticket includes free entry into the Beyond TV Party (Friday before 21:00) For more see www.planb.org
29 - War In Lebanon - Indymedia Photographer reports back from war ravaged Lebanon and presents slideshow with talk followed by a critical discussion. 8pm, at LARC 62 Fieldgate St Whitechapel E1, free entry, for more info call 0207 3779088, email larclibrary@googlemail.com web www.londonarc.org
29 - Anarchist Quiz Book Launch. at 7.30pm at the Artillery Arms, 102 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8ND. Quiz to launch the Anarchist Quiz Book, published by Freedom Press. Teams welcome. Call Freedom on 020 7247 9249 to reserve places (50p per person). Nearest Tube/ Rail: Old Street.
29 - Dec 13 - Sheffield: Mooreen will be a temporary, autonomous not-for-profit social centre space in Sheffield on an occupied city centre site. The location is yet to be revealed – keep checking back here for updates. This will be 2 weeks of workshops, films, gigs, etc. For more info call 07989874965 web www.mooreen.aktivix.org
30 - Special meeting of Worthing Alliance with guest speaker Milan Rai, author and anti-war activist. Plus news and views from various local campaigns. Open to all. Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, Worthing, 8pm. For more see www.eco-action.org/porkbolter
30 - Critical Mass Brighton. Meet at the Level (BN2 3FX) on the last Friday of every month at 6pm. Come join us! Bring bikes, lights and noise! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/criticalmassbrighton/
1-2 - The World Fair - London fair trade fair celebrates its 20th anniversary! With live music, over 50 stalls run by ethical traders and charities, Womad's Madras Cafe, Fair Trade bar, Arts, Crafts, Clothes, Cards, Books, Toys, Creche (sat only), Disabled Access, at the Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London WC1. Fri 1st - 12noon – 7pm, Sat 2nd - 11am – 5pm. For more info call 020 7354 4231 / 07957 861379, email alex@millipedia.co.uk web www.worldfair.org.uk
1 - Orgasmic Acoustic at Brighton Peace & Environment Centre. Local musicians will be performing solo sets to raise funds for BPEC including Matt Kemp, Barnaby O'Rorke, Hanna Burchill, compared by comedian Robin Lawley. Starts 8pm at BPEC 39-41 Surrey St, Brighton. £5/donation. For more call 01273 766611 web www.bpec.org
1 Critical Mass - Birmingham: meets this Friday 1st December at 6.00pm outside St. Phil's Cathedral. To be notified of future Critical Mass in Brum go on this list https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/brumcriticalmass
2 - National anti-war demonstration at RAF Brize Norton - where British troops are flown to and from Iraq and Afghanistan, and from which Iraqi and Afghani asylum seekers are deported from. This demo seeks to draw attention to the massive array of military bases around us, & broader militarisation of the U.K. Demo supported by National Stop The War Coalition & National and CND. Assemble at 12 noon in Carterton, Oxfordshire. www.stopwar.org.uk For more email swindon_stopwar@yahoo.co.uk tel 07764563855. For more on the plight of the deportees see : www.ncadc.org.uk For map of Carterton see www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=51.7598&lon=-1.5931&scale=2000
2 - Live Exports Demo – Dover. Kent Against Live Exports (KALE) hold demos on the first Saturday of each month between 12pm-3pm at Eastern Docks Roundabout, Dover. The Newsline (01304 204688) is updated every shipment day, with final news on that particular evening's events issued around 7pm. Web www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~kale/ Further dates will be noted at www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=498
2 - Stop The Gaza Siege – an International Day Of Action. The people of Gaza are paying a heavy price for the refusal of the Israeli government to negotiate with the Palestinian Authority. As well as a large demo in Tel Aviv, there is events taking place in 95 cities. London – there will be a candle vigil, 5pm at Edith Cavel statue (next to National Portrait Gallery, Trafalgar Sq.) Called by Israelis and Palestinians living in UK. For more call 07957-486 379. There will also be similar events in Liverpool, Keswick, Brighton and Edinburgh – see http://gazasiege.net/international/london.html#7. For background see www.palestinecampaign.org
2 - Mill Road Winter Fair, Cambridge with circus performers, singing, storytelling – even an ice-rink! 10:30am- 5pm, taking place up and down Mill Rd.
2 - London neighbourhood
Climate Camp meeting, 1pm, at LARC (London Action Resource Centre),
62 Fieldgate street, Whitechapel, E1. For more see www.climatecamp.org.uk
2 - Defend the Right to Protest - a day of discussions organised by Campaign against Criminalising Communitees, 10am-5pm at London Metropolitan University, Holloway Road, London. With speakers from Smash EDO, Gareth Peirce, Mark Thomas, Craig Murray, Nafeez Ahmed, Bill Bowring. Web www.cacc.org.uk
3 - 'Car Crawl' Protest against planned Newhaven Incinerator. The worlds first drive-thru protest? Meet in your car 12 noon at North Quay Road and travel in convoy around Newhaven arriving at the Hollingdean Depot, Brighton, 3pm, to be met by Anti-The Waste Local Plan demonstraters already set up outside the depot. Best dressed car wins. For more see www.dove2000.org The incinerator will release dangerous pollutants such as dioxins and mercury which accumulate up the food chain and pose a long term health threat see www.no-burn.org
4 - Open Olympics Forum. Those who are critical of the way that the 2012 Olympics is affecting their Borough would like to share their experiences with like-minded people from the other Boroughs who are feeling the Olympic effect. 7.30pm at Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street, E17, free entry, for more call 020 8558 6880 email carl@carltaylor.freeserve.co.uk web www.gamesmonitor.org.uk
4 – Public Meeting called by Save Hornsey Central Hospital Campaign. At Middle Lane Methodist Church Hall, London N8. Tel: Janet 020 8883 9571 Email: susiesecher@blueyonder.co.uk
5 - Smash The Big Brother Exhibition. This December Olympia hosts the Counter Terrorism World exhibition, where security and police forces from around the world meet, and this time they will be looking at new surveillance equipment, software for sifting through emails and tapping phones. Prominent guests include a large Israeli contingent. There will be a demonstration outside Olympia at 1pm called by London Class War (Olympia tube) www.londonclasswar.org
5 - Stop Arming Israel campaign launch and public meeting. 6.30pm, at Room U8, Tower One, LSE, Houghton St, Holborn, London WC2. For more see www.stoparmingisrael.org
5 - Lesbian and Gay Asylum Seekers Support Meeting. Bringing together lesbian and gay asylum seekers, as well as community groups, solicitors, and others working with them. With talks from the UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group (UKLGIG) – volunteer solicitors. 7pm – 9pm at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4RL (Holborn Tube) For more see www.uklgig.org.uk
5 - Launch of "Misjudging Rape" - A Dossier of how adjudicators and immigration judges flout international law and even their own guidelines when they consider the asylum claims of women and girls seeking safety and protection from rape. Starts 6.30pm at Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. Free entry, nearest tube – Holborn. For more info call 0207 482 2496, web www.womenagainstrape.net
6 – Screening of documentary “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”, made by Irish filmmakers Kim Bartley & Donnacha O Briain during the attempted coup on President Chavez in Venezuala in 2002, followed by discussion. By LSE FRFI society and Rock around the Blockade. 7pm in Room S221, St Clement's Building, London School of Economics, Houghton Street WC2 ( tube Holborn) For more call 020 7837 1688 email su.soc.frfi@lse.ac.uk For more about film see www.chavezthefilm.com
7 - SchNEWS 12th Birthday Party, at The Church, Dyke Rd, Brighton, SchMOVIES from 9pm & two floors of DJ’s till late. Music policy - strictly Breaks, Drum n Bass, Dub, Techno, Electro, Hip-Hop, Reggae, Indie, Punk, Ska, Country and other stuff played by many fine people - Castrillon, DirtyHertz, Jude (Ape-x), Bluefeet (Funkollectif, Radio 4A), Dee Love, Georgie, Hollystyrene, Lux, Sonik (Tramps With Amps), Ichy (Shindig), Johnny Crackpot, Louie (London Unity, Swarm), Mr Fin (Da Kings Hi Fi), Mark Headspace (Birthday Boy), Irish Mark, Moonshine Willy, Simon (SchNEWS) and Scrap Records LIVE!. £3 - no guest list, cos we’re skint - OK?
7 - Corporate Power = Climate Chaos - A World to Win Open Forum. Act now to save the planet - come and discuss A World to Win’s Action Plan to halt climate chaos. 7Pm at The Old Joint Stock, 4 Temple Road West, Birmingham city centre, B2 5NY. Free entry, for more call 07871 745258 email info@aworldtowin.net web www.aworldtowin.net/about/Birmingham.html
8 - Kebele Birthday Bash - 11 years and Bristol's social centre is still kicking! Featuring bands and DJs including Don Bradmans and a lot more.... At the Black Swan, Stapleton Rd, Easton, Bristol, 10pm to late. £5 on door. For more details see www.kebelecoop.org/events_11thParty.html
9 - Unite against the BNP in Barking and Dagenham – where the BNP has 12 councillors. 1pm, Central Park, Dagenham. Called for by Unite Against Fascism www.uaf.org.uk
9 - East Midlands Vegan Festival. At The YMCA, Shakespeare St, Nottingham, NG1 4FG, followed by a social at the Sumac Centre, an all-vegan venue, with a People's Kitchen Meal from 6.30pm, then open deck bedroom dj session. Over 2000 people at last year's event. Web www.eastmidlandsveganfestival.co.uk
9 - Anti-deportation Protest in Manchester - NWASDG and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! will be holding an anti-deportation protest 11.30am-1.30pm on Market Street in Manchester city centre. Say no to the racist Labour government's policies of starvation, isolation, detention and deportation of refugees and asylum seekers, where it matters: on the streets. There will also be an organising meeting for our activities after the stall at 2pm in the Basement cafe, 24 Lever Street, Manchester (near Piccadilly). North West Asylum Seekers Defence Group email fightback_05@yahoo.com web www.asylum-seekers-defence.org.uk
Nov 29 - Dec 13 - Sheffield: Mooreen is a squatted social centre in Sheffield open until Dec 13th - a hub of grassroots autonomous activity, run by collective for mutual aid and cooperation from Nov 29th – Dec 13th. The location is the Old Commerce House, 33 Earl St, just off the moor opposite Sainsburys. If you would like to be involved – eg putting on a gig/workshop/film screening etc, get in touch. For more call 07989 874965 or see www.mooreen.aktivix.org and www.myspace.com/sheffieldsquatters
11 - Block the Builders at AWE Aldermaston, Newbury, West Berks - where Britain’s Trident nuclear warheads are assembled. AWE is spending millions of pounds recruiting scientists, building the huge new ORION laser facility – capable of simulating nuclear weapons tests – and many more buildings at enormous public expense. The action will take place in the morning, and free accommodation is available for the night before - call 0207 7002 393. For more info see www.blockthebuilders.org.uk www.cnduk.org email btb@aldermaston.net
13 - Worthing Green Social festive special, including performance by musician Rob Johnston, Fairtrade mulled wine and organic mince pies. Upstairs at The Rest, Bath Place, Worthing, 8pm. Email worthing@eco-action.org
16 - London Anarchist Forum – an anarchist midwinter social. Bring food and drink to share, free, from 2:30pm at the Autonomy Club, Freedom Press, Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High St, E1 7QX email londonevents2004@yahoo.co.uk web www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com
23 - Uptocollective
Halfway Up The Hill Festival - Fundraising evening for Lincoln's
legendary Half Way Up The Hill Festival. Fantastic line up, good
food and bar available.7.30pm Croft St Community Centre, Lincoln,
£6.00. For more call 07941356730 email info@uptocollective.com
web www.uptocollective.com
- London - meets 6.30pm on the last Friday of every month on the South Bank under Waterloo Bridge, by the National Film Theatre. For more see www.criticalmasslondon.org.uk
- Manchester - meets 6pm on the last friday of every month at Central Library, Manchester. After this one the next dates are: jan 26 ('07), feb 23, mar 30, apr 27, may 25. For more info see http://velorution.x21.org.uk
- Brighton - meet 6pm on the last Friday of every month at the Level (BN2 3FX). Come join us! Bring bikes, lights and noise! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/criticalmassbrighton/
- Nottingham - 5.30pm on the last Friday of every month meet at the Savoy cinema on Derby Road in Lenton.The ride lasts no more than a couple of hours (depending on the weather!) and usually ends in a conveniently placed pub or the Sumac Bar for a few drinks. www.veggies.org.uk/arc/event.php?ref=213
- Oxford - meet 5.45pm on the last Friday of every month at the Cornmarket end of Broad Street outside The Oxford Story Leaving around 6 ish. For more see www.myspace.com/oxfordcriticalmass Email oxfordcriticalmass@hotmail.co.uk
- Reading - meet 5.30pm on the last Friday in each month, starting from infront of Reading Town Hall. For more see www.criticalmassreading.info
- Cambridge - meet 6.30pm on the last Friday of the month at Market Square. To confirm see http://criticalmass.cambridgeaction.net