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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone number F fax number email@address Description.

Friends of River Narmada A coalition supporting the Narmada Bachao Andolan (Save the Narmada movement) which has been fighting for the democratic rights those whose lands are threatened by the Narmada dam. Environment/ Indigenous Peoples

Namibia Housing Action Group/Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia P.Obox 21010, Windhoek, Namibia T09264 61 239398 F 09264 61 239397  Support the Shack Dwellers to house themselves. Housing/ Homelessness

National Anti-Hunt Campaign (NAHC) 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3XX. T 01442 240 246 Peaceful campaigning against all hunting with hounds through petitioning, demonstrations, investigations, lobbying and civil disobedience. Info pack on request. Animal Rights

National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR) 28 Commercial St, London, E1 6LS T/F 020 7247 9907 Aims to initiate campaigns, set agendas and raise awareness on the whole range of anti-racist issues affecting British society. Anti-racism

National Association of Farmers' Markets South Vaults, Green Park Station, Green Park Road, Bath BA1 1JB. T 01225 787914 F 01225 460840 Promoting and supporting farmers' markets across the UK. Farming/Food

National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC) 110 Hamstead Road, Handsworth, Birmingham B20 2QS. T 0121 554 6947 F 0121 554 7891 Bringing together families and individuals fighting deportation. Refugees

National Federation of Badger Groups (NFBG) 15 Cloisters Business Centre, 8 Battersea Park Rd, London, SW8 4BG T 020 7498 3220/mobile: 0976 153389 F 020 7627 4212 Promote conservation & protection of badgers. Represent 85 local voluntary badger groups. Provide information & advice, membership system. Environment/ Animal Rights

National Gulf War Veterans and Families Association 4 Maspin Close, Kingswood, Kingston upon Hull HU8 8LU Tel: 01482 833812 Fax: 01482 833816 Support network, proactive at looking into what veterans have been exposed to. Health

National Park Comprehensive internet resource of links to web sites about the UK's National Parks and AONBs (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty). Environment

National Pure Water Association 12 Dennington Lane, Wakefield, WF4 3ET T 01924 254433 F 01924 242380 Campaign for safe drinking water. AGAINST the artificial fluoridation of water supplies. International contacts. Health

National Small Press Centre, The BM Bozo, London, WC1N 3XX Publishes small press handbook with information on thousands of small presses worldwide. Media

National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Ltd, The O'Dell House, Hunters Rd, Corby, Northants, NN17 5JE. T 01536 266576 F 01536 264509 National representive body for the allotment movement, representing its members at both national and regional levels. Help and advice service on all allotment matters. Gardening

Natural Death Centre, 6 Blackstock Mews, Blackstock Road, London N4 2BT, UK T 020 8 208 2853; F 020 8 452 6434 Aims to support those dying at home and their carers and to help them arrange funerals. It has as a more general aim that of helping improve 'the quality of dying'. Health.

Natur Cymru - A Review of Wildlife in Wales. Tri-annual magazine in English and Welsh giving you the facts, exploring the issues and unveiling the true meaning of biodiversity. Costs £3.50 for one issue or £10 for a year, send cheques to: Radnorshire Wildlife Trust, Warwick House, High Street, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 6AG. Environment

Naturewise 20 The Triangle, Cromartie Rd, London, N19 3RX. T 0845 4584697 Promotion of: sustainable land use and lifestyles in cities, growing food in cities, education through permaculture courses. Permaculture consultations given. Gardening

Network 23 free party network Culture

Network 23 - Brighton Free party and autonomous events in Brighton. Culture

Networking Newsletter Project 6 Mount St, Manchester, M2 5NS T 0161 226 9321 Network activists around Manchester who are working for positive change on issues of peace, development, environment, human rights, animal rights and other areas of social change. Networking support

New Economics Foundation (NEF) Cinnamon House, 6-8 Cole St, London, SE1 4YH T 020 7089 2800 F 020 7407 6473 NEF works to put people and the environment at the centre of economic thinking. Economics

New Futures Association The Cottage, Glaneirw, Tan-y-groes, Ceredigion. T: 01239 811929 Established a resource centres for nomadic people to encourage training, education and self-help. Supports travellers by providing information and advice and through campaigning. Travellers

New Internationalist Tower House, Lathkill St, Market Harborough, LE16 T 01858 438896 F 01858 461739 Monthly informative magazine reporting on issues of world poverty and inequality; focusing attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the powerless in both rich Media

Newham and District Claimants Union Durning Hall, Earlham Grove, London, E7 9AB. Meetings 7.30 pm alternate Thursdays. Work as a collective to get benefits from DSS, Council or anywhere else. Benefits Newham Monitoring Project (NMP) 63 Broadway, Stratford, London, E15 4BQ T 020 8555 8151 F 020 8555 8163 Local grassroots anti-racist organisation, offers independent advice and casework support for victims of racial harassment, police harassment and civil injustice Anti-Racism/Community Groups

News and Views Information about eastern Europe with links to lots of eastern Europe anarchist groups. Anarchism

News From Nowhere Bookshop 96 Bold Street, Liverpool, L1 4HY T 0151 708 7270 Long established, busy radical community bookshop run by a women's co-operative. Books, magazines, world music CDs and more. Open Mon-Sat 10am-5.45pm. Bookshops

New York Surveillance Camera Players [SCP-New York] POB 1115, NYC 10009-9998, USA. T 001 212 561 0106 Situationist-inspired anti-surveillance camera group. Anarchism/Anti-Capitalism/Culture/Media

Nine Ladies Anti-Quarry Campaign Bramble Dene, Stanton Lees, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2LQ. Opposing destruction of ancient landscape at the edge of National Park, endangering standing stones. Environment

No God-No Master PO Box 300, East Brunswick, Victoria 3057, Australia. Anarchist bulletin and publication of small Pamphlets in Greek. Anarchism/Media

No Platform Anti-Fascist Network BM Box 5827, London, WC1M 3XX. Network of anti-fascist socialists, anarchists and anti-capitalists, united by a commitment to the policy of 'no platform' for fascism. Northern: 07970 398933; Midlands: 07940 305017; South East: c/o Brigthon ABC; London: 07960 771572. Anti-racism

No Sweat, PO Box 36707, London, SW9 8YA. T(mob) 07904 431959 Campaigning against child and sweated labour at home and abroad through direct action, organisation and making practical solidarity. Workers'Rights

Non-Violent Resistance Network (NVRN) 162 Holloway Rd, London, N7 8DQ T 020 7607 2302 F 020 7700 2357 c/o  To network non-violent direct action activists in the UK and supply with information about NVDA events.Peace/ Direct Action

Nonviolent Action (NVA) 5 Caledonian Rd, Kings Cross, London, N1 9DY T 020 7713 6540 F shared fax please mark for NvA 020 7278 0444  Magazine serving campaigners seeking positive social change through nonviolent means with news of activists and activities - and a stimulus to thought and action. Media/ Peace

North & East London Solidarity Federation P.O. Box 1681, London, N8 6LE. T 020 8374 5027 Solidarity Federation group in North London. Community Group

Norwich Anarchists PO Box 487, Norwich, NR2 3AL. T 07941 657485 Produce a community based newspaper. Also run advice line on benefits, employment law, squatting and baliffs. Anarchism

Notes From the Borderland Bm Box 4769, London, WC1N 3XX T Pager: 07669-175886 We publish cutting edge parapolitical research into the secret state, fascists, etc - material that is too sharp for Guardian/Red Pepper Anti-Racism

Nottingham Association of Subversive Activists (NASA) Network of Nottingham-based campaigners, meeting monthly for mutual aid on issues of social justice. Networking Suppor

Now or Never Norwich Anarchists, PO Box 487, Norwich, NR2 3AL. Newspaper of Norwich Anarchists - Fighting molotov and half-brick for the people of Norwich. Media

Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) 1424 16th Street NW,  #404, Washington DC20036, USA. T +1 202 328 0002 F +1 202 462 2183 Information and networking center for citizens and environmental activists concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation and sustainable energy issues. Energy

Nuclear Information Service (NIS) Not-for-profit, independent information service, which works to promote public awareness and foster debate on nuclear disarmament and related safety and environmental issues. Peace/Anti-Nuclear

Nukewatch, c/o 30 Westwood Road, Southampton, SO17 1DN. T/F 023 80554434

Website: see Scottish CND A national network that monitors nuclear warhead and materials convoys, informs the public, local authorities and media of their movements and campaigns against them. Transport/Anti-Nuclear

SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 0EF, England
Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1273 685913

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