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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone
number F fax number email@address www.website Description.
A SEED Europe Action
for Solidarity, Equality, Environment, and Diversity. (See entry
under Anti-capitalism)
Black Environment Network (BEN) UK Office,
9 Llainwon Uchaf, Llanberis, Wales, LL55 4LL. T 01286 870715 F as
phone ukoffice@ben-network.org.uk
Established to promote equal opportunities, with respect to ethnic
communities, in the preservation, protection and development of
the environment.
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers
36 St Mary's Street, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 0EU.
T 01491 821600 F 01491 839646 info@btcv.org.uk
www.btcv.org.uk Practical
environmental conservation charity.
Centre for Alternative Technology (C.A.T)
(See entry under Energy)
Climate Independent Media Centre www.climateconference.org
The Climate Independent Media Center provides up-to-the-minute
independent and honest coverage of the climate summit, the backgrounds,
the corporate lobby and the actions.
Common Ground Gold Hill House, 21 High Street,
Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8JE. T 01747 850820 F 01747 850821 kate.ofarrell@commonground.org.uk
Common Ground offers ideas, information and inspiration to help
us learn about, enjoy and take more responsibility for our own localities.
Communities Against Toxics (CATS) (See
entry under Health)
Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE)
Warwick House, 25 Buckingham Palace Rd, London, SW1W 0PP T 020 7976
6433 F 020 7976 6373 info@cpre.org.uk
www.cpre.org.uk Promotes
the beauty, tranquillity and diversity of rural England by encouraging
the sustainable use of land and other natural resources in town
and country.
Earth Centre Denaby Main, Doncaster, DN12
4EA T 01709 513933 F01709 512010 www.earthcentre.org.uk
Exhibition centre aimed at developing understanding of sustainable
Earth First! Action Update (EF! AU) A
monthly round-up of ecological and other direct action from around
Britain. Has list of contacts of all UK Earth First groups. (See
entry under Media)
Earth First! Journal Voice of the radical
environmental movement. (See entry under Media)
Ecologist, The Environmental magazine.
(See entry under Media)
Ecovillage Network UK (EVNUK) (See entry
under Housing)
Envirolink support@envirolink.org
www.envirolink.org Links
to Sustainable Business Network, Animal Rights Resource Site where
to buy environmental books. Essential & extensive web directory.
Environmental Rescue International (ERI).
PO Box 894, Benin City, Nigeria.
eri@justice.com ERI - local
and internationally focus environmental, human rights and community
development organisation. Organises research, training, conferences
and direct actions regularly.
Friends of the Earth 26-28 Underwood St,
London, N1 7JQ. T 020 7490 1555 F 020 7490 0881 info@foe.co.uk
www.foe.co.uk Friends of the
Earth exists to inspire solutions to environmental problems, making
life better for people.
Friends of the Earth Scotland 72 Newhaven
Rd, Edinburgh, EH6 5QG T 0131 554 9977 F 0131 554 8656 www.foe-scotland.org.uk
We stand for environmental justice. And we aim to make the right
to a decent environment available to everyone in Scotland and around
the globe.
Greenpeace Canonbury Villas, London, N1 2PN
T 020 7865 8100 Press office T 020 7865 8255 F 020 7865 8200 info@uk.greenpeace.org
www.greenpeace.org Independent
non-profit global environmental campaigning organisation that uses
non-violent, creative confrontation to promote solutions to environmental
issues and bring about change.
Green Socialist Network (See entry under
Groundwork 85-87 Cornwall St, Birmingham,
B3 3BY T 0121 236 8565 F 0121 236 7356 www.Groundwork.org.uk
Environmental regeneration charity making sustainable development
a reality in many of the UK's most disadvantaged communities.
How to Build a Protest Tunnel www.discodavestunnelguide.co.uk
Online manual on how to dig your own protest tunnel.
Low Level Radiation Campaign (See entry
under Health)
Manchester Environmental Resource Centre initiative
(MERCi) Bridge-5 Mill 22a Beswick Street, Ancoats, Manchester,
M4 7HR T 0161 273 1736 F 0161 274 4598 merci@bridge5.org
Sustainable development innovator and the largest membership
based environmental charity in Manchester.
Marine Conservation Society 9 Gloucester
Road, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5ZZ. T 01989 566017 F 01989
567815 www.mcsuk.org Charity
dedicated to protecting the marine environment and wildlife.
Mines & Communities Roger Moody, c/o
Partizans, 41 Thornhill Square, London, N1. T 20 7700 6189 F 20
7700 6189 info@minesandcommunities.org.
Seeks to empower mining-affected communities so they can struggle
successfully against damaging proposals and projects. Has links
to many anti-mining campaigns.
Multimap.Com http://uk8.multimap.com/map/places.cgi
A complete interactive atlas on the web!
National Park www.nationalpark.org.uk
Comprehensive internet resource of links to web sites about the
UK's National Parks and AONBs (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty).
Nine Ladies Anti-Quarry Campaign Bramble
Dene, Stanton Lees, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2LQ. all@nineladies.uklinux.net
Opposing destruction of ancient landscape at the edge of National
Park, endangering standing stones.
Peat Alert c/o CRC, 16 Sholebroke Avenue,
Leeds, LS7 3HB. T 0113 262 9365 info@peatalert.org.uk
www.peatalert.org.uk Information
for action against peat mining on Thorne and Hatfield Moors, South
People & Planet (P&P) UK student
action on world poverty, human rights and the environment. (See
entry under Human Rights)
People Against Rio Tinto and Subsidiaries (PARTiZANS)
41a Thornhill Square, London N1 1BE T 0207 700 6189 F same as phone
partizabs@gn.apc.org www.minesandcommunities.org/Aboutus/partizans.htm
Partizans has been campaigning since 1978 against the damage
wreaked by the world's most powerful mining company.
Pesticide Action Network UK (See entry
under Health)
R.E.C.Y.C. 54 Upperthorpe Rd, Sheffield,
S6 3EB. T 0114 263 4494 Re-use and second hand, recycling, waste
campaigns, newsletter.
Rainbow Keepers PO Box 52, Kasimov, 391330,
Russia. T +7 09131 41514 rk@lavrik.ryazan.ru,
rk2000@mail.ru www.chat.ru/~rk2000
Russian radical ecological movement.
Reclaim the Streets (London) (see entry
under Anti-Capitalism)
Rising Tide 16b Cherwell Street, Oxford OX1
1BG. T 01865 241097 info@risingtide.org.uk
A network of independent groups and individuals dedicated to
taking local action and building a national movement against climate
River Ocean Research & Education (RORE)
info@rore.org.uk www.rore.org.uk
A charity dedicated to increasing awareness and encouraging care
for our water environments - focussed in the fields of environmental
education and research.
Scottish Opencast Action Group c/o 42 Woolfords,
by West Calder, West Lothian, EH55 8LH soag.info@virgin.net
A network of people across Scotland opposed to opencast coal
mining. Mainly information exchange & help with opposing planning
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society PO Box
6095, 4000 HB Tiel, Netherlands. T +31 0344 604130 F +31 344 604808
info@seashepherd.nl www.seashepherd.nl
Dedicated to the protection and conservation of marine ecosystems
and biodiversity. Take direct action where authorities are unwilling
to enforce conservation regulations.
Surfers Against Sewage (See entry under
Tourism Concern Stapleton House, 277-281
Holloway Rd, London, N7 8HN. T 020 7753 3330 F 020 7753 3331 info@tourismconcern.org.uk
Tourism Concern is an educational charity promoting awareness
of the impact of tourism on people and their environment.
UK Rivers Network (UKRN) T 07092-335227 F
07092-335227 info@ukrivers.net
www.ukrivers.net Community
action, information and networking to improve rivers and inland
waters across the UK and Ireland.
Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment
7 Upper Camden St., Dublin 2, Ireland. T +353 1 6618123 F +353 1
6618114 avoice@iol.ie www.voice.buz.org
Ireland's leading independent environmental organisation with
members throughout the country. We are committed to promoting positive
solutions to environmentally-destructive activities.
Wildfile www.wildfile.co.uk
Independent website that aims to help internet users to reach information
on UK wildlife and other environmental themes. We particularly want
to help voluntary and individual sites to gain an internet presence.
Womens Environmental Network (W.E.N) PO Box
30626 London E1 1TZ. T 020 74819004 F 020 74819144 www.gn.apc.org/wen
info@wen.org.uk A national
UK charity and membership organisation educating, informing and
empowering women and men who care about the environment.
