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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone
number F fax number email@address www.website Description.
I-Contact Video Network c/o 76 Mina Rd, St. Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9TX.
T 0117 9400636 I-contact@videonetwork.org www.VideoNetwork.org
A non-profit making initiative set up to provide support for those using
video for positive change. Media
Dam Campaign, Box 210, 266 Banbury Rd, Oxford, OX2 7DL T 01865
200550 ilisu@gn.apc.org www.ilisu.org.uk
Works to stop British involvement
in the Ilisu Dam and to highlight sustainable development and for
peace and security in SE Turkey. Human Rights/Environment
Incapacity Action 104 Cornwallis Circle, Whitsable, Kent CT5 1DT.
T 01227 276159 F as phone incapacityaction@onetel.net.uk Campaign for rights to benefits, independent
living/home care supoprt, other resources and linking with anti-war
struggle. Disability rights
Index on Censorship 33 Islington High St, London, N1 9LH. T 020 7278
2313 F 020 7278 1878 natasha@indexoncensorship.org www.indexoncensorship.org
Publish a magazine,
run a website and organise events on free expression and censorship
around the world. Justice and the Law/Media
Industrial Workers of the World PO Box 4414, Poole Dorset, BH15 3YL, UK T 01202
257556 info@iww.org.uk
Union for all run by its members.
For the abolition of wage-slavery through global solidarity, direct
action and industrial democracy. Worker's Rights/Anti-Capitalism
Indymedia www.indymedia.org A collective of independent media organizations
and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage
- links to Indymedia outlets around the world. Media
Ireland www.indymedia.ie Grassroots, non-corporate coverage of Irish life politics and protest.
Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical,
accurate, and passionate tellings of truth. Media
UK www.indymedia.org.uk reports@indymedia.org.uk
An evolving network of media professionals, artists, and DIY media
activists committed to using technology to promote social and economic
justice. Media
Bokal 3 rue Lazare Carnot, 01 000 Bourg, France. T 06 20830843
lebokal@chez.com www.chez.com/lebokal Independent, self-rule and non-profit association
whose aim is to promote and diffuse alternative ideas and underground
musics. Culture
Informed Parent, The P.O.Box 870, Harrow, Middlesex, HA3 7UW. T 020
8861 1022 F as phone www.informedparent.co.uk Quarterly newsletter to help parents make a
decision regarding vaccination based on knowledge, not fear. Children/Health
020 7254 9701/07770 432 439 (evenings-w/ends) www.injusticefilm.co.uk A film
about the struggle for justice by the families of people that have
died in police custody. Justice
and Law
INK - Independent News Collective 2nd Floor, The Shiatsu Place, 97-99 Seven
Sisters Road, London N7 7QP. T 020 7561 0683 ink@pro-net.co.uk
Umbrella organisation for
the alternative press. Deals with marketing and publishing, but
not editorial matters. Media
Inkthief Rm 304, Maryland
House, Manbey Park Road , London E15 1EY. T 020 8223 6011 / 07984
875471 contact@inkthief.org.uk Designers committed
to social and environmental justice who formed a professional design
agency for socially progressive organisations. Media
Innerfield Soundsystem T 01273 697579 F 07092 184075 mail@innerfield.co.uk www.innerfield.co.uk
Music, management and equipment
for free parties, festivals and other events using unique technology.
Innocent Dept. 54, PO Box 282, Oldham OL1 3FY http://innocent.org.uk innocent@uk2.net
Mutual support group
which offers advice and assistance to the families and friends of
prisoners who have been wrongly convicted of serious crimes.
Justice and the Law
89-93 Fonthill Road, London N4 3JH T 020 7263 1111 F 020 561 0799
www.inquest.org.uk Advice, campaigning and information for bereaved
people facing Coroner's Inquests, especially those involving deaths
in custody (Police, prison, detained patients). Justice and the
Law/Human Rights
Institute for Social Ecology 1118 Maple Hill Road, Plainfield, Vermont, 05667,
USA. +1 802 454 8493 www.social-ecology.org Independent institution of higher education
dedicated to the study of social ecology, committed to the social
and ecological transformation of society. Education
Institute for Social Inventions 20 Heber Rd, London, NW2 6AA T 020 8208 2853 F
020 8452 6434 http://globalideasbank.org rhino@dial.pipex.com
A Global Suggestion
Box for socially innovative non-technological ideas and projects,
with £1,000 UK sterling awards annually for the best ideas or projects
submitted. Education
Institute of Employment Rights (IER)
177 Abbeville Rd, London, SW4 9RL T 020 7498 6919 F 020 7498 9080
www.ier.org.uk ier@gn.apc.org
A trade union supported think
tank acting as a focal point for the spread of new ideas in the
field of labour law. Worker's Rights
Institute of Race Relations 2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS. T 020 7278 0623 F 020 7278 0623 info@irr.org.uk www.irr.org.uk The IRR carries our research into issues of racism, from the rise of racial
violence to the plight of asylum seekers. The IRR publishes Race
& Class and the European Race Bulletin. Anti Racism
Intercourse: talking sex c/o 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh
EH7 5HA. info@intercourse.org.uk
www.intercourse.org.uk Encourages comfortable and positive ways of
thinking and talking about sex by organising discussions and events
and producing literature. Sexuality
Interference FM Box 6, Green Leaf, 82 Colston St, Bristol, BS1
5BB. Bristol's anarchist pirate
radio station. Media
International Concerned
Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal www.mumia.org Information
and networking to save this journalist/activist's life. Prisoner
International Federation of Iranian
Refugees (IFIR) PO
Box 27236, London N11 2ZF. T 07730 107337 F 0870 1394253 ifir@ukonline.co.uk
to organizing the protests of Iranian refugees and asylum seekers
in support of political and social campaigns. Refugees
International Institute for Environment and Development
(IIED) 3 Endsleigh
St, London, WC1H 0DD. T 020 7388 2117 F 020 7388 2826 mailbox@iied.org
Non-profit organization promoting sustainable patterns of world development
through collaborative research, policy studies, networking and knowledge
dissemination. Environment
Smiley Zippy Party : smileyzippy@postmaster.co.uk
Web humour and philosophy:
Epicureanism, permaculture, autonomous living, alternative economics,
quantum psychology and situationist art. Features Pete Loveday's
Russell. Anarchism
International Wages for Housework Campaign (IWFHC)
Crossroads Women's Centre, 230A Kentish Town Road, London, NW5 2AB
T: 020 7482 2496 F: 020 7209 4761 crossroadswomenscentre@compuserve.com
http://allwomencount.net International multi-racial grassroots women's
network campaigning for governments to recognise and pay wages for
all women's unwaged work. Women/Economics
Iranian Workers News PO Box 23734, London SW5 9GB. editor@iranian-workers-news.net
Solidarity campaign with Iranian workers. Workers' Rights
Israel Imperial News tzabar@israelimperialnews.org
www.israelimperialnews.org A
magazine edited by Israeli dissidents, against the illegal Israeli
occupation of Palestinian, against Israel's cruel treatment of the
Palestinians and against Israel's policy of ethnic cleansing. Peace/Media
Irwin Mitchell Solicitors
St. Peter's House, Hartshead, Sheffield, S1 2EL T
0114 276 7777/273 9011 F
0114 275 3306 www.imonline.co.uk Produce Claiming
Compensation For Police Misconduct- A Guide To Your Rights, a booklet
of civil liberties when dealing with the police. Justice and