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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone
number F fax number email@address www.website Description.
A27 Action Group 56 Firle Village, Lewes, BN8 6LG T 01273 858365
F as phone We aim to stop
with research into the departments facts and figures the building
of a new A27 between Lewes and Polegate. Transport
A4 Newsbot c/o L38 Squat Infoshop, Via Giuliotti, 8-00143 Roma,
Italy. a4newsbot@paranoici.org www.tmcrew.org/laurentinokkupato/a4newsbot/
A SchNEWS inspired quarterly
A4 multi-language publication distributed on paper, e-mail, website
and PDF about social, eco, anarchists issues. Media
P. O. Box 13, 109028 Moscow, Russia. m_bakounine@mail.ru
(for books) dikobrazi@lists.tao.ca
(for other materials) www.tao.ca/~dikobraz/distro
Mail Order Russian anarchist,
feminist, ecologist and anti-fascist periodicals and books plus
t-shirts, leaflets, stickers and buttons. Anarchy/Bookshops
A-Infos www.ainfos.ca Regular anarchist newsfeed over the internet
in various languages. Media/Anarchism
P.O.Box 223, 111 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic. a-kontra@csaf.cz
http://a-kontra.csaf.cz Czech Anarchist Magazine. Media
A SEED Europe PO Box 92066 1090 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands. T +31 20 6682236 F +31
20 4682275 aseedeur@antenna.nl www.aseed.net Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment,
and Diversity is a global organisation linking youth groups and
individuals on all continents. Environment/Genetics/Anti-capitalism
Abolition 2000 (A2000 UK) 601 Holloway Rd, London, N19 4DJ T 020 7281 4281
www.gn.apc.org/abolition2000uk To achieve for the 21st century a global treaty to abolish nuclear weapons.
Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) 28 Penton Street, London N1 9SA T 020 7833 3133
F 020 7837 3001 actsa@actsa.org www.actsa.org ACTSA campaigns for peace, democracy and development
in Southern Africa and is the successor organisation to the Anti-Apartheid
Movement. Human Rights
ActionNet-North Staffs Mob 07748 883981 Webgimp@ActionNet-NorthStaffs.co.uk
Web-based resource for activists
based in N. Staffordshire who are campaigning about various issues
social, environmental and humanitarian. Media
Anarhistă în România http://alter-ro.tripod.com
Romanian anarchist website.
Active Distribution BM Active, London, WC1N 3XX jon@activedistribution.org
www.activedistribution.org Anarchist
(DIY) distribution, mailorder, wholesale, stalls etc of a non-profit,
Books, Mags, Music, Badges t-shirts etc. Send SAE for a catalogue.
PO Box 303, Enmore, NSW 2042, Australia webkids@active.org.au
www.active.org.au Provides on-line interactive open-publishing forums for information and
inspiration about social change in cities around Australia. Networking
Resistance to the Roots of War (ARROW) 162 Hollway Road, London,
N7 8DQ. T 020 7607 2302 lrcndnvrn@supanet.com www.justicenotvenegance.org Nonviolent action affinity group. Peace
Adbusters 1243 West 7th Av, Vancouver, BC, V6H 1B7, Canada.
T 604 736 9401 F 604 737 6021 info@adbusters.org www.adbusters.org
A global network of artists,
activists, writers, pranksters, educators and entrepreneurs who
aim to launch the new social activist movement of the information
age. Anti-Capitalism
Advisory Service for Squatters (A.S.S) 2 St. Paul's Rd, London, N1 2QN T 020 73598814
F 020 73595185 advice@squat.freeserve.co.uk www.squat.freeserve.co.uk
We give legal and practical
advice and support to squatters and other homeless people. Housing
Agroforestry Research Trust
46 Hunters Moon, Dartington, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 6JT T 01803 840776.
F 01803 840776. mail@agroforestry.co.uk
Charity, which researches
temperate agroforestry and into all aspects of plant cropping. Produce
several publications and a quarterly journal, and also sell plants
and seeds Forests and Woodlands
AK Distribution P.O.Box 12766, Edinburgh, EH8 9YE. T 0131 5555165 F 0131 5555215 ak@akedin.demon.co.uk www.akuk.com www.akpress.org Co-operative
who distribute & publish a wide range of radical politics: books,
mags. audio & t-shirts. Send for free mail-order catalogue.
Lodge (Tash) T 0115 9113804
tash@gn.apc.org http://tash.gn.apc.org
Photographer (One Eye On The
Road): travellers, festivals, raves, environmental direct actions
and protest. & Police surveillance methods. Media
Community Arts Trust The Greenhouse, 42-46 Bethel Street, Norwich,
NR2 1NR. T 01603 717074/01603 409060 info@albionarts.org
www.albionarts.org To encourage community involvement in the creative
arts and to provide platforms where these projects may be viewed.
Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp c/o 157 Lyndhurst Rd, Worthing, W. Sussex
BN11 2DG. T 0845 4588362 / 07904 450307 awpc@gmx.co.uk
Based around a monthly peace-camp
at AWE Aldermaston - opposes Britain's nuclear weapons through campaigns
and nonviolent direct action. Peace/Women
Alliance for Workers' Liberty PO Box 823, London SE15 4NA. T 020 72073997
F 020 72074673, Mob 07748 185553 office@workersliberty.org www.workersliberty.org Agitating, organising, educating, to rebuild
the labour movement so it can lead the self-liberation of the working
class. Anti-Capitalism
Allsorts allsorts@gn.apc.org
Info on a wide variety of subjects including news and views on social justice
& environmental issues as well as action alerts. Media
www.alternet.org San Fransisco alternative media site with hard-hitting news and investigations
not covered in the mainstream press, fiery columns, insights into
cultural trends..Media
Press Review PO Box 4710, Arlington, VA 22204, USA. T 703-553-2945
F 703-553-0565 editors@altpr.org
www.altpr.org Your Guide Beyond the Mainstream! Each issue is packed with creative ideas,
fresh perspectives, insightful analysis and pointed humor. Media
Amazon Alliance for Indigenous and Traditional Peoples
of the Amazon Basin
1367 Connecticut Ave, N.W Suite 400, Washington DC 20036, USA. T
1-202-785-3334 F 1-202-785-3335 amazon@amazonalliance.org www.amazonalliance.org
The Amazon Alliance works
to defend the rights, territories, and environment of indigenous
and traditional peoples of the Amazon Basin. Indigenous Peoples
International 99-119 Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4RE T
020 7814 6200 F 020 7833 1510 info@amnesty.org.uk www.amnesty.org International
organisation promoting human rights. In particular, campaigning
to free all prisoners of conscience; ensure fair and prompt trials
for political prisoners; abolish the death penalty, torture and
other cruel treatment of prisoners Human Rights
An Phoblacht (Republican
News) 58 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 T
+353 1 873 3611 F +353 1 873 3839 aprn@irlnet.com
www.irlnet.com/aprn/ Ireland's biggest selling political
weekly newspaper has been a source of uncensored news on world affairs
and the Irish struggle for national self-determination for over
25 years. Media
Health Care Collective T 01273 205651 Non-hierarchical
collective, meeting to gather, share info and experiences of our
health and understand it in the political context of patriarchy
and capitalism. Women/Health
Black Cross Bialystok (ABC-Bialystok), PO Box 43, Bialystok
26, Poland 15-662. T +48 604 142 155 soja2@poczta.onet.pl
www.czarnyblok.prv.pl Support for class struggle prisoners, campaigns
against prisons itself, publishing a info bulletin in English about
Poland. Anarchism/Prisoner Support
Anarchist Black Cross, Brighton PO Box 74, Brighton BN1 4ZQ. mail@brightonabc.org.uk www.brightonabc.org.uk Support group for anarchists, black liberation
activists, anti-fascists and others we feel an affinity with who
have ended up in prison. Prisoner Support
Black Cross, Czech (ABC-CSAF) PH, P.O.Box 41, 565 01 Chocen,
Czech republic. abc@csaf.cz www.csaf.cz/english
Helping anarchist prisoners,
collecting money for legal defense, publish ABC bulletin. Prisoner
Anarchist Black Cross Network c/o Austin ABC, P.O. Box 19733, Austin,
TX 78760-9733, USA. abc-help@anarchistblackcross.org
Network of ABC organisations, has list on website
of all ABC groups. Prisoner Support
Anarchist Communitarian Network, The P.O. Box 2159, Louisa, VA 23093 anarchistcommunitariannet@hotmail.com www.anarchistcommunitarian.net To facilitate the integration of the anarchist ("libertarian socialist")
and the intentional communities ("cooperative living")
movements. Anarchism
Anarchist FAQ www.anarchistfaq.org
Frequently Asked Questions
about anarchism. Its aim is to present what anarchism really stands
for and indicate why you should become an anarchist. Anarchism
Anarchist Federation (AF) c/o 84b Whitechapel High St, London, E1 7QX. T
07946 214590 anarchistfederation@bigfoot.com www.afed.org.uk
Class struggle anarchists
aiming to abolish capitalism and all oppression to create a free
and equal society. This is Anarchist Communism. Anarchism/Anti-Capitalism
Anarchist Federation (Ireland) PO Box 505, Belfast, BT12 6BQ. T 07951 079719 ireaf@yahoo.ie
Irish Anarchist Federation.
Anarchist Information Network (AIN) Box EMAB, 88 Abbey Street, Derby DE22 3SQ. ain@ziplip.com
AIN is a network of
Anarchists from different traditions, Individualist, Social, Green,
Syndicalist working together to promote and develop Anarchism. Anarchism
Anarchist Teapot Mobile Kitchen, PO Box 74 Brighton BN1 4ZQ. anarchistteapot@yahoo.co.uk Catering collective based on volunteer labour
to cook vegan, mostly organic food for events we care about. Can
cook outside, inside, anywhere for up to 300 people. Anarchism/Food
Yellow Pages http://flag.blackened.net/agony/ayp
Your Guide to Anarchists and
Troublemakers around the Globe. Anarchism
Youth Network c/o 84b, Whitechapel High Street, London, E1 7QX
T 07814 629780 info@anarchistyouth.net www.anarchistyouth.net
A collection of younger people from all over
the UK, who are fighting capitalism from an anarchist perspective.
Anarcho-Syndicalism 101 www.anarchosyndicalism.org A web archive of texts, articles, image and
mp3 files, cultural items and outreach material (otherwise known
as propaganda) Media
A Journal of Desire Armed C.A.L. Press, PO Box 1446, Columbia,
MO 65205-1446, USA. jmcquinn@coin.org www.anarchymag.org Anti-ideological anarchist publishing (magazines & books). Anachism/Anti-Capitalism/Media
Woodland Project 41 Southlands Road, Riddlesden,
BD20 5HQ, 070660 www.saltlamps-r-us.com/wood.htm
Project to purchase and manage ancient woodland. Forests
& Woodlands
Animal Contacts Directory Veggies, 245
Gladstone Street, Nottingham NG7 6HX:T 0845 458 9595.
www.veggies.org.uk The
essential guide to thousands of animal welfare rights campaigns
across the world available online or as a book from Veggies
Animal Rights
Animal Defender 261 Goldhawk Rd, London, W12 9PE. T 020 8846 9777
F 020 8846 9712 info@animaldefenders.org.uk www.animaldefenders.org.uk
Undercover investigations
and campaigning to end the suffering of animals and to protect the
planet. Animal rights
Animal Liberation Front UK Supporters
Group BM 1160, London
WC1N 3XX. T 0870 1385037 F as phone info@alfsg.co.uk Info about animal rights prisoners and defence funds plus articles/news
in bi-monthly newsletter. Prisoner Support/Animal Rights
Animal Liberation Press Office BM4400, London, WC1N 3XX. T 01623 746470 mobile:
07752 107515 F as phone Media
contact for the ALF and other radical animal rights groups. Supplies
speakers for groups, rallies, etc. Media/Animal Rights
Animal Rights Calendar c/o Veggies, 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham NG7
6HX. T 0845 458 9595 Arc@veggies.org.uk www.veggies.org.uk/calender
Comprehensive, monthly diary
of UK animal rights events. Also appears in ARC News Animal Rights
An Talamh Glas (Bluegreenearth) 9 Kitchener Road, Ipswich, IP1 4DT. T 01473
436948 atgblue@yahoo.com
www.bluegreenearth.com Empowerment, education, information. Farming/Food/Media
Anti-Corruption Network P.O.Box 187, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S40 2DU.
T 01246 555713 F as phone. The
title says it all. Anti-Capitalism/Justice and the Law
AntiFa.net www.antifa.net
Portal to anti-fascism and
anti-racism on the web. Offer secure web hosting to anti-fascists.
Anti-Slavery International Thomas Clarkson House, The Stableyard, Broomgrove
Yard, London SE27 9LA T
020 7501 8920 F 020 7738
4110 antislavery@antislavery.org
Anti-Slavery is committed
to eliminating slavery: debt bondage, forced labour, forced marriage,
the worst forms of child labour, human trafficking and traditional
slavery. Human Rights
ARCNEWS P.O.Box 339, Wolverhampton, WV10 7BZ T 0845 458 0146 james@arcnews.co.uk
The UK's only independent
animal rights magazine aimed at grass-roots campaigning. Available
on subscription of £10 per year or on line. Animal Rights
Arid Lands Initiative, The, Machpelah Works, Burnley Rd, Hebden Bridge,
West Yorkshire, HX7 8AU T 01422 843807 Environmental type work. Environment
Ark Environment Centre, Western Park, Leicester, LE3 6HX. T 0116 2220222
F 0116 2552343 info@environ.org.uk www.environ.org.uk/aboutenviron/education/
thearkcentre.htm The
Ark combines environmental information, a shop offering a wide variety
of eco-friendly products and publications, and a vegetarian restaurant.
Art of Resistance www.squat.net/cia/aor/
The Arts of Resistance web site is a site for Music Poetry Theatre
writers and other creative activists celebrating resistance today.
Arts Factory Ltd 11 Highfield Industrial Estate, Ferndale, Rhonda,
CF43 4SX T 01443 757954 F 01443 732521 info@artsfactory.co.uk
Environmental design, graphic design, training, woodwork,
learning for life classes, community organisation Education/Community Groups
Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR) 73 Soi Sonthiwattana 4, Ladprao 110, Ladprao
Rd Bangkok 10310, Thailand.
T 662 538 0919 F 662 285 1500 achr@loxinfo.co.th www.achr.net A regional network of grassroots community
organizations, NGO's and professionals actively involved with urban
poor development processes in Asian cities. Housing
Aston Reinvestment Trust (ART) Freepost MID 16184, The Rectory, 3 Tower St, Birmingham,
B19 3BR T 0121 356 2444 F 0121 359 2333 reinvest@gn.apc.org
Provides loans to Birmingham
based small businesses and social enterprises that are unable to
access finance from the banks. Economics
Asylum Aid 28 Commercial St, London, E1 6LS T 020 7377 5123 F 020 7247 7789 info@asylumaid.org.uk
Provides free legal
advice and representation to refugees seeking safety in the UK from
persecution and campaign for fair treatment of refugees in the UK. Refugees
Asylum Support www.asylumsupport.info Online
information focusing on all matters that concern people Refugees
ATTAC London Flat 1A, Rose Court, 34 Woodside, London
SW19 7AN. info@attac.org.uk
http://attac.org.uk ATTAC campaigns for economic reforms, in order to reconquer space lost
by democracy to the sphere of finance. Economics
Aufheben P.O.Box
2536, Rottingdean, Brighton, BN2 6LX http://lists.village.virginia.edu/~spoons/aut_html Not
an organisation, but a magazine dedicated to the theory and practice
of revolutionary class struggle Media.
Autonomedia P.O. Box 568, Williamsburg Station, Brooklyn, New York 11211-0568, USA
T 718-963-2603 info@autonomedia.org www.autonomedia.org Publishes books related to oppositional culture, and maintains a website
devoted to the same, with discussion, links, and surprises! Media
Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh (ACE)
17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5HA T 0131 557 6242/Pager
07626 128984 ace@autonomous.org.uk
Campaign base for social and
ecological resistance with a view to bring about the revolutionary
overthrow of capitalism. Anti-Capitalism
Avalon 73 Fawcett Rd, Southsea, Hants, PO4 0DB T 02392
293673 F 02392 780444 info@avalonheadshop.co.uk Portsmouth's only head shop. Stock Undercurrents;
distribute SchNEWS as well as information on local, national and
international campaigns. Bookshops/Drugs
Azzjoni Pozittiva (M.A.M.) manarkikum@yahoo.com http://azzjonipozittiva.cjb.net
Anarchist movement in Malta. Anarchism
