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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone
number F fax number email@address www.website Description.
Trust 44 Sant Kanwar Ram Nagar, Berasia Road, Bhopal, 462001,
Madhya Pradesh, India. sambavna@sancharnet.in www.bhopal.org Sole objective is to improve
the health condition of the survivors of the Bhopal disaster. Health
Save Our World www.save-our-world.org.uk exists
to help protect and sustain the natural world through increasing
awareness and caring, and inspiring and empowering people to change
attitudes, habits and lifestyles - personally, locally, nationally,
globally and spiritually. Environment
Scarborough Against Genetic Engineering
(SAGE) c/o 7 Palace
Hill, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 1NL T 01723 375533/865773
F none sage@envoy.dircon.co.uk
A local campaign against the
use of genetic engineering in food and farming. Genetics
SchNEWS c/o on the fiddle, P.O.Box 2600, Brighton, E. Sussex,
BN2 2DX T 01273 685913 F as phone schnews@brighton.co.uk
The UK's weekly direct action
newsletter. Media
Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) P.O. Box 473, Folkestone, CT20 1GS. T 07771 883696
Promotes the ethical
practice and use of science and technology. Education
Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 15 Barrland Street, Glasgow G41 1QH. T 0141 4231222
F 0141 4332821 scnd@banthebomb.org www.banthebomb.org
Largest Peace organisation
in Scotland. Campaign against Trident at Faslane, co-ordinates the
Coalition for Justice Not War. Supports direct action and political
action. Peace
Scottish Genetix Action T 0141 334 4355 F 0141 588 0664 scottishgenetix@ziplip.com www.scottishgenetixaction.org Campaigning for a GMO free Scotland. Genetics
Scottish Human Rights Centre (SHRC) 146 Holland St, Glasgow, G2 4NG T 0141 332 5960
F 0141 332 5309 info@scottishhumanrightscentre.org.uk
www.scottishhumanrightascentre.org.uk SHRC aims to promote human rights in Scotland
through advice/information, research, scrutiny of legislation, monitoring
international human rights treaties. Justice and the Law
Scottish Opencast Action Group c/o 42 Woolfords, by West Calder, West Lothian,
EH55 8LH soag.info@virgin.net A
network of people across Scotland opposed to opencast coal mining.
Mainly information exchange & help with opposing planning applications.
Records PO Box 2023, Brighton, BN1 1AA. dirtysquatters@hotmail.com
Hardcore underground label bringing music and
culture for your hot, drowning planet. Culture
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society PO Box 6095, 4000 HB Tiel, Netherlands. T +31 0344 604130 F +31 344 604808
info@seashepherd.nl www.seashepherd.nl Dedicated to the protection
and conservation of marine ecosystems and biodiversity. Take direct
action where authorities are unwilling to enforce conservation regulations.
Environment/Animal Rights
Sea Turtle Restoration Project (STRP)
PO Box 400, Forest Knolls, CA 94933, USA. T (415) 488 0370 F (415)
488 0372 www.seaturtles.org
STRP works to protect sea
turtle populations in ways that meet the needs of the turtles &
the local communities who share the beaches & waters with these
endangered species. Environment
Seedswapper Free non-commercial seed swapping website (USA). www.seedswapper.com Gardening/Forestry
Seeds for Change Network 96 Church Street, Lancaster, LA1 1TD. T 0845 3307853
hello@seedsforchange.org.uk www.seedsforchange.org.uk
Free training + support on
campaign planning, tactics, non-hierarchical organising, consensus
and facilitation plus advice on low cost computing and free software
(linux). Networking Support.
SELFED Collective (SelfED) P.O. Box 1095, Sheffield, S2 4YR selfed@selfed.org.uk
For self-education
ideas and practice, developing real alternatives to state-sponsored
education. Courses, self-help materials, workshops, etc.
Seriously Ill Against Vivisection
(SIAV) PO Box 116,
High Wycombe, Bucks, HP14 3WX. T 0845 4581720 info@siav.org www.siav.org
Campaigning for a ban on all
vivisection. We want non-animal, scientific methods of research
to establish cures for disease. Animal Rights/Disability
Sexual Freedom Coalition BM Box Lovely, London, WC1N 3XX info@sfc.org.uk
Coordinating the groups who
campaign for the sexual freedom of consenting adults, providing
a back-up force when problems occur. Sexuality
Shared Interest Society Limited 25 Collingwood St, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1JE
T 0191 2339101 F 0191 2339110 www.shared-interest.com post@shared-interest.com
Co-operative lending society,
lending money on fair terms to enable Third World producer groups
to pay for labour, materials and equipment. Economics
Mayday sheffieldmayday@ukf.net www.sheffieldmayday.ukf.net News and information for activists in the Sheffield
area, also e-mail discussion group Media
Sheffield SF PO
Box 1095, Sheffield S2 4YR. solfed@solfed.org.uk
Solidarity Federation group in Sheffield/south
Yorkshire (see also Solidarity Federation under anarchism). Community
Shoreham Protester, The c/o 7 Stoneham Rd, Hove, Sussex, BN3 5HJ T 01273
885750 F as phone shoreham-protestr@ntlworld.com www.shoreham-protester.org.uk
Fortnightly newspaper reporting
local and national animal rights news, especially reports from demonstrations.
Input welcomed. Animal Rights
Simon Jones Memorial Campaign P.O.Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 2 DX T 01273 685913
F as phone action@simonjones.org.uk www.simonjones.org.uk
Campaigns for justice for
Simon Jones, killed on his first day as a casual worker on a Shoreham
dock, and to expose the dangers of casualisation. Workers' Rights
Single Step Co-Op 78A Penny St, Lancaster, LA1 1XN T 01524 847234
Selling wholefoods and organics in a democratic,
non-hierarchical, workers' co-op stylee. Also stock non-mainstream
mags and journals. Food
SKA TV Suite 75
Trades Hall Carlton Vic 3053 Australia T
61 3 9663 6976 accessnews@skatv.org.au www.skatv.org.au
A grass-roots community organisation
using TV and video as tools for social change; training, screenings,
broadcast, distribution.. Media
Slough Environmental Education Development
Service (SEEDS) 1st
Floor, 29 Church St, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1PL T 01753 693819 F
as phone theseedstrust@netscapeonline.co.uk To protect & improve the natural and living environment through education,
awareness raising and community based project. Education/Environment.
Slower Speeds Initiative (SSI) PO Box 19, Hereford HR1 1XJ. T 0845 345
8459 info@slower-speeds.org.uk
Lower speeds make walking
and cycling safer, provide alternatives to road-building, support
local economies and reduce CO2 emissions. Transport
Vennel smavennel@hotmail.com www.smavennel.org.uk A libertarian socialist group concerned about
the challenges to freedom in the age of global capital. Publishes
an online magazine, and welcomes contributions. Anarchism/Anti-Capitalism/Media
Centre Autonomous Network The Midnight Star Social Centre, 55-57
Parramatta Rd., Homebush, NSW, Australia. T 0415-882-901. squatasocialcentre@yahoogroups.com
http://scan.cat.org.au We are squatting activists and autonomously
organised groups who make decisions through the network to occupy
and organise around squatted social centres. Cafes/Culture
Social Anarchism
Atlantic Center For Research and Education, 2743 Maryland Avenue,
Baltimore MD 21218, USA, spud@nothingness.org www.nothingness.org/sociala/ As
both political philosphy and personal lifestyle, social anarchism
promotes community self reliance, direct participation in political
decision-making, respect for nature. Produce magazine. Anarchism
Soil Association Bristol House, 40-56 Victoria St, Bristol, BS1
6BY T 0117 929 0661 F 0117 925 2504 info@soilassociation.org www.soilassociation.org
Campaigning and certification
organisation for organic food and farming. Farming
Solent Coalition Against Nuclear Ships
(SCANS) c/o 30 Westwood
Rd., Southampton, SO17 1DN T 023 8055 4434 F same as T. Mob. 07880
557 035 nis@gn.apc.org
Awareness to stop nuclear powered sub. from using Southampton docks
Solidarity Federation (SolFed) PO Box 469, Preston PR1 8XF. T 01772 739724 solfed@solfed.org.uk
federation of groups (contact us for your nearest).
Dedicated to an anti-authoritarian future based on mutual
aid and individual freedom. Anarchism/Networking
New open collective website 'by the people, for the people'.
Read and write on virtually any subject of interest, including:
Art, Environment, Health, Money, Obsessions, Sport, Technology,
True Sci-Fi, Work etc... http://www.somewhere.tv
Sound Conspiracy soundcode99@hotmail.com
www.soundconspiracy.freetekno.org European
travelling soundsystem Culture
South East Asia Solidarity Network www.geocities.com/seu_asf/seasn/
anarcho-syndicalist activists in Australia seeking to engage with
working class and student movements in our immediate region of Indonesia,
Timor, Papua New Guinea, West Papua, Malaysia, Burma and other countries
in and around the South Pacific Community Group
South Herts SF PO
Box 493, St Albans ALl 5TW. Tel. 01727 862814. solfed@solfed.org.uk
Solidarity Federation group
in South Herts (see also Solidarity Federation under anarchism).
Community Group
South West Solidarity, Box
43, 82 Colston St, Bristol BS1 5BB. solfed@solfed.org.uk
Solidarity Federation group
in the Bristol and Avon area (see also Solidarity Federation under
anarchism). Community Group
Spacestation PO Box 209, Brunswick, Victoria 3056, Australia. T 03 9343 6593
spacekids@myspinach.org http://spacestation.org.au A media lab, a guerilla media node, a skill
sharing network, melbourne indymedia centre. Anti-Capitalism/Culture/Media
Spitalfields Market Under Threat (SMUT) T 020 7613 5897 smut@smut.org.uk www.smut.org.uk
Oppose the destruction of three-fifths of the historic old covered market
to make way for yet another office development. Community Group
Spiral Objective P.O.Box 126, Oaklands Park, South Australia 5046
T +618 8276 5076 spiralob@adelaide.on.net www.spiralobjective.com
DIY fanzine, record label,
mailorder, distro and umbrella organistaion for travelling activist
theatre group. Culture
SPOR info@spor.org.uk www.spor.org.uk
Making free space available.
Nomadic, sporadic and materialising at unannounced intervals in
varying forms. Culture/Anti-Capitalism.
Sprawl Busters 21 Grinnell St, Greenfield, MA 01301, USA. T +1 413 772 6289 info@sprawl-busters.com
Help local community coalitions on-site to design and implement successful
campaigns against megastores and other undesirable large-scale developments.
Library, The spunk@spunk.org
www.spunk.org Collects and distributes literature in electronic format, with an emphasis
on anarchism and related issues. Media
SQUALL Magazine
P.O.Box 8959, London, N19 5HW mail@squall.co.uk
Regularly updated online magazine
presenting radical journalism,
photography and culture with content. Media
[Squat!net] squat@squat.net
An international internet
magazine with main focus on squatted houses, car sites and other
free spaces. Media/Housing
Statewatch P.O.Box 1516, London, N16 0EW T 020 88021882 F
020 88801727 www.statewatch.org office@statewatch.org Statewatch monitors the state and civil liberties
in the UK and Europe Justice and the Law.
Steward Wood Moretonhampstead, Newton
Abbot, Devon TQ13 8SD. T 01647 440233 Mob 07050 674464 affinity@stewardwood.org www.stewardwood.org Demonstrating positive sustainable alternatives - a vegan community based
in a woodland in Dartmoor. Permaculture, renewable energy, organic
growing, low impact living. Visitors welcome. Community Groups
Stonehenge Campaign c/o 99 Torriano Av, London, NW5 2RX. T 07970 378572
stonehenge@stones.com www.phreak.co.uk/stonehenge/psb/stonecam.htm
Meet at Solstice and Equinox sunrises at Stonehenge, want more Free Festivals
at Stonehenge, and free access into the Stones for all who come
in peace. Culture
Stonewall Lobby Group ltd. 46-48 Grosvenor Gardens, London , SW1W 0EB. T
020 7881 9440 F 020 7881 9444 info@stonewall.org.uk www.stonewall.org.uk
Working towards the advancement of the civil, political, economic, social
and cultural rights of lesbians and gay men. Sexuality
Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC)
6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP
T 0845 4580630 info@shac.net www.shac.net
SHAC campaigns to close down
the animal testing lab Huntingdon Life Sciences, and target anyone
connected with them. Animal Rights
Straight Goods www.straightgoods.com/
Canada's independent on-line
source of news Media
Action India c/o HomeNet, Office 20, 30-38 Dock Street, Leeds
LS10 1JF. T 07071 225866 F 07071 225866 stud_act_india@hotmail.com
www.gn.apc.org/sai Self-funded volunteers work in India, assisting NGO's with community development
schemes, and using their experience to raise awareness in the UK.
Action mail@studentaction.org.uk
Aims to provide an overview of campaigns and
political activities at the University of Sussex, along with local,
national and global events. Education
Subvertise! c/o
PO Box 68, Headington, Oxford OX3 7YS, UK webmaster@subvertise.org
An archive of 100s of subverts,
political art, cartoons and articles. Anti-capitalism
Sumac Centre 245 Gladstone St., Nottingham, NG7 6HX. T 0845
458 9595 F phone first sumac@veggies.org.uk www.veggies.org.uk/sumac
Resource centre for local
groups campaigning for human and animal rights, the environment,
peace, etc. Community Group
Fans Against Racism PO Box 601, Sunderland SR2 7XY T 07967 886257
www.sfar.org.uk We are a group of Sunderland Fans committed to tackling the problems of
racism and fascism amongst supporters of our favourite football
team, Sunderland. Anti-Racism/Sport
Sunrise Screenprint Workshop
The Old Schoolhouse, Kirkton of Menmuir, by Brechin, Angus, Scotland,
DD9 7RN sunrise@gn.apc.org www.gn.apc.org/sunrise
We're vegans who print t-shirts
inc. lots of animal rights/anarchist/stonehenge designs and print
for groups and campaigns using environmentally safe inks. Culture
Sunseed Technologia del
Desierto/Sunseed Desert Technology P.O.Box 2000, Cambridge,
CB4 3UJ T 01273 387731 F 0034 950
525 770 sunseed_webmaster@wordandweb.co.uk
www.sunseed.org.uk Community of volunteers in southern Spain,
researching regeneration of lands, solar energy, appropriate technology.
Also, sustainable organic living; education about issue of desertification.
Surfers Against Sewage
Wheal Kitty Workshops, St Agnes, Cornwall. England TR5 0RD
Formed in 1990, one of the
fastest growing pressure groups in the country, SAS call for full
non-chemical treatment of sewage discharged into our seas. Health/Environment
Surrey Anarchist Group (SAG) PO Box 375, Knaphill, Woking, Surrey. GU21 2XL.
Focus on both local and national actions and campaigns. Anarchism
Survival International 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London, EC1M 7ET T 020
7687 8700 F 020 7687 8701 www.survival-international.org info@survival-international.org Survival International is a worldwide organisation supporting tribal peoples.
It stands for their right to decide their own future and helps them
protect their lives, lands and human rights. Indigenous Peoples
Sustain 94 White Lion Street, London N1 9PF. T 020 78371228 F 020 78371141 sustain@sustainweb.org
Sustain advocates food
and agriculture policies and practices, that promote equity and
enrich society and culture. Farming/Environment
Sustainable London Trust 7 Chamberlain Street London NW1 8XB. T 020 7722
3710 F 020 7722 3959 admin@london21.org www.london21.org
A user-focussed sustainability network for London, to find mutual support
and link work with the actions of others who have similar goals.
Networking Support
35 King Street, Bristol BS1 4DZ T
0117 926 8893 F 0117 929
4173 www.sustrans.org.uk
Sustrans is a civil engineering
charity which designs and builds routes for cyclists, walkers, and
people with disabilities.Transport
Net diary of events for Swansea www.geocities.com/swan_net/ or email SwanNetwork@yahoogroups.com Networking support
Swansea Community Resource
Centre 217 High Street, Swansea SA1 1NN. T 01792 642404 /
07974 892651 no217crc@yahoo.co.uk
Free space for all, including cybercafe,
gallery space, stage, permaculture garden. Free workshops, meeting
space, information and "other stuff" *wink* Community
groups/Cafes & Clubs
sw@rm swarm@subdimension.com www.subdimension.com/community/subversion/swarm
Mobile radical infospace and
information for action! Send an email to swarmlist-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to get regular updates. Culture
Potato 130a Hartley Road, Radford, Nottingham NG7 3AJ. T 0115
970 2791F 0115 970 2791 djearthpipe@sweetpotato.i12.com
Promotion of gigs & parties, supporting
all good causes, inc eco-action and animal rights. Culture
