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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone
number F fax number email@address www.website Description.
Blatant Incitement Project (BLINC)
Dept.29, 22a Beswick Street,Manchester M4 7HS. T 0161-226 6814 doinit@nematode.freeserve.co.uk
Empower people to organise themselves without hierarchy, for
radical action towards social ecological change, by sharing skills,
knowledge, and inspiration.
Confederation of Indian Organisations 5 Westminster
Bridge, London, SE1 7XW T: 0207 928 9889 F: 0207 620 4025 cio@gn.apc.org
www.cio.org.uk Working with
south Asian voluntary organisations in the UK.
Cynefin y Werin Uned 2, gwasg Dwyfor, Stad
Ddiwydiannol, Penygroes, Gwynedd LL545 6DB. T 01286 882359 Pager
07669 179015 benica@gn.apc.org
All Wales network for organisations working on international
peace, solidarity and social justice.
Edinburgh CITY (Change IT Yourselves) c/o
ACE, 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh EH7 5HA. info@edinburghcity.org.uk
A new independent forum with no set agenda. Monthly discussion/social
evening for people interested in social change.
European Youth For Action (EYFA) Minahassastraat
1, 1090 GC Amsterdam, The Netherlands. T +31 20 665 7743 F +31 20
6928757 eyfa@eyfa.org www.eyfa.org
International network of grassroots groups and individuals working
on environmental and social justice issues.
LeftDirect www.leftdirect.co.uk
More than just a comprehensive directory of all left, radical
and progressive organisations in the UK.
Leicester Radical Alliance (LRA) c/o Dept
Z, Littlethorn Books, Humberstone gate, Leicester T 07718 629 651
Monthly meetings and newsletetr to bring together all those who
are now without a political home, disillusioned Labour supporters,
and all others, who want to see radical changes in the social order.
Networking Newsletter Project 6 Mount St,
Manchester, M2 5NS T 0161 226 9321 info@networkingnewsletter.org.uk
Network activists around Manchester who are working for positive
change on issues of peace, development, environment, human rights,
animal rights and other areas of social change.
Radical Routes c/o Cornerstone Resource Centre,
16 Sholebroke Av, Leeds, LS7 3HB. T 0113 262 9365 cornerstone@ukf.net
Mutual aid network of radical housing & worker co-ops and
social centres. Support, advice & loans to member co-ops.
Rebel Alliance Brighton's (ir)regular
get together of direct action groups and individuals, see SchNEWS
for details.
Seeds for Change Network 96 Church Street,
Lancaster, LA1 1TD. T 0845 3307853 hello@seedsforchange.org.uk
Free training + support on campaign planning, tactics, non-hierarchical
organising, consensus and facilitation plus advice on low cost computing
and free software (linux).
