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The format of the entries are: Name Address. T phone number F fax number email@address Description.

Earth Centre Denaby Main, Doncaster, DN12 4EA T 01709 513933 F01709 512010 Exhibition centre aimed at developing understanding of sustainable development Environment

Earth Day Network 811 First Avenue, Suite 454, Seattle, WA 98104, USA. T +1 206 876 2000 F +1 206 876 2015 Earth Day Network is the nonprofit coordinating body of worldwide Earth Day activities. Environment

Earth First! Action Update (EF! AU) PO Box 487 Norwich, NR2 3AL T 01603 219811 A monthly round-up of ecological and other direct action from around Britain. Has list of contacts of all UK Earth First groups. Media/Anti-Capitalism/Environment

Earth First! Journal PO Box 3023, Tucson AZ 85702-3023, USA T 520.620.6900 F 413.254.0057 The Earth First! Journal is the voice of the radical environmental movement containing direct action reports, articles on preservation of wild places, investigative articles, and discussions on monkeywrenching. Media/Environment

Earth Liberation Prisoners BM Box 2407, London, WC1N 3XX. Supports people who have been arrested and imprisoned for acts of direct action in defence of animals and the earth. Prisoner Support

Earthrights Solicitors Little Orchard, School Lane, Molehill Green, Takeley, Essex, CM22 6PS T 01279 870391 F 01279 870391 pager - 07669 127601 Together with the EarthRights charity, to provide legal advice and assistance to the environment movement and landrights campaigners. Justice and the law/Environment/Planning

Eat The State! P.O Box 85541, Seattle, WA 98145, USA T (206) 215 1156 We want an end to poverty, exploitation, imperialism, militarism, racism, sexism, heterosexism, environmental destruction, television, and large ugly buildings. Media

Eco-Logic Books 10-12 Picton St, Bristol, BS6 5QA T 0117 9420165 F 0117 9420164 Publishes and sells mail order books on practical solutions to environmental problems, sustainability, permaculture, organic gardening, etc. Bookshops.

Ecologist, The 18 Chelsea Wharf, 15 Lots Rd, London, SW10 0QJ T 020 7351 3578 F 020 7351 3617 Investigative journalists, leading thinkers and campaigners are constantly rethinking the basic assumptions which underlie mankind's steady march towards self-destruction. Environment/Media/Farming

Ecology Building Society 18 Station Rd, Cross Hills, Keighley, BD20 7EH T 0845 674 5566 F 01535 636166 A mutual building society dedicated to improving the environment by promoting sustainable housing and sustainable communities. Economics.

Ecovillage Network UK (EVNUK) PO Box 1410, Bristol, BS99 3JP T 0117 3730346 Sustainable settlement project information/advice service. Our focus is on ecovillages as a way out of cash-based living. Housing/Environment

Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign c/o Susan Caddick PO Box 1845, Stoke on Trent ST7 4EG. T 0781 501 2372 Campaigning for the release of Eddie Gilfoyle who was wrongly convivted of murder in 1993. Justice and the Law

Edge of Time Ltd, BCM Edge, London WC1N 3XX T 07000 780536 F 0870 1634661 Distributes books on communal living and other items associated with cultural change.Media

Edinburgh Animal Action c/o ACE, 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh EH7 5HA. T 0131 477 2969/07780 808066 archive) Information, stalls & campaigns against all animal abuse. Sanctuary support. Educational services. Animal Rights

Edinburgh CITY (Change IT Yourselves) c/o ACE, 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh EH7 5HA. A new independent forum with no set agenda. Monthly discussion/social evening for people interested in social change. Networking Support

Edinburgh Claimants c/o ACE, 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5HA T 0131 557 6242 We encourage claimants to stick together to overcome benefits hassles, we resist benefit cuts and compulsory workfare schemes e.g New Deal. Benefits

Education Otherwise PO Box 7420, London N9 9SG UK-based membership organisation which provides support and information for families whose children are being educated outside school. Education

Education Workers Network PO Box 29, South-west PDO, Manchester, M15 5HW. T 07984 675 281 Network of education workers who favour collective direct action for decent education.  Contact EWN for free bulletins. Workers' Rights/Education

Educational Advice for Travellers PO Box 36, Grantham, Lincs NG31 6EW. T 01558 650621 Providing educational advice and resources to home-educated travellers families. Education

Educational Heretics Press, 113 Arundel Drive, Bramcote Hills, Nottingham, NG9 3FQ. T 0115 9257261 Questions the dogmas of schooling in particular, and education in general, and to develop the logistics of the next learning system. Education

Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional (EZLN) The EZLN web provides reliable information on the Zapatista uprising and serves as the mouthpiece for the Zapatistas in cyberspace. Indigenous peoples/Anti-Capitalism

Electronic Frontier Foundation, The 454 Shotwell Street, San Francisco CA 94110. USA. T +1 415/436 9333 F +1 415/436 9993 Created to defend our rights to think, speak, and share our ideas, thoughts, and needs using new technologies, such as the Internet and the World Wide Web. Human Rights

Elffinews PO Box 923, Luton, LU2 OYQ. T 01582-512184 F 01582 619218 M 07903 382228 Activist news letter for Luton and Dunstable. Scurrilous! A community based monthly mewsletter, reporting on local activists' actions. Media

Emerson College Trust Ltd Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX T 01342 822238 F 01342 826055 An international centre for adult education, especially in the areas of Biodynamic Organic Agriculture and Steiner Waldorf Teacher Training. Education/Farming/Gardening

Emjay Reprographics 117 Harwill Crescent, Aspley, Nottingham NG8 5LA. T 0115 978 1305 Specialises in low-volume print-runs of booklets, periodicals and monographs. Media

Empty Homes Agency (EHA) 195-197 Victoria St, London, SW1E 5NE T 020 7828 6288 F 020 7828 7006 Highlight the disgrace of empty, wasted and under used homes and property throughout England. Housing

Enabler Publications 3 Russell House, Lym Close, Lyme Regis, Dorset, DT7 3DE. T 01297 445024 F as phone Books about counter culture, Travellers, protest and creative work with young people. Media/Travellers

Encams Elizabeth House, The Pier, Wigan, WN3 4EX. T 01942 612639 F 01942 824778 Environmental charity, which aims to achieve litter free and sustainable environments by working with community groups, local authorities, businesses and other partners. Environment.

Energy Efficiency Advice Centre T 0845 7277200 An independent, government-funded body - advice on saving money on your electricity/gas bill. Free action pack Energy

Energy Saving Trust 21 Dartmouth St, London, SW1H 9BP T 020 7222 0101 F 0207 6542444  Set up by the government to stimulate energy efficiency in UK households and create a market for clean fuel vehicles. Energy

English Collective of Prostitutes Crossroads Women's Centre, P.O.Box 287, London, NW6 5QU. T 020 7482 2496 F 020 7209 4761 Campaign for sex workers to be recognized as workers; for civil and economic rights and the abolition of the prostitution laws Women

Envirolink Links to Sustainable Business Network, Animal Rights Resource Site where to buy environmental books. Essential & extensive web directory. Environment

Environmental Law Centre (ELC) PO Box 267, Southport PR8 1HY. T 01704 547418 F 01704 549091 Health, Environmental Law and People in the Human and Fundamental rights area. Justice and the Law/Environment/Health/Himan Rights

Environmental Law Foundation Suite 309, 16 Baldwins Gardens, London, EC1N 7RJ T 020 7404 1030 F 020 7404 1032 ELF is a national charity that secures environmental justice for communities and individuals through a network of legal and technical experts. Environment, Justice and the Law

Environmental Rescue International (ERI). P.O.BOX 894, Benin City, Nigeria. :, ERI - local and internationally focus environmental, human rights and community development organisation. Organises research, training, conferences and direct actions regularly. Environment/Anti-Racism/Human rights

Environmental Transport Association Services Ltd (ETA) 10 Church St, Weybridge KT13 8RS. T 01932 828882 The ETA is the only British provider of breakdown services that campaigns for environmentally sound transport. Transport

Envolve - Bath Environment Centre Green Park Station, Green Park Road, Bath, BA1 1JB. T 01225 787910 F 01225 460840 Working with schools, community groups, youth groups, businesses and individuals on projects that touch people's lives and benefit the environment. Community Groups/Education/Environment/Transport

Eroding Empire c/o 56a Crampton St. London. SE17 3AE. Monthly listings/classifieds for London area, diy, actions, centres, gigs. Media

ETC Group (Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration) 478 River Avenue, Suite 200, Winnipeg, MB R3L 0C8, Canada. T (204) 453-5259, F (204) 284-7871 Dedicated to the conservation and sustainable advancement of cultural and ecological diversity and human rights. Farming

Ethical Consumer Unit 21, 41 Old Birley St, Manchester, M15 5RF. T 0161 226 2929 F 0161 226 6277 The UK's only alternative consumer organisation looking at the social and environmental records of the companies behind the brand names. Economics

Ethical Junction 1st Floor, Dale House, 35 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HF. T 0161 236 3637 Ethical Junction is a one-stop shop for ethical organisations and ethical trading. Economics

Eurodusnie Postbox 2228, 2301 CE Leiden, The Netherlands T/F: + 31 (0)71 5173019 Dutch anti-authoritarian organisation fighting against economic globalisation. Dutch and international links. Anti-Capitalism

European Youth For Action (EYFA) Minahassastraat 1, 1090 GC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 665 7743 F +31 20 6928757 Eyfa is a international network of grassroots groups and individuals working on environmental and social justice issues. Environment/Networking

evil:austria! Multi-lingual monthly newsletter providing information about the Austrian coalition government including the far right FPOe. Anti-Racism

EVUK Campaign for REAL, long-distance electric vehicles. Transport

Exploding Cinema, The c/o 26 Fairwall House, Peckham Road, London SE5 8QW. T 020 7708 3501/020 7732 8058 Open Access Screenings for Short Films. Media

EYFA, Postbus 94115, 1090 GC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 665 7743 European-wide network of individuals and grassroots groups active on social and environmental issues. Networking Suppor

SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 0EF, England
Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1273 685913

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