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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone
number F fax number email@address www.website Description.
AntiFa.net www.antifa.net
Portal to anti-fascism and anti-racism on the web. Offer secure
web hosting to anti-fascists.
Campaign Against Racism & Fascism (CARF)
BM Box 8784, London, WC1N 3XX. T 020 7837 1450 F 0870 052 5899 info@carf.demon.co.uk
www.carf.demon.co.uk CARF
magazine exposes racism in multicultural Britain. Details the European
offensive against refugees and shows how the domestic fight against
racism is shaped by international forces.
Evil:Austria! raw@raw.at
www.raw.at Multi-lingual monthly
newsletter providing information about the Austrian coalition government
including the far right FPOe.
Institute of Race Relations 2-6 Leeke Street
, London WC1X 9HS. T 020 7278 0623 F 020 7278 0623 info@irr.org.uk
www.irr.org.uk The IRR carries
our research into issues of racism, from the rise of racial violence
to the plight of asylum seekers. The IRR publishes Race & Class
and the European Race Bulletin.
Minority Rights Group International 379 Brixton
Rd, London, SW9 7DE T 020 7978 9498 F 020 7738 6265 minority.rights@mrgmail.org
Work to secure rights for ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities
world wide, and educating people about minority issues in order
to counter racism and prejudice.
National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR) 28
Commercial St, London, E1 6LS T/F 020 7247 9907 AA_R@compuserve.com
Aims to initiate campaigns, set agendas and raise awareness on
the whole range of anti-racist issues affecting British society.
Newham Monitoring Project (NMP) 63 Broadway,
Stratford, London, E15 4BQ T 020 8555 8151 F 020 8555 8163 nmp@gn.apc.org
Local grassroots anti-racist organisation, offers independent
advice and casework support for victims of racial harassment, police
harassment and civil injustice.
No Platform Anti-Fascist Network BM Box 5827,
London, WC1M 3XX. noplatform@antifa.net
Network of anti-fascist socialists, anarchists and anti-capitalists,
united by a commitment to the policy of 'no platform' for fascism.
Northern: 07970 398933; Midlands: 07940 305017; South East: c/o
Brigthon ABC; London: 07960 771572.
Notes From the Borderland BM Box 4769, London,
WC1N 3XX Pager: 07669-175886 larry@borderland.co.uk
www.borderland.co.uk We
publish cutting edge parapolitical research into the secret state,
fascists, etc - material that is too sharp for Guardian/Red Pepper.
The Monitoring Group (TMG) 14 Featherstone
Rd, Southall, Middx, UB2 5AA. T 020 8843 2333 Emergency Helpline
0800 374618 www.monitoring-group.co.uk
Agency helping victims of racial harassment, police misconduct,
domestic violence and immigration detention.
