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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone
number F fax number email@address www.website Description.
MEDIA :- Distribution
& Publishers | Film, Video & TV
| Internet | Overseas
| UK Based | UK Local
Distribution and Publishers
(also see Bookshops)
Active Distribution BM Active,
London, WC1N 3XX jon@activedistribution.org
Anarchist (DIY) distribution, mailorder, wholesale, stalls etc
of a non-profit, Books, Mags, Music, Badges t-shirts etc. Send SAE
for a catalogue.
AK Distribution PO Box 12766, Edinburgh,
EH8 9YE. T 0131 5555165 F 0131 5555215 ak@akedin.demon.co.uk
www.akuk.com www.akpress.org
Co-operative who distribute & publish a wide range of radical
politics: books, mags. audio & t-shirts. Send for free mail-order
Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed C.A.L.
Press, PO Box 1446, Columbia, MO 65205-1446, USA. jmcquinn@coin.org
www.anarchymag.org Anti-ideological
anarchist publishing (magazines & books).
The Cur www.thecur.com
Website pulling together loads of political and
other stuff.
Diggers & Dreamers BCM Edge, London,
WC1N 3XX. T 07000 780536 F 0870 163 4661 info@diggersanddreamers.org.uk
"Diggers & Dreamers - the Guide to Communal Living in
Britain" and books on related subjects.
Eco-Logic Books 10-12 Picton St, Bristol,
BS6 5QA. T 0117 9420165 F 0117 9420164 books@eco-logic.demon.co.uk
Publishes and sells mail order books on practical solutions to
environmental problems, sustainability, permaculture, organic gardening,
Edge of Time Ltd, BCM Edge, London WC1N 3XX.
T 07000 780536 F 0870 1634661 sales@edgeoftime.co.uk
www.edgeoftime.co.uk Distributes
books on communal living and other items associated with cultural
Enabler Publications 3 Russell House, Lym
Close, Lyme Regis, Dorset, DT7 3DE. T 01297 445024 F as phone adearling@aol.com
Books about counter culture, Travellers, protest and creative
work with young people.
Factsheet 5 PO Box 4660 Arlington, VA 22204,
USA. T 703-553-2945 F 703-553-0565 twbounds@pop.mail.rcn.net
www.factsheet5.org Comprehensive
quarterly guide to zines/alternative publications. Each issue packed
with reviews/contact/ordering info for hundreds of independent publications.
Freedom Press, 84b Whitechapel High St, London,
E1 7QX. T 020 7247 9249 F 020 7377 9526 freedom@ecn.org
www.ecn.org/freedom Anarchist
publishers and propagandists since 1886, through our periodicals,
books and pamphlets, available from our bookshop or by mail order.
Contact us for free sample copy of 'Freedom'.
Godhaven Ink Rooted Media, The Cardigan Centre,
145-149 Cardigan Rd, Leeds, LS6 1LJ. T 0113 278 8617 merrick@stones.com
www.godhaven.org.uk Publishers
of cheap books and zines about direct action and other counter-cultural
stuff. Promoting a feeling of well-being since 1994.
Green Books Foxhole, Dartington, Totnes,
Devon, TQ9 6EB. T 01803 863260 F 01803 863843 www.greenbooks.co.uk
Publishers of a wide range of books on politics, ecology, economics,
eco-philosophy, eco-building, renewable energy and the environment.
INK - Independent News Collective
2nd Floor, The Shiatsu Place, 97-99 Seven Sisters Road, London N7
7QP. T 020 7561 0683 ink@pro-net.co.uk
www.ink.uk.com Umbrella organisation
for the alternative press. Deals with marketing and publishing,
but not editorial matters.
Kate Sharpley Library (KSL), BM Hurricane,
London, WC1N 3XX. Or PMB 820, 2425 Channing Way, Berkeley CA 94704,
USA. kar98@dial.pipex.com
Archive of Anarchist and related material, reclaiming Anarchist
history to inform current struggles. Write for details of our (many!)
National Small Press Centre, The BM Bozo,
London, WC1N 3XX. Publishes small press handbook with information
on thousands of small presses world-wide.
Photon Press 37 The Meadows, Berwick-Upon-Tweed,
Northumberland, TD15 1NY. photon.press@virgin.net
Publish "Light's List" of 1500 independent press magazines
world-wide printing fiction, poetry, art, reviews etc. £2.50
inc. postage.
Pluto Press 345 Archway Rd, London, N6 5AA.
T 020 8348 2724 F 020 8348 9133 pluto@plutobooks.com
www.plutobooks.com One
of the UK's leading independent publishers. Committed to publishing
the best in critical writing across the social sciences and humanities.
Revolutions Per Minute BCM Box 3328, London
WC1N 3XX T 07967 886257 revopermin@ukonline.co.uk
A radical publishing project, which aims to help liberate the
working class. Includes books on strikes, fox-hunting and anti-racism.
Rural Media Company, The Sullivan House,
72-80 Widemarsh St, Hereford, HR4 9HG. T 01432 344039 F 01432 270539
www.ruralmedia.co.uk We
are a National Media Communications Charity, we cover print, web
publishing, video production and multimedia production.
Zabalaza Books Postnet Suite 116, Private
Bag X42, Braamfontein, 2017, Johannesburg, South Africa. zabalaza@union.org.za
Publishers of Anarchist writings/pamphlets on the various issues
effecting the building of a free and equal non-statist society under
workers self-management.
Zed Books, 7 Cynthia St, London, N1 9JF.
T 020 7837 4014 F 020 7833 3960 hosie@zedbooks.demon.co.uk
Independent workers co-op publishing annually 50+ scholarly,
critical books on international issues, politics, the environment,
feminism and 'the third world'
Film, Video & TV
Beyond TV mick@beyondtv.org,
anna@beyondtv.org www.beyondtv.org
A website hosting alternative news features - in an online database
linking features to campaigns, upcoming events and current projects.
Conscious Cinema, 110 Elmore St, London,
N1 T 020 7359 2755 F as phone inbox@consciouscinema.co.uk
Media arts collective turned production company. Broadcast standard
equipment available for commercial work and projects creating greater
value than money.
Cultureshop.Org PO Box 29683, London E2 6XH.
T 07950 699562 admin@cultureshop.org
www.cultureshop.org Online
distribution to allow progressive film makers to sell there work,
may be extended to other forms of media soon.
Direct Action Media Network (DAMN) Video
Multimedia direct action news service with live direct action
footage on the web.
Exploding Cinema, The c/o 26 Fairwall House,
Peckham Road, London SE5 8QW. T 020 7708 3501/020 7732 8058 explodingcinema@hotmail.com
Open Access Screenings for Short Films.
Fifth Sun Archive, The Mobile 07940 393671
5un@freeuk.com www.fifithsunarchive.org
The Fifth Sun Archive is a video library of social and environmental
protest in the UK, established in 1994.
Groovy Movie Picture House, The mail@grooviemovie.org
www.groovymovie.org Documenting
alternative issues, lifestyles and arts using the latest in cutting
edge digital technology and powered only with green energy.
Guerillavision Box 91, Green Leaf Bookshop,
82 Colston St, Bristol BS1 5BB guerillavision@angelfire.com
Troublemakers with other people's dv cameras.
I-Contact Video Network c/o 76 Mina Rd, St.
Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9TX. T 0117 9400636 I-contact@videonetwork.org
www.VideoNetwork.org A
non-profit making initiative set up to provide support for those
using video for positive change.
New York Surveillance Camera Players [SCP-New
York] POB 1115, NYC 10009-9998, USA. T 001 212 561 0106 notbored@panix.com
Situationist-inspired anti-surveillance camera group.
Organic Chaos Network PO Box 234, 2300 AE
Leiden, Netherlands, T +31-6-12520674 ocn@antenna.nl
Video action news group, part of Federation Collective Rampenplan
(See entry under Anarchy).
Reclaim the Streets -The Film T 07092 044579
www.come.to/rtsfilm Video
clips, background info and ordering details for this essential documentary,
taking a frantic look at RTS actions in the UK and abroad.
SKA TV Suite 75 Trades Hall Carlton Vic 3053
Australia T 61 3 9663 6976 accessnews@skatv.org.au
www.skatv.org.au A grass-roots
community organisation using TV and video as tools for social change;
training, screenings, broadcast, distribution.
Turn Off Your TV www.turnoffyourtv.com
Articles on issues such as the role of advertisers, corporate
ownership of mass media, and the potential effects of images on
TV Go Home tvgohome@tvgohome.com
www.tvgohome.com Send up
of the Radio Times Emailed
Undercurrents alternative video news 16B
Cherwell St, Oxford, OX4 1BG. 01865 203661/203662 underc@gn.apc.org
Produce and distribute videos and CD-ROM on direct action. Organise
BeyondTV video activist festival.
Undercurrents foundation undercymru@joymail.com
Train activists how to use video for social change.
White Dot PO Box 2116, Hove BN3 3LR. info@whitedot.org
www.whitedot.org International
campaign against television.
Internet News Services
A-Infos www.ainfos.ca
Regular anarchist newsfeed over the internet in various languages.
Alternet www.alternet.org
San Fransisco alternative media site with hard-hitting news and
investigations not covered in the mainstream press, fiery columns,
insights into cultural trends.
Anarcho-Syndicalism 101 www.anarchosyndicalism.org
A web archive of texts, articles, image and mp3 files, cultural
items and outreach material (otherwise known as propaganda).
GreenNet 33 Islington High Street, London
N1 9LH. T 0845 055 4011 F 020 7837 5551 : info@gn.apc.org
www.greennet.org.uk GreenNet
is an internet service provider that specialises in Internet services
for organisations involved in Peace, The environment, Human Rights
and Development.
Indymedia www.indymedia.org
A collective of independent media organisations and hundreds
of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage - links
to Indymedia outlets around the world.
Indymedia UK www.indymedia.org.uk
An evolving network of media professionals, artists, and DIY
media activists committed to using technology to promote social
and economic justice.
Lobster www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/
The journal of parapolitics, intelligence, and State Research.
Monbiot, George www.monbiot.com
He's got a website about the corporate take-over of everything
Protest.Net rabble-rouser@protest.net
www.protest.net A site to
help progressive activists by providing a central place where the
times and locations of protests and meetings can be posted.
Spunk Library, The spunk@spunk.org
www.spunk.org Collects and
distributes literature in electronic format, with an emphasis on
anarchism and related issues.
SQUALL Magazine POBox 8959, London, N19 5HW
mail@squall.co.uk www.squall.co.uk
Regularly updated online magazine presenting radical journalism,
photography and culture with content.
[Squat!net] squat@squat.net
www.squat.net An international
internet magazine with main focus on squatted houses, car sites
and other free spaces.
Straight Goods www.straightgoods.com
Canada's independent on-line source of news
URBAN 75 contact@urban75.com
www.urban75.com Serves up
non-mainstream viewpoint on a wide range of issues including environmental
action, rave culture and civil rights. Plus drug information, cartoons,
short stories and useless games.
A4 Newsbot c/o L38
Squat Infoshop, Via Giuliotti, 8-00143 Roma, Italy. a4newsbot@paranoici.org
A SchNEWS inspired quarterly A4 multi-language publication distributed
on paper, e-mail, website and PDF about social, eco and anarchist
A-kontra POBox 223, 111 21 Praha 1, Czech
Republic. a-kontra@csaf.cz
http://a-kontra.csaf.cz Czech
anarchist magazine.
Alternative Press Review PO Box 4710, Arlington,
VA 22204, USA. T +1 703-553-2945 editors@altpr.org
www.altpr.org Your Guide Beyond
the Mainstream! Each issue is packed with creative ideas, fresh
perspectives, insightful analysis and pointed humour.
An Phoblacht (Republican News) 58 Parnell
Square, Dublin 1. T +353 1 873 3611 F +353 1 873 3839 aprn@irlnet.com
www.irlnet.com/aprn Ireland's
biggest selling political weekly newspaper has been a source of
uncensored news on world affairs and the Irish struggle for national
self-determination for over 25 years.
Dark Night Press PO Box 3629, Chicago, IL
60690-3629, USA. T +1 207 839 5794 darknight@igc.org
Under-reported news and unheard voices from indigenous struggles
Earth First! Journal PO Box 3023, Tucson
AZ 85702-3023, USA. T +1 520.620.6900 F 413.254.0057 collective@earthfirstjournal.org
Voice of the radical environmental movement containing direct
action reports, articles on preservation of wild places, investigative
articles, and discussions on monkeywrenching.
Green Pepper CIA Office, Overtoom 301, 1054
HW Amsterdam, The Netherlands. T +31 20 665 7743 F +31 20 692 8757
greenpep@eyfa.org http://squat.net/cia/gp
An environmental and social justice magazine focussing on a different
(anti-neoliberal/activist friendly) topic every edition.
Kontrapunkt www.kontrapunkt-online.org
Serbo-Croation on-line magazine covering all aspects of libertarian
thought, and it is open for all views which are in-support of liberating
of human minds and lives.
KUD Anarhiv Metelkova ulica 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana,
Slovenia. T +386 1 434 03 45/+386 1 432 33 78 F +386 1 432 33 78
A resource centre for radical social change, also publish a magazine
and organize events.
Motkraft www.motkraft.net The internet
infocenter of the Swedish libertarian left. Publish news and information
about actions, lectures, etc.
No God-No Master PO Box 300, East Brunswick,
Victoria 3057, Australia. anthropia@hotmail.com
Anarchist bulletin and publication of small Pamphlets in Greek.
Paper, The PO Box 1733, Collingwood VIC 3066,
Australia. info@thepaper.org.au
www.thepaper.org.au Fortnightly
free independent paper from Melbourne - available online as PDF.
Rocky Road Environmental Magazine Anne Ruimy,
Mullagh, Co. Clare, Ireland. T +353 (0)65 708 7144 editor@rockyroadmagazine.com
www.rockyroadmagazine.com Publishing a bi-monthly magazine offering
unbiased, investigative and science-based news, features and analyses
on Irish and global environmental issues.
Spacestation PO Box 209, Brunswick, Victoria
3056, Australia. T 03 9343 6593 spacekids@myspinach.org
A media lab, a guerilla media node, a skill sharing network,
melbourne indymedia centre.
Tactical Media Crew c/o Radio Onda Rossa,
Via dei Volsci, 56, Roma 00185, Italy. www.tmcrew.org
tactical@tmcrew.org A
collective of media and political activists from the radical autonomous/anarchist
scene of Rome.
Thrall PO Box 22-076 Christchurch, Aoteroa/New
Zealand thrallnet@yahoo.com
Monthly anarchist magazine from NZ.
Warhead PO Box 43, 15-662 Bialystok, Poland
soja2@poczta.onet.pl Anarchist
news service for Poland.
Z Magazine 18 Millfield Street, Woods Hole
MA 02543, USA. T +1 508 5489063. sysop@zmag.org
www.zmag.org Z is an independent
political magazine of critical thinking on political, cultural,
social, and economic life in the United States, Z accepts no paid
UK Based
Alan Lodge (Tash) T
0115 9113804 tash@gn.apc.org
http://tash.gn.apc.org Photographer
(One Eye On The Road): travellers, festivals, raves, environmental
direct actions and protest & police surveillance methods.
Allsorts allsorts@gn.apc.org
UK based e-news for activists.
Animal Liberation Press Office BM4400, London, WC1N 3XX. T 01623
746470 mobile: 07752 107515 F as phone Media contact for the
ALF and other radical animal rights groups. Supplies speakers for
groups, rallies, etc.
Aufheben POBox 2536, Rottingdean, Brighton,
BN2 6LX http://lists.village.virginia.edu/~spoons/aut_html
Not an organisation, but a magazine dedicated to the theory and
practice of revolutionary class struggle.
Bellow Box 35, 82 Colston Street, Bristol,
BS1 5BB. Bellow1@bigfoot.com
Radical women's newsletter, instigated by Women Speak Out - free,
available for photocopying/ distribution - hardcopy or PDF
Big Issue, The London, SW8 2LN T 020 75263200
F 020 75263302 news@bigissue.com
www.bigissue.com UK's biggest
current affairs weekly, with 1.2 million readers. Campaigning for
social justice. Sold by homeless vendors who keep 70p of each issue.
Black Flag BM Hurricane, London WC1N 3XX
Class struggle anarchist quarterly magazine with strong international
coverage, recently revamped. Contact for subs info. Comprehensive
list of UK Anarchist groups.
Class War Paper Promotes class consciousness and working class control
over our day to day lives. (See entry under Anarchism)
Corner House, The, Station Rd, Sturminster
Newton, Dorset DT10 1YJ. T 01258 473795 F 01258 473748 cornerhouse@gn.apc.org
Research, advocacy and solidarity work on social & environmental
justice issues. Publish regular briefing papers. Free via email.
Counter Information c/o ACE, 17 West Montgomery
Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5HA T 0131 557 6242 ci@counterinfo.org.uk
Free anarchist newssheet reporting on struggles from around the
Direct Action Collective PO Box 29, SW PDO,
Manchester. M15 5HW. T 07984 675281 da@direct-action.org.uk
DA - magazine of the anarcho-syndicalist Solidarity Federation.
No political parties or dogma. Packed with positive anti-authoritarian
ideas, news, comment and actions.
Do or Die c/o Prior House, 6 Tilbury Place,
Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 2GY doordtp@yahoo.co.uk
Voices from the Ecological Resistance - an annual magazine crammed
with reports and analysis from the world-wide ecological frontlines.
Earth First! Action Update (EF! AU) PO Box
487 Norwich, NR2 3AL T 01603 219811 efactionupdate@bigfoot.com
A monthly round-up of ecological and other direct action from
around Britain. Has list of contacts of all UK Earth First! groups.
Ecologist, The 18 Chelsea Wharf, 15 Lots
Rd, London, SW10 0QJ T 020 7351 3578 F 020 7351 3617 sally@theecologist.org
www.theecologist.org Investigative
journalists, leading thinkers and campaigners are constantly rethinking
the basic assumptions which underlie mankind's steady march towards
Freedom anarchist fortnightly 84b Whitechapel
High St, London, E1 7QX. T 020 8771 8317 F as phone FreedomCopy@aol.com
Carries news and views from a growing range of activists. All
contributions welcome.
(NB. There are now two 'Green Anarchists')
Green Anarchist Green Anarchist, BCM 1715,
London WC1N 3XX. www.greenanarchist.org UK's original and best
(apparently) anarcho-primitivist paper - uncensored forum for direct
action news and discussion.
Green Anarchist 9 Ash Avenue, Galgate, Lancaster
LA2 0NP, UK T 01524 752212 grandlaf@lineone.net
Quarterly magazine reporting on environmental issues, anarchism,
animal rights, community resistance. With emphasis on positive empowerment
and improving our lives.
Index on Censorship 33 Islington High St,
London, N1 9LH. T 020 7278 2313 F 020 7278 1878 natasha@indexoncensorship.org
Publish a magazine, run a website and organise events on free
expression and censorship around the world.
Inkthief Rm 304, Maryland House, Manbey Park
Road , London E15 1EY. T 020 8223 6011 / 07984 875471 contact@inkthief.org.uk
Designers committed to social and environmental justice who formed
a professional design agency for socially progressive organisations.
Morgenmuffel PO Box 74, Brighton BN1 4ZQ.
Personal anarchist zine with cartoons and rants published irregularly.
Send three stamps for an issue.
New Internationalist Tower House, Lathkill
St, Market Harborough, LE16 T 01858 438896 F 01858 461739 newint@subscription.co.uk
www.newint.org Monthly informative
magazine reporting on issues of world poverty and inequality; focusing
attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the
Nonviolent Action (NVA) 5 Caledonian Rd,
London, N1 9DY T 020 7713 nva@gn.apc.org
Magazine serving campaigners seeking positive social change through
non-violent means with news of activists and activities - and a
stimulus to thought and action.
Peace News 5 Caledonian Rd, London, N1 9DY
T 020 7278 3344 F 020 7278 0444 admin@peacenews.info
www.peacenews.info Radical,
international, antimilitarist, quarterly magazine. For nonviolent
revolution. Bringing activists and campaigners together worldwide,
sharing ideas, theories, and tactics.
Positive News 5 Bicton Enterprise Centre,
Clun, Shropshire, SY7 8NF. T 01588 640022 F 01588 640033 office@positivenews.org.uk
A free quarterly newspaper which publishes good news stories
from around the world to do with peace, environment, health &
Red Pepper 1b Waterlow Rd, London, N19 5NJ
T 020 72817024 F 020 72639345 redpepper@redpepper.org.uk
www.redpepper.org.uk Green
- left monthly magazine.
Resurgence Ford House, Hartland, Bideford,
Devon, EX39 6EE T 01237 441293 F 01237 441203 ed@resurgeence.org
www.resurgence.org Encompasses
environmental, social, economic and cultural issues. Thought-provoking
and informative, bringing articles which nourish all aspects of
your life.
Total Liberty Magazine Box EMAB, 88 Abbey
Street, Derby DE22 3SQ. ain@ziplip.com
Evolutionary Anarchist magazine promoting the ideas of a peaceful
and evolutionary path to Anarchism. Subscription £8.00.
YearZero (YZ) PO Box 26276, London, W3 7GQ.
T 07752 358928 yearzero@flashmail.com
www.yearzero.org The disobedient
current affairs quarterly.
UK Local News
find out what's happening in your area
ActionNet-North Staffs
Mob 07748 883981 Webgimp@ActionNet-NorthStaffs.co.uk
Web-based resource for activists based in N. Staffordshire who
are campaigning about various issues social, environmental and humanitarian.
Bangor-Werdd http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bangor-werdd
North Wales email discussion network of non-violent direct action
protesters including peace, environment and animal rights.
Brighton Sucks! Scaramanga@brightonsucks.com
Keeping us in touch with what sucks about Brighton.
Bristle Box 25, 82 Colston St. Bristol, BS1
5BB. editor@bristle.org.uk
www.bristle.org.uk Quarterly
magazine for Bristol activism and anarchism treating all relevant
subjects from news to campaigns.
Bristol Indymedia http://bristol.indymedia.org
Bristol's own IndyMedia site with news from Bristol and beyond.
Broughton Spurtle c/o Broughton Books, 2A
Broughton Place, Edinburgh.T 0131 556 0903 F 0131 557 6752 Spurtle@tpuntis.demon.co.uk
Publish monthly free paper for local area - publicise work of
local action groups and generally stir things up.
BuryGreen, richb@bradgate.u-net.com
http://BuryGreen.org.uk A
service and gateway to the various groups in and around Bury St
Edmunds, Suffolk, dedicated to protecting and improving our environment.
Cardiff Activists Network bozavine@yahoo.co.uk
For everyone interested in direct action based in Cardiff - allowing
information about future actions to be advertised and planned.
Cold Bath Times c/o Dave Hubble, 7 Ainsley
Gardens, Eastleigh, Hants SO50 4NX. T 023 80611307 coldbathinfo@yahoo.co.uk
Multi-issue newsletter covering the Hampshire area plus wider
issues, generally with an environmental theme. Follows no party
or organisational line.
Dan-Cymru http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dan-cymru
Direct action Cymru discussion group
Direct Action Scotland http://groups.yahoo.com/group/directactionscotland
A discussion and information email list focusing on direct action
and protest in Scotland.
Elffinews PO Box 923, Luton, LU2 OYQ. T 01582-512184
F 01582 619218 M 07903 382228 elffinews@aol.com
Activist news letter for Luton and Dunstable. Scurrilous! A community
based monthly mewsletter, reporting on local activists' actions.
Eroding Empire c/o 56a Crampton St. London.
SE17 3AE. eroding@eroding.org.uk
www.eroding.org.uk Monthly
listings for London area, diy, actions, centres, gigs.
FutureManchester www.futuremanchester.org.uk
Site dedicated to sign-posting you to others working for positive
change in Manchester
Global Action Scotland www.egroups.com/invite/globalactionscotland
an email discussion group for global justice Visit the website
to sign up.
Hackney Indymedia http://uk.indymedia.org/
Gives an insight into the fourth poorest borough in Britain and
to show how the council's and central government policy affects
the local people.
Interference FM Box 6, Green Leaf, 82 Colston
St, Bristol, BS1 5BB. Bristol's anarchist pirate radio station.
Loombreaker, The c/o Manchester EF!, Dept.29,
22a Beswick St, Manchester, M4 7HS. T 0161 226 6814 editorial@loombreaker.org.uk
Monthly free Manchester direct action & campaigns round-up
- Spreading news the mainstream media won't print.
Norwich Anarchists PO Box 487, Norwich, NR2
3AL. T 07941 657485 Produce a community based newspaper.
Oxyacetylene 16b, Cherwell St, Oxford, OX4
1BG, T 07970 343486 http://come.to/oxyace
A newsletter for and about social and environmental action in
Oxford and beyond. Reports every fortnight on the real issues affecting
the people of Oxford.
Pork-Bolter, The POBox 4144, Worthing, West
Sussex, BN14 7NZ www.eco-action.org/porkbolter
Radical local newsletter with historically-vindicated pig obsession.
Rages against CCTV, Big Business, councils, police etc. etc. Free
with SAE.
Radio 4A T 07980 168115 Monthly pirate
radio with a substantial speech output. Open access, non-profit
and broadcasting live as well as creating programmes. 107.8FM in
Brighton or webcast on www.piratetv.net
Sheffield Mayday sheffieldmayday@ukf.net
News and information for activists in the Sheffield area, also
e-mail discussion group
Swan Net SwanNetwork@yahoogroups.com
Diary of events for Swansea.
Think Globally Act Locally POBox 1TA, Newcastle,
NE99 1TA. tapp@sandyford.techie.org.uk
www.tapp.cjb.net Newsletter
that reports and informs campaigns and direct action in North East
Underdog, The PO Box 35832, London E11 3WT.
T 07810 288889 info@walthamstowanarchy.org.uk
Bi-monthly newsletter published by Walthamstow Anarchist Group.
WARCRY c/o BM Makhno, London, WC1N 3XX war1921war@yahoo.co.uk
Monthly newsletter produced by West London Anarchists & Radicals
