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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone
number F fax number email@address www.website Description.
Baby Milk Action 23 St. Andrew's St, Cambridge, CB2 3AX. T 01223
464420 info@babymilkaction.org www.babymilkaction.org
Aims to save lives and to end the avoidable suffering caused by inappropriate
infant feeding. Children
Banana Link 38 Exchange Street, Norwich, NR2 1AX T 01603 765670
F 01603 761645 blink@gn.apc.org www.bananalink.org.uk
Banana Link works towards environmentally, socially and economically
sustainable banana production and trade through campaigns, awareness
raising and lobbying. Farming/Worker's Rights
Bangor-Werdd http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bangor-werdd
Wales email discussion network of non-violent direct action
protesters including peace, environment and animal rights. Media
Banksy www.banksy.co.uk Political
graffiti artist. Culture
Banner Theatre Company The Friends Institute, 220 Moseley Rd, Highgate,
Birmingham, B12 0DG T 0121 440 0460 voices@btinternet.com Promotes political change in support of disenfranchised
sections of society, through the use of documentary, multi-media
cultural productions rooted in radical experiences. Culture
Barbed Wire Britain T 01865 558145/726804, 01993 703994,
07767 414714, 01753 852853 F 01865 558145 barbedwirebritain@yahoogroups.com
Linking and helping to establish local campaigns
outside places of detention, demos, lobbies, publications, working
with detainees past and present Refugees
P.O. Box 73, Boston, MA 02133, USA. barricadacollective@hotmail.com
www.barricada.org Publishers of North America's only Revolutionary Anarchist monthly magazine.
Bayer Hazard bayerhazard@lycos.com www.bayerhazard.com
Find out more about Bayer
and GM crops, as well as its involvement with heroin, the holocaust,
withdrawn pharmaceuticals and toxic chemicals. Health/Genetics
Bellow Box 35, 82 ColstonStreet, Bristol, BS1 5BB. Bellow1@bigfoot.com
Radical women's newsletter, instigated by Women Speak Out - FREE,
available for photocopying/ distribution - hardcopy or PDF. Media/Women/Anarchism
Beyond TV mick@beyondtv.org, anna@beyondtv.org www.beyondtv.org A website hosting alternative news features - in an online database linking
features to campaigns, upcoming events and current projects. Media
Big Issue, The London, SW8 2LN T 020 75263200 F 020 75263302 news@bigissue.com
UK's biggest current affairs
weekly, with 1.2 million readers. Campaigning for social justice.
Sold by homeless vendors who keep 70p of each issue. Media/Homeless
Bilderberg www.bilderberg.org
Research into The Power Elite's secretive Bilderberg Conferences
Anti Capitalist
Bindman & Partners Solicitors 275 Gray's Inn Rd, London, WC1X 8QF T 020 7833 4433
F 020 7837 9792 info@Bindmans.com
www.Bindmans.com A solicitor's firm specialising in human rights - including criminal law,
protest, civil actions against the police. Justice and the Law
Baking Brigade c/o Whispered Media, POB 40130, San Francisco,
CA 94140. USA. Bbb@asis.com www.asis.com/~bbb/ Pie-throwing is just one tool in the large toolbox of resistance. Anti-Capitalism
BioRegional Development
Group (BDG) 24 Helios Road, BedZED, Wallington, Surrey SM6 7BZ.
T 020 8404 4880 F 020 8404 4893 info@bioregional.com www.bioregional.com BioRegional
aims to bring local sustainability into the mainstream. We offer
solutions to make sustainable living easy, attractive and affordable.
Birmingham Racial Attacks
Monitoring Unit (BRAMU) P.O. Box 9289, Birmingham, B15
5AE T 0121 622 4981 -
www.bramu.fsnet.co.uk/index.htm An
independent, voluntary organisation, offering free, confidential
help, support and advice to anyone suffering racial harassment in
Black Cat Collective Box 22, Green Leaf Bookshop, Colston Street, BS1
5BB T 07905 720575 Black_Cat_Collective@yahoo.co.uk Anti-reformist loose anarchist collective.
Hold monthly open forums, carry-out actions and spread ideas to
inspire insurrection. Anarchism
Black Environment Network
(BEN) UK Office, 9 Llainwon Uchaf, Llanberis, Wales, LL55
4LL T 01286 870715 F as phone
Established to promote equal
opportunities, with respect to ethnic communities, in the preservation,
protection and development of the environment. Environment
Black Flag BM Hurricane,
London WC1N 3XX blackflageds@hushmail.com http://flag.blackened.net/blackflag
Class struggle anarchist quarterly
magazine with strong international coverage, recently revamped.
Contact us for subs info. Comprehensive list of UK Anarchist groups.Anarchism/Media
Black Mesa Indigenous Support PO Box 23501, Flagstaff, Arizona 86002. USA. T(voice
mail)+1 9287738086 blackmesais@yahoo.com www.blackmesais.org
Supporting the sovereignty
of the indigenous people affected by mining activities on Black
Mesa, who face forced relocation, environmental devastation, and
cultural extinction. Indigenous Peoples
Black Women's Network St Chad's Court, 213 Hagley Road, Edgbaston,
Birmingham B16 9RG. T 0121 695 2239 F 0121 695 2253 bwn@bbcha.nhs.uk Supporting and providing networking, and other, opportunities for organisations
that work for the benefit of Black women living in Birmingham. Anti-Racism/Women/Community
Black Women's Rape Action Project, Crossroads Women's Centre, 230A Kentish
Town Rd, Lonon NW5 2AB. T 020
7482 2496 F 020 7209 4761 bwrap@dircon.co.uk www.bwrap.dircon.co.uk A
grassroots Black and immigrant women's organisation aiming to win
justice for rape survivors and to get rape recognised as persecution
and therefore grounds for asylum.
Women/Community Groups
Blackcurrent Bookshop 4 Allen Rd, Abington, Northampton NN1 4NE. T 07833
17328 Specialises in radical
and independent books, comix, cards, badges, tapes and CDs. Bookshops
Blatant Incitement Project (BLINC) Dept.29, 22a Beswick Street,Manchester M4 7HS.
T 0161-226 6814 doinit@nematode.freeserve.co.uk www.eco-action.org/blinc
Empower people to organise
themselves without hierarchy, for radical action towards social
ecological change, by sharing skills, knowledge, and inspiration.
Networking Support
Black Information Link (BLINK) Suite 12, Winchester House, 9 Cranmer Road, SW9
6EJ, T 020 7582 1990 F 0870 127 6657 blink1990@gn.apc.org www.blink.org.uk
A national Black (African,
Asian & Caribbean) organisation to increase the capacities of
the Black communities to combat racism. Media
Bougainville Freedom Movement P.O.Box 134, Erskineville, NSW 2043, Australia.
T +61 2 9558 2730 F +61 2 9804 7632 vikki@law.uts.edu.au
www.eco-action.org/bougainville To assist the Bougainville people in their struggle for peace and freedom.
To educate the world about the Bougainville. Indigenous Peoples
Boycott Israel www.boycottisrael.co.uk
Info for people who want to boycott produce from Israel and illegal
Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza and an educational
resource about Israel and Palestine.
Break the Chains Free, Critter and Rob Legal Defense Committee,
P.O. Box 11331, Eugene, Oregon 97440, USA. www.breakthechains.net Northwest USA anarchist POWs website, a resource for, by and about anarchist
political prisoners in the Northwest. Prisoner Support
Lifeline Humanitarian Aid 4 Atlingworth Street, Brighton, UK BN2 1PL T+44
(0)1273 680414 contact@kosovaconvoy.com
Taking aid directly to, and working with people
and projects trying to rebuild sustainably. So far, Albania, Macedonia,
Kosova, Bosnia, and Ukraine. Peace
Brighton Against Benefit Cuts Brighton & Hove Unemployed Workers' Centre,
4 Crestway Parade, Hollingdean, Brighton, BN1 7BL T 01273 540717
Organizing resistance
to the New Deal workfare and other attacks on benefits. Support
autonomous action by claimants and resistance by JobCentre staff.
Alliance of Sound Systems (BASS) 43 Park Crescent Road, Brighton,
BN2 3HE. info@bass23.org http://bass23.org BASS is about positive free party politics. BASS generates funds to pay
for communal safety equipment and courses. Culture
and Hove Committee to Defend
Asylum Seekers c/o 4 Crestway Parade, The Crestway, Brighton
BN1 7BL. T 01273 540717 bton_def_asy@hotmail.com Campaiging group set up to provide a local
response to the growing xenophobia of our government and media.
Brighton Arts Resources Technology (Brighton ART) T 01273 697579 F 07092 184075 info@brightonart.org www.brightonart.org Websites, audio/video production, workshops, and software with friendly
rates for charities, arts organisations and voluntary groups. Media
Brighton Peace & Environment Centre
Fairtrade and bookshop closed due to soaring rent. New premises
planned for shop, library, education and resource centre bripeace@pavilion.co.uk
www.bpec.org Fairtrade & Peace/Environment
Brighton Sucks! Scaramanga@brightonsucks.com
Keeping us in touch with what
sucks about Brighton. Media
Brighton Urban Design & Development
(BUDD) PO Box 108,
Brighton BN1 4XN. T 01273 681166 mail@BUDDbrighton.org www.BUDDbrighton.org
BUDD aims to stimulate, encourage
and initiate sustainable urban design and development through an
inclusive and participatory process. Land Rights & Planning
Bristle Box 25, 82 Colston St. Bristol, BS1 5BB editor@bristle.org.uk
Quarterly magazine for Bristol activism and anarchism
treating all relevant subjects from news to campaigns. Media
Bristol Friends of the Earth 10-12 Picton Street, Bristol BS6 5QA. T
0117 942 0129 F 0117 942 0168 bristolfoe@btinternet.com
Enviromental campaigns in Bristol, seperatley
constituted to national FoE. Environment
Housing Action Movement Box 56, Greenleaf Bookshop, 82 Colston
Street, Bristol BS1 5BB. T 07985 557450 A
non-hierarchical collective of squatters and their supporters which
houses and promotes autonomy for homeless people, advises travellers
and promotes social centres. Housing
Bristol Indymedia http://bristol.indymedia.org/
Bristol's own Indy Media site
with news from Bristol and beyond Media
British Anti-Vivisection Association
(BAVA) PO Box 73
Chesterfield S41 0YZ. Bava@esmail.net www.eurosolve.com/charity/bava Organisation trying to expose the uselessness
and counterproductiveness of animal experimentation in regards to
human health. Health.
British Trust for Conservation
Volunteers 36 St Mary's Street, Wallingford, Oxfordshire
OX10 0EU
01491 821600 F 01491 839646 info@btcv.org.uk www.btcv.org.uk Practical environmental conservation charity. Environment
British Union For The Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV)
16a Crane Grove, London, N7 8NN. T 020 7700 4888 F 020 7700 0196
campaigns@buav.org www.buav.org The BUAV is the leading anti-vivisection organisation specialising in
public campaigning, hard-hitting undercover investigations, political
lobbying and legal/scientific expertise. Animal Rights
Broughton Spurtle
c/o Broughton Books, 2A Broughton Place, Edinburgh, EH T
0131 556 0903 F 0131 557
6752 Spurtle@tpuntis.demon.co.uk www.tpuntis.demon.co.uk Publish
monthly free paper for local area - publicise work of local action
groups and generally stir things up. Media/Community
PO Box 27822, London SE24 9YZ. T/F 020 8671 7144 Mobile 07768
200797 info@buddhafield.com www.buddhafield.com Buddhafield runs a festival cafe and the 'Buddhafield Festival', also
Buddhaseeds Permaculture and various retreat camps through the year.
Burma Action Group
1101 Pennsylvania Ave, SE #204 Washington, DC 20003 T (202) 547-5985
F (202) 544-6118 www.freeburmacoalition.org An Internet-based organisation who aim to raise
awareness about the horrific human rights violations in Burma.
Human Rights
Burma Campaign UK, Third Floor, Bickerton House, 25-27 Bickerton
Rd, London, N19 5JT T 020 7281 7377F 020 7272 3559 info@burmacampaign.org.uk
Campaigns for human rights
and democracy in Burma. We campaign to improve government and commercial
policy on Burma. Human Rights
BuryGreen, richb@bradgate.u-net.com http://BuryGreen.org.uk
A service and gateway
to the various groups in and around Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, dedicated
to protecting and improving our environment. Environment
Nothing Day 25 Gloucester Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex,
BN17 7BT. T 07887 608609 info@buynothingday.co.uk www.buynothingday.co.uk Buy
Nothing Day is a simple idea, which challenges consumer culture
by asking us to switch off from shopping for a day. Anti-Capitalism
