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Support | Refugees | Sexuality
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| Workers' Rights.
The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone
number F fax number email@address www.website Description.
Enabler Publications Books
about counter culture, Travellers, protest and creative work with
young people. (See entry under Media)
Friends, Families & Travellers (FFT)
Community Base, 113 Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XG. T 01273 234777/mobile:
07971 550328 F 01273 234778 fft@communitybase.org
Advice and Information Unit for Gypsies, Travellers, service
providers etc, on issues such as evictions, sites, planning, discrimination.
Also lobbying and campaigning on Travellers' rights.
New Futures Association The Cottage, Glaneirw,
Tan-y-groes, Ceredigion. T: 01239 811929 nfauk@hotmail.com
Established a resource centre for nomadic people to encourage
training, education and self-help. Supports travellers by providing
information and advice and through campaigning.
Traveller Law Research Unit (TLRU) www.cf.ac.uk/claws/tlru
Research and publication of Traveller-related legal issues.
Travellers' School Charity (See entry
under Education)
