SchNEWS Party & Protest - listing demonstrations, events, talks, screenings, and festivals

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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone number F fax number email@address Description.


Avalon Portsmouth's only head shop. (See entry under Bookshops)

Chillout Collective, The c/o 28 Partington Close, Archway, London N19 3DZ. T 07956 450 267 A collective of drug and health workers, legal advisers, researchers and activists, who run chillout spaces at dance events promoting harm reduction practices.

Drug Culture A non profit making website to collect names and emails addresses of people who feel that cannabis should be totally de-criminalised.

Freedom Book Company Massive range of informative drugs related books and magazines (See entry under Bookshops)

Green Party Drugs Group c/o 1a Waterlow Rd, London, N19 5NJ T 020 8671 5936 F phone first Promote and sell ecstasy testing kits, part of core group for annual Cannabis March and Festival, info stalls & E-testing at clubs, provide speakers, change drug policy.

Legalise Cannabis Alliance (LCA) PO Box 198, Norwich, NR2 2DH T 01603 442215 A political party dedicated to campaigning for the full legalisation and utilisation of cannabis (hemp) - standing candidates in elections.

Release 388 Old St, London, EC1V 9LT T 020 7729 525524 F 020 7729 2599 24-hour Helpline: 020 7729 9904 Drugs In Schools Helpline: 0808 8000 800 Sex Workers & The Law Advice Line: 020 7729 9904 24 hour drugs and legal helpline. Also produces publications, such as the bustcard and runs training programmes.

Transform Easton Business Centre, Felix Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 OHE. T 0117 9415810 F 0117 9415809 Mob 07980213943 Campaign for a just and effective drug policy including the legalisation of all drugs.

SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 0EF, England
Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1273 685913

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