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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone
number F fax number email@address www.website Description.
Factsheet 5 PO Box 4660 Arlington, VA
22204, USA. T 703-553-2945 F 703-553-0565 twbounds@pop.mail.rcn.net
Comprehensive quarterly guide to zines/alternative
publications. Each issue packed with reviews/contact/ordering info
for hundreds of independent publications. Media
Trust PO Box 14, Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, NR23 1LA. T 01328
710165 sarah@fairylandtrust.org www.fairylandtrust.org Dedicated
to protecting ancient countryside, recreating natural habitats and
making the land fit for fairies. Environment
Trade Cafe 2 Ashgrove, Bradford, BD7 1BN T
01274 727034 www.fairtradecafe.org.uk
Not-for-profit cafe that exists to raise awareness
about fair trade & other related issues. A largely volunteer
run community cafe that aims to provide cheap, healthy, ethical
and delicious food. Cafés & Clubs
Fairtrade Foundation, The Suite 204, 16 Baldwin's Gardens, London, EC1N 7RJ.
T 020 7405 5942 F 020 7405 5943 mail@fairtrade.org.uk www.fairtrade.org.uk
The Fairtrade Foundation
exists to ensure a better deal for marginalised and disadvantaged
third world producers. Economics
mail@fanclubbers.org www.fanclubbers.org Fusing art and activism to create culture-jams with a focus on surveillance
and the excesses of consumer culture. Culture/Anti-Capitalism
Animal Action PO Box 27, Tonbridge, Kent TN12 5WJ. T 0845 4560284
www.farmedanimalaction.co.uk Educate the public in the interests of farmed
animals, who are often the forgotten victims of animal abuse. Animal
Faslane Peace Camp A814, Shandon, Nr Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire,
G84 8NT. T 01436 820901 faslanepeacecamp@hotmail.com www.faslanepeacecamp.org
We live across the road from
Britain's nuclear arsenal, stop nuclear convoys, generally harrass
the MoD. Peace
Federation Collective Rampenplan P.O. Box 780, 6130 At Sittard, The Netherlands
T +31 46 452 4803 F +31 46 451 6460 ramp@antenna.nl www.antenna.nl/rampenplan
Federation based on
basic democracy and anarchism. Includes a
mobile vegetarian/vegan ecological kitchen, anarchist/environment
book publisher and a video action newsgroup. Anarchism/Food/Environment/Media
Federation of City Farms and Community
Gardens The Green House, Hereford St, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3
4NA T 0117 923 1800 www.farmgarden.org.uk
admin@farmgarden.org.uk Bringing together
information on city farms and community gardens across the county.
Food and Farming
of Deaf People PO Box 11, Darwen, Lancs BB3 3GH. F 01254 708071
contact@fdp.org.uk www.fdp.org.uk A voluntary organisation that campaigns for Deaf people's rights, funded
by donations and membership. Disability Rights
Free Flyingdales Network www.freefylingdalesnetwork.co.uk A small organisation that aim to stop America's
"Son of Star Wars" Plans and, in particular, the use of
RAF Fylingdales in North Yorkshire as part of this plan. Peace
Feminist Library, The 5-5a Westminster Bridge Rd, London, SE1 7XW. T
020 7928 7789 feministlibrary@beeb.net Largest
lending and reference library of contemporary feminist material
in the UK, both fiction and non-fiction. Education/Women
Festival Eye BCM
2002, London, WC1N 3XX. T 0870 737 1011 F 0870 7371010 subscriptions@festivaleye.com www.festivaleye.com Published
each May (£3 + SAE) with the most comprehensive listings of UK festivals
side by side with beautiful artwork, photography and reviews. Culture
Festival Zone, The info@thefestivalzone.com www.thefestivalzone.com
Website listing rock festivals
in Europe. Culture
Sun Archive, The Mobile 07940 393671 5un@freeuk.com
The Fifth Sun Archive is a video library of
social and environmental protest in the UK, established in 1994.
Forest Garden Network A.R.T., 46 Hunters Moon Dartington, Totnes, Devon,
TQ9 6JT. mail@agroforestry.co.uk www.agroforestry.co.uk
An informal network of people
planning or already cultivating forest garden, aiming to visit each
other's gardens and share knowledge of temperate agroforestry. Gardening
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Unit D, Station Building, Llanidgoes, Powys, SY18
6EB T 01686 413916 F 01686 412176 www.fsc-uk.demon.co.uk fsc-uk@fsc-uk.demon.co.uk
Certifying forests
managed to standards which protect people and the environment and
identifying timber products from them with the FSC logo. Forests
& Woodlands
Foundation for Local Food Initiatives, PO Box 1234, Bristol BS99 2PG. T 0845 4589525
F 0117 9260221 mail@localfood.org.uk
We are an independent not-for-profit co-operative
company promoting and supporting the growth of healthy local food
economies. Farming
Free Burma Coalition 1101 Pennsylvania Ave, SE #204 20003, USA.
T 202 547 5985 F 202 544 6118 comments@freeburmacoalition.org
www.freeburmacoalition.org Through public education, policy advocacy, consumer boycotts, and divestment
campaigns, FBC works to raise awareness about the horrific human
rights violations by Burma's illegitimate military dictatorship.
Human Rights
Free Range Education AskFredService@AOL.COM www.free-range-education.co.uk Home education site - stacked with resources, links, information, qualified
legal help and an e-mail support service called Ask FREd. Education
Freedom To Be Yourself, The 13 C, Pioneer House, Adelaide Street, Coventry
M 07788 557078 thehumanmind@yahoo.co.uk www.geocities.com/thehumanmind The right to be unclothed in all
public places. Human skin. Body visibility. The human race: Every
BODY! Justice and the Law
Free Satpal Ram Campaign P.O. Box 30091 London SE1 1WP. www.appleonline.net/satpal Satpal Ram was given a life sentence for defending
himself from a vicious racist attack. Prisoner Support
Free Tibet Campaign
1 Rosomon Place, London, EC1R 0JY T 020 7833 9958 F 020 7833 3838
mail@freetibet.org www.freetibet.org An independent membership organisation campaigning in support of the
rights of the Tibetan people to freedom and independence. Human Rights/Indigenous Peoples
Freedom Book Company 73 Fawcett Rd, Southsea, Hants, PO4 0DB T 023 92780600
F 023 92780444 www.freedombooks.co.uk info@freedombooks.co.uk
Massive range of informative
drugs related books and magazines (cultivation, legality, effects
etc), Undercurrents videos, radical magazines and periodicals. Bookshops/Drugs
Freedom anarchist fortnightly 84b Whitechapel High St, London, E1 7QX. T 020
8771 8317 F as phone FreedomCopy@aol.com
Britain's most frequent anarchist
paper carries news and views from a growing range of activists.
All contributions welcome. Anarchism/Media
Press, 84b Whitechapel High St, London, E1 7QX T
020 7247 9249 F 020 7377
9526 freedom@ecn.org www.ecn.org/freedom Anarchist publishers
and propagandists since 1886, through our periodicals, books and
pamphlets, available from our bookshop or by mail order. Contact
us for free sample copy of 'Freedom'. Media
of Al Asqa PO Box 5127, Liecester, LE2
0WU T 07711 823524 F 0166 2537575 Friends of al Aqsa is a non profit
making organisation concerned with upholding the human rights of
the Palestinians and the defence of al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
Friends of the Earth 26-28 Underwood St, London, N1 7JQ T 020 7490 1555
F 020 7490 0881 www.foe.co.uk info@foe.co.uk Friends of the Earth exists to inspire solutions to environmental problems,
making life better for people. Environment
Friends of the Earth Scotland 72 Newhaven Rd, Edinburgh, EH6 5QG T 0131 554 9977
F 0131 554 8656 www.foe-scotland.org.uk We stand for environmental justice. And we
aim to make the right to a decent environment available to everyone
in Scotland and around the globe. Environment.
Friends of Zimbabwe (FOZ) P O Box 50218, Waterfront, Cape Town 8002,
South Africa. T +27-83-7090507 F +27-83-87090507 friendsofzimbabwe@hotmail.com
Pressure group promoting
democratic principles and culture in Zimbabwe. Justice and the
Law/Human Rights
Friends, Families &
Travellers (FFT) Community Base, 113 Queens Rd, Brighton
BN1 3XG. T 01273 234777/mobile: 07971 550328 F 01273 234778 fft@communitybase.org www.gypsy-traveller.org
Advice and Information Unit
for Gypsies, Travellers, service providers etc, on issues such as
evictions, sites, planning, discrimination. Also lobbying and campaigning
on Travellers' rights. Travellers
Future Foods Luckleigh Cottage, Hockworthy, Wellington, Somerset TA21 0NN. T
01398 361347 F 01398 361541 enquiries@futurefoods.com
www.futurefoods.com Small independent mail order supplier specialising in rare and unusual
edible plants. (Seed company only - do not supply produce.) Gardening
Site dedicated to signposting you to others
working for positive change in Manchester Networking Support
